
13 Reviews
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A great film for normal audience, but a disappointment for fans!
20 August 1999
It is very difficult to give a vote for the new Star Wars movie, because the German synchro is a disaster. But I would say the prequel installment is a great and thrilling movie, when you aren´t a Star Wars fan. The new film doesn´t have the old character like episode 4 till 6 and this is the reason why some Star Wars fans are very disappointed of Episode 1. But something is so genial, that everybody have to say, "this is a optical miracle". That are the special effects of ILM. I´m not a great fan of this franchise, and I give this vote for the film: **** (******) Sisko
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Ronin (1998)
A boring movie
18 May 1999
"Ronin" is a boring movie without any plot or tension. This film, which was directed by John Frankenheimer, who was a good director till "DNA", tries to suggest tension by showing us sequences of action. But John Frankenheimer is not able to control the actors, actress and the action. He uses and needs the action in order to support the plot, because the plot is not able to stand alone on screen. However the action sequences are well done, and you can see the big budget for the sequences. But all actors play their roles without emotions and moreover you must listen Niro´s stupid dictums, but he has no chance, because the writer of the screenplay gave him these dictums. MARKING: * (******)
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Futuresport (1998 TV Movie)
A pretty good action-movie
11 May 1999
Futuresport is a movie with famous actors and actresses, e.g Wesley Snipes. The direction is not bad, but the special effects are great for a TV movie. The idea of this movie is not very interesting and intelligent, but the movie has a good atmosphere and is amusing. If you want to watch a movie without any intelligent content, you should watch Futuresport. Marking: *** (******)
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Very serious topic
24 April 1999
American History X is a movie, which you can´t like, because the topic is so serious and you are very sad about the end of the movie. However the film is thrilling and E. Norton plays his role brilliant. The other actors also bring their talent on screen. You can watch the actors´ and actress´ courage in order to make a great movie with a story about a man with different ideals. If you have the chance to watch this movie, do it !!!
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Fear this movie !!!
11 April 1999
This movie is a very crazy film showing two men with drugs and what they do, when they use these drugs. Many strange camera shots support Terry Gilliam´s vision of the American Dream. I think,that the two main actors, who play their roles with a special kind of madness, try to convince the audience to hate this movie. I hate this movie and I think, that you should forget this stupid movie, but you should think about this topic. The topic is the most interesting thing in this film.
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A good thriller
5 April 1999
This movie represents tension and action in a good way. The two main characters play really good. Do you want to watch an old styled thriller? This is the right movie!!!!!
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Better than X-files
4 April 1999
This is a movie in the tradition of X-files, but better than the most famous mystery series and better than the X-files movie in the last year. The tension is breathtaking in this movie and nobody knows the end of the plot. The end is a surprise for one of the main characters and the audience. The main actors are great and are able to bring their fun for this topic on screen. You must say: "The nearest neighbour is watching you". I hope, that we will watch more movies with this spectacular tension and more of this well acting by actor or actress.
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The topic is serious, but the movie is a joke
4 April 1999
An advice from me: "Please don´t watch this movie, you will be disappointed". There are too many main actors, you will have a problem to distinguish the main characters in Malick´s war. I don´t understand the title of this movie and the bad attempt to show the brutality of war in this kind like in this film. Moreover the movie is too long and the contents too less. However I have to say the cinematography is beautiful and the landscape breathtaking, but this is too less in order to make a thrilling movie with a serious background.
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Everybody is excellent in this movie
2 April 1999
"Shakespeare in Love" is a well done movie with great actors and actress, but I would never give Judi Dench an Academy Award. Judi Dench played very well, however I would not give an Academy Award for playing only 7 minutes. That´s my point of view. Moreover the sets of Shakespeare in Love are breathtaking and the costumes are beautiful. But the most important thing is, that Shakespeare in Love got the OSCAR FOR THE BEST MOVIE. It´s a great movie, you have to watch it.
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9 points for St-Insurrection
31 December 1998
St-Insurrection, the ninth installment of the popular TV series, is a very well done movie. I was surprised of this odd-numbered film. It was an event in Star Trek, which I´m not able to forget. The FXs were great and the story is well written by Michael Piller. If you are a fan of Star Trek, you have to watch this new installment of the succesful movie series. I promise you, you will have fun and 104 minutes,which become exciting. There are two main stories in the plot. The first one is the story about the Sonas and their wrath against the Ba´ku. The second one is the lovestory between Picard und Anji, which is a little bit stereotyped. Moreover there are some more small stories in the plot e.g. Troi and Riker, the child and Data. I´m only able to say,watch this film and have fun with this kind of Star Trek film. It´s not too dark like First Contact and there are more humourous elements than in First Contact. Star Trek is back and will continue its successful way of entertainment. Sisko
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Snake Eyes (1998)
A bad plot and a good direction
22 November 1998
At first, I have to speak about Nick Cage. He´s a very good actor with a lot of charm. He shows us a police officer who doesn´t want to lose his identity and his honour. The story of the movie has some mistakes and it is very difficult to follow this plot. Brian de Palma should only direct movies and he shouldn´t create a plot. Moreover you don´t see the money, which was used, in order to finance this film. But this movie has two strengths: 1. The good direction by B. De Palma 2. The excellent camerawork by S. Burum The movie was OK, but not good because of the terrible plot. Nick Cage doesn´t also have any chance to bring this movie to a German box-office success. Thanks for your attention.
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An opponent for Saving Private Ryan
15 November 1998
This film has a very good chance to win the famous Academy Award for the best movie. I think this film is a possibility to see like huge the power of the television is. Of course, the story is too unrealistic, however you watch some very important facts of the television, which are included in our TV programme. For example "commercials". Ed Harris plays his role so realistically, that I think he owns a TV station or he´s a producer. In the movie he fells like a god over a small world. He is ruling over this small town and its inhabitants. If you want watch a very funny and intellectual movie, THE TRUMAN SHOW is the best movie for a long time.
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It was very crazy
5 November 1998
This is the most crazy movie which I have ever seen. The main actors (Cameron Diaz, Ben Stiller, Matt Dillon) were the most important keepers of this movie.
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