
7 Reviews
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Futuresport (1998 TV Movie)
Great Ideas - Reasonable Movie
21 October 2000
This is a movie that starts off terrible and brings itself up to being an enjoyable movie at a steady pace. Built around some very good ideas the concepts surrounding the actual sport are well thought out and contain a degree of credibility. Anyone who knows of the game 'Hyperblade' will probably see the similarities

Don't watch this movie hoping for large numbers of sport sequences because the truth is there are only a few but they are really good. The plot is average and cliches are thrown in but it all comes together without too many loose ends and there is a degree of satisfaction to the ending.

Dean Cain ends up doing a good job in the lead role but it is the character played by Wesly Snipes that you really end up loving.

If you like the scifi/sport genre give it a go, otherwise wait for it to appear on TV - don't hire a video you probably won't enjoy.
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The Dish (2000)
Heartwarming and Funny
20 October 2000
The dish is an absolutely hilarious film. You can tell right off that the same people who wrote 'The Castle' also created 'The Dish' and the choice of actors is superb. Here is one of those rare movies where you really do love the characters and although they make you laugh - they don't need to tell jokes or do slapstick comedy - you laugh because you feel for them and can see the humour and what they say and how they act.

The dialogue is well written and there is never a dull moment if there is less humour there is more action, if there is less action then there is more humour.

If it's showing at the cinema go and see it. If it's out on video - buy it and watch it when you need to be cheered up or when you have friends around.
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A Huge Dissapointment
11 January 2000
I would like to make clear that it is very hard for a science fiction movie to dissapoint me but this one most certainly does. Although the box doesnt make it clear, this movie was designed to set the scene for a television series. The acting is below average and the plot is completely unorriginal. The opening scenes see a simple man loose his younger sister who happens to be a genius and then vowes to find her. There's nothing here you havent seen before and the ending might as well say "To Be Continued....". I dont recommend this movie to anyone who likes the science fiction genre.
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The Club (1980)
Not as good as the book - but worth the ending
9 September 1999
"The Club" by David Williamson was an excellent play which addressed many issues about the changing face of sport. This particular film does justice to the play by having actors that give solid and believable performances. If you have seen the play, you may not enjoy certain aspects of this film, but the use of more then a single room or set adds a new dimension to the story. Footage of actual games as well as real club locations is added. Perhaps the best part of this film is the ending as it is very true and satisfying. Worth watching - even if you have no interest in the sport of Aussie Rules.
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Storm (1999 Video)
A Waste of Time...
24 August 1999
I cant believe I sat through this movie until the end. Luke Perry delivers a very unconvincing acting job in a movie that has great potential but delivers nothing.

This movie isn't terrible and if it was on TV then it might be worth watching but don't spend any money on purchasing or hiring it.

The biggest problem with this movie is virtually nothing is resolved, there are a number of plot twists or important events that are simply discarded and not mentioned again. Because of this the movie ends with many, many unresolved issues.

Lets just hope they don't try for a sequel...
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The Wonderful World of Disney: Safety Patrol (1998)
Season 1, Episode 24
Its not that bad
24 August 1999
Safety Patrol is the sort of movie you're either going to love or hate. Its definately aimed at younger audiences and there are plenty or cheesy or corny laughs but its not that bad. Leslie Neilson and Weird Al perform only SHORT cameos in the film but their scenes are worth watching.

I saw the film twice and on the second viewing I realised that for a B grade movie the humour does grow on you.

The movie is worth watching even if it's just for a few laughs. Good for the entire family.
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Rowan Atkinson Live (1992 TV Special)
A collection of brilliant stand-up sketches
30 July 1999
These sketches show that there is much more to Rowan Atkinson than Mr. Bean! From an excellent portrayal of Lucifer, the devil to an actor who can't win an award, to an Indian waiter; he keeps the audience laughing.

The video lets you be amongst the audience and watch humour, some intelligent, some plain dirty. It doesn't matter because by the end of the last sketch you're sorry there isn't any more. Angus Deayton not only supports Rowan, but also delivers an excellent performance in his own right.
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