
23 Reviews
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The madness of King George...and Karl Rove....
18 October 2004
Finally watched it last night, but it didn't show me anything more that I knew already. Seeing it at least with the perspective of the campaign and the 4 debates has only reinforced my own opinions of the facts presented in F-911, as well as what has been released by the independent and foreign press. What strikes me even today is the unwillingness (inability) of working class Republicans (I was a Reagan Republican, btw)to see that the facts are against the best interests of the working class, and poor of America. Before I saw the movie I had already come the the conclusion that the Bush economic strategies were to create more unemployed and underemployed people to encourage enlistment into the armed forces. This is the case in Iraq (50% unemployment, hmmm... Flint was also about 50% also), with Halliburton bringing in cheap labor from Indian, Pakistan, etc... and ignoring probably the most educated and skilled workforce in the Middle East, literally forcing them to enlist in the Iraqi Army out of desperation. High unemployment/underemployment also decreases contribution to Social Security, giving more ammo to privatize SS. Heath Care Savings Accts? Give me break, can you save for even the cost for one nights stay in the hospital? Or a Surgical Procedure? The bottom line is: when you vote the Neo-Con (believe me, BushCo is no Republican) agenda, you're voting against you're best interests as a working class individual, that is, unless you're in the top 2% income bracket. Remember in the movie, Bush's "Base" is the rich and powerful, "elites" he called them. Most of us aren't his "base." Vote your best interests, vote while you still can. If you don't vote your best interests, you may as well fill out an enlistment form after you leave the polls on Nov 2. Me, I'm 44 w/no kids and I work for one of the largest HMOs in the country, either way, I'll be fine 'cept for taxes. It's the rest of the us I'm worried about.
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Watch the movie first?
15 June 2004
It's amusing to read the ravings of these dittoheads condemning a movie they haven't even seen. The language used resembles the facist ideology used by the Nazi's to take power in Germany. Read your history, while we still have books. Look up the facts, while we still have access to them. The Saudi's do own the Bush Family. All Michael Moore has done is compile information that has been around for years, it's nothing new. All these dittoheads do is listen to 10 second soundbites from Rush, O'Reilly, and Hannity, and take those as facts and not do the research, which is the right of every dittohead. I have every intention of practicing and defending my First Amendment right, and supporting Michael Moore on June 21...while we still have a constitution...And what's up about giving the movie an "R" rating????
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Brilliant Conclusion
22 December 2003
All you have to decide is what to do with the time given to you...(Gandalf)

If after 10 plus hours of watching the entire trilogy and all you can do is moan about what is missing, then go see Harry Potter instead. If you decided to take in this epic undertaking of "adapting" this literary classic to the big screen, and truly experienced it for what it is, then you know how to live life. Peter Jackson gave eight years of his life to create the SPIRIT of Tokien's LOTR Trilogy. I loved the books (have read it every few years since 1977), so I know what is missing. I got over it real fast because Peter Jackson's LOTR Trilogy is PJ's vision. It just so happened that a lot of people like his vision, and if anyone else has the talent and courage to spend eight years of your life making a version you like, then good for you.

ROTK was a brilliant conclusion to the LOTR Trilogy. The characters the third time around were like old friends that you cared about. The visual effects were even better this time around. The Shelob was incredible. Anyway, I hope that if anyone gives this movie a "1" will at least have the courtesy to watch the movie before doing so. Cheers.
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The Core (2003)
Fun movie, better than I thought it would be
31 March 2003
In my book, there are no "bad" movies per se, only bad matches with viewers choices and expectations(or just extremely insecure people who wants to play Mr or Ms "I'm better and smarter than everyone" AND still be anonymous). Prior to viewing the movie, did I expect good science? no; did I expect an Oscar-worthy screenplay? No. did I expect or want to be entertained? Of course I did. And The Core did just that. Simple plot, likable characters, decent acting, fantastic effects, good pacing. The 2-hrs went by quickly. 7/10.
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Wonderful movie
30 December 2002
While some "reviewers" revel in their power-tripping anonymity of the internet, all I have to say that TTT is a more than worthy second part to this so-far amazing trilogy. Having read the trilogy many times over the last 25 years, I appreciate both the written word of Tokien, and the screen interpretation/adaptation of Jackson. As many comments indicated, Jackson preserved the spirit of LOTR, as he necessarily adapted the story for the screen. Gollum/Smeagal is an amazing achievement in CGI, and Serkis's portrayal deserves to be recognized. The "romance" of LOTR is in the epic itself, as the characters are but pawns being pushed and pulled by the circumstances and dynamics of the greater story. LOTR is not a Harry Potter story that is so simple that it can be adapted word for word onto the screen. There needed to be some manipulation to fit the story onto the screen, and in 3 parts that made sense visually, and in its continuity of the story. All told, a wonderful job by Jackson and his team.
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"My" best picture? (Spoilers)
4 January 2002
Warning: Spoilers
I have to say that FOTR gets better with multiple viewings, which is my criteria for a favorite picture. The 3 hr length did not detract at all from my enthusiam, whereas the 80 min of Blair Witch was the most torturous 80 min of my life (not really, I used fast forward a lot;). I couldn't sit through The Godfather (heresy!!;), but had no problems with Lawrence of Arabia or GWTW. And I actually enjoyed Tomb Raider (arrgh!!).

The reality of IMDB is that this is a "fun" site for movie buffs. There is no real 10 or 1 movies (some people may actually like Plan 9 from Outer Space, or hate The Godfather), nor can you rate a movie with a simple 1-10 rating system. How about a 50-100 question rating system? That may lend more credibility to the ratings, or not, but rating a movie won't be as simple or as fun anymore.


By the way, in the book, when Galadriel is offered the ring by Frodo, her transformation in the movie was described in the book, almost to a tee, and her dialogue was taken out of the book nearly verbatim.

The time compression was an issue, but PJ only had 3 hours to shoehorn in as much of the story as he could.

Those who lament Boromir not carrying into TTT should note: he appears only for a page or so in the first chapter of TTT stuck full of arrows and dying. It made sense in the movie to conclude his role in FOTR. I did imagine him more porcupine-like with 30 arrows stuck in him in the book, but I guess the 3 or 4 tree trunks they shot into him in the movie had the same effect.

I couldn't imagine any other way the movie could have concluded. Showing Frodo and Sam walking off towards Mount Doom was I thought the best you could do, other than showing a preview of TTT immediately after the movie "...scenes from next year's episode..."

FYI, the principle filming for FOTR, TTT, and ROTK wrapped early last year at an estimated cost of $270 mil. FOTR to date has brought in over $300 mil worldwide in 2 weeks. TTT and ROTK are a done deal, believe me.

Anyway, FOTR "rocks!" Peace.
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Simply, a great movie.
27 December 2001
I read LOTR multiple times during the 70's and 80's, and have looked forward to a fully realized film version for a long time. I wasn't disapointed. Peter Jackson did as good a job as anyone in bringing LOTR to the big screen. I look forward to the next 2 films.

Regarding the IMDB ranking of FOTR as #1, how can anyone take this site as a definitive ranking of the best movies of all time? At best, it ranks the best movies at this time. Most users are of the internet generation with limited cinematic perspective. This ranking system generally reflects what is currently popular with over 30% of the top 100 movies made in 90's to present, and 45% made since 1980. With 100 million books in print,(and likely, fans)and only 17000 plus voters so far in just the last 7 days of its release, FOTR will likely finish in the top ten at worst.

No, FOTR may not be the greatest movie of all time, but in many minds it is right now(IMDB #1), so who is to tell them otherwise? As a body of work only time will tell. Not all are LOTR geeks, or have read the books, though it seems most negative criticisms are in the minority of either not having read the books, have a perspective limited to Star Wars and video games, has an attention span of a 2-year-old, or just bitter and hateful of people who simply enjoyed it. There seems to be a backlash of people trashing FOTR for the sake of trashing it, and it shows that there are some very, very unhappy people out there needing attention. If you didn't like it, just say so. It doesn't have to take 1000 words to justify why you didn't like it.

FOTR was a labor of love for Peter Jackson, and it showed throughout. As Gandalf told Frodo in the mines, " is what you do with the time given to you..." Peter Jackson has chosen to devote these many years to make this epic, and I, and many others, have chosen to enjoy the 3 hours given to us to experience it.
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363 days to go...
20 December 2001
The three hours I sat through FOTR was the shortest ever experienced. When the end credits rolled, I wanted more, because the adventure had really just begun. The most amazing thing was no one in the audience said a word once the prologue began, and I was surrounded by kids (It was the 2:45 matinee). The experience was just absolutely off the scale. I felt like the 17-year-old that I was, watching Star Wars for the first time, back in 1977. I praise and revile Peter Jackson for giving us such an amazing cinematic experience, then have us wait two years to see through the completion of this epic.
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The Secret is Out...
27 March 2001
I believe in the free speech, and everyone's right to their own opinion as far as movies go, but a certain individual has crossed the line with his blatantly racist and hateful comments towards Asians and other non-English speaking peoples. I am frankly amazed at the overwhelmingly positive response CTHD have had from Americans and other non-Asian peoples, and that we may be evolving towards a more open and accepting attitude towards other cultures and ethnicities here in the US. It is unfortunate though not surprising that some individuals will display certain recessive traits that often surface due to restricted gene pooling as a result of excessive in-breeding.

To those individuals let me say that the secret is out. We Chinese CAN fly, and have and an inner force of unspeakable power. Ang Lee has exposed our little secret, and now we'll have to up our timetable for enslaving the free world and making them watch subtitled movies with multiple storylines. Fortunately, the US will be a pushover, given their use of an incomprehensible language of which there are many rules but no standards, and American's inability to non-linear thought. You have been warned.
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A lesson in culture...
3 March 2001
I am still pleasantly suprised at the huge positive reaction to a movie initiallly intended solely for Asian audiences. Perhaps the world is a little smaller now. Great movies such as CTHD will always have its critics, but it's interesting to note that almost all the criticism have been aimed at aspects of the movie that relate to the native culture in the movie. The Shakespearean tragedy here is while for most people, the world is smaller, for other's it's an abyss of ignorance and ethnocentrism that is so prevalent here in the US. This is ironic in the sense that most middle-Americans, including, I hate to say, some multi-generational Asian-Americans, have no sense of their ethnicity, and it seems you can't describe middle-American culture without using the world "trailer," and that would be stretching the definition of "culture." Ang Lee doesn't need to justify or explain anything he did in CTHD. Any reasonably intelligent individual would not need a primer prior to watching this movie. This was his vision and his movie. He made it for native Chinese audiences as his attempt to touch on his native roots. The fact that CTHD have been embraced by people outside of Asia, and the fact that this movie has 10 Oscar nominations is justification enough for his making of CTHD. The fact that his $12 million movie subtitled its way to $120 million plus worldwide is justification enough for the existence of CTHD. CTHD is a wonderful lesson in culture. Go in with an open mind, it might be the best eight bucks you ever spent.
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Wonderful movie...
3 January 2001
CTHD was a loving and clever tribute to the martial arts movies that Ang Lee grew up with in Taiwan, and presented in a way only Lee could do. The brilliant casting of Cheng Pei Pei should have given it away to any "serious" fan of the genre. Movies such as Golden Swallow, The One-Armed Swordsman, Blood Brothers, Men from the Monastery, only to name a few, were the backdrop for this wonderfully complex story. Everything about the movie told us something about the 5000-year-old culture, philosophy, and mythology of China. The fact that Lee did not have the movie dubbed showed that he wanted us to experience something that was truly Chinese. The dismissal of the use of wire work in its fight scenes certainly dismisses the culture and mythology of China and only shows the closed-mindedness and ignorance of a few viewers. The overwhelmingly positive comments about the CTHD shows more that just a few people "get it," notwithstanding those self-proclaiming fans of the genre as an excuse for not "getting it." I am not an expert on martial arts movies, but like Ang Lee, grew up with the aforementioned movies and countless others of that period.
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Gladiator (2000)
This is why we go to the movies...
18 June 2000
I finally went and saw the movie with my girlfriend on a whim, although I have been wanting to watch it for awhile. While waiting for the film to start, I noticed the usual groups of movie hooligans coming in, and I was expecting usual hooting, laughing, and loud talking that make modern movie-going a torture. From the opening scenes to the final ending, I never have experienced such a silenced crowd as I did last Friday night.

The movie was brutal, relentless, tragic, and funny. The audience were deer caught in the glare of an oncoming freight-train. Two and a half hours later, upon noticing my girlfriend silently wiping tears from her eyes, I realized this is why we go to the movies. Not to compare and nitpick the movie the way these silly, silly people with no lives tend do, but to immerse one-self into the story and stunning visuals that very few movies in our generation have been able to do. Thank you, Ridley Scott, for giving us a reason to go to the movies again!
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Sonatine (1993)
Not for lazy movie-goers...
11 January 2000
Like most of Beat Takeshi's movies, you have to really observe it, rather than watch it, to really appreciate his movies. His style is almost Zen-like in its lingering shots of people and scenery. You have to be very attentive to everything he presents to you, or you are just not going to "get it." People here in the US are used to being spoon fed their information and it's no different in US-made movies. They need to be told if the character is angry, sad, tired, etc... and movies like Sonatine tells you "hey, you're on your own, use your brain for once." In most Asian cultures, males tend not to verbally express their emotions, but they will show in their eyes and body language, which is why Westerners have such a hard time understanding our culture. I'm Chinese, born and raised in the US, and I found this movie to be a wonderfully complex and beautifully shot.
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The Matrix (1999)
An evolution of genre film-making...
5 January 2000
I first saw the film soon after its released and was pretty awed by the experience, but didn't think much about it afterwards. It wasn't until I saw it again on DVD that I began to notice its significance. The Matrix is a true fusion of Eastern and Western genre film-making. The story, action, and effects are an effective blend of the East (Zen Buddhism, martial arts, and strong females), and the West (Sci-Fi, CGI, and gunplay), and all done in a very polished Western style. I wouldn't as yet call it a classic, but if we still talk about it with the same ferver 10 years from now, as we do today, then we probably have something. To criticize inconsistencies in the acting, parts of the story, or originality doesn't tell you about the film as a whole package. Genre classics such as Star Wars, Raiders of the Lost Ark, or Blade Runner, were far from perfect in its parts, and derivative in concept, but the films seen as a whole are incomparable. I have seen Dark City and eXistenZ, both contemporaries in reality benders to The Matrix. I rate Dark City slightly above that of The Matrix in certain aspects of story, and I love the film noir style of the movie, but The Matrix as a whole just pushes the right buttons for me in entertainment value. After all, this is what movies are about, entertainment. From all the comments I read on IMDB, we as movie goers chose two ways to watch a movie: 1) from a wide-eyed, holistic approach, enjoying the ride, or 2) sucking on a lemon, squeezing every bit of joy out of the movie experience.
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A good thriller out of Hong Kong...
3 January 2000
Lau Ching-Wan continues to amaze me with his transformations into his character. This was a great acting vehicle for both Lau Ching-Wan and Tony Leung. The story was good, and the direction was tightly wound and suspenseful. Unfortunately, all the tension unravels into an extremely unsatisfying ending.
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One of the most underrated movies of 1999...
29 December 1999
I missed the original release of this movie, but finally saw it on DVD. I was initially turned off by the rather lukewarm reviews, but what I saw was a terrific, intelligent thriller, based on current events that are almost too close to home. The director kept the tension nice and taut throughout the movie, building the suspense much like the ride up to the top of a roller coaster, and suddenly letting it go. Tim Robbins and Jeff Bridges were inspired casting choices for the two major characters, and Joan Cusack is terrific as always. The movie's disturbing story was probably a turn-off to a lot of people looking for a couple of hours of mindless entertainment, but it's definitely worth checking out.
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Violent Cop (1989)
Another classic from Takeshi Kitano...
28 December 1999
Having seen both Sonatine and Boiling, I just saw "Violent Cop on DVD. Kitano gives another stoney-faced, high-voltage performance as Azuma. The slow pacing in this case intensifies the tension and bursts of violence in the movie. Azuma's close and caring relationship with his sister adds the emotional charge to this movie. Highly recommended to fans of this genre.
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Relic Hunter (1999–2002)
Fun new series...
22 December 1999
I've seen most of the episodes and it's a fun show to watch. Tia Carrere notwithstanding, I do like the concept and the stories seem to get stronger as the series goes along. I would say it's more of a modern-day Indiana Jones type show. Tia comes off intelligent as well as sexy. I think Tia would make a great Lara Croft in the upcoming Tomb Raider movie.
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What could have been...
22 December 1999
The only reason I didn't score this movie lower than a five was the presence of Irons, Byrne, Depardieu, and Malkovich. The story was fine, the acting great, but Dicaprio dragged the whole movie into the gutter. For a period piece such as this, it helps to have real actors in the critical roles, of which the producers seem to have forgotten when they cast this girly-boy wanabee actor into this movie. I actually preferred the Three Musketeers from a few years back, at least all the main cast could act.
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All hyped up, no place to go...
21 December 1999
I finally rented the DVD of this terribly hyped up movie, put it on my 40 inch screen with surround, turned off the lights, and wasted 90 minutes of my time. Maybe it is the age difference (I'm 39), but I didn't have any sympathy for the characters. Their total lack of preparation, and misplaced confidence to near arrogance just blew it for me. In fact, with all the screaming and whining and crying, I just couldn't wait for the Blair Witch or whatever was out there to finish them off. I thought the concept was terrific, but it just didn't do it for me.
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Great film!
21 December 1999
The Sixth Sense did to me what The Haunting(1999) didn't even come close to doing, scare me. What a thrill is was sitting in the theater not knowing what was coming next. This was a great piece of film-making. It was nice not being bombarded with special effects but rather letting the inference of "something" not "normal" create the suspense in the movie.
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Star Wars Lite
21 December 1999
I was 17 when I saw Star Wars in May of 1977. With the promise of the continuation of the series in Sequel and Prequel form over the next 20 or so years, you can imagine my disapointment of the possibility of Return being the last. When the prequel was announced I was still excited despite my advancing age and different priorities. When I finally sat down last July in front of the screen, I was just awed by the level of technology that was brought into the movie. The characters and acting was terrific, the effects were just amazing. Yet at the end of the movie I felt left wanting. There was no closure to this "installment." The movie by itself didn't feel complete, that it depended on the succeeding sequels to make it work. I was gratified yet disapointed. I guess we'll what the future and George brings to the "franchise."
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The Mummy (1999)
Silly entertainment
21 December 1999
Why get serious over this movie? I finally saw this movie on DVD and I have to say that I was thoroughly entertained. The story-line was no better or worse, or less accurate than Raiders of the Lost Ark (one of my all-time favorites), and I thought the dialogue was very tongue-in-cheek. I rather compare this movie more towards "Army of Darkness," but less filling and over the top. In fact, I would have liked to have seen Bruce Campbell as Rick O'Connell rather than Brendan Fraser, although Fraser was fine in the role. Needless to say, this movie won't make the AFI's big list but it was no less entertaining.
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