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The cow jumped over the moon: the worst movie I have ever witnessed
25 March 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Full disclosure: I hate Ayn Rand and all she stands for.

That out of the way, and that aside (I will get back to that in a moment), this was an incredible stinker of a movie. The acting was horrible. The choice of actors was horrible. The production values on any HBO series would trounce this movie 10 times over. The plot meandered, and then the movie was over. 2 hours of my life wasted and nothing was very different than when it started.

The plot? Oh boy, where to start: it could not have been more contrived. If you had started with "well first thing is, a cow jumps over the moon" ... that premise might actually have some merit. SPOILERS AHEAD: The movie has an anti-climax about half way through, where the guy you keep expecting to be recruited by John Galt, Hank Reardon, is tried in court and in the same breath the judge dismisses his whole verdict in a jingoistic, snarky, diatribe about how they can't let "the job creators win." Literally, this movie could not have been more neo-con ra-ra cheerleading if it tried. Faux News broadcasters literally showed up in this movie to plug it. I could go on for hours, but I don't want to bore you the way this movie bored me-- it's would be a crime against humanity.

I could not sit through Ayn Rands books, she was an awful writer. However, I wanted to watch this movie to try and grasp what it was all about more than excerpts had done. Nothing in this movie gave me any idea. I watched the first installment, and begrudgingly, it was a tolerable narrative; coherent. This garbage? Wow. The term 80's B movie kept springing to mind. The zany plot twists and changes were so ridiculous and rife that you would think they would start with "first the cow jumped over the moon, and THEN..." You would stop listening after the first sentence of that joke...

The government in this movie is reduced to a simpering 80's villain from the A-Team (or something lame like that) where they inexplicably start seizing assets and making rules and doing all kinds of insane things for no reason. Things or stated, rather than shown, no exposition involved. The plot is flat on the face of it, no attempt to make logical progression or sense. Given that almost nothing happened in the movie, it is amazing it took 2 hours. And when it ended the way it did, very sci-fi indeed, no explanation, no realism: (spoiler) she goes through a pseudo-worm whole, in a plane she bought on the spot, learned to fly on the spot, from a guy just hanging out down the road... crashes said plane after somehow successfully piloting it for a few minutes, goes through the worm hole, crashes in spectacular fashion (cue digital effects), plane is disintegrated, except for the tail and nose. She emerges barely harmed, and lo, within seconds, dozens of town people are gathered around as if they had "caught her" from falling from the sky (I mean seriously, they were just THERE!) John Galt (whose name is thrown around like a random word throughout the movie, literally in places it should not be as if it were a replacement for the word "of" in sentences)... John Galt is there hand outstretched to pull her from the rubble as though he were John the Baptist pulling Jesus from the water in "King of Kings." That was just the silliness in the last 3 minutes, to give you an idea. Silly is OK, if it is the tongue in cheek, Evil Dead sort of thing... but this? Oh my lord was it garbage.

I have never written a review for a movie before, and I have been on IMDb a VERY long time (1997)... this was awful. I could go on about the pseudophilosophy or Rand, but suffice is to say, I don't need to. This movie was just horrible. At least movies like "Plan 9" were FUNNY-bad! As a movie aficionado, this was some of the worst I have ever seen. The rushed plot and wacky progression reminded me of nearly every episode of "Sliders" where the premise seems so "yeah, what if THIS happened!" and crashes in an utterly implausible, stupid, horrible plot that leaves you wondering: was that a cow that just flew over the moon, or did I just waste 2 hours of my life, plus 15 minutes to write a review of this stinker. Yup, that actually happened.
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"Greatest movie" my a$$!
5 January 2003
I can see why "the unemployed critic" is unemployed. I'm not entitrely sure this wasn't Scorsese doing the review of his own movie. Some people just like to kiss the asses of turkeys (the movie, Leo, Scorsese) I guess. This movie sucked, stay away until it comes on TV. The only reason to see this movie is Lewis' absolutely wonderful performance. They should have hired someone else, that way everyone else would not have looked and done so god awful.
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Panic Room (2002)
20 November 2002
Warning: Spoilers
Contains Spoiler What the f*ck? I was liking this movie until the end. Then they ruined it and exposed every little flaw for scrutiny. I don't care how talented david fincher is, what was he thinking? SPOILER--- there is more things interesting about Forrest Whitaker's character than the main two girls. The ending leaves me wondering what happened to this likeable character who obviously has backstory introduced. They focus on the wrong characters, have the wrong ending (no alternate?!) and basically ruin the whole premise by making it all a pointless endeavor and leaving us all wondering what the f*ck that was all about if not about Forrest. I guarandamntee you that the ending will leave you wondering, "WTF?!" I saw this movie for David Fincher's sake and because I believed Foster can act. Trusting in them is misplaced, THEY did great, their project sucked. WTF was Jared Leto thinking tryign to be anything other than VERY white? WHAT.... THE.... F*CK!
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Easily THE definitive documentary on NY
23 October 2002
The Ric Burns (Civil War, Jazz) documentary is thorough enough to teach even New Yorkers about native home. At 14 hours, perhaps that's not a hard thing to do, but it is worth every minute. At its heart, it's the story of NY from 1609 to 2000. But at its core, what you will take away from it is that New York's is the tale of America. "New York, more than any other city in the United States, tells the story of America to itself."-- and it does.

Most enlightening to potential viewers will be the last chapter "The city and the world" that brings us from the end of WWII into the present. The meat here is the whole "urban renewal" failure of the 80's and 90's, as well as the once and future problem of suburban expansion. And, as always, they show how New York was THE leader of the pack in all of these urban questions. In watching the documentary, you cannot help but realize that what happens in NY, inevitably happens in the rest of the USA. Ric Burns' documentary is so much more, part 3 is the true story of New York that Scorsese hopes to capture in "Gangs of New York" this December (not even he has a shot at this). This documentary is delightful in its simplicity and subtle in its sentimentality (no bashing over the head, "NY rules", and its all la-tee-da). Lovers and haters of NY are all interviewed and allowed to give their slant. Although the villification of Robert Moses and complete hatred of him is made manifest-- because it was true then and is true now. The films does not go into detail during wars, which I might have liked to see more of, but the fact is that NY (as you will see) has not played a large role in war, except as a stage for the rest of the US to play on (a-la VJ-day). Urbanists, the NY-curious, educators, the educated-- see this documentary.

The story of Walt Whitman, the story of Abe Lincoln, Vanderbilt, Rockefeller, Carnegie, Al Smith, la Guardia, FDR, George Washington, Stuyvesant, and more were MADE in New York City. New York has been referred to as a foreign city with over 50% of its people born outside of the country, but it turns out to be the most American of any city-- the real mixing pot, where everyone is forced to get along and to find a way to work together (the United Nations?). This film won 2001 Emmys for best editing and best non-fiction programming to give you an idea of its cinematic quality.

It is NOT about September 11th, but you connect 'what happens to NY, happens to the rest 10 years later' to that date, it begs the question. There are other documentaries about that NY event. NY was the first to experience a massive suicide bombing (episode 3) and it will likely be the first city again. Since the Civil War, you will see, it has been the First City of the world, the Capitol of the world. The best damn city, with one of the most remarkable histories of any place you could name-- laid out with great storytelling by Ric Burns' PBS documentary. 9.5/10
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best documentary ever made
10 February 2000
The Biology of Love How and why human beings fall in love may seem mysterious, but Desmond Morris explains the biological reasons we form long-term pairs, as well as our physical response to courtship and mating. The Language of the Body Desmond Morris interprets a wide range of modern gestures, then goes further to uncover a whole new science. In human ethology, researchers study gestures, smiles, stares, and hand motions. The Hunting Ape Man's hunter-gatherer origins are reflected in various ways in modern society. Why is it that some cultures today continue to be omnivorous while other such as South India refuse to eat meat? The Human Zoo Modern cities have been called urban jungles, but human zoos is a more appropriate term. Humans originally lived in groups of 150 or fewer, and our tribal origins show themselves in the way we live today. The Immortal Genes Human adults have a compulsion to have, raise, protect, and educate children. A power struggle occurs as children learn to manipulate their parents in the modern struggle between age and youth. Beyond Survival Humans, more than any other animal, feel a need to express themselves through fashion, art, and other forms of decoration. Mankind is also driven by simple curiosity to explore the world.

This is the best and most inciteful documentary on humans I've ever seen. I would recommend this documentary to anyone who wants to understand more about people's behaviors than they do. Best documentary I've ever seen.
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