
30 Reviews
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Loudermilk (2017–2020)
23 February 2024
Why was this show cancelled??? After the first few episodes I wasn't sure I wanted to continue on, but I did. One of the best decisions I've made when it comes to television viewing. It's a great show if you enjoy great music. It's a great show if you enjoy dry comedy. And it's a great show if you've ever had issues with any type of addiction. I'm trying to figure out why they ended this after only thirty episodes. I wasn't even aware of this show until three weeks ago and after episode five, I binged on it and finished it way too fast. I know it's been off the air for four years but damn, I can't say enough good things about it. Ron Livingston was excellent along with some people I've never even heard of. And I can't get that Ben Rogers band song out of my head. Carry on......
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The Terminal List (2022– )
Sleep Aid
1 August 2022
I gave it a three only because it helped me to fall asleep during each episode. Chris Pratt's acting was terrible. I'll always remember him as Andy Dwyer, his best role. Don't waste your time on this one. Not believable at all.
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Bobby (I) (2006)
25 November 2006
What was Estevez thinking? Has he been out of the mainstream so long that he forgets what a good movie really is? Guess he figures just toss in a few well known stars and people will pay to see this pile of junk. I went, I saw, I threw up. If you wanted to do a movie on hotel workers, then that's what you should have done. How about making Mighty Ducks 5 or whatever number you were on. That's more your speed. I heard it took three years to make this movie. Why??? Terrible movie........the next time I see a preview with Estevez' name attached to it, I will know to stay away. Save your money folks.......the most interesting thing about this movie was Don Drysdale and the shutout innings.
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Bad was a good word to use for this one
25 July 2005
If you saw and enjoyed the original, don't waste your time with this fair re-make. Other than Billy Bob in the lead role, there wasn't much else in this one to make it worth seeing. If there were no original, I probably would have thought more of this one......trouble is, there was.

Tatum O'Neal was more likable than Sammi Kraft in the role of Amanda Whurlitzer. Vic Morrow was more believable than Greg Kinnear and so on and so forth. In the original, I actually found myself rooting for the Bears but in this one, they weren't a group of kids that I cared anything about.

Just rent Bad Santa and you'll pretty much get the role that Thornton plays.
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Twisted (I) (2004)
Should have kept twisting until it broke
22 March 2004
I now know why there were only four people in the theater when I saw this piece of junk. I now know why this movie lasted exactly one week at the theater that I frequent. I now know that Ashley Judd owes me $9.50........the price of two matinee tickets. It was bad enough that the story line has been done to death but what was the reason for the terrible acting? I've seen Judd and Samuel L. Jackson in enough movies to know that they aren't bad actors but for some reason they chose to do nothing more than put in an appearance in this septic dweller. Andy Garcia I can understand; the guy could never act on his best day. That stupid look on his face at the movies end was said, "I am a total idiot who has no clue."
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Trash Belongs In the Garbage, Not On the Big Screen
22 March 2004
What is it with people thinking that Larry Clark is actually talented? I saw two of his movies this week and this guy sucks. His movies go nowhere, have violence in them just for violence sake and if he made his movies any darker, you wouldn't be able to see what the hell was going on. Maybe that would be for the best.

Why James Woods and Melanie Griffith would agree to be in this movie couldn't have been anything more than a venue to line their pockets.

This movie wasn't as bad as Kids (1995) regarding the nudity that was needless but the violence made up for it. Anything I see with Clark's name on it at the video store will remain on the shelf as far as I'm concerned.
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Bad Apple (2004 TV Movie)
Please explain to me.....
23 February 2004
Could someone please explain to me the reason for making this movie? Sad is about all I can say; this movie took absolutely no direction and wound up with me shaking my head. What an awful waste of two hours. Noth should be ashamed of himself for taking money for this piece of garbage.
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Zoolander (2001)
Zoolander is a piece of trash
22 July 2003
This movie is the biggest piece of trash that I have seen in a number of years. Somebody actually made this movie, thought it was funny and put it out there for the public to view. I sometimes wonder what people are thinking when they produce a pile of crap such as this. Watched the entire movie as I wanted to see if I would laugh or crack a smile at least once. An hour-and-a-half later I sat stone faced with a feeling of relief that this atrocity had ended.
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Homicide is right, this movie is dead
19 June 2003
This time you should believe the terrible things that the critics are saying about this bomb. Why Harrison Ford would act in this movie is beyond me; certainly not to raise money to feed Calista Flockhart. The movie was a like a game of Jeopardy played by stupid people, no answers for many questions. Once again, I want my money back.....this movie sucked.
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The slugger strikes out
30 May 2003
This had to be one of the worst movies ever made. Unrealistic and makes baseball look like a total joke. The acting was consistent with the movie.......terrible. Why did it take me so long to acknowledge this movie? The embarrassment of seeing it, I guess.
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The Ice Storm (1997)
The road to nowhere
5 May 2003
I see that almost 1,600 people voted this movie a 10. I cannot understand how that could happen as I found this to be one of the worst movies that I have ever seen. This movie went nowhere and ended up in the same spot....nowhere. If I had to say something decent about the movie it would be that the acting was okay and Katie Holmes looked fine. Other than that, this one was a bomb.
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Trainspotting (1996)
Feces isn't fun
11 April 2003
Guess as I get older I just don't get it anymore. If you like movies with feces in them, then this is your kind of film. Two scenes I can remember anyway. Dead babies, friends who don't give a damn about each other and an overall feeling of filth is what I think of when I think about this lame movie. How this ever got in the top 250, I'll never know.
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Where's the Humor
16 March 2003
After seeing the previews awhile back, I looked forward to seeing Steve Martin in a comedy that I thought might be a keeper. Unfortunately, I was wrong. Problem was, the previews were the only funny parts to the movie. The rest of the movie was pretty much a bunch of junk, scenes that have been done to death and characters we've all seen a thousand times.

This movie was proof positive that if you put enough cash on the table, you can talk anybody into anything. Steve Martin is a favorite of mine but this one was a big clunker. The only actor in the movie who was worth watching was Eugene Levy; he was the best of a mighty lame group.
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Joy Ride (2001)
Can You Explain This...
5 March 2003
It won't be hard to remember that this is only a movie as way too many things are never explained. That is one smart truck does he do it? This movie actually had the ability to head somewhere but just had to revert back to shoot 'em up silly pranks that really bad movies like Cobra contain. Sorry, just another piece of garbage.
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There shouldn't have been anyone standing
25 October 2002
Bought this movie on DVD; it was on sale for $9.99 and now I know why. This movie was terrible, went nowhere and ended up in the same place. I guess my favorite part was the beating Bruce Willis took; too bad it wasn't real. A chance to see Christopher Walken, he just wasn't in it enough. I know a movie is bad when I continually look at the clock, look at the back of the movie cover and subtract how long I've had the movie on from the actual running time. I did that far too many times during this movie. If you have a need to see Willis in anything, rent The Sixth Sense, not this clunker.
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Round and round we go!!
11 October 2002
Girl meets boy; girl leaves boy; girl meets other boy (hey, wasn't that the Woo Woo kid); girl goes to New York; girl goes home; my favorite character in the movie was the dog and he didn't even get a mention.

A remake of a hundred other movies. I stayed 'til the end because Reese Witherspoon ain't bad to look at. This movie went nowhere and I wasn't able to warm up to or feel any compassion for any of them...except the dog!
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Halloween (1978)
Perspective changes over time
11 October 2002
Sorry it took me twenty-four years to comment on this movie; I've been busy. As I look back at all the horror movies and sequels made, I have come to realize that Halloween was one of my favorites. Never got tired throughout the years of looking at Jamie Lee Curtis.

After watching more than my share of the terrible horror movies that have come out in the last quarter century (God, I feel old), I would have to say that Halloween has most of them beat. I could have been perfectly satisfied with no Halloween II, III, IV or V, but Halloween I was well made and scared the bejesus out of me more than once.
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About a Boy (2002)
Finally, a movie with some humor
19 May 2002
Simply stated, this was a movie that made you laugh without the idiot humor that generally caters to the 10 year old. I was sorry to see the movie end and would definitely recommend it. Hugh Grant was excellent and Nicholas Hoult (Marcus) did an amazing job.

A movie about a man who is basicly headed nowhere until he comes in contact with a young boy who changes his life. Sometimes predictable but each scene was done with just the right amount of humor and compassion.

Some scenes were hilarious, such as when Grant's character joins SPAT just to meet women.

Go see it, decide for yourself, you won't be disappointed.
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Don't waste your money
5 May 2002
Saw this piece of crap last month and I have one suggestion for all; don't waste your money to rent this piece of garbage. I really can't understand how anyone could enjoy this movie and have a hard time getting it through my head why it was made in the first place. As a matter of fact, I don't know why I'm wasting my time even talking about such a lousy movie. The main characters acting as if they an ounce of intelligence is not believable. The movie goes nowhere and all copies of this movie should be destroyed.......blaaagh!!!
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Oz (1997–2003)
Characters you want to ate but can't
3 April 2002
I first saw Oz about three years ago on HBO. It was nothing like I expected seeing as I had no idea what OZ stood for. I watched every episode that was aired, I watched repeats and watched them over and over.

I haven't seen the the last season as I refuse to pay cable's exorbitant prices for digital cable. I had never seen the first season and on April 2nd I stumbled on the first season tapes on VHS. I thought I was no longer hooked on the show but alas after watching the premier show for the first time, I now know I will have to see everything again. My next viewing will be Season 1, episode 2 and I can hardly wait. That in a nutshell is how Oz is; once you see it, you can't stop. Even the characters that you hate, you have a morbid interest in, wanting to know what fate awaits each one.

I don't recommend it to kids, but everyone else should watch at least one season and you will be hooked, guaranteed!
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Oz (1997–2003)
Hard to explain!
18 August 2000
I never realized what this show was all about until last season. I only wish that I could locate back episodes and watch each and every one. This show leaves you wanting for more at the end of the hour. I sometimes watch the repeats later in the week.

I can't explain why I care about the characters but I do. They are basically a bunch of cutthroat SOB's but I am drawn back each week as if I know each person. Never get too attached to one character as they may not be there the following episode.

Haven't seen a show this powerful since I don't know when.
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Notting Hill (1999)
More Spike
27 December 1999
Would have rated this movie a 4 but gave it a 6 only because of Rhys Ifans (Spike). He definitely should have had more exposure. This guys funny, the rest is just so-so. See it just for Spike. The movie left me with no feeling one way or the other. Blah!
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Life (I) (1999)
Don't look for the comedy, look for the friendship.
26 December 1999
Actually I thought this movie was better than I expected it to be. I originally figured another Eddie Murphy bomb but was surprised to see a movie that just didn't go for the childish humor but was a story about friendship. Not a great movie by any means but worth seeing as long as you know what to expect.
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Wings (1990–1997)
Not much better than this.
24 December 1999
I believe this show got better as the years went by, except for the Farah Forke years (thought she was terrible & made the brothers look like fools). Even as I watch the re-runs on USA I believe this to be one of the best sit-coms ever made. I'm not sure any of these characters could have done a spin off and been successful but as a group I don't think you could get much better than this. I'd rather watch these re-runs than most of the new crap that's out there today.
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The only good thing is that it's short.
8 December 1999
Who found this terrible movie scary? Almost shut it off in the first twenty-five minutes; When it ended I wish I had. Can't decide who was more annoying: Heather Donahue from this movie or Shelley Duvall(Wendy Torrance) from The Shining. If the whole thing were true it may have been interesting but I could pretty much make this movie in my backyard this weekend. What a joke. The only good thing about this movie is that it's less than ninety minutes long. What's next: "Watching Paint Dry" starring Andy Kaufman? (Oh yeah, that annoying idiot is dead). Can't wait too see the annoying Jim Carrey playing the annoying Andy Kaufman. ANNOYING!!!
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