
33 Reviews
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Bring It On (2000)
Surprisingly Good Film!
7 October 2000
I went into this film thinking "American Pie With Choreography", boy was I wrong. Not taking away anything from "American Pie", which was a good movie for the audience it was made for, but after viewing it twice the gags get old, the plot gets stale, and Shannon Elizabeth is the only redeeming quality. "Bring It On", however, is a delightful film with humor, love, and true feeling. Kirsten Dunst is charmingly cute in the starring role with other young actors and actresses also giving good performances. Some of the humor is juvenille, but not enough to insult your intelligence or turn you away from the film. Not nearly as "dirty" or "wrong" as "American Pie", but a sweet film with good messages wrapped inside. Definitely worth checking out as a Saturday night flick. Bring it on!
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Wonderful Counterpart To The Series
15 June 2000
This movie isn't dark and brooding like the recent films on the Dynamic Duo. This is a throwback to the way some of us would like to remember Batman & Robin, just as in the tv series. Made between the first and second season of the tv series, the movie was orignally scheduled to be done before the series started. However, ABC was in need of a ratings grabber, and ordered Batman up as a mid-season replacement series. The Batboat, Batcopter, and Batcycle were all created on the budget of this movie, however the Batcycle was completed early and used in several episodes of the first season. The Batcycle was also used numerous times in the rest of the series, however whenever the Batcopter or Batboat were used, it was simply stock footage from this film. Meredith, Gorshin, and Romero are wonderful as always in their portrayals of Penguin, Riddler, and Joker, however Meriwether isn't as good as Julie Newmar and Eartha Kitt were in the role of the Catwoman, however. She does shine as Kitka, however. Overall, a great film for the family and fans of the tv series. Look for fitness guru Jack LaLanne on the rooftop in the opening moments of this adventure.
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Selena (1997)
Wonderful But Sad Film
12 June 2000
I must admit, I was not a fan of Selena or Jennifer Lopez before seeing this movie. After viewing this movie, however, I gained a large bit of respect for them both, especially Selena. This film is as entertaining as it is informative, however the end put me in a real downer. I realize that this is the true story, but I feel the murder could have been downplayed a bit, focusing more on the happiness she did have in her short life. Adding to my grief was real footage of her final concert shown after. Sadness aside, Olmos and Lopez's performances were simply wonderful, and made you really feel as if you had viewed Selena's life first hand. Wonderful movie, but brace yourself for a little depression afterwards.
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American Pie (1999)
Good Teen Sex Comedy
28 May 2000
I usually don't give into "smash hit" movies which nine times out of ten are overrated. Infact, I didn't even see this in the theaters. Finally, upon it's unrated DVD release, I saw it, and I must say, was surprised. While it is a teen sex comedy aimed primarily at horny teenagers, it does have a rather believable story, and one helluva hilarious script. It gets slow at times, and not taking anything away from Mena Suvari, I feel her plotline's scenes drag the most. Overall it's a recommended watch. I've now scene both versions, and there really isn't much of a difference. Watching either, you'll still see the same reasons why this movie was the hit it was.
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WrestleMania XIV (1998 TV Special)
Shawn Michaels Final WWF Match--Steve Austin's First WWF Title
22 March 2000
This Wrestlemania just didn't do it for me. While some things, such as the battle royal and involvement of celebrities were a throwback to the good old days, so to speak, it seemed to be more of a highbrow "In Your House" than anything else. Above average...worth it for several matches such as the tag team title match, although worthy of note is that the title change meant nothing, as it was reversed the next night.
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WrestleMania I (1985 TV Special)
The One That Started It All!
22 March 2000
Say what you want about the simplistic lighting, lack of todays glitzier production values, and the couple of jobber matches, but you cannot die that this was the one that started it all, and that it is indeed PURE '80s. You also cannot die the electricity felt when watching parts. Sure it drags during the first two or three matches, but if you can honestly tell me you don't feel the excitement with the pops for JYD, Andre, Albano & The US Express, Wendi Richter and Cyndi Lauper, and of course Hogan & Mr. T, then I can tell you that you are honestly not a true wrestling fan. Is it cheesy? Yes. But wasn't that the way of the '80s? And don't even tell me "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun" doesn't get stuck in your head after watching this...:-) Well worth the view.
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WrestleMania V (1989 TV Special)
22 March 2000
Not the best WrestleMania, but the card did have its high points. Doesn't seem to outshine I, III, or IV, but probably II. Shawn Michaels makes his WrestleMania debut here, and it's hard to believe he'd be in the main event 6 years later, but then again, everyone starts somewhere. Worth the view.
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Batgirl (1967 TV Short)
Introduction For Batgirl
31 January 2000
This "short" was presented to ABC executives to introduce the Batgirl character into the Batman TV Series (1966-68) and proved to be successful. The series ventured into a third season, which also turned out to be it's final. The villain in this presentation was Tim Herbert as The Killer Moth, although the villian was never used on the series. This film was never shown on television, however it is featured on numerous video tapes documenting the show.
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Only For DIEHARD Spears-A-Holics!
6 December 1999
Being the #1 Britney Spears fan in the entire world, I can tell you that only if you're a diehard fan, you will enjoy this video. No real new Britney material is featured, and it mostly covers her childhood. For a total Britney experience, I recommend "Time Out With Britney Spears".
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Maude (1972–1978)
God'll Get You For That!
30 November 1999
If you don't watch this show, that is. I must admit, I love All in the Family, however for me this is just a bit better.

Bea Arthur was PERFECT in her role as the tough-spirited yet gullible Maude Findlay. Bill Macy was the perfect husband for her, playing Walter to a T. Conrad Bain and Rue McClanahan were wonderful as well, playing the slightly nutty Harmon's, and watching their relationship develop was a testament as to how the writers could bring two characters believably together. Rounding out the cast were Adrienne Barbeau, and the late Esther Rolle and Hermoine Baddeley.

This show also tackled as many serious subjects as All in the Family. From abortion to alcoholism, Maude and family dealt with it in a fashion that was not only informative but humorous and tasteful as well.

Maudie is back!
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Wow! What A Movie!
27 November 1999
I went into this movie not knowing what to expect. I'm not as familiar with the previous Brosnan Bonds as I am some of the rest, however this blew me away. The flow of the movie and dividing between action and slower scenes was perfect.

Judi Dench, Robbie Coltrane, Sophie Marceau and the lovely Denise Richards all put in great performances. A perfectly blended movie with action, comedy, romance and intrigue. Worth seeing twice. Surprisingly great title song by Garbage, as well.
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The Jeffersons (1975–1985)
Great Show, Great Theme!
17 November 1999
The chemistry of these actors and actresses was excellent, and can be attributed to the long run of this show. An excellent addition to the rest of the Learcoms, and quite possibly the "mildest" of them all, as I could watch this at the youngest age and understand the stories. A great show for all ages.
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All in the Family (1971–1979)
Easy To See Why...
17 November 1999
When watching this show, it is easy to see why it is regarded as one of the best shows of all time. In it's attempt to be controversial, and ground breaking, it is also knee-slapping funny. The show even makes you think..what else could you ask for?
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The Wonderful World of Disney: Annie (1999)
Season 3, Episode 5
A Worthwhile Watch!
9 November 1999
This one is a tough one to call when comparing to the 1982 version, however it is still very good in it's own right and is probably the *closest* transition from stage to screen this show will ever receive.

When comparing this to the 1982 theatrical version, it's easy to be a little disappointed. Kathy Bates puts in a good bid as Miss Hannigan, but it's impossible to tell whether the character is nicer or meaner than Carol Burnett's version. While Bates version seems nicer all around, she does not turn over a new leaf at the end nor does she oppose the murder of poor Annie.

Some notable omissions from this version include no Punjab or Asp, Rooster's "Cock-a-doodle-doo", the Hannigan-Warbucks "Sign" number, Annie's curls, and the emphasis on "Tomorrow".

Overall, it is an enjoyable watch, however if you are looking to see the very best version, I'd recommend the 1982 classic.
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Annie (1982)
By Far The Best Version!
9 November 1999
This is by far my favorite version of this classic. I grew up on this movie, making everyone who entered my front door watch this movie. Miss Hannigan was my favorite, being a lifelong Carol Burnett fan thanks to this movie, which is rather disturbing considering I was rooting for the villain. Nonetheless, it's simply a testament as to how wonderful this film is. While it may have it's faults and stage purists may not enjoy it, I call it a wonderful movie for the whole family.
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A Good One...
22 October 1999
People seem to have mixed comments on this one, but I rather enjoyed it. James Cromwell (aka Stretch Cunningham from "All In The Family" as someone pointed out. :-) puts in a good performance as Zefram Cochran, and Alice Kreige was great as the Borg Queen. It would have been more dramatic had they killed a regular crew member instead of the dime-a-dozen "Hawk". A great idea would have been to bring Shelby (the Borg specialist) back and kill her off.
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Not The Best, Not Nearly The Worst
22 October 1999
This was generally a good Star Trek film. While the plot wasn't as good as VI or maybe even First Contact, it was solid, especially with Kirk. My only big quabbles are more technical. First, the awful lighting. It's either too dark or too bright to be Star Trek. Second, the burial of Kirk. Wouldn't he have a large funeral like Spock's? After all, he's done his bit for king and country. A good watch.
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The Best Of The Star Trek Movies!
22 October 1999
I've seen all the Star Trek movies at least once. This one, I've seen around a hundred times or more. I'm not sure if it's the fact that it's the final voyage of the originals (Especially now since Mr. Kelley has passed away), or the fact of the wonderful story and relatively deep plot, but this installment is the very best. I think one of the major ups of this one would be that each crew member seems to play an important part in overcoming the adventure. I would also argue that Christopher Plummer and David Warner make the best Klingons in the entire Star Trek saga. A guest appearance by the OTHER best Klingon, Michael Dorn, is also featured. Contrary to what someone on said, the DVD version of these movie is wonderful, and includes two theatrical trailers.
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G.I. Joe: The Movie (1987 Video)
An Underrated Masterpiece
5 September 1999
As a kid, I was a HUGE G.I. Joe fan. Remember how all your school chums claimed they had ALL the G.I. Joe figures? Well, I was the one who could claim it, then have friends come over and back it up. Obviously with this milestone of fandom, I loved the cartoon and the movie.

This movie is fantastic. It was originally going to be released in the theaters, but for some reason wasn't. The animation isn't the best, and it is a bit dark. Not, however, as dark as some cartoons today such as that new Batman cartoon. Not to mention every dark scene is accounted for with a brighter, vibrant one.

A perfect blend of action, a rather solid storyline, and even a bit of comedy make this an all around great cartoon. The terrific cast also makes it great. Besides Don Johnson, Burgess Meredith, and Sgt. Slaughter, you'd be surprised as to some of the names you could find in the credits.

Not long after this movie was released, I personally met Sgt. Slaughter. It was a great thrill to an extreme fan such as myself, and I will never forget it, or this movie.
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Dick Tracy (1990)
The Colorful Comic Comes To Life!
28 August 1999
While the criminals are lumped together, being untrue to the comic, the movie still thrives in many ways. The superb makeup, special effects, and Al Pacino's performance are all reasons to see this movie. No one is really sure why it didn't do as well as expected, however it was pretty hyped at the time of it's release riding on the success of Batman. Fast flowing.
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Santa Claus (1985)
A Delightful Santa Claus Movie
28 August 1999
I don't see why some people are so hard on this movie. It's a lot better than the current Santa Claus films out there. The film revolves around the origins in Santa Claus, followed by the true-life loss of faith the world has encountered.

John Lithgow steals the movie with his portrayal of the evil toymaker, B.Z. Dudley Moore is also relatively good in his role as an underappreciated elf.

What's so wrong about a story where good triumphs in the end? Sure it's a lot of fantasy, but so is Star Wars. Santa Claus IS a fantasy. Isn't he?
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One Of The Worst...
28 August 1999
I found this installment of the Star Trek movies to be depressing, disgusting, and not in the true spirit of Star Trek. Sure, all great sagas have to have their dark points, but this just didn't seem to be Star Trek to me. Ricardo Montalban brings the films only high points, and Spock's death is proved meaningless in the third movie.
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A Great Jerry Lewis Film!
28 August 1999
For good, clean, family laughs, I highly recommend this film. Skits and cameo appearances fill this delightful entry into the Jerry Lewis film library. An amazing set is the center piece for this film, with lavishly decorated rooms.
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A Delightful Trip To The 1890's!
28 August 1999
Although not critically acclaimed as one of the team's best, Abbott and Costello use some of their best loved and remember skits in this film. The movie is worth watching for the "Who's On First?" skit alone. Good, clean, fun for the entire family.
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Sister Act (1992)
A Great Comedy!
27 August 1999
When I first went to see this movie, I was a bit skeptical. I didn't know exactly what it'd turn out like. After the hilarious lounge medley opening scene, I knew this could be something special. While the next ten minutes are relatively slow, and seem to borderline on a drama, it quickly sets the stage for a hilarious comedy suitable for all.

Whoopi Goldberg may shine the brightest in this film, but Maggie Smith, Mary Wickes, Kathy Najimy, Harvey Keitel, and others deliver great performances as well.
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