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The Last Kingdom: Episode #5.10 (2022)
Season 5, Episode 10
Definitely the worst episode of the whole series
16 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I was, guess I still am a big fan of Last Kingdom. But I do not get the praise (9,6!) for the final episode.

Instead of a grande finale you get a completely ridiculous battle (the stand off at the cliff was the most unrealistic, actually laughable moment of the whole show) and a sloppily written Hollywood happy end that is totally unfitting to the rest of the series.

The magic (god sent) that magically extinguishes the fire that would otherwise destroy his fortress, numerous occasions where uthred should have been easily spotted or easily killed, nothing makes sense, nothing follows at least a minimum amount of logic or character consistency.

I was seriously disappointed.
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The Swarm (2023)
God it was so bad...
11 March 2023
What a colossal waste of time (for me) and money (for this production).

Guys, if you haven't watched this, please save your time - there are hundreds of better shows out there.

The acting ranges from mediocre to really bad, nobody leaves a lasting impression and most of all you don't connect with any single character. The worst thing however is the script with loads of completely senseless dialogues that make you cringe combined with an incredible slow pace of the story itself.

The series takes 6 (!) episodes to build up the story, then 1 episode for the journey and then 1 episode to deliver the ending - which is utterly unsatisfying and makes you ask yourself why you even watched it in the first place...

Summary: don't!
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Feels like the work of an overmotivated young cook who has no idea what to do and throws all ingredients into a single dish.
3 February 2023
It's not all bad...with all the money that went into this this would be really sad....but it definitely is not good either and it's nowhere near being excellent, nowhere near the first BP movie (which I liked a lot and I think rated 8 or even 9).

This one is a biiiiig mess, I guess that's the word that describes it best. Feels like the work of an overmotivated young cook who cannot decide what he should serve and puts all ingredients - and lots of it - into one dish.

It's too much in the end, nothing feels right, nothing comes naturally, everything feels forced and wanted and directly out of of a screenwriting brainstorming session under the headline: "what else could we do, what else could we pack into it?"

You can actually hear them ask: Do we have big and loud a action?

Do we have fun and jokes?

Do we have big feelings and emotions?

Do we have a message for the kids?

Do we have a message for the world?

Do we have a surprise?

Do we have the ethnic diversity right?

Do we have a homosexual element?

But the one person who has a vision and a real story was definitely not in those meetings.

In the end: big style waste of money, thoroughly empty movie and sometimes dialogues that are so bad they make you cringe. It's like pizza with burger and popcorn and cheesecake and some Italian Antipasti put into a mixer.

Skip at all (if you are busy) or watch for free (if you have time to spend) with loads of cheap beer and popcorn.
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The definition of anti-climax
16 October 2022
Waiting, hoping, waiting and hoping....for soon long....eight long episodes long....hope getting smaller, weaker...but never fully dying.

Episode six kind of refuelled the hope that it would not end in the biggest disappointment of modern streaming history.

But episodes seven and eight destroyed sevenfold what episode six had built up.

Endless blah blah blah in some of the worst dialogues ever written, nothing makes sense, they not even try to explain, all the guessing just exposed as a feeble attempt to keep a story artificially interesting that just isn't.

Do yourself a favor and watch LOTR - preferably the extended versions - a second time....or even a twelfth time, doesn't matter. Or read a book. Or go for a walk. Or paint your garden shed. Anything is less of a waste of time.
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Worst episode so far
16 October 2022
One episode away from the finale this is the absolute low point of the series so far.

The dialogues are so bad I cringed several times and then you don't know if you should laugh at or weep at all the wasted effort and budget.

It's pathetic how they try to keep it interesting and maintain an air of mystery by just omitting things or not explaining them.

The acting - or the actors - are not even mediocre.

Through episode 7 there is not a single character that has succeeded to form a bond with me ad a viewer and worst of all, nobody shows a even a spark of charisma.

It's all just a big harassment of Tolkien's legacy bit without the spirit.
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Eternals (2021)
Ignore the bad reviews, it's truly great
23 September 2022
....just very different to all the other superhero/comic movies out there. This is not about any random villain fighting against the god guys, the backstory is a metaphor for Creation, god(s) and sacrifice in the form of Transformation. That makes it very different and gives it mich more depth than those other random CGI orgies. Highly recommend!

Also the cast with a load of stars is a pleasure to watch. The length is just fine, a shorter version wouldn't have been able to build the depth and atmosphere and would have felt rushed. The pace is good.

Special effects are great too.

Looking forward to the sequel!!!
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Oh boy....and I really really wanted to like it!
3 September 2022
Tolkien would have thrown himself out of the window before he had written dialogues like that. Nothing feels like LOTR here.

But the greatest weak point are the actors. So far I have not seen a single character with charisma who can carry a scene. First I thought that Galadriel could have been cast better but at the end of the first episode I had realized that she is actually the highlight of the cast (so far).

But....we have Afro American Elves and Hobbits now.

Isn't there anybody who realizes that elves and humans and dwarfes etc are the different races of middle earth? Why do we have to mix those races with the races of our world? This doesn't make sense at all 🙈

And why aren't there any tall elves? They all look like 170cm tall? In the fight with the snow trolls 5+ elves do not fire a single bow and arrow shot but all get into close combat with a creature 4 times as big.

The music is good.

Most of the art design is really good.

Visual FX are very mixed, some great, some look super bad (the elven ship for example that doesn't move and travels like a train in 2m high waves).

Bottom line: it's a waste of money to have bought the Tolkien and LOTR rights for this, it is completely generic and bland fantasy stuff that doesn't look are feel, least of all breath Tolkien spirit. Waste of an obviously big budget.
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The Crown (2016–2023)
Season 1 is really good and then it goes down
10 July 2022
Season 2 still very worth watching, S3 is mediocre and then S4 is really really weak. It becomes a blunt soap opera instead of the historical drama it was before, you never know if Coleman is serious or satirical in her acting.
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Important movie
15 April 2022
After seeing this it feels impossible to rate it with anything but 10.

It's written after a true story, the last death sentence executed in and by the socialist DDR (East Germany).

But in reality the film is not primarily about this death sentence but about the "work" of eastern German Stasi and the coldness and brutality with which this regime tried to uphold it's socialist ideas in the face of public opinion, not hesitating to lie, manipulate and kill, ruining lifes in the wake of its political agenda.

The acting is absolutely brilliant, Eidinger plays the role with almost unreal intensity.

The story itself is something that should be known, especially in face of the nowadays often romanticized life in Eastern Germany.

It's not a feel good movie though....but it was not a feel good country either. Or only if you didn't look behind the scenes.

Please watch. It's worth it from beginning to end.

And it's a very relevant movie especially in times of the war in Ukraine and Russian propaganda at this very moment!
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Only watchable on fast forward
1 April 2022
Yes it's super slow and often boring though often visually intriguing.

But the real downside is that the movie completely changes the theme of underlying poem that it claims to be an adaptation of. As a result the themes and motives and most of all the sense of the poem are destroyed and get lost in what can best described as a fever dream or drug induced fantasy after reading the original work.

After the movie I had to research the original poem and its synopsis, short version: it makes sense!

And be assured, if you don't get the movie, it's not your fault. It alters and omits so much, that it's virtually impossible to derive a meaning out of it.

For me it was a complete waste of time, though visuals and cinematography are superb....but sadly wasted and without aim.
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Old (2021)
Surprised how original and good it was after all those bad reviews
30 March 2022
Please ignore the haters and the bad reviews.

This is a really original movie with some great ideas and more than worth your while or the maybe 5 Euros for streaming it...

We have been surprised.

Better than 90% of the mediocre movies made in the past 2 years.
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Most Dangerous Game (2020–2023)
Could have been good....
21 January 2022
The concept and idea are good, this could have been a great movie.

To bad the outcome is too flawed to even be mediocre.

The acting is decent, though and Waltz and Hemsworth are basically wasted, you could have done a decent movie with those two. But the whole storyline is so flawed and not logic that you want to cry every 5 minutes.

Also the editing is really really bad, there are a lot of jumps in the storyline and gaps that are probably due to this originally being a tv show consisting of numerous episodes and then being cut down into a movie, well it shows and this effort is executed in a very crude fashion.

Dialogues are bad too and almost all action/fighting scenes are cheap and illogical/not realistic.

Believe me, I love a good popcorn movie and can digest some senseless action without too much thinking but this is just a waste of time.
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9 January 2022
That's the perfect example for how much story plus emotions you can achieve with only half an hour of screen time! No need to say more. It's a perfect piece of cinematography. Most movie's cannot achieve that in two hours.
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Dopesick (2021)
Hard to rate ....
5 January 2022
This should have been a clear 10, but there are a lot of times during the series when it feels like a 6 (good/above average) because it simply is too long.

The series keeps showing the same things again and again and again over 8 (!) episodes ...

Addiction/hope/relapse/hope/relapse/hope/relapse on the drug side....

new evidence/no legal gain from it/new evidence/no legal gain etc etc etcon the prosecution front....

Still there are a lot of dead ends and developments that are not properly explained or remain unclear.

In the end I feel committed to give it at least a 9 rating because it is such a big and important story and it's great acting despite the lengths. Wish it had been told in a mini series of 5 - 6 episodes without all the repetition.
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Tatort: Murot und das Prinzip Hoffnung (2021)
Season 1, Episode 1,179
A milestone of the series
2 January 2022
Another milestone of the series! Again, please ignore the negative Reviews. It remains a mystery why all the really good Tatort episodes receive the bad reviews. Most logical explanation: conservative audience of the öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunk? It's crazy, creative, surprising and suspenseful. And Eidingers performance alone makes it worth watching!
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Tatort: Alles kommt zurück (2021)
Season 1, Episode 1,183
Maybe the best Tatort Episode ever...
2 January 2022
Definitely one of the best and the best I have seen in a very long time...great acting by Furtwängler. Don't pay attention to the negative reviews, it's just not another boring Tatort as usual!
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Really good Bond (one of few) which could have been perfect with a proper villain that feels dangerous instead of laughable
2 October 2021
Craig and Seydoux are really good, the script is untypical for a Bond movie, I guess that's why I liked it. I think if you liked Casino Royal then you will also like nt2d...

The film's only weakness really is Rami Malek who - again - delivers constant and annoying overacting. In those scenes that should be the most dramatic ones of the movie you can't help but wonder if this is Alan Harper from two and a half men who throws bad dialogue at Bond (oh, I've had such a difficult childhood)...he neither can conjure the feeling of being threatening/dangerous nor mad/crazy, he only comes across as a someone who tries to hard. Missed chance.

Waltz makes up a little of the lost terrain here in a strong scene before.

With a better villain, someone like Brandauer this would have been the best Bond ever I think.

Fortunately the rest of the movie delivers solid action with the right amount of emotional drama and bids a worthy farewell to Craig in his last Bond.
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Maybe it's only a 9+ ...
23 September 2021
... but I am giving it a straight 10 because of:

* the absolute originality of the script (book) * the ingenious cast (unprecedented in a TV show, this is such a perfect ensemble that the acting alone makes it worth watching) * fantastic dialogues throughout all 8 episodes (so well written!) * characters and character development * surprise factor (it's already really good during the first episodes though you have no clue at the beginning where this will all be going...) * those really nice and subversive/satirical punches against the whole wellness industry and all that constant striving to perfect ourselves * satisfying ending.
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Dark (2017–2020)
Lost all over again...just a big waste of time
8 March 2021
The plot keeps you going with the promise of a resolution, but each seasons builds up more questions and the more questions the bigger the failure to resolve them.

In the middle of each season it's always like "wow, this is interesting, I am super excited how this will all makes sense in the end" only to discover that nobody is interested in giving it any sense. Instead of answers they just drag you deeper into something that should represent complexity, but in truth it's only two riddles on top of each riddle that's supposed to be answered I'm hope that you forget about the old riddles.

If you have finished season 1 and hope for answers in season 2 .... don't! Just save yourself the time. It only gets worse.
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Archive (2020)
Painfully slow and boring.
18 February 2021
The script has flesh for 20min and the rest is just pulled out into the slowest movie of all times, it has one nice moment (twist) at the very end but you will have likely fallen asleep before you get to it.
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A perfect 10!
12 February 2021
Simply out: This is very likely the best television series of all times. It's perfect (really perfect) in every category, from script to cast (from the breathtaking lead performance by Anya Taylor-Joy to every single support actor and actress), costumes, music, set design, dialogues...

And the best thing is that it delivers tremendous force without ever being obvious about it or trying hard. It's a slow and silent tsunami.

It leaves you exhilarated and sad at the same time because you know it's over and there's nothing there to follow up on this.

Watch it if you still have not!
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Feels like a TV movie for pre primetime
8 December 2020
The idea for this movie is not quite unique or new. But what's worse is that is delivered in a completely unoriginal way. There are 3-4 enjoyable minutes and a few smirks in this, the rest is predictable and boring. All together nothing to miss here.
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A classic already!
5 December 2020
Perfect script. Great cast. Superb acting. Great music.

Wonderfully non mainstream though highly entertaining and suspenseful.
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A perfect movie about music - incredibly well done by Cooper, both as director and actor
21 November 2020
This is the perfect movie about music, the music business and a most wonderful love film and unbearable to watch tragedy at the same time.

sorry...HOW THE HELL can this not be best picture and ESPECIALLY how can Bradley Cooper not win best actor AND director for this? I really don't get it.

His performance is so good you can't even begin to compare it to Rami Malek's parody of Freddie Mercury which should have gotten best performance by an actor wearing a dental prothesis. What a bad case of overacting, my boy.
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Lara (2019)
A "perfect" movie ...
29 August 2020
A movie about art and music, a movie about education, a movie about believing in yourself and the strength it needs to follow your dreams. Incredible acting, most intense emotions brought to the screen, a script that's both surprising and most of all thought provoking and superb direction, scene after scene really goes under your skin. A movie that will stay with you, very much unlike other movies that are already forgotten when you have left the cinema...
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