
6 Reviews
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The Kingdom (1994–2022)
Freakiest thing you'll see
18 September 2002
This series pushies it to the max and pulls it off amazingly. It takes a lot to seriously disturb me and this mini did just that. I only wish it was finished!! The acting is superb, the writing is wonderful and the cinimatography is perfect. Highly reccomended for those who like the weird and wonderful.
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Wonderful beyond words.
30 June 2001
All I can say is that this is the only movie with a plot twist (there have been so many) pulled off so well it actually made me gasp out loud. The effect it was trying to pull went off without a hitch: I sat there for the first hour and 45 minutes confused and bewildered, got to the (first) twist and though "oh, well...I get it now" and was then completely blind-sided by the (real) twist which knocked me on my ass. It was great - and every person I've forced to watch this film has had the same reaction exactly...followed my an immediate urge to watch it again. And again.
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X-Men: Evolution (2000–2003)
Low expectations...pleasantly surprised
19 June 2001
Not being a huge fan of modern american cartoons which tend to be bad quality and not very entertaining nor visually stimulating, I always liked the animation of the WB's Batman/Batman Beyond and Superman cartoons. They looked good, and were obviously done well - the idea of taking the "comic book" style and making them move without looking terrible. So I was glad to see that's what they did with the X-Men. Being a young fan of the origional animation, which i grew up with and quite enjoyed, I had rather low expectations of this new one (a "travesty" is what they've been calling it) and wasn't initially too pleased with the new characters: Nightcrawler? What happened to Beast? Shadowcat?? Where's Jubilee? And what's with making them all teenagers, anyway? Well, I understand now where they're coming from. As a kid I always liked Jubilee because it was she who I could relate to (it's difficult for kids to relate to a bunch of 20-30something superheros) so it really does work. I've also realized with time what a useless character with useless powers Jubilee is and how much cooler Shadowcat (Kitty Pryde) is. Also Kitty was always more an X-Man then Jubilee anyway. I'm still disappointed not to see Beast, but am a big fan of this new and improved Nightcrawler. No longer scary (or Bible-thumping) he's turned out to be a fan favorite, which is understandable with his cute accent and silly humour. I quite like him...besides, he's pretty cute now...for a cartoon. All the other characters work well, although I don't think Spike is too useful a character, nor do I understand the point of Toad as a villain...there are so many more to choose from that would be much more entertaining. Same goes for Avolanche. All in all, a good show in my humble opinion.
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Magical Mystery Tour (1967 TV Movie)
Be very afraid
14 June 2001
I can easily say it because I'm such a big Beatles I know what I'm talking about. Paul McCartney dismisses it as "it's the only time you'll ever see a performance of I Am The Walrus" that's true - and I recommend this movie *only* for hardcore Beatles fans, and you really only need to see it once...for the sake of seeing it. Every five years or so I forget just how bad it was and get an urge to see it again (I still can't bring myself to buy it, no matter how big a fan I am) and then curse myself for putting me through it again. Be prepared for bad acting, bad production value, bad direction, bad writing (was there any kind of script?) and just overall confusion. You can almost see the fun in what they were *trying* to do, but they never pulled it off...and for the first and only time ever, the Beatles truly bombed. You gotta love 'em though...they're still the best. If only they'd given the movie some kind of plot (taken the magicians somewhere at least...) It'll confuse you, baffle you, maybe even frighten you a little, but the music is wonderful and it's worth a try...but just the one!
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Neverwhere (1996)
NeverWhere: A wonderful series that takes you far past Oz and Wonderland.
8 June 2001
At first glance you may be turned off by the unfortunate quality, but once you can get past it, NeverWhere will take you to places you've never been. You travel along with it's not too willing participant Richard Meyhew as he desperately attempts to figure out London Below's secrets whilst hoping to, in the process, find a way to get back home to London above. Gary Bakewell (known mostly for his perfect portrayals as Paul McCartney) does an excellent job as the confused Meyhew, with a Scottish accent and always another dumb question, all the characters are portrayed wonderfully - especially that of the Marquis De Carabas. The villains, though sometimes the comic relief, can be quite terrifying as well. Wonderful writing throughout, and although sometimes simplified, the sets give the perfect atmosphere to London below. It will make you think about what you *really* see around you!
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Neverwhere (1996)
An Excellent Series!!
15 June 2000
This series will both surprise and delight you...the quality isn't the greatest, like that of a British soap opera, but you'll be hooked after the first 10 minutes. The writing is great, the characters are wonderfully written, each one with it's own personality, back round, life - you tend to feel you know them by the end, and an emotional connection is unavoidable. Perfect acting by ALL involved. Highly recommended.
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