
1 Review
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Your perception of the Star Wars Universe will never be the same!
25 December 2002
If you thought the Ewoks were bad, watch this piece of bantha dung and weep. George Lucas would turn in his grave for this, and the guy ain't even dead yet!

Starting off with badly shot video footage (yes, VIDEO footage) of Chewie and Solo in the Millenium Falcon, an overexcited voice-over introduces us to the Star Wars Holiday Special. We see a few shots of what is yet to come, and it does not bode well. A guy that looks like a crossdressing General Hospital reject pretending to be a 'funny' four-armed cook, a pink haired Shirley Bassey wanna-be that would be more at home in a Buck Rogers episode, and what looks like a Jefferson Airplane performance (I kid you not); it goes on and on.

But before that we get a few more video shots of Han and Chewie escaping two Star Destroyers ('cunningly' intercut from the original Star Wars feature). Apparently they're trying to get back to Chewie's family, and this is where the ordeal starts.

For the next hour and a half or so, we get to see Chewie's family, namely his wife, son and father, who live in a badly mattepainted mansion in a tree somewhere. Ben Burtt goes into serious overtime here, treating us to every lion/bear/camel sound he ever recorded for Chewie everytime any of the family speaks. And they speak. A lot.

The action focusses a lot on Chewie's son, who, whining all the way, gets far too much screentime messing about with electronics, watching tv ( a badly animated albeit slightly amusing starwars cartoon) and generally doing boring wookiestuff.

The interior sets are awful, the acting is horrendous (especially the wookie actors who with their exaggerated gestures give the Teletubbies a run for their money) and the plot hideously contrived and pointless. This all happens at a snail's pace with shoddy editing and scenes that go on far too long for their own good. The 'mother' wookie has a 'funny' cooking scene with a tv cook that is neither fun or interesting, a small scene with R2 and Luke (whose makeup makes him look like a girl) repairing what looks like smoke machine and a feeble attempt at a subplot with some old trade fart that sells gadgets.

To top it off, we get two musical numbers, one in the bar in Mos Eisley and one with Princess Leia, for the love of god, to celebrate 'Life day', the wookie variant on X-mas. Please!!!

It is almost worth watching because you'll probably never witness such bad filmmaking ever again. Even John Williams' score doesn't escape unscathed; it gets a 70's/80's synth makeover with bleeps and ploops all over the place. Watching this made me cringe almost every shot. Towards the end it got so bad I wouldn't even have been surprised had David Hasselhof entered the frame........wielding a lightsaber.

Steve Binder raped Star Wars..nay..dare I say childhood by releasing this drivel upon us. How this ever got Lucasfilm approval is beyond me.

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