
2 Reviews
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If you'll excuse me, I think I need to have a lie down
10 April 2000
Granted, the first episode was a bit of a mess, but from then on out it has only got better. It's a mad, mad world that R and H is set in, an eccentric mix of luxury, leather jackets and very fine-looking cars with more than a dash of 60s style. What other show can boast this? Vic and Bob have both settled into their roles well, Bob especially doing well in the scene where he was posessed by Marty. I admit the will-they-won't-they 'tension' between Jeff and Jeannie is way overplayed, but it's a laugh. The scripts are good enough by the standards of a sketch writer who I have no doubt will improve his plotting skills as the series goes on. Regarding the second series, it has already been commissioned on the strength of initial ratings, so let's sit back, relax and enjoy the madness while it lasts, and take it for what it is - a quirky, funny, often touching melodrama featuring a pair of very funny men acting their socks off, all topped off by the best effects since sliced bread.
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Gordon Bennett
27 March 2000
Well well, there I was. I was excited, being a King fan of large proportions, and I was kinda.. well to be honest, I was seeing my first 18 film at the cinema, so I was happy to have got in, the sneaky thing that I am. And I wasn't disappointed. As different from The Shawshank Redemption as it needed to be, this film moved me to tears more than once and actually made me jump about a foot at one point. The characters were colourful and varied, and I could clearly see two completely different but equally hateful types of evil in the two 'baddies'. All performances shone, casting was spot on. Everything added up to make this film one of my favourites ever... and the length? Might as well have been one hour, the further I was drawn into the gently mixing stories, the shorter it seemed.
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