
6 Reviews
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All In All A Nice Movie
13 August 1999
A Girl In Every Port is a nice comedy equiped with laughs, betrayal, lust and fighting. It is about two sailors and their adventures with women. As one character finds his girls being stolen leaving the infamous heart and anchor on all of his women. Love interest in this movie is Mam'selle Godiva/ Tessie, played by Louise Brooks. A circus diver she enters the film late in the movie. She fiens interest in one of the friends, trying to seduce the other. A predatory character, Tessie is a nice addition to this film. Which without could have become just another non-convincing comedy. I enjoyed this film mainly because of Brooks. All in all a nice movie.
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One of the worst movies I've seen
13 May 1999
A slow moving film with a VERY predictable plot. Not a worthy role for John Wayne OR Louise Brooks. A disappointment in every way. Only a western/ John Wayne/Louise Brooks completist should own this film.
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Overall an okay film
13 May 1999
I initially began watching this film with the preconceived notion that Louise Brooks had more of a major role. In which she had just a minor one. And so I was disappointed because of it. After having owned this video I can say that I have only seen it once, and that I remain neutral on the movie itself aside from the Louise Brooks issue. I have seen better old films though it did have it's more comical points that I did enjoy.
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One of the BEST silent foreign films
13 May 1999
Artisticly shot, actors portray exactly their role. You get a real feeling watching Lucienne ascend from poverty to the most beautiful girl around. A sense of tragedy to triumph to tragedy again. All in all I have seen this film at least 10 times. And can VERY well say that Prix De Beute' (the Beauty Prize, Miss Europe) is a MAJOR favorite in my silent film collection. The expressiveness of Louise Brooks is perfect and I recommend this film to ANYONE who appreciates artistic beauty coupled with a tragic story line.
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Tragic and harsh, a well made movie.
13 May 1999
A hard time is had in the life of a young woman whose innocence is ripped away and replaced with the harshness of a demanding world. From a sweet young girl to a prostitute to nobility, this movie is envolving and reminds one that spirit triumphs no matter how one tries to beat it down. Full of sensuality (mostly provided by Louise Brooks) this is a silent film that warrants a viewing!

One scene was intentionally filmed with everyone under the influence of alcohol. Because the director wanted more realism. (I will only say the scene was the Raffle, as not to give away anymore than was said)
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Pandora's Box (1929)
Scandalous for its time, a must see.
13 May 1999
Marlene Dietrich was rejected as the star role in favor of Louise Brooks. Who is remembered most for her role in this film. This film is about a girl who destroys men with her beauty, and wants nothing more than to die at the hands of a sexual deviant. (Jack the Ripper) Two versions of this film were made, one for Americans and one for Europeans. Americans at that time thought that Pandoras' Box was too explicit for its audiences. A sensual film, well done and a Different story line, I find this film rare in many ways and recommend it to anyone with an open mind. Or to anyone that wants to see a silent film that is NOT run of the mill!
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