
50 Reviews
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Kind of a let down...
11 January 2000
Well, I was somewhat entertained but this one, while trying to match the formula of the original, it fell short by mere miles. Somehow, I would think a blinking wooden puppet (maybe you've seen it) would make someone wary anyways and some things, such as the talisman, could have been used more effectively in the end. Too many things were unrealistic (stupidity statement) such as the grill and the pool. It had more of a Hollywood ending than I've seen in a while and the main highlight was seeing Betsy Palmer (Mrs. Voorhees) come back. It was too convoluted and senseless but it still entertained so I give it a 6 out of 10.
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The Fear (1995)
Not very original but entertaining...
11 January 2000
Well, the first I time I saw the box, I skipped it... then, once number two came out, I rented both, just for fun. I was surprised when I was actually enterained by the film. The acting was good, especially by Anna Karin, Eric Weiss, and the girl who played Ashley, and the plot, while not original, was carried very well for an A-Pix film (nothing against them, though). Not sure if this was direct-to-video but if so, it's got good standards for entertainment and some parts even made me cringe slightly. Some things were predictable but it was fun to watch and I definitely don't regret renting this one. Some of the premise made some people shy away but hey, need something original, eh? From me, a 9 out of 10.
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Deadly Games (1982)
Not too memorable...
11 January 2000
While not a bad movie, the only memorable parts were the deaths and the ending. The bright spot, however, was Colleen Camp's performance. While not the best ever, it was nice to see that she was acting as well as she was. Unfortunately, the movie was confusing and a lot of it made no sense for a while and even until the end... that's what I get for falling asleep through it, huh? It was pretty boring...
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Office Killer (1997)
Not emmy winning but...
5 October 1999
I thought this movie was fairly good considering it was a) direct to video and b) had an unknown supporting cast. The performances were good, the effects were good and it was odd to see Carole Kane doing what she did in this movie... killing! The whole premise is kind of creepy but there's some comedy in there, so I gave it a nine out of ten.
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Chopping Mall (1986)
Deceiving cover and more...
17 May 1999
Anyway, the cover suggests a gruesome movie and looks perfectly B rating. Well, it isn't very gory (except for a head exploding) and... well, it IS B. It's all in good fun, though, as many 80's movies are. This movie doesn't take itself seriously and thank god, because I had a ton of fun watching this. The acting was bad but seeing a couple of familiar faces (Russell Todd of F13 2 and John Terkelson whatever his last name is] from Death on the Nile) made it better. I give it a good strong eight for bloody shlock fun.
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A Bucket of Blood (1995 TV Movie)
Interesting to say the least...
26 March 1999
I rented this and I liked it, I can honestly say. You could tell what was going to happen before it did (just like any other horror movie) and though there were a few twists, it was nothing special. Personally, I liked seeing Justine Bateman, Anthony Michael Hall, and Darcy Demoss in the same picture which raises the point value but the movie fell in on itself towards the second half. I give this a 7 out of ten.
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The creepiest by far....
26 March 1999
Many of the Fridays (and many other movies) can not live up to the suspense and atmosphere of Part 2. This one was fun to watch since it was heavier on the suspense than the gore (unlike many other ones). I guess there isn't too much else to say. A definite nine out of ten.
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Anguish (1987)
Disgustingly fun!
18 March 1999
This movie reminded me of many others at some points but at the same time seemed original. It was fun to watch and even though there was a lot of gore, I could stand it since I was so puzzled by the exact plot and motives. The movie inside of a movie plot worked wonders here and the appearances of Zelda Rubinstein made me want to give this an 8, since they made the characters seem as though twirling their hair would take too much intelligence.
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A valiant effort...
24 February 1999
This movie was a great remake of the original. I liked that it was in color, and also that the ending was more hopeful. The characters were a little less developed, though, and this time, Barbara (Patricia Tallman) was like a superwoman. I liked it better when she was somewhat enfeebled and scared since that scared me more than the Barbara in this version. All in all, this earned a 9 for a great rehash, but not being able to pull it all of the way.
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Scream 2 was wrong! Sequels aren't crap!
24 February 1999
This movie was, in my opinion, more thought out and creepier than the original. It showed less of the killer and the fact that he couldn't talk was pretty chilling when he went after people. I think the scene where Vickie gets stabbed could possibly be seen as a take-off from "Psycho" but the fact that she just stood there was something which I deem stupid. I didn't like seeing the guy in the wheelchair get killed but I can understand it (although I'm still trying to explain to some others). The only main thing that I didn't like was that this fell into step with the others (Halloween and Nightmare on Elm Street) when it could've become something totally different. I gave it an 8 out of 10.
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Iced (1989)
Not even a promise of nudity,,,
22 February 1999
Whoa! How did they crap into plastic? This movie was good at the beginning and the concept seemed pretty good. Little did I realize that while many things get better with time, this just got... pardon the lame expression... "iced". I wasn't expecting top notch acting and the ending credits and beginning credits (just look at the way the title shows up) were shoddy. Maybe a little bit of overuse on the sex (unusual complaint, I'm sure) was possibly the downfall. I mean, just when the guy was flying down the hill, it flashed back and forth between him, and sex. Which would rather be seen? Some of the deaths were interesting (icicles used by HUMANS) but it fell apart towards the end, revealing the killer a bit too soon. A 4 out of 10 since it is worthy (to a point) and it's my kind of movie.
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Offerings (1989)
Another Halloween Rip-off... but wait!
19 February 1999
This is actually GOOD! The box didn't look too appetizing but I rented it since I'm not one to turn down anything mentioning Halloween on the back. Anyways, this movie was a lot better than I had thought it would be. It borders on the Fatal Attraction line (trust me here) and has some pretty gross scenes (just don't eat pizza while watching this) but that's all in fun! The one thing that turned me off, though, was the thin veil of a background that they gave to the killer. I mean, sure, he's a homicidal mangled-up maniac. What about him? This deserves a 10 but for bad backgrounds, it gets an 9.
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Creepily fun!
19 February 1999
This movie was a real relief since it starred Yvonne DeCarlo (The Munsters) and Michael J. Pollard (Sleepaway Camp 3) and I already knew what the main idea was. Little did I realize that this perpetual 10 was only going to turn out to a 7. It had a ten at first since it had good characterization, a cool plot, the two stars named above, and it just had that great aura around it. Here, though, is what knocked it down to a....

9 - I'm sorry but when I start to feel bad for the killers, it's time to wonder...

8 - Okay, what stupid person would go onto a swing that swung over the edge of a cliff? That's just plain stupidity, there.

7 - I didn't like the fact that we didn't know what was happening with that guy back at the downed copter. I mean, that could have earned a few more minutes right there.

All and all, though, a greatly earned 7.
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Not the greatest, but there is worse...
19 February 1999
This movie was pretty shoddily made and didn't have such great acting. The legend behind the actual lake was somewhat original but didn't leave me with that feeling, y'know? The characters which should've been main were developed, though, and there was a slight bit of suspense in the air. The ending was lame but the rest of the movie more than made up for it. It was extremely boring to watch some certain things and the fact that the girl had been a swimmer... gee, what a coincidence. The last chase in a lake! Wow! This gets a five for some certain scenes (one of which contain a mini hacksaw and some guy's arm...)
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Cassandra (1987)
Interesting Australian movie...
19 February 1999
This movie was pretty good, I must say. I was attracted to it mainly because of the cover of it but when I watched it, it was better than I had expected. Tessa Humphries played a pretty good part which was both realistic and actually thought out (unlike many other movies' characters). The main problem with this, however, was that the plot had so many twists that it lost me somewhere. That wasn't enough to keep me from enjoying the movie, however, and I hope that I see another like it. Since it lost me midway through, though, I have to rate this one a 6.
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Scream 2 (1997)
This wasn't better....
18 February 1999
Ahhh.. no? This wasn't a great movie with its history behind it. I was disappointed with the slight ripoffs from Friday the 13th part 2, He Knows You're Alone, and the theme from Nosferatu was, although a highlight, kind of misused. Another stellar acting performance from Neve, David, Courteney and Sarah Michelle Gellar. Oh well... a simple 8 out of 10 will do here.
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Scream (1996)
18 February 1999
Now that I've gotten your attention, I'll tell you my review! I thought Scream was kind of weak in the blood department but the movie was really good. Then, I got the director's cut and it was the best movie! Neve Campbell, Courteney Cox, and David Arquette turn in great performances heading a now all-star cast. Some of the best performances, though, were the psychos Skeet Ulrich and Matthew Lillard. The Drew Barrymore tribute to When a Stranger Calls is classic now. 10 out of 10!
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All grown up and ready to party!
18 February 1999
Angela's grown up and wants some new playmates! I was really looking forward to this movie after watching the first one and was surprised to see Christine Taylor (Terri) in this movie! I liked many of the concepts (look for a "pleasing" experience for Kurt) and most of this movie made the other pale in comparison. I had to give it a ten since it was better than the original and I loved every minute of it. At least it didn't resort to become just another cheesy sequel. Now if only I could find number 3....
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Only horror movie which made tears come to my eyes for a GOOD reason
18 February 1999
This movie was a twisted parody of Romeo and Juliet towards the end. Not to say I didn't like the movie itself. The plot was original and since I haven't seen the other two, it wasn't anything I can compare to something else. I really could of done without Mindy ripping that guy's chin from his face but, hey. A woman's got to do what a woman's got to do! Plenty of scares, gore, and some nudity for those who like it. This showed what 80's movies were all about. Oh wait, this was in the 90's? That brings my score up from a 7 to an 8 since it managed to pull that off in this day and age.
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Demon Wind (1990)
What the hell's going on here?
18 February 1999
I swear I didn't mean to! I picked this out only since it looked good on the back! This movie wasn't scary at all and actually was very confusing. The demon wind was only actually used a couple of times and people were killed off pretty cheesily. The one major bright spot was seeing Sherri Bendorf from Slaughterhouse play in it. Seeing what happened to her, however, made up my mind for this little turkey of a film. A 3 out of 10. NEXT!
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They just seem to get worse....
18 February 1999
If any of these actors are reading, I'm sorry.... sorry you had to be in this movie. Again, the killings were imaginative but the movie couldn't carry it much further. It was weird seeing a Dawson's Creek cast member before Dawson's Creek but.... well, let's just say I'm not eating ice cream anytime soon. This is a 5 out of 10.
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18 February 1999
I watched this movie as a school project and was riveted to the screen with the great performances and the creepy suicide scene. The plot and storyline were good. The great movie was also a rarity since it is one of the few times Robin Williams has played a great role and a serious one at the same time. The ending was expected but I liked it since it was inspiring and greatly anticipated. A definite ten for this movie since it was thought provoking and very well made at the same time.
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Waxwork (1988)
A disappointment but not too much of one...
18 February 1999
I expected more from the cast and the great plot. While watching this, though, that feeling of uneasiness didn't settle over me like it does for many movies. It was great but the main character really should've been thought out more since it was who it was. Character development was overlooked, yet again, and that brought down the level.

On the upside, though, the movie was good since it had a good supporting cast and the scenes were creepy in their own way. Not TOO creepy, though... I liked the idea towards the end, though it seemed a bit odd. It was probably more aimed towards a higher body count. The methods were cool, however, so I had to give this film a 6.
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A hell of a time!
18 February 1999
This movie wasn't very promising but it was what I was into so I rented it. It was the best party I've been to in a LONG time! The jokes were funny (especially the one by horror legend Linnea Quigley in the store) and the movie was actually chilling! Some scenes (another Quigley scene with lipstick) still give me nightmares today! It had great effects and left with a great ending (the old coot deserved it!) 9 out of 10!
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Why, oh why?
18 February 1999
I have an affinity for many characters in this movie. They are imaginative and surprising but this movie wasn't anything compared to the original. In fact, this turned right away from the original. The best performances were turned in by the people who played Mary Lou and Monica. Other than that, I don't want to say anything except for this is a rent at your own risk! 6 out of 10.
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