
14 Reviews
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Love this movie
1 November 2002
There's really not that much to say that haven't been said. As a musician i must admit one of my favorite scenes are Lois de Funes doing an 180 deg turn in opinion in the beginning of the movie, starting with "excellent, excellent" and ending with practically firing two musicians in one sentence. Beautiful.
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Brassed Off (1996)
Wonderful movie
19 March 2002
This is really one of the best British movies for decades. I guess a lot of the people, who don't like the political message or find it unrealistic, just haven't tried to live in a town depending on one huge employer.

I live in such a town. Fortunately the factory is doing well now but when it was in trouble a couple of years ago i can assure you the whole town held their breath.

I think it hits spot on the consequences of Thatcherism which led to closing down a whole industry just because it was "old fashioned".

I think the most fitting comment is made by the conductor in the closing scene at top of a sight-seeing bus through London.: "Come on lads, Land of b***** Hope and Glory"!!
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4 March 2002
This movie really takes me back. I am 10 years old and has just been given 5 kr from my parents to go to the sunday afternoon movie (4,35 for the ticket candy for the change). I never did realize why i was sent for the movies that often but parents need a little privacy once in a while.

This is really an "old fashioned movie". The crooks are mean and the heroes are heroic. I can't recall any other newer movie that captures the spirit of the swashbuckling movies as well as this one (well perhaps Silverado). I is highly recommendable if you want a couple of hours in fantasyland.

I watched them all back then, Hopalong Cassidy - Tarzan - Tom Mix - and off course Zorro and this one completes the circle in the nicest way. Very "tongue in cheek" and yet it takes it's subject serious. You really want the story to be true.
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Job well done!!
25 November 2001
I must compliment Chris Columbus. He has done a "bloody marvelous" job. The movie fulfills all expectations. There really isn't much more to say. If you have read the book, SEE THE MOVIE. If not, do it anyway. If you don't like this movie then your sense of imagination myst be terribly disturbed. You are probably a little grey man who goes to work in grey suit and spend all day complaining about almost everything. Wait there is a word for such a person. MUGGLER!!!!!
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M*A*S*H (1970)
Love the movie, hate the series
12 February 2001
I just love this movie and boy do i hate the TV-Series. I do admit that Alan Alda & Co in the first series captured at least some of the humor from the movie but it was quickly restored to the kind of quick jokes/smart remarks which really makes me sick of American comedy series ("Friends"!! arrrgggghhh). The series just doesn't get it. I mean, Hawkeye hates war! He hates the army! And most of all he hates the fate that put him in a weird country with weird people where he is supposed to do wonders with (often) bare hands. He compensates for this by adopting a twisted humor and playing practical jokes galore, but really he wants to be anywhere else. This movie has, together with "Kelly's Heroes" and "Catch 22", a refreshing look at war which is a pleasant antidote to the heroic type of war movies (The Green Berets for instance). Regarding earlier remarks regarding Frank Burns. Well what is there to say, i personally, not being a pacifist by hart, would have beaten the crap out of him, and if anybody REALLY think, that he is one of the nicest people in the movie, then i can understand the trouble that is plaguing USA, i mean, a more full blown hypocrite has never been portrayed on movie!!
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My favorite
12 October 2000
Clearly this is my favorite of the trio. The opening "Thunderbirds" inspired scene alone shows an Englishman remembering his roots, thank you for that. The chase scene is one of the funniest made in animation, I can only think of the Norwegian "PINCHCLIFFE GRAND PRIX" to match it (If you haven't seen that movie, do it!!)
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Who spotted?
12 October 2000
OK I agree. This is the weakest of the trio, but still worth some good laughs. How many off you spotted the "rosebud" sleigh in the sequence where Wallace first enters the cellar? By the way, it isn't a refrigerator but a gas stove.
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Not again!!!!
20 June 2000
Why, why, why!!! Can anyone please explain to me why in gods name screen writers always think that they can write a better story than the original author??? I mean, i might accept that you throw in a love story, although the original story were completely minus women, but why rewrite the whole story? About all that was left was the title and the names of the characters, and a very thin plot outline. Why involve the story of Oedipus(ancient Greek story about a young man who kills his father and makes love to his mother)? Why involve Moby Dick? (the admiral was clearly based on Captain Ahab). Why indeed? The most annoying thing about the whole mess is that it is a great opportunity wasted. The film has the right actors, (Michael Caine is great as Nemo) the right special effects, e.t.c.- everything you needed to make a good adaptation of Jules Verne's novel. But the screen writer decided that he could write a much better story than Jules Verne, although he wanted to borrow the title. Sorry. Not good enough. You must rename this movie to something like "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, very loosely based on the original story"
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The Producers (1967)
Very very very funny movie
5 January 2000
I don't know what to say that haven't been said. It is one of the 10 funniest movies ever made. Zero Mostel is priceless in "little old ladies land" and so are the rest of the cast. One point of critic perhaps, i feel that Gene Wilder's "hysteria act" is a little bit overblown, but that is a minor. The wonderful thing about this film is to see it again and again and noticing the small details, like the blues "Hitler" is playing in the show, or DeBries remark "I didn't know The Third Reich meant Germany"!!!. And then again noticing just how close to "The Doors" L.S.D. is in his first number. A classic, if there ever was one.
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Great movie
23 November 1999
Of course the first was the best, but frankly i hated Nr. 2 and all in all the one movie off the trilogy that i can watch over and over is this one. There are so many zany moments in it. ("Where have you learned shooting like that? - 7-11!!!)and Michael J. Fox's tribute to Clint Eastwood and Sergio Leone is absolutely funny, not to mention the cameo appearance of ZZ-Top Grrrreat movie.
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Men in Black (1997)
Hey you guys, cool down.
22 November 1999
I honestly think that those people who give this movie 1 out of 10 stars and hates it, just take things to seriusly. Hey snap out of it! It is a comedy!!! No-nonsense-no-message, just entertainment. OK the plot is a bit thin but there are a lot of fun moments and all those people seriously believing in "men in black" and the "black helicopters" can confirm their paranoia by watching this movie. All the rest of us can get a good laugh.
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F u n n y
10 March 1999
I must admit, when reading some of the comments that it bestows me in the thought that Americans simply can't stand being made fun of. In my opinion this movie is funny, ironic and wonderfully precise in its portrayal off radio entertainment in the thirties. One of the things that made the movie additionally fun to me was the portrait of several well known stage acts from back then. You could call this movie: "Radio days" on speed. To add to my observations about American humor I might add that the funniest movie Spielberg has ever made (1942 where's) was criticized, almost machine gunned out off box office because it dared to question the American morale during the war.
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Oscar (1991)
10 March 1999
I just love to see Sylvester playing anything else but macho studs, and in this movie he does and doesn't if you catch my drift. I think his portrayal of a godfather going straight is fantastic and the whole movie had me in hysterics more than once, fun stuff.!!
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1941 (1979)
Nearly died laughing
10 March 1999
I can honestly say that this is one of the funniest movies I have ever seen. The plot is wonderful (authentic I'm afraid) and the actors make the most of it. Of course it is satire and therefore out of proportion but nevertheless...! MY favorite scene is the tank going through FIRST a paint factory and THEN a turpentine stock, wonderful idea. By the way, mouse?????
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