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21 September 2000
This would have to be the modern answer to "One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest". Though it is not really like this movie, it does ring a few bells.

I really did feel for Winona Ryder, who seemed to be a lot like me and seemed to be troubled by exactly the same problems that brought myself to the point of self destruction... and imminent inclusion within the mental health system.

Each and every individual within the ward was portrayed with such realism and beauty... some are mad, some are not, and some are just lost within themselves.

This gets a much deserved 10 from me, and I'm not one to slap a 10 on any old movie I fancy. It has to work damn hard for it!!!
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Scary stuff
21 September 2000
The Killing of America is one of those must see documentaries. Unlike other films of this sort(Executions), this is portrayed in a NON exploitational way.

Very violent, very grim and when you think about the statistics that they show... VERY SCARY!
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23 (1998)
What is so scary about the number 23?
18 September 2000
Conspiracy theorist alert! All conspiracy theorists need to see this movie. I wont mislead you all, it's not a conspiracy movie. It's a German cinematic variation of "The Falcon and the Snowman", based on actual events that took place in West Germany during the mid 80's.

It involves a young and rebellious radical, who happens to have a healthy appetite for conspiracy theories. Him and his good mate then turn to computer hacking as a means of fighting the war against nuclear power through out Europe.

As they get more involved people start offering them money to hack organisations for information (Including the KGB).... This is when things start becoming a bit awry!

Very thought provoking stuff, highly recommended!!!
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Go Samo go!
18 September 2000
Oh yeah, what a way cool movie! Samo Hung directed this very early effort in the HK horror/comedy genre, and what a doozie it is too.

Crazy martial arts, total disregard for bodily damage, lavish sets, marvelous photography, stock music from countless horror films and some great zombies too!!!

The zombies are what make this movie so fun. Just watch it and you'll see what I mean! The final showdown is also notable for being very funny. You need to see this in the original Cantonese language, just to take in the hilarious "conjured spirit" dialogue of the two fighting actors.
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Joy (1983)
Total form over substance
7 September 2000
Sergio Bergonzelli is best known for his extremely odd Giallo effort "In The Folds of The Flesh" and it's mind numbing 'form over substance' style. Joy is no exception when it comes to the latter!

The film itself revolves around supermodel, Joy (Claudia Udy) and her search for sexual fulfilment. This of course entails roaming the earth in search of that elusively perfect man.

This movie is a very easy viewer indeed, what with Claudia Udy naked for most of the film. Plus Bergonzelli really knows how to execute all the pre-requisites of a good film. The acting was a bit bland at times and well there's not much in the way of plot or story. It does on the other hand have some of the most amazing sets and camera work... which is where Bergonzelli really shines!
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classic porn/parody
7 September 2000
Long before "Friday The 13TH", Sean Cunningham made this little beauty. It's actually the best movie he's ever made!

The story goes like this. A young girl realises she needs nourishment in the form of blood, and what better way to get it than through felatio!!!

So she breaks into people's houses during the night and does the dirty with the sleeping male occupants. The police (very akin to the Keystone Cops/Dragnet) are baffled by these dead males with massive erections and grins on their faces....

I dont really want to give to much more away, but I will say this... SEE IT! It is genuinely a hilarious movie, especially Harry Reems running around with his penis spray painted silver!

On a final note, take no notice of the supposed X rated version.

It does not exist!!!
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Astounding crime film!
6 September 2000
What more can be said? This is one of the finest examples of Italian cinema I have seen. Gripping, intense and thought provoking. Not to mention fantastically acted, directed, edited, shot and produced.

The story revolves around Lino Ventura, Italy's No.1 homicide detective. He is called in onto the case of an assassinated judge and has to piece it together. As the movie proceeds more judges are killed by an unknown party....

What makes this movie shine more than anything is the plot, it's thicker than cement. When you think you have your finger pointed in the right direction, something else pops up and leads you in yet another direction... FANTASTIC!!!
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Very enjoyable... In a ghoulish way
5 September 2000
This was a great little flick. Paul Naschy (Spanish answer to Lon Chaney) puts in a very convincing role as a hunchbacked morgue attendant. The story was nice and strong with relatively believable acting, to a small degree.

The violence also was'nt that bad either. All you gore mongers should take note of this small fact.

The only real downer was that damn stock music! It just churned out, over, and over... I was just about ready to scream after hearing the same piece for the 50th time
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There is a message
4 September 2000
Cannibal Holocaust. This name alone strikes many disgusting thoughts into most peoples heads, and it should! The movie itself is repulsive, vile and totally uncalled for.

Though there is a message within the movie. A VERY important one too. It is the message of media involvement in current events. How much does the camera affect what we see?

It is only a lens that captures what it see's, though it is the evil hand of humanity that controls the device.
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Cut (I) (2000)
Don't take it so seriously! :)
31 August 2000
What can I say, I liked this movie. Maybe because it was yet another slasher flick (face it... I like em), or maybe because it was homegrown? Who knows?

I feel it was a competent effort for a small budget film. It did'nt try to add that veneer of "I'm poor, but I am going to act rich" which a lot of slashers are trying to relay now. Yes most people are correct in the belief that this movie had a bad script, bad acting, and bad plot. Though it's also not trying to say "hey this movie is serious, and we expect people to view it that way!"

In plain words, it's a B-Grade slasher pic. That's how the director wanted it portrayed and that's how it came out!

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Human Animals (1983)
What a weird ride
4 February 2000
You like weird movies? If you do, you must search this complete oddity out!

It involves 2 men, a woman and Larry the dog. The men have their turns and begin to fight over who is going to be the dominant male of the group. Only problem is "Woman" has picked someone else!?!? :)

This is not your conventional sci-fi. It plays with a very odd soundtrack and has no speech what so ever! What you do get is a lot of grunting, groaning and barking!!!
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Water Power (1977)
Mr Sheen clean!
3 February 2000
Man there's a lot of mighty unclean women floating around nowadays, well there seemed to be as far as Jamie Gillis was concerned! The director of "Deep Throat" tried his hands at yet another porn, this being by far the nastiest of them all. What can be so nasty you ask?

How about a loopy Gillis barging into your house with a gun in one hand, an enema kit in the other and hell bent on cleaning you up!!!

Honestly what can I say, it's a porn movie. Though it is a good porn movie, with some marvelous music swiped from "Cape Fear" and god knows what else. Jamie Gillis is, as per usual totally convincing as the "Enema Bandit". Plus this was also based on true events! Unbelievable!!!
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Torso (1973)
Excellent and very moody
3 February 2000
What more can I say? This is by far one of the best Slasher/Giallo's I've happened upon in years! Violent, atmospheric, stylish, moody and did I mention violent?

Yes violent is definitely the word, because this packs it on like hamburger joints pack in salad.... Tons! Slashings, stabbings, eye poking, strangulation, drowning, etc, etc, etc...

Don't listen to people whine about the only uncut version being Italian. I can assure you that once this bad boy starts playing, you won't care one bit!!!

"Bodies Bare Traces of Carnal Knowledge" gets a very BIG 10/10
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Brutal, violent and highly compelling
2 February 2000
This would have to be one of the most realistic portrayals of prison life ever put to film. It was filmed in a prison (a maximum security prison in outback Northern Territory) and is based on events that happened many years ago, in an outback prison.

The actors all look like long term "Patrons" of prison life and boasts some of the craziest characters ever to be placed in one movie. Nick Cave, "The Night Rider" from Mad Max and David Field (better known as "Acko" in the equally brilliant "Two Hands") all play a part in the destruction of each other and everything else around them.

If you can find this gritty, nasty and thought provoking "MIP" (Men In Prison) flick good on ya! Just don't waste the opportunity!!!
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Got your "Terror Masks" ready?
2 February 2000
Yep, terror masks. That's what they handed out to US audiences as a gimmick, when this ULTRA violent Espano Western hit their shores in 1970 or there abouts.

This very good movie is about a bunch of sadistic convicts being transported to a penitentiary. They get ambushed and their carriage is destroyed in the event. They then take off on foot, with a rather angry Sargeant and his daughter having to guard this evil chain-gang on the journey.

I won't say much more than this:

Gore hounds and western fans, find this movie! It is supremely violent and makes Peckinpahs "Wild Bunch" seem quite tame in comparison. All others get your Terror Masks ready!!!
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Ghastly indeed!
2 February 2000
Ghastly is not the word, they should've called it Gag! This movie is terrible, but in a "so bad, it's good" kind of way. Everything from the tomato sauce laced butcherings with a meat cleaver. To the half-wit Hunchback with cardboard teeth, guarantee to have you laughing so hard, you'll be falling out of your chair! If you can find this fantastic little drive-in wonder, I recommend you watch it. While you have the chance!!!
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Emanuelle goes Raj-Neesh
29 January 2000
Yes she does! Well Laura Gemser does, in this rather enjoyable little slice of soft-core sleaze.

This plays along the lines of a "Jim Jones"/"Raj-Neesh" sex cult, with Gemser as the conspicuous Sex Goddess of the group. Giving orders from from her luxurious setting (Complete with man servant in gladiator gear?!?!). She gives orders to enlist people of magnitude and wealth, so as to extend her own wealth and not much more.

If you get into this sort of exploitation, I recommend you give it a whack. The settings and photography are well done and the "Love" song continuously played throughout is REALLY annoying. Though it gets used by the actors at times, which is quite funny.
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Racist trash
26 January 2000
Uncle Tom would have to be one of the vilest and racist movies I've ever seen! Mondo team, Jacopetti and Prosperi pull out all the stops in this extremely sordid "pseudomentary" on slavery in the Deep South.

This could not possibly have happened! Of course there has to be some fact behind what they are showing, but NOT the sheer lewdness and depravity that they happily display throughout, like candy for a child.

I recommend people DO watch this movie, only for the slavery aspect. Otherwise if you are easily offended (and I'm not, though I was by this!), steer clear!!!
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Very good crime flick
7 December 1999
I was very impressed with this well made Lupo vehicle from 1974. Lee Van Cleef is Frank, a mean, cold, feared and respected crime lord. While Tony Lo Bianco is Tony, a street hustler who has some respect in his neighborhood, other than that not a nada. These two meet under odd circumstances, seeing that Tony's fascination with the Boss is borderline infatuation. Well let's say that Frank does not like Tony and tony adores Frank, until Tony saves Franks life in a mafia hit. I'm not going to keep on rambling, but if you like Italo Crime, Lee Van Cleef or Joe D'Amato (photography). Then you owe it to yourself to see this movie! I give it a very sturdy 8 out of 10
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ho-hum adventure
29 October 1999
Yes this started out with a promise of being a rather good adventure outing. With in the first 5 minutes a head hunting tribe against Japanese Army showdown begins resulting in a lot of gore and bloodshed.

Then it just degenerates further and further into large plot holes, bad acting and terrible editing for effects shots.

This movie was enjoyable as a novelty for the first 2/3, then became a chore there after till the convoluted and "you guessed right" ending.
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Not as it may seem!
25 October 1999
If you have ever seen the title "Cauldron of Death" in your horror section, and it has the same cover or close to it as what's seen on this page, you are in for a definite surprise!

This is actually a very well made crime/revenge flick starring Chris Mitchum as Ricco. Who upon release from prison delves back into the underworld to seek revenge for his Mafia Chief fathers murder.

A great soundtrack and a hell wad of violence makes this a real winner for Italo/Crime buffs
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Benny's Video (1992)
Very disturbing, in a non graphic way.
10 September 1999
I found this movie to be very disturbing, though it is not a violent movie. Benny is a normal teenager, except for his rather horrid taste for gore and death. This is a very thought provoking movie stumbling through a couple of different immoral issues, the end of this movie was a bit different to what I was expecting and did sort of knock me off place. I give it an 8 out of 10.
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10 September 1999
That is the only word to describe this totally off the wall comedy/art/porno. The story runs like this, a young and very cute girl (Sarah Kennedy) is sitting at home one day (probably looking at her pornographic wallpaper!). The phone rings, she picks up. Lo and behold it is, John Smith, the worlds greatest obscene phone caller! She instantly falls in love with his "amazing obscenities" and goes on a sexual adventure searching for him. This movie is NOT like your average porno, to be honest I did not even see anything close to hard sex. What I did see was a visual, auditory and sexual explosion of sheer oddity. If there was an 11 out of 10 this is the only movie I know that would get it!!!
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Long Weekend (1978)
lost Aussie masterpiece!!!
23 July 1999
Everyone carries on about Mad Max and Picnic at Hanging Rock when they get into Aussie movies. Though this is a forgotten treasure. Very creepy in parts, downright scary as hell in others (without using common shock tactics found throughout cinema today). Magnificent acting, magnificent score, magnificent direction and photography make this a winner of a movie that unluckily will never be seen by most people.
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Shock Waves (1977)
Much underated B classic
23 July 1999
This is a cheap movie that was executed extremely well under the circumstances. The acting is half decent the music is terrible. Though there is true horror and real suspence to be found. The scenes of the SS zombie troops slowly coming out of the water and the Troops in general give it a really creepy feel. Not to mention very well polished camera work and strong direction at times. a B grade made of gold.
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