
12 Reviews
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Vertigo (1958)
Hitchcock's Best
18 June 2003
Although it is not as stylish as PSYCHO, or as fun as NORTH BY NORTHWEST, this is Hitchcock's best picture. It is deeper than almost any other film ever made, and is complimented by an incredibly good Bernard Hermann score and great acting by James Stewart. However, I have one question: In the first 45 minutes or so in the movie, right when James Stewart is first hired to follow Kim Novak's character, who is it that he sees in the window of the old hotel? I have watched the film many times and have not been able to figure that part out. Anyway, this is a masterpiece on many levels.
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Pretty Bad
18 May 2002
WE WERE SOLDIERS, as an idea, holds a lot of potential: A non-political film about the Vietnam War starring Mel Gibson. Not bad. But the film turned out as bad as it could. There were cliches after cliches found in this film, and the two montages (telegram and photograph) were horrible. Not only that, but this picture made out that the Vietcong were the military powerhouse getting their butts kicked, not the other way around which is how it was. Although I liked almost ever war movie I've seen, I despise this one.
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John Q (2002)
18 May 2002
This movie was awful. The plot was extremely dull, predictable and full of cliches. Denzel Washington, Robert DuVall and Ray Liota, all of whom are normally terrific, gave stale performances. And what gets me the most, is that the only major character that is a veteran doctor is made an antagonist. It is not, by any means, doctors' fault when HMO's screw there clients. I have nothing good to say about JOHN Q.
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Fight Club (1999)
18 May 2002
I belive that this is a film that speaks out against anarchy. Yet to a large portion of this films audience, teenagers, it does not get that message across. Most high-schoolers leave this film only remembering the insane ramblings of the god-like Brad Pitt character Tyler Durden. In that sense, this film contradicts itself. Also, I did not find this film enjoyable. Not the first time a watched it, not the second time and not the third time. Sure, I laughed a couple times and some of the fight scenes were cool, but those aspects did not make up for this cluttered picture. Plus the CG cinematography was very out of place, as it is in Fincher's superior piece, PANIC ROOM.
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Shrek (2001)
Funniest Cartoon Ever
18 May 2002
There are only about 3 animated flicks that I enjoy. Of those 3, I like SHREK the best (the other 2 are FANTASIA and ROBIN HOOD). The CG for this movie was fantastic, and Mike Myers and Eddie Murphy were at the top of there game. I'm going to go beyond calling this the most hilarious animated feature, but I think this is one of the funniest films that I have seen. Ever.
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Neorealism is Golden
18 May 2002
I don't know exactly how realistic THE BICYCLE THIEF is. I don't care, either. This film is a prime example of an art movement known as Italian Neorealism. Films made in this style portray the hard lives of third class citizens in melancholy, poetic ways. I think this is the most beautiful film that I have ever seen. The raw emotion radiates from the screen to your heart. A masterpiece and my favorite foreign film.
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Tortilla Flat (1942)
A Little-Known Gem From the Past
18 May 2002
I find it difficult to believe that this picture is not remembered more fondly by film critics and historians. I went into this film expecting nothing more than a few chuckles and a few yawns. I was wrong! This picture should be remembered in the same light as other great comedies of the 1940's such as THE LADY EVE, ARSENIC AND OLD LACE, and THE BANK DICK.
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Racist Yet Important
18 May 2002
If you do not believe that THE BIRTH OF A NATION is extremely prejudice, you are dead wrong. Similarly, if you do not believe that THE BIRTH OF A NATION virtually invented film grammar, you are dead wrong (at the very least, this picture was the most influencial film on other early film makers). There were many great moments in this film, but the idea that one white man could fight of about a half dozen men in blackface is crazy. Nevertheless, this was a milestone in history.
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Snatch (2000)
Good but Annoying
17 May 2002
True, SNATCH does have the wittiest situations and dialog since PULP FICTION. But even that cannot hide the fact that this film looks like a pop music video. I absolutely hated the editing style that gave us the fast motion and the idiotic introduction of every single character. And the style of narrative was a rip off of GOODFELLAS. Brad Pitt was funny, though.
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Best Movie Since Raging Bull
17 May 2002
Although most of Spike Lee's films are flawed in one way or another, DO THE RIGHT THING seems to be perfect. I love how we are given a whole slew of distinct characters, my favorite being Senor Love Daddy. Although this film is about race, and most of the characters are black, this movie does not seem to side with the blacks or any other race. It simply provides us with an essay on our great nation's greatest problem. So, what do you think? Did Mookie do the right thing???
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Seven Samurai (1954)
A Fantastic Film
17 May 2002
THE SEVEN SAMURAI was one of the most pleasant experiences I've had when it comes to foreign films. I expected a slow, highly-metaphorical drama but instead got great entertainment. I thought that the 207 minutes would seem as endless as the minutes in GONE WITH THE WIND, but I was wrong. I recommend this film to those seeking hours of entertainment, plus this movie has stuff for those into art films as well.
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Citizen Kane (1941)
Greatest Film Ever? Yes.
17 May 2002
CITIZEN KANE is not only what I consider the finest piece of cinema ever created, but is one of my personal favorites to watch multiple times. After you get over the fact that "Rosebud" means nothing, you can enjoy the best cinematography ever captured. Okay, so you're not into the visual aspects of movies? Than you should enjoy the convoluted story-telling, as out-of-order as new independent-style films like PULP FICTION, and MEMENTO. The acting in this film is great (especially Joseph Cotten) and I enjoy the fact that Orson Wells was making fun of William Randolph Hearst (even though only a few parts of this film are based on Hearst's life). I can't understand how people can't admire, if not like this film. By the way, I'm in high school.
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