
11 Reviews
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Resident Evil (2002)
I could have found a better way to spend $5
18 March 2002
I have one word to describe this film: laughable. For the first 20 minutes, the movie follows no definable plot. It leaves the audience utterly confused. There were about 60 other people in the theatre at the same time as me, and a goodly majority of them were laughing right along with me at this horrible game to movie translation. The only faintly interesting monster is the Licker towards the end. The zombies look nothing more than extras with poorly applied make-up and that's exactly what they are. I have one question to the makers of this film: Is it so hard to use the already well established and well written plot and story from the Resident Evil games? If it were up to me, I would go the easy route and straight up translate the game to movie form. Apparently CapCom didn't want to let Paul Anderson have the rights to the story as he would so obviously have screwed it up. If you absolutely must see this film, go ahead and waste your $5 to $8. If you want a good zombie story, play the Resident Evil games.Or, if you're dying to see a zombie move, go to your local video store and rent George Romero's classic Night of the Living Dead. I now see why Luc Besson divorced Mila Jovovich.
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Can you say: Doris Day?
18 May 2001
Don't waste your money on this piece of flotsam. If you really need to see something like this, rent any of Doris Day's movies from the late 50s and early 60s as they all have the same plot as this one. When will filmmakers learn? People require original film content, not trash that has been remade a couple hundred times since the 1940s.
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Road Trip (2000)
Another Hollywood Eyesore
10 April 2001
OK, so my friend rents this with the intent of us both being drunk and watching an apparently funny film that he has seen and has assured me I will like. On beginning the film, I start to make fun but then I see Ivan Reitman directed the film, the director of Ghostbusters surely can't make a bad film. Now I admit, I laughed a couple scenes. Mainly only at Tom Green and the mouse interacting. The mouse was definetly the best actor in the film.

My question now is WHY? Why do Americans keep spending their hard-earned bacon to watch such trash? Are they so incapable of entertaining themselves that feel the need to watch this flotsam? I am sick and tired of pop-culture teeny-bopper films. We have seen a glut of these in the past couple years.

Now back to my comments on the film. Ivan, if you happen to read this one day, what happened to you man? You go from directing what is possibly the best comedy film ever conceived (Ghostbusters) to a product of the Hollywood factory, just the same and as unmemorable as everything else out there.

I feel that I lost 1.5 hours of my life and I want them back. Sadly, that will probably not happen. I got more laughs out of Battlefield Earth which was meant to be serious than this piece of celluloid that will hopefully fade into oblivion as so many other films of this type already have. One last parting thought: Whatever happened to teen films like The Breakfast Club and Animal House? Have people forgotten how to make films like those?
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why? Why? WHY?
7 July 2000
Hollywood has done it again. As per usual big budget Hollywood sci-fi, we again have beautiful visuals, effects, and cinematography...but where's the story? It seems that this one key fact has been overlooked again and again. This film makes Mission to Mars actually look like a decent movie and it was pretty bad too. My other qualm, the dialog is unnatural and childish. At one point, a character refers to the earth as a "ball of crap" and later, another character says "What the crap?" Fire the writers, I hope they were blacklisted. See this for only one reason, to make fun of it...also make sure it's not your money spent on renting it either. I wasted 2 hours and 20 minutes of my life.
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Pitiful attempt at intelligent sci-fi
14 March 2000
Where to start in my rant about this movie?... I go to this movie expecting some great sci-fi adventure from one of America's great action directors, that being Brian De Palma, and what do I get? A waste of celluloid that contains bad acting throughout and outdated CGI effects.

To start off with, I was treated to uncharacteristically

bad performances by Tim Robbins, Gary Sinise, and Don Cheadle...guess they're only as good as the material they're given. All three of these actors gave thoroughly unconvincing performances in their roles. Ahh...when will this movie end I thought to myself?!?

Now on to my rant about the outdated CGI effects. The effects had that glossed over look I would have expected from the early 90s, this is the year 2000 for God's sake! Also, many of the effects that had to interact with the actors appeared jittery and shaky, as if they were matted on top without the use of computers.

To sum up, if you are really in dire need of a sci-fi fix then go see it, but otherwise, leave it to a $2 rental 2 yrs from now when you're ready to watch a movie merely to make fun of it.
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The Keep (1983)
One of the coolest, eeriest movies I've seen!
11 February 2000
All I have to say is that Michael Mann did an excellent job on this film. To date, it is still one of the eeriest films I have ever seen. Through the camera work to the elaborately designed sets to the surreal music composed by Tangerine Dream, Mann really sets the mood for men and the supernatural to do evil things. Jurgen Prochnow does a very good job of playing a disillusioned German officer (per usual in reference to Das Boot), as does Ian McKellen as he portrays a bitter old archeologist forced into translating for the Nazis. If you like to be unsettled and trapped in an intriguing story, give it a rent, you won't be disappointed.
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One of the greats!
13 January 2000
All I have to say is that I waited nearly 3 years from its Japanese release until I finally got to see it. It was well worth the wait.

This movie is one of the best I have ever seen, animated OR live action.

Everything comes together so well (ie. animation, story, characters, etc.), that it makes for a(for lack of a better word)beautiful movie watching experience. This is definetly Miyazaki at his finest! This puts Disney animation to shame, especially since there are no cheesy singing scenes or other pointless flotsam to get in the way of the story. Buy it, rent it, do whatever is necessary to view this movie! It's a beautiful story that I will definetly enjoy watching again and again!
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1941 (1979)
A Great Comedy Spoof
2 December 1999
I'll admit, the first time I ever saw this movie, I thought it was kind of dumb, but upon seeing it a couple more times, I had a relevation.

This movie is a wild ride of hysterics concerning a small town on the coast of California. Spielberg pokes a lot of fun at the military throughout this film. It's definitely a movie you have to watch several times and always watch it with a clear mind, don't expect it to be dumb or to be a serious commentary on war, it is neither. It's another of those really good movies that was a box office flop and was panned by the critics. Seems the best films always receive this treatment.
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Baxter (1989)
Disturbing, yet strangely amusing
26 October 1999
First of all, let me say this is one of the most original films I have ever seen. The camera work and techniques are very nice. Also, the story of a dog's life and the thoughts that run through his mind about his masters is amazing.

It moves slowly at times but once Baxter (the dog) meets up with his dream master, the pace really picks up.

This movie is a must see for some of the amusing things Baxter thinks about and for the ending that leaves you somewhat sad, but very satisfied and/or disturbed.
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Barbarella (1968)
Bad, bad, and...uh...bad
26 October 1999
Ok, if you really must see this movie then see it. I rented it just to see how stupid it really was. Some of the sets look kind of cool, but the story, acting, and special effects are extremely cheesy, especially for 1968. Compared with effects in films like the Forbidden Planet and 2001, these are sub-par at best. Again, watch it if you must, but be warned!
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Das Boot (1981)
Excellent and well acted
17 October 1999
All I have to say about this film is that other than Saving Private Ryan and The Thin Red Line, this is probably THE best World War 2 film ever made. Although it won none of the 6 Academy Awards it was nominated for, the acting, effects, sets, and the overall atmosphere of the film make it one to be a treasured addition to any film buffs collection.

I highly suggest you watch it if you have never seen it before, especially for the ending that rips your heart out and makes you actually feel pity for our enemies during WW2.
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