
12 Reviews
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Take the Lead (2006)
Surprisingly really good!
16 March 2006
I just returned from seeing this film at a preview/test screening.

This film was much better than I had expected. The story brings to mind movies such as Mad Hot Ballroom or Dangerous Minds, but is different enough that it is able to stand on its own.

Overall I thought the acting was well done. The dancing was great (both the hip hop dancing and the ballroom). And while I am not a huge Antonio Banderas fan, I thought he was excellent, and I really liked him. He was able to be the star of the movie, but not the center of attention at all times. He looked good and seemed to provide a different element to what could have been the same old "help the inner city kids find hope" story.

The script and dialogue had nothing too cheesy or corny, which is usually found in "feel good" films, or movies about highschool students. There are plenty of funny parts, as well as enough drama and interesting character conflicts to keep everything interesting.

My only complaint was that the ending didn't seem to wrap up everything - there were some back story lines and issues that weren't resolved. But a few unanswered questions can sometimes be better than a cheesy, unbelievable ending where suddenly all is right in the world. I'll be curious to see if they make any changes before it is released in theatres.

I give it an 8 out of 10, because I was genuinely entertained.
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More annoying than funny.
20 January 2006
First off, I should point out that I am a fan of comedic shorts from this time period and after (especially The Three Stooges). This short however, I did not like.

This short follows three wanna-be filmmakers as they barge into the screening room at a major movie studio and convince the heads of the studio to watch their film.

The apparent main character, the filmmaker with a horrible Greek accent (I'm guessing it was supposed to be Greek) was annoying. I could barely understand a word he said, so if he was saying anything funny, I sure missed it.

There were a few attempts at slapstick-type humour, but they fell flat. It's unfortunate too, since Curly (here credited as Jerry Howard) is a comic genius, but is only a bit player in this short.

Most annoying though, would be the two dance sequences that are irrelevant. Why the head of the movie studio put up with these three wanna-be filmmakers is beyond me (but then you find out in an unfunny-climax, which I wont "ruin" for you).

Bottom line, this was very unfunny and quite annoying due to its irrelevant dance sequences, lack of humour, and horrible accents.
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it really is one of the best 3 stooges short
18 January 2006
this is definitely one of my favourite 3 stooges short. i've watched it over and over again and laugh out loud every single time.

i watched 3 stooges as a kid every Saturday morning with my dad, and am only just rediscovering them. watching them now, i didn't think i would like them, as i've grown up and my tastes have changed -- and it's true -- i love the 3 stooges now!

the title is a little misleading, as most of the action occurs on the golf course and not with the stooges' job as beer delivery men.

one thing that makes this short so good is that the stooges split up and create havoc on the golf course on their own, in their own equally funny way. this lets Larry and Curly, for instance, make trouble without Moe there to stop them.

my favourite line in this short has to be when the stooges noisily approach a man who is just about to tee off, and the golfer asks them to be quiet - and Moe replies: "oh, you've got secrets, eh?"
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Downfall (2004)
an interesting look at Hitler's final days.
14 September 2004
bruno ganz's Hitler was outstanding. i had to remind myself during the film that i was not watching a documentary and that it was an actor - he should be nominated for his performance. i cannot begin to describe how well bruno ganz portrayed Hitler.

i never quite understood why so many followed Hitler and were willing to sacrifice their lives and their children's' lives for him and his "cause". this movie shines some light into Hitler's character, revealing qualities and traits never before seen in Hollywood's Hitler. you can almost begin to understand why people looked up to him; yet the film does not let you forget what he did, how many people died because of him and the evil inside his plan.

in my mind there is nothing controversial about this film. it is well acted and well-shot. scenes are endearing, brutal, depressing and just plain interesting. at the end of the film the audience is not "converted" nor does the film cause you to pity Hitler and his followers. instead you are left with more of a balanced outlook on the second world war - suddenly you realize that there were no winners and too many casualties on both sides.

this film should be remembered as one of the great films dealing with the second world war.
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i laughed throughout the movie - too bad it wasn't a comedy.
12 September 2004
many people on this website claim that if you are a fan of the video games and of the original resident evil movie then you will love this sequel.

all of these people are wrong.

i love the video games and liked the original film (although flawed as it is) but i do not love this sequel. in fact i can honestly say that it was one of the stupidest movies i have ever seen.

it appears that the filmmakers believe that their audience is dumb. they felt that we wouldn't notice obvious gaping plot holes, horrible acting, bad scripts, re-used images and jokes and that raccoon city was so obviously Toronto (they didn't bother even hiding or editing out the cn tower!)

the only thing this movie is good for is for a laugh. you can laugh at the badly delivered lines, the stupidity of the characters, the boring action sequences and the attempts to show a little leg to win the audience's favour (coupled with an explosion or breaking glass).

if i had to rate it i'd give it half a star out of five.
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Secret Window (2004)
12 March 2004
everyone has so far commented on johnny depp's performance in 'secret window' - with good reason to. johnny depp is a great actor and produces a great performance in this film. the nuances he brings to the character of mort are excellent and clever.

however, the film itself is not the best.

i found 'secret window' to be somewhat predictable - i had it pretty much figured out after the first half hour. there are definately moments of suspense that are quite thrilling but they lose their effectiveness as the predictable plot carries on.

john turturro's performance was okay. i am a big fan of his and i think he did a good job in this film, but it felt like they didn't give him enough to do - there wasn't enough material there to make his performance and character better (ie. creepier)

my main complaint with this movie is its ending. for a film that actually talks about "good endings" and a "perfect ending", i found the film's actual ending to be almost of a cop out.

i guess i would recommend this movie. it wasn't horrible in any sense, was entertaining and thrilling at times. i just don't think that it lived up to its potential at all.
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Foolproof (2003)
I was surprised.
5 October 2003
I'll admit it - I only went to see this movie to support the fact that a Canadian movie was playing at my local giant movie-plex - a rarity in these parts. I didn't know all that much about it and I went in thinking that there was a good chance that I was not going to like this movie.

But I was surprised. Although it wasn't the most techno-savvy heist movie with the coolest gadgets and up-to-the-minute technology, it had me entertained. That's not to say that there weren't gadgets and neat props used to pull of the heists - just not a plethora of things like you would see in a huge budget Hollywood movie. The parts in the movie that were supposed to be funny made me laugh and the tense parts had me going.

The setup, a trio of twenty-something friends making a game out of planning the perfect crime without actually any intention of pulling them off, was at least a refreshing start to a caper movie. They are not looking to score diamonds and make it rich - they are satisfied with knowing that they outsmarted the security companies and that they could pull off these jobs if they didn't have morals and a respect for the law (they are just desk-jockies).

I thought that the acting was well-done and the roles were believable. The script was pretty good and at least there wasn't a bunch of cheesy one-liners and awkward dialogue (although I too found that they said "foolproof" more times than warranted).

All in all I would have no problem recommending this to anyone. As long as you don't go into the theatre expecting the smartest, savvy-est, most original heist movie ever to grace the screen, then you'll most likely enjoy it for the 'popcorn movie' that it is.
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I was pleasantly surprised!
25 February 2002
I saw Super Troopers last night. I had only seen one preview, but decided to see it because it was the only film at the theatre that I hadn't seen already.

Boy, was I pleasantly surprised! I found this movie to be very funny. I laughed a lot and I don't usually like stupid humour (Ace Ventura, etc.) It is refreshing to see something labelled as a comedy in which you actually laugh more than once during the film (unlike films like The Royal Tanenbaums, which I enjoyed, but barely laughed once).

I didn't like the first scene (although a majority of those who commented seemed to like that scene) and I began to wonder what I was doing there. But after that first scene, when the true Trooper characters were revealed, I couldn't stop laughing.

As for the "gross-out" scenes that everyone seems to be talking about, I have to ask: what gross-out scenes? I didn't find any scene to be gross or off-putting. Perhaps I missed that scene because I was too busy wiping the tears from my eyes from laughing too hard..

I'm still laughing today, as is my boyfriend, who I went and saw the movie with. We've both recommended it to all our friends - we're going back tonight with them to see it!

Put away your snobbish-ness for a hundred minutes and enjoy the laughs.
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My appreciation of this film is growing.
23 January 2002
I was offered tickets to an advanced screening of The Count and could not pass them up. The trailor definitely looked interesting and having never read the book, I thought that I would enjoy the story more, not knowing how it ended.

I was not disappointed when I left the theatre but I didn't feel completely fulfilled. I'm a sucker for a movie that has a protagonist plan everything perfectly, kind of like Mission Impossible where the bad guys never realize that the good guy is two steps ahead - The Count of Monte Cristo's Dantes planned everything to near perfection. I had no complaints about the acting (Guy Pearce was wonderful - I hated him more and more as the film progressed - a sign of a good villianous actor) nor did I find the pace too slow (although slow at times, my attention was never lost). It just felt that something was still missing.

It has been a week since I saw the screening and I think my appreciation of the film is starting to grow. I originally thought that it deserved a 7/10 but the more that I think about it, the more I want to upgrade that to an 8/10.

I do recommend watching this film in theatres and not waiting for the video. Some of the landscapes and settings are better apreciated on the big screen, as well as the claustrophobic feeling felt whilst Dantes was in the tunnel.
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Sliding Doors (1998)
I loved it.
21 September 1998
I had heard about the movie, but had no real idea what it was a about. I was pleasantly surprised. I have only seen it once so far, but will definitely see it again. Gwenyth Paltrow was terrific as Helen. I find myself thinking about the movie every once and a while; wondering if the decisions I am making today are going to affect me tomorrow, and the rest of my life. A great movie!
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Catherine O'Hara
21 September 1998
I was surprised when watching this movie at what a good actress Catherine O'Hara is. I have seen her in many roles before, but no other role let her shine as she did in this movie. I was also surprised at Jarod Leto's ability, and range. I would have liked to have seen more of Gabriel Byrne.
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Jet Li made the movie.
5 August 1998
I was amazed at Jet Li in the movie. I think that Jet Li made the film, and I was always waiting to see more of him. He was a real bad guy, and could fight like mad! I hope to see more of Jet Li in movies.
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