
15 Reviews
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The Osbournes (2002–2005)
Repetitive and boring
24 June 2003
Since the second season has begun, I have noticed one major difference: it is so amazingly stupid. I really did like the first season because at the time it was fresh and interesting; it was a glimpse into the funny life of a celebrity family. The second season has basically just been a look at the family (and a new character to spice things up! sure...) at fancy restaurants and parties and it is really repetitive. How many times do we need to see the same things over and over? And in addition to the repetition on the show, MTV shows the same episodes 4-hour blocks (they also do that with Punk'd, Real World, etc.). MTV really needs to get more creative and show things other than stupid reality shows and pop music. They have also gone really downhill.
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Such a cool show!!!!!!
30 December 2002
This is a really cool show. The best aspect of it is the macintosh computer voice. I wish they had it on more often (I'm pretty sure Cartoon Network took it off their schedule). I guess some people might not understand everything, but I think it is a fun show nonetheless.
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Barney & Friends (1992–2010)
Remember! It's a Kid's show!!!!!
29 November 2002
From the adult perspective, this show would seems really stupid and horrible. But for my brother and I as toddlers watching the show, I loved it. My brother and I learned things about sharing, different cultures, mixing colors, etc. At the time, I thought it was a great show. You all have to remember, IT IS A KIDS SHOW. It is not meant to make tons of sense in a real-world setting or be a wonderful, inspiring show (actually, to a toddler, it is a wonderful and inspiring show). It's just a nice, entertaining program for very young children. Nothing more, nothing less. But then again, are any childrens shows anything more than that? No. Barney and Friends has given me some really fond childhood memories of just enjoying things for what they were, not analyzing them. Save the horrors of that for when children are older. Anyway, If you really want some bad childrens television, watch teletubbies. You'll probably become dumber.
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Not worth the fuss...
27 November 2002
It is still confusing me why people are continuing to give this movie such great reviews. My friend was ecstatic about seeing it. I thought it was a stereotypical and predictable movie with mild laughter. Hardly believable. I don't think that real Greek-Americans are so self-absorbed in their own lives and culture even. You would like to think that the Greek-Americans in this movie would want to be shown as real people who embrace their current country and their heritages at the same time. This just stereotypes that all people from Greek desendence only speak to Greek people, only eat Greek food, only talk about Greece, etc. That really annoyed me about this. And I have trouble believing that a 30 year old woman is so immature that she can't even leave her house would fall in love with a good-looking, outgoing guy. I do have to admit, though, that I laughed at the parts with the little old Grandma. She was cool. Overall, I would not recommend this movie unless you want to make humans look like lovers of tasteless film.
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The Best Late Night Show
22 November 2002
Late Night with Conan O'Brian definitely beats out all the other late night shows. On Jay Leno and David Letterman, although i used to be a loyal fan of both of their shows, their shows are bland and uninspired. They use the same format every night and the interviews are rarely funny. But on Conan, it is a much looser setting. The show is spontaneous, and Conan O'Brian actually has fun with his guests. I don't remember a time when I haven't laughed in an episode. I greatly reccomend that you watch this. It will really get you laughing!
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Stickin' Around (1996–1998)
One of my favorite cartoons
5 November 2002
Yes, to an adult seeing this show for the first time, Stickin' Around seems like a stupid, poorly-drawn show. But when I saw this as an eight year old, it was the funniest thing on Earth. And now when I go back to Canada to visit, I always make sure I watch this show. The guy (I think named Dill) is so funny. I call him "the guy with the wiggling socks". And that girl who always drags around her dead dog named pepperoni, it is hilarious. It is that kind of show that is made by the wierd comedy.
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Not as good as the first
20 October 2002
Okay, I admit that this was a hilarious movie. But it wasn't a good movie or one I would like to see a second time. The movie as a whole is not funny, just certain jokes are. The whole plot doesn't flow. Its a bunch of choppy sequences composed just for the sake of getting a laugh at that moment. For example, Austin and Foxxy Cleopatra go to a Japonese factory of some sort for no important reason other than wasting time with cheap jokes. The new characters in this sequel weren't too good either. Foxxy Cleopatra had no funny parts. She was just someone to make Austin look stupid and to pretend she is the coolest and most sophisticated person ever. Goldmember was disguisting. I really can't find the humor in eating dry skin. The character never had any importance. Maybe it was just there to draw people to the theater with the anticipation of something new and fresh. Then finally Number 3 was the most worthless and stupid character to the movie. If he wasn't in the movie, nothing important would have been changed. Once again, I agree this was funny, but it left me feeling "homesick" for the first Austin Powers, where the comedy actually worked.
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Subway Monkey Hour (2002 TV Movie)
The Funniest Show Ever!!!!!!!!!!
6 September 2002
This is one of my favorite shows. Absolutly HILARIOUS! I'm so glad Tom Green decided to make this special because it was so funny. I especially liked this because it took place in Japan, and I think that place is so cool. I would definitely reccomend this, and I hope that this will come out on video or dvd.
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ReBoot (1994–2001)
Another one of my fond shows from childhood
11 June 2002
Ahh, I can still remember myself watching this show when I was little. It was such an entertaining show that took place in a magical world/fantasy where so many things could happen. I also liked the 3-d look of the show. But when I used to watch it, I didn't pay attention to the dubbing of the voices with the cartoons. I didn't care. and that's how it should be. You don't watch movies or play video games for the graphics (to people who do that, you're really stupid), you play video games for the actual purpose of playing a game. And I watched reboot for the show, not the graphics or voices. Anyway, enough about that. I really wish they would still play Reboot on Cartoon Network. When they used to play it I wouldn't watch it, but now I really want to. Okay I'm boring you. Be gone!
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A watchable science fiction movie!
7 June 2002
Although this movie is quite a cheesy, very 70's, science fiction movie, I have found it watchable. The plotline was pretty good, but the aspect of the movie that intrigued me the most was the film direction. When they were going through the black hole and were hearing all those wierd voices, that was dramatic. My favorite part of the movie is when Dr. Hans Reinhart is in the black hole (I think)and goes in the robot shell and the scan over his eyes, then zoom out and just show him standing on that ledge, as if he was taking a step back and looking at what was happening or what would become of him. I would recommend this movie to people who have never even dared to watch a science fiction movie, or people who LOVE dramatic filming techniques.
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Shining Time Station (1989–1993)
A Timeless Childrens Show
1 June 2002
What else can be said about this show? It was educational, entertaining, and most of all classic. I LOVED this show when I was a toddler, and even if I saw it today, I would still be entertained and enlightened. The Thomas the Train segments were also inspirational. If only the childrens shows of today were like that!
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Saturday Night Live (1975– )
5 May 2002
I honestly don't know how you guys can bash this show! It is so funny how they make fun of our world and current events. It must be a great show if it has been on the air for 25 years. Mad tv just doesn't compare. On mad tv, the impressions are horrible, the skits are repetitive, there are too many wrestlers for special guests, and most of all it is just a low quality knock off of Saturday Night Live. Anyway, I hope (and have a big feeling) SNL will continue to entertain us for years to come.
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A sleek and stylish film
3 May 2002
What can I say about Ocean's Eleven? It's sleek, stylish, and very fun. It was interesting the whole way through. But the one major disappointment was the extra scene at the end. The scene before that where they are standing in front of the hotel with Claire de Lune playing should have been the end, and Ocean's Eleven would have been the perfect movie. The extra ending completely ruined the mood of the movie. Anyway, I would recommend this movie.>
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My favorite Eddie Murphy film
3 May 2002
So many great things can be said about this movie! But I would sum it up in one word: Hilarious. The laughs keep coming. My favorite characters are Sexual Chocolate (the band at the fundraiser), the preacher, and all the people in the barber shop. This is a classic!!!! lol (I sound like an eccentric movie reviewer!)
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Chaplin (1992)
This is a great film for anyone who loves movies or Charlie Chaplin
20 February 2000
If you love movies or like Charlie Chaplin or Robert Downey Jr. , this movie is a must.The first time I saw this movie was in October,1999 and I fell in love with it.The story begins with Chaplin being interviewed in the 1960's.Then shows Charlie at age 5 in 1894 after that the movie shows a little more of Charlie's poverty-stricken life.At the part of Chaplin's early career but after that the movie starts to wind down.It does have lots of info about his personal life and a little about his movies.It is quite easy to get lost in this story unless you know some information about Charlie Chaplin.

My favorite part of this great movie is the very end at the Academy Awards in 1972 when Chaplin is getting an award for all the achievements of him.Everyone including Charlie are watching a nice presentation of most the movies he's made in his career.Near the end of the presentation , Chaplin sheds a tear and that seems to always make me cry too.The presentation ends showing the end of his movie "The Circus"(1928) and then are the credits.The second and last song played during the credits is my favorite song in the movie and the saddest(it always makes me cry).It this is the beat of that song: da da,da da, da da, da da, da do da (you'll hear the tune and the rest of this and the many other great songs in the movie).This is a great movie and I would definitely recommend this to anyone who enjoys great movies and I would give this movie 10 stars and two thumbs up.Rent it,buy it,wait for it on tv,go to a friend or family's house or take it out of your movie collection.
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