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Addams Family Reunion (1998 TV Movie)
Ignore the rest of the cast and watch Curry and Hannah having fun!
29 March 1999
Sadly, it is nowhere near as delightful as the previous two films, but Curry and Hannah do a fine job in their roles, too bad about the rest of the cast. The production values were not as good as the last two films, either, but it is still watchable.

Pugsley might have passed, but Wednesday was very stiff and seemed to only stare a lot. Fester resembled the cartoon version of himself, so much so that it was scary.

Curry could very well have made the role of Gomez his own if Julia had not had it first. And Hannah does a pretty good job herself, though no one can beat Houston's version.

Alice Ghostley, again sadly, did a terrible job as Grandma-ma. She just wasn't right for this part.

I can suggest this film only for those who are die-hard Curry fans, as he is absolutely delicious as Gomez. Other than that, the best I can say is that it is an unoffensive children's comedy.
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"The table is Formica, it's color is green."
29 March 1999
The dwarf's utterance of "The table is Formica, it's color is green" is the only, and I do mean ONLY thing in this film that made any sense. Anyone who says otherwise is a new age movie reviewer wannabe.

In fact, I now use that line in real life whenever I find myself dealing with someone (or something) who is making little or no sense.

If Lynch wanted to achieve raw feelings from the audience, then he succeeded, because this film really makes a lot of people angry. It makes NO sense. None. It explains nothing. NOTHING. It is inconsistent, fragmented, jumbled, confusing, pointless, totally lost in itself, and dull, dull, dull. You will have wasted 3-4 hours of your life, time that you can never get back, if you watch this film.

It would be better if you had someone knock you on the head and put you into a coma for 4 hours. The visions you may or may not see during your time in la-la land will make more sense than this hideous waste of celluloid ever will.

If you are in the mood to cheer on the death on someone who so richly deserves to die, solely for the fact that she is a stupid twit, then you will enjoy doing so for Laura Palmer. She didn't die nearly soon enough to suit me. I'm glad she died so horrible a death. No one deserved it more than Laura did.

This film is a great way to p*** off your friends. Tell them its great, and watch how red their faces are the next day!
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Doom Runners (1997 TV Movie)
Tolerable Low Budget SF for children with an amusing villian in Tim Curry.
4 March 1999
Although this film has its boring moments, (okay, its got more than enough boring moments), Curry fans will enjoy his romp as the evil, mind sucking, Dr. Kao, who delights in tormenting his assistant with constant threats of mind-wipes when he screws up. Rocky Horror fans might giggle when Curry utters some familiar phases in this flic, such as "Bring them up to the lab..." and "Anticipation..." I especially enjoyed one scene when Curry stops and concentrates very hard, then tells his assistant "Oh, sorry, I thought perhaps some feelings of compassion were occurring to me...but I was wrong."

The children, who are running away to a "New Eden," are the main stars of this story, and luckily they are quite tolerable. The violence is low-key, lots of chasing and bellowing from armor-clad guards, some explosions for color, but no blood.
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Hank (1965–1966)
Orphaned teenager, Hank, uses disguises to thwart adults in attempt to keep younger sister at home.
4 March 1999
I'm doing this all from a memory that's 34 years old, so I may make some mistakes. What I remember about this delightfully funny program is:

Hank and his sister are orphans. They don't wish to be put in an orphanage, so Hank uses makeup and disguises to fool the authorities into believing that they are being cared for by an adult. Hank's scheme snow balls as he is forced to lie and pretend to be all sorts of people in order to keep the charade going without being caught. All the while, Hank is trying to get himself a good education (pretending to be someone he's not) so that he can better support his sister and remain independent.

I don't remember how long this series ran, but it is one of the very few that I can recall that actually had a closing episode.

Hank, in a zany and furious attempt to disguise himself as several people at once -- being one person in one place and then switching costumes, personas, and rooms at break-neck speed -- Hank is finally caught and his terrible secret revealed, much to the amazement of all. It is decided that Hank has shown tremendous resourcefulness and is granted his wish to remain in college and preserve his family, under the guardianship of one of the adults who knows of his professors, I think.

As a child, I found this show extremely funny, maybe because I wished my own brothers were as nice as Hank. Oh well....
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Best bet for family viewing. It will make you want to go out and hug a tree.
21 October 1998
This is a great film for the entire family to view together. Can be enjoyed by all ages, top notch family film, John Lithgow is terrific, as usual. David Suchet is great - and funny - as the bad guy. Harry the Bigfood is as lovable as Chewbacca.
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Santa Claus (1959)
A heartwarming children's film about love and the spirit of the Christmas season.
29 September 1998
Perfect for families with small children who are looking for lighthearted films that contain no violence and are enthralling for the child and amusing, albeit, completely corny, to adults. Not a bad film for a low-budget job. Children will be amazed with Santa's workshop and the "magic" that enables him to enter homes through chimneys that appear too small, or homes that have no chimneys at all!

Kids will thrill over the Santa's success at thwarting the nasty devil named Pitch (complete in classic red outfit with horns and tail!). They will sympathize with the poor little girl who's greatest wish is to have a little doll to love. And the poor little rich boy who only wishes to spend time with his forever absent parents. And what child does not know someone at school who are just like the nasty boys that are enlisted by Pitch to help capture Santa and ruin Christmas? In the end, everyone, including the nasty boys, get just what they deserve for Christmas!

The film will endear children to both Santa and the message of love he delivers to people throughout the world.
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