
21 Reviews
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Inheritance (I) (2020)
Again, ignore the negative reviews!!
8 August 2023
Ignore the tepid user ratings and never trust the 'critics' This was a great suspense thriller. Kept me on the edge of my seat.

And Simon Pegg... what can you say? Wow! He did a great job. Solid acting all the way around.

Ignore the tepid user ratings and never trust the 'critics' This was a great suspense thriller. Kept me on the edge of my seat.

And Simon Pegg... what can you say? Wow! He did a great job. Solid acting all the way around.

Ignore the tepid user ratings and never trust the 'critics' This was a great suspense thriller. Kept me on the edge of my seat.

And Simon Pegg... what can you say? Wow! He did a great job. Solid acting all the way around.
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Violent Night (2022)
Another missed opportunity
19 December 2022
Yet again, Hollywood ruined a potentially good movie. The premise could have been used as the foundation for a movie with a moral compass while still retaining the elements of stylized violence etc. But instead gratuitous violence and profanity seem to be the fallback.... Yet again, Hollywood ruined a potentially good movie. The premise could have been used as the foundation for a movie with a moral compass while still retaining the elements of stylized violence etc. But instead gratuitous violence and profanity seem to be the fallback.... Yet again, Hollywood ruined a potentially good movie. The premise could have been used as the foundation for a movie with a moral compass while still retaining the elements of stylized violence etc. But instead gratuitous violence and profanity seem to be the fallback....
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Memoria (I) (2021)
Possibly the worst movie since The Lighthouse
2 May 2022
I love the art of cinema but there are simply some films that just fail. This is one of those films. I'm learning more and more to be skeptical of the 'critics'. This was a terrible film... period.
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Scream (I) (2022)
Yes, it's clever but...
22 January 2022
It's a sad commentary on our society when films like this are getting such good reviews... constant gratuitous profanity and sexual content does not a good film make...
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Better than expected!!
20 January 2022
After reading all the negative reviews for some reason I still decided to watch it. I went in with low expectations understanding it was a B movie and had some cheesy special effects. After a while I actually cared about the characters and ended up enjoying this movie. It is what it is but it was fun!!
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The 355 (2022)
A pleasant surprise
18 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
No, it won't win any academy awards but there are many elements of this film that were really solid. The characters, action sequences, cinematography, locations etc... I know it's not politically correct to say it but one thing I really appreciated about this film were the gender role portrayals... men were men and women were women and men liked women and women liked men... what a novel concept.... Also, the tie in to Washington's Revolutionary War spies is interesting. The negative critic reviews probably (as often the case) have more to do with the underlying political message than anything to do with the actual film itself.
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Intrusion (II) (2021)
28 October 2021
Come on people.... This is a solid psychological thriller. Minimal content and has some good suspense. Yes, it may be a bit predictable but a worthy effort! Be reasonable!
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Basically garbage from beginning to end
2 September 2021
I gave it a 3 because it did have it's moments and the cinematography at times was solid. Hollywood still thinks profanity is a substitute for humor and good script writing...
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The Lie (2018)
Once again, ignore the terrible reviews
21 January 2021
I still don't understand why people insist on giving a solid movie that admittedly had some weaknesses a 2 or 3 and say it was terrible. This was a solid effort. Tense and unnerving.
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Songbird (II) (2020)
Ignore the negative reviews!!!!!!!!!!!!
14 December 2020
I have no clue why this movie got such bad reviews. Will it win an Oscar? Certainly not... is it somewhat predictable? Yes.... a few cliches? Yes.... BUT ... suspenseful at times, good story, I cared about the characters. This was a solid effort. And as an added bonus PG-13 not R....
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Alone (V) (2020)
Ignore negative reviews...
24 September 2020
I rarely write a review but I had to say something in defense of this movie. I'm stumped by the negative reviews. Plain simply put, this was a great tense thriller. My wife and I walked away totally surprised and satisfied. I left with none of the criticisms some of the other reviewers expressed.
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The Lodge (2019)
Once again, ignore the negative reviews!!
22 February 2020
This was without doubt one of the best psychological thrillers (this is not a 'horror' movie) I've seen in a long time. Although, yes, there were themes common to many previous films, they were presented in innovative ways. Well acted. Very thought provoking (for people that take the time to actually think about the movies they see). My wife and I both left the theater bewildered as to why this film is not getting more buzz and a wider release...
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Almost perfect... then it got better
8 June 2019
It made me laugh. It made me cry. I didn't want it to end... what more can you ask of a movie? Enough said.
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IO (2019)
What is with you people???
26 February 2019
Here we do again... you're really going to give a movie a 1 or 2 because it wasn't 'scientifically accurate'? I thoroughly enjoyed this movie... once again, don't listen to the naysayers. Watch it and just enjoy the mood and pace of the film... it's not intended to be a 'thriller'.
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Miss Bala (2019)
1 February 2019
I feel like I have written this review a million times. I'm sick and tired of people giving movies a 1 or 2 because it had weaknesses, 'wasn't as good as the iriginal' or they just didn't care for it. Try to at least be somewhat objective. This movie was entertaining, suspenseful, tense at times and had you torn as to which way you wanted the movie to end. And as a bonus, little or no gratuitous sex, violence and language!!
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Ignore the naysayers
26 January 2019
I enjoyed this movie. It seems like this the only kind of review I right on IMDB. Yes, there are legitimate criticisms of this movie. The soundtrack is a bit odd, it is somewhat predictable etc etc. is it deserving of a 1 or 2? Of course not, I say again as in previous reviews, don't be stupid people, be reasonable.
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The Upside (2017)
11 January 2019
I virtually never write a review on IMDb but I have to say something... I'm not sure what's up with negative reviews. Even if you liked the original better, don't be stupid and use that as an excuse to pan this movie. I've never seen the original so I'm not biased. This was a good movie!!
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Boundaries (I) (2018)
Ignore the negative reviews!!!!!!!!!!
7 July 2018
I'm not sure what's going on with negative reviews. I always rate the movies on IMDB but virtually never write a review. But in this case, I was compelled to say something. You may understandably object to some of the content or simply think it wasn't the type of movie you like but there is definitely something amiss with all the 1 ratings. This film was very well done.
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Boogeyman (2005)
Good clean fun!
11 May 2005
Not worthy of any academy awards and yes there were a few plot holes, and yes a few of the effects were a little cheesy, but a clean suspenseful and even at times scary movie that was fun to watch that you could take young people to. For these reasons, especially having the fortitude to resist the temptation to fill it with all kinds of gratuitous sex and language (and to a lessor degree, even violence) so seemingly accepted in Hollywood these days, I give it a 9. My wife and I both had low expectations (took a chance and expected the kind of garbage previously described) and were both very pleasantly surprised. I am not embarrassed to recommend this movie!
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Funny and enjoyable...
9 June 2003
I saw a sneak preview of this movie was very pleased. I'm a big fan of Harrison Ford and it was great just to see him in another movie, but him and Josh Hartnett seemed to work really well together. The whole audience was laughing for the majority of the entire movie. All in all, this was definately worth seeing.

I must say though that the pace seems to slow down somewhere in the first quarter of the movie, and I was afraid things wouldn't pick up, but luckily they did and the rest of the movie totally made up for this. Also, there did seem to be somewhat a lack of resolution at the end but nowhere to the degree where I felt jipped or anything. I still felt a nice resolution at the end.

But as I said, these complaints are definately outweighed by the rest of the movie which is thoroughly enjoyable. 8 out of 10 stars here.
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Simply Fabulous
8 January 2000
Why is this film not doing better at the box office? Possibly people have the misconception that it is a 'children's movie'. Hopefully word of mouth will help support this film. It's almost immediate downward spiral at the box office seems to have reversed. This a moving, visually stunning and truly epic film. Without question, one of the best films in recent history. Much more intelligent and insightful than it is being given credit for. It is certainly worthy of academy award nominations including a nomination for Chow Yun Fat as best actor. Do not wait for this film to reach the video stores. As with all worthy films, you must see it in the theater!
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