
11 Reviews
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Mark Romanek will help save the Film Industry
20 February 2003
I have been following Mark Romanek's career since he directed Lenny Kravitz's "Are you Gonna Go My Way" video, and David Bowie's "Jump They Said" and "Black Tie White Noise" videos (No I am not forgetting the incredible NIN "Closer" video).

His style of direction and creating basically worlds have done much to force music videos and movies to do what Studio execs do not want to do...evolve.

I have waited a long time for a visually stunning movie to come from Romanek and One Hour Photo delivers, making the normal seem creepy, and the every day seem dreamlike almost whimsical. I would have to agree that it is very Kubrikian but only merely because it is different than what we are used to seeing.

The story in itself is about a loner, who wishes to be a part of a family that frequents the photo both where he works. His story is a sad one but also in a way it seems like he is better off than he thinks he is in a weird way.

The story is tight, shocking, and creepy in it's sterile normalness. I highly recommend it and can only be disgusted by the fact that it received an R rating (aka kiss of death) for what I assumed is the showing of the nude male and female body.

I think if more films that looked this beautiful and also made you think (and received a fair rating PG-13) instead of paper thin shlock like Fast and the Furious being hailed as 'the best movie ever', Movies would actually be held up to the standard that One Hour Photo so easily reached.
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Too Insulting?
17 December 2002
The Colin Quinn show provided a glimpse into what is wrong with political correctness, making fun of other people is funny.

Now before we all start getting up in arms about how horrible racism is, let me explain, the show generally opened with Colin's monologue talking about topical issues of the day.

Following that came the most hilarious round table discussion. Several comedians of different ethnicities would sit around on a stoop like set and would talk about different topics as Colin would call them out, moderate, and add his own spin.

Sadly this type of show would probably be more welcomed in the 1970's than the new millennium.

After the 1st episode I knew that NBC was not going to keep it on the air, it was insulting, thought inspiring and hilariously funny, and quite honestly I think if more shows had the same subject manner dealt with honesty and humor, I do not think race relations would be so turbulent as they are today.

After 3 very fresh and inventive episodes it was sadly canceled.
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17 April 2002
Although this movie has a talented comedic cast I found it to be only mildly funny. But do not let this stop you from enjoying this different approach to a romantic comedy that thankfully won't qualify it as a 'chick flick'. Shandling and cast were well suited for their characters and each brought a very special aspect to each to the table. I really can not give a good reason as to why I would enjoy this comedy that I did not find particularly funny, except maybe the endearing characters and the romantic comedy that is more male oriented. Worth watching, but do not expect belly laughs.
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The Skulls II (2002 Video)
Sequel to a horrible movie offers more.
11 April 2002
The premise of the Skulls and it's sequel is that we are looking at the inner workings of one of America's (fictional) secret societies.

Unfortunately because it is a sequel it will be compared to the original.

This film has the same premise as the first film. A young college student who is 'tapped' to become one of the elite of the elite, a problem crops up and there is a lot of running in fear for the life of our hero.

This installment offers up more sexual energy and more likable (and well played )dislikable characters, a few minor changes in casting could have been made. For instance the abundance of overly WASPish pretty boys. Without debating how ethnically diverse secret societies are, I'm sure all the younger members are not all pretty boys.

The story, what little of it was there, does turn the previous movie on it's ear, sort of. Which would have been more refreshing had it had the sence of suspense and wonder of the original and excluded the somewhat rushed-wanna-be-a-cool-plot-twist-but-wasn't ending. Make no mistake though, I am not saying that the first one had a lot of suspense, it just seemed to have more.Unfortunately the performances of the young actors could not bring this movie to life.

All in all, I would recommend it if you are not looking for much depth or story.If you're looking for a movie to satisfy look for something else. I would give it a 3 out of 10.
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The Horror
29 July 2001
Warning: Spoilers
(Spoiler Inside) This was a movie that I had been waiting for for quite some time. Everything Spielberg had worked so hard got pooped on in this version of Jurrasic Park.

From the beginning everything that made the first movie so terrifying was thrown out of the window. Beginning with the Spinosaurus attack, which was the worst monster movie crap. What happened to the basic, animalistic curiosity that made the T-Rex attack in the original so frightening? Where was the feeling that the animals were acting on instinct rather than the directors whim? I won't even go into depth regarding the CGI Brachiosaurs that looked like their skin had been painted by taggers. Everything shot in this movie that concerned the animals seemed to have a 'look at me, I'm a Dinosaur, ain't I neat?' quality about it. The worst was the "This is a new Jurassic Park Movie" moment when the T-Rex was killed to make way for the bigger, more threatening Monster.

Sam Neil and cast were wonderful and blievable, despite the story that was predictable , and the sudden and unexplained evolution of animals (Can anyone 'splain to me where the Spino came from).

I really wonder if those putting this movie together saw the two previous movies, and what focus group made them decide to ignore the detail and research that went into them (For instance how come the Pteradactyls are just NOW leaving the island, when at the end of the Lost World, they were clearly seen roaming free).

This was just painful, angering and a waste of money. It lacked any of the intelligence or thought process that was in the first two, and was just a stupid reason to look at Dinosaurs, that were not even done as well as the first two movies (except for the Sam Winston Animatronic ones, and YES you could tell the difference this time).

Universal Pictures usually only has good movies when Spielberg puts one out (probably bailing them out of the debt they get in for shuffling out the other crap they put out all year) and they always have to push the envelope by plodding out half baked sequels to his good work (Can anyone say JAWS?) Save your money on this one folks, it's better off being spent on something in an infomercial.
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Scary Movie 2 (2001)
All the sick jokes youre ashamed to laugh at
9 July 2001
I must admit that I do read the other comments before posting, and I wonder exactly what type of film the other reviewers were expecting. I knew it would be stupid, I knew it was a Wayans comedy, so I expected gross jokes, over the top bodily functions, and other gross out things that polite society should not talk about. This movie, while weak on story line was nothing but a laugh riot, it expects the audience to have a wide range of pop culture knowledge in order to recognize the many spoofs and also the ability to appreciate the low brow humor of urination jokes (which I'm ashamed to admit I found both of them quite funny).

This was not Shakespear, nor was it meant to be, it is more like sitting around with your buddies and making each other laugh with the grossest and most obscure references you can think of. We have all done it at one time in our lives and it is nice that a movie can cater to that 'I shouldn't be laughing at this' side of our mind, and Scary movie delivers, and delivers, and delivers some more.

I was especially pleased and surprised to see the many well established celebrities join in the cast, especially the likes of James Woods, Tim Curry and many others.

I found it to be a fun ride that took my mind off the tedium of daily life and left me with a sore side from laughing.
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Action! Action! Action! Plot?
5 May 2001
Another huge blockbuster of a movie with talented actors and excellent special effects. We are reminded of the wonderful storyline of the first movie in between the constant battles. I love action movies but I prefer to have a some storyline thrown in.

I actually fell asleep in the theatre on this, luckily the kid behind me kicking my chair kept me from snoring . The characters walked, ran, and jumped from scene to scene and battle to battle, with a few bits of story in between. The special effects were wonderful, the acting was good, but overall the movie could have been rewritten to capture the same action/comedy/adventure that made the first one so entertaining.

I would have much prefered to see some of the special effects budget given to a writer, and even more to make the final battle look less cartoonish.
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Bamboozled (2000)
Soul Searing Images
19 April 2001
I have never considered myself a Spike Lee fan. I do admire some of his film techniques which I feel sometimes go unapplauded due to the heaviness of some of the subject matter he has dealt with. I have also seen the lies and rumors (such as being anti-semetic, anti-white and other nonsense)that have been circulated about him blown out of the water by whom he has worked with and which well established actors have worked with him. Sadly there is not a Spike Lee film that will come out where these lies will not come to surface, as with the case of Bamboozled.

This film was in the theatres for all of about 3 minutes, and it is a damned shame. I have just completed watching this movie for the second time and I am still speechless.

The images (even the horrid black face images) were stunning and beautifully captured,but in no way comprable to the hard hitting message of the modern day minstril show i.e. Gangster Rap and other negative images in media.

Spike finally said something that I and many other blacks have felt in a way that was offensive, elegant, and soul searing.

I have no doubts that this movie will never recieve the accolades it deserves, but those who witness it will NEVER forget the haunting images, and important message the film delivers.

Truly a Masterpiece that belongs in a museum.
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Rave un2 the Year 2000 (2000 Video)
The Modern Day Mozart
6 April 2001
Once again Prince shows us that he is the master of all that he presents. His performance was excellent, exciting and compelling, but not as show stopping as Sign O' The Times.

The reason it is not as exciting as Sign O' The Times is due to the many guest appearances. The only welcome ones being Rosie Gaines and The Time (with what looked like Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis look-a-likes).

Lenny Kravitz's performance although cool, you got the feeling that Prince was holding back as not to upstage Kravitz whose style is more lax than the 'use the whole stage' style of prince.

Honestly I could have done without the special guests and had more Prince and the NPG.

Sadly George Clinton is only found in the "Bonus Jams" section at the end of the show.
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A Horrible movie?
25 January 2001
I know it is popular to slam Battlefield earth as being a horrible movie, but quite honestly I did not think it was that bad. It was by no means excellent but not as horrible as some would have you think. The special effects regarding the size differences between the aliens and the humans was well done, but no real 'wow' factors, which is nice to see considering the story was placed in priority instead of eye candy For the most part the story was Solid. Not having read the book I suppose I was missing some elements.

I was most impressed that it was not as predictable as the general mediocre product Hollywood shuffles out to us and expects us to say it's gold.

Oh and FINALLY John Travolta was a believable villain. So I would advise you rent it if you're looking to kill a few hours.
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Why is this movie so popular?
2 July 2000
Warning: Spoilers
  • REVIEW CONTAINS A SPOILER - Although for years Hollywood has treated the movie going public as if they were idiots, Independence Day started the trend of believing that the movie going public goes to movies just to watch explosions.

This Movie was poorly thought out, and with such a talented cast its as shame that this movie turned out to be the gigantic pile of poop that it did.

Some of the few points that just irked me was the issue of the first lady, we find out she died in the initial alien attack. Sad huh? Well later we find out she's alive. Yipee, then later she dies. I didn't care at that point.

I consider myself a proud American but sometimes waving the banner is just tacky. During the final showdown the rest of the countries on the planet Earth were waiting for the Americans to start attacking the aliens before they moved? Even going so far to illustrate the point by having a Foriegn commander literally sitting on his rump and jumping up to scramble for an attack once the US says its a go. What kind of self serving patriotism crap is that?

Although there were some Highlights such as Brent Spiner's quirky scientist, Randy Quaid's Cousin Eddie in a plane (oops didnt mean to point that out),and the excellent work that the talented ensemble cast did (in vain) to save this movie.

I'm thoroughly surprised that this movie stuck to the film, and For my money, I would just as soon watch an apple brown.
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