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Man on Fire (2004)
Movie On Fire...
9 July 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Excellent. Powerful.. Emotional... Innovative... The only real problem i had was in the casting of the supporting players. There are PLENTY of Mexican and/or Chicano actors who, in my opinion, would probably have done a better job than the players who were used. Carlos Gomez, Ricardo Chavira, Jacob Vargas, and pretty much the entire cast of Amores Perros, to name a few.

Giancarlo Giannini, an Italian, was struggling badly in his role as the Chilango (a denizen of Mexico City) police inspector. As was Rachel Ticotin, a Nuyorican, as the investigative reporter. Poor Marc Anthony, another Nuyorican, was simply not ready to take on such a dramatic role. Their "Mexican" accent when they spoke Spanish was atrocious, and unfortunately, reminded me that i was watching a film each time they opened their mouths.

Shifting gears, it was hilarious, in a good way, the way that Creasy (Denzel) simply barrelled his way up the food chain of the organized crime circuit "La Hermandad" with such relative ease. You'd think after he took out the first few peons, the higher-ups would catch on and be at least SOMEWHAT ready for him. But anyone who knows how the United States of Mexico functions (or MALfunctions) would've laughed tongue-and-cheek at his brazen bravado, as it was totally plausible.

A Home Run...
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Henry V (1989)
History repeats itself...
24 January 2005
Warning: Spoilers
A former partying, priveliged, carousing, jobless, irresponsible, ex-alcoholic son of a former ruler comes into his own and leads his nation to war over a tough, determined enemy and onto victory.... BUT ENOUGH ABOUT GEORGE W. BUSH!!!!

This picture tells a great story, and brings the Bard's tale to life in a fantastic way... Kenny Branagh's best work to-date. The battle scenes and ambitious dialogue are the real power behind this carefully woven and crafted tale. It is always extremely difficult to both act and direct. But Branagh pulls it off magnificently here. Shakespeare on the big screen can get a little messy, although some scholars admit this is the medium Shakespeare would've wanted, i beg to differ. However, this film goes a loooong way in proving me wrong.
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Nudity, anyone??
15 December 2003
In the narration, you can almost hear Alfonso and Carlos Cuaron say "Look at all the sex and nudity in our movie! Aren't we artsy? Aren't we defiant of the mainstream? Huh? Arent we?!" Really, fellas... You didn't have to slap naked actors' bodies in our face at every turn to make this film enjoyable. It was.

You also didn't have to play on our feelings of Mexico's poor classes so much either. Did we really need to hear about the poor pigs on the beach getting slaughtered?(I mean we're talking about ANIMALS here) Or the poor fisherman being out of a job because a hotel was being built on his turf? Or the poor bricklayer who got run over because the footbridge over the road was too far for him to walk?

Again, your film was extremely moving and watchable without that stuff.
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Amores Perros (2000)
Orale, guey!!!!!
24 November 2003
A masterpiece. Plain and simple. This picture transcends any language and culture, making us all be able to relate to each of its characters. I don't buy the comparison to Pulp Fiction or any other work. The disregard of chronological scene order and intertwining storylines have been occuring in films for years. Its done for effect here, is all.

Alejandro Inarritu simply lets his actors take over and finishes off a puzzle that is almost complete as a result of the writing and acting. Not to denigrate his work, of course. After all, the ability to trust your actors and let them work is key to being a great director. BTY, more films need to be made in Mexico City, the largest in the world.
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Training Day (2001)
The film the LAPD does NOT want you to see...
17 April 2003
Warning: Spoilers

Living in the city of circling Ghetto Birds (police choppers), i must say that this effort was enjoyable if not a bit over-the-top. 1stly, i found it stretching the limits of credulity that the street-smart Alonzo Harris would expose his protege to his grizzly side so much all in ONE day, and then expect him to fall in so quickly and unquestioningly. Duh.. "Okay, boss!!"

2ndly, in an apparent shot at the LAPD, featuring three high ranking members of the law enforcement community as crooked as Harris, not to mention his own morally challenged crew (Dr. Dre & the rest), got a little tired. Is Jake Hoyt the ONLY honest cop in LA? This flick would have you believe just that.

3rdly, WAAAAY too "Deus-ex-Machina" for an ending. Students of ancient Greek tragedies will understand... ;-)

Incidentally, GREAT cameos. Props especially to Cliff Curtis and Noel Gugliemi.. ORALE!!!
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10 February 2003
Awesome... I ditto to the 5th power all the positive comments about this movie. Strange to say, but the BEST scene is the 1st of the 9th (Air) Cavalry Bugle Charge Kilgore sounds off just before he boards his chopper "Big Duke Six". The supporting characters are the real gem of this venture: Besides Duvall, of course, there's Jerry- the creepy taciturn CIA operative, the Playboy bunnies, Hubert de Marais- the French plantation patriarch, the 14 year old Larry Fishburne as Tyrone Miller, Frederic Forrest as Chef (shoulda been nominated for supporting), and last but not least, Albert Hall as the Chief, Surprisingly, Brando was the worst part.
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Signs (2002)
A downward spiral for Shyamalan
6 February 2003
Night's movies have gone from excellent (6th Sense), to mediocre (Unbreakable), to this. This was by far the SLOWEST most incomplete film i've ever seen. If u're going to have an "alien invasion" film, then have it. If u're going to have a "spiritual enlightenment and restoration-of-faith" film, then have that. What you DON'T do *film students take note* is p****foot around those two genres, bounce them off each other (2 themes that have NOTHING in common, by the way), never really come to full terms with either one, and leave an incoherent mess in your wake.

Night's gotta do better, or he'll need to go back to Now You're Unemployed Film School...
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Very good, but not great...
31 January 2003
It's almost impossible to find a recent French film WITHOUT Vincent Cassel. And, like most other films he's been in, his talents are well used in this one- far superior to Jean Reno's performance which seems formulaic and contrived. It undoubtedly seems his personal friendship with writer/director/actor Matthieu Kassovitz enhances his acting. This outing pits two cops on the trail of a lascivious killer who tortures his victims before offing them. Basically, it's Se7en light. And it is pretty well done. Rentable..

But personally, (and i'm usually VERY bad at this) i knew who the killer was midway thru the film as well as most of the accomplices. The surprise element would've and could've been much greater if they had dropped a few less hints. By the way, did we really need that car chase scene?? Bottom line: A good ride, but no seatbelts necessary.
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29 November 2002
This is one of those documentaries that starts out with that old jingoistic patriotic "Go America!!" feel, only to prove that that feeling is genuine in most of us. This remarkable film is second only to the event itself! And the US Olympic Hockey Team's triumph is in my opinion the second greatest upset in the history of all team sport. The biggest, of course, is the 1950 World Cup Final round when Uruguay defeated a HEAVILY favored Brazil in Rio to take the trophy.
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Fidel (2002 TV Movie)
Not bad...
9 April 2002
This film is as if aliens who know or care nothing about either leftist or rightist politics came from another planet and catalogued Fidel's rise to power in Cuba. It very objectively chronicles the good and bad about the regime and pulls no punches.

Undoubtedly, there is a considerable amount more bad than good about Castro (note: to those of you whose demonize Pinochet, Castro was worse) but we get the point just the same without having to catharticly dwell on the killed, tortured, exiled, and imprisoned souls of Cuba. Just gives us the facts... nice one.
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Fever Pitch (1997)
On Arsenal underpants, the term "GUNNER" truly fits.
22 March 2002
Fantastic. I had the pleasure of going to Highbury (Arsenal Stadium) twice to see the Gunners play in real Premiership clashes against Sheffield Wednesday and Wimbledon, and the soccer fanaticism portrayed in the film is NOT hyperbolized at all. As a Yank, i felt like a right outsider, but i was hooked instantly when i exited the Underground station and was swept away in the program selling, chips devouring, pin swapping, memorabilia peddling madness that is English Football.

Additionally, Fever Pitch is the ONLY modernly set British film i've seen that did not contain a single refference to American culture, film, TV, music, nothing...

A totally home grown Brit flick which (to use an American sporting analogy) hits it out of the park. Shamelessly sublime.
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This Teeny Bopper flick is actually Terrific.
31 October 2001
WOW. Watch it. Watch it. Watch it again. I normally don't go for these scare teen flicks, but this one quite impressed me. Great effects, script, concept, idea, ending, etc... This film grabs you by the ba*** and doesn't let go. Watch out for a great cameo by Tony "Farewell to the Flesh" Todd, doing a perfect cross between Vincent Price and Bill Cosby.
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Under Fire (1983)
Fantastic, yet slightly fictionalized account
3 October 2001
As a Nicaraguan-American who lived there during the opening thunderclaps of the full scale Sandinista revolt, I must say I was extremely impressed with this movie as a whole. Although it takes a slight turn to the political left, it manages to keep the story on an even keel and not embelish so.

It is interesting that by far the truest insight is delivered by the cynical French opportunist. Tyranny and oppression lay on both sides of the political fence. If the right hand doesn't get you, the left one will. When the FSLN took power in 1979, they immediately announced their communist regime much to the chagrin of the populace (personally, I believe in this crazy little thing called "freedom").

The people who were just liberated from 40 years of right wing (US supported) tyranny, now had it from the (Soviet supported) left, and then some. Proof of this was the mass exodus of Nicas to other places, and the (US backed, of course) "Contra" rebels, made up of former Sandinistas who immediately took up arms against their former comrades, and fought for a proper democracy, which was finally achieved when the USSR folded its cards in the late 80s.

Nicaragua was then free.
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Zero (2000)
Thoroughly a thought provoking piece.
31 August 2001
Thoroughly a thought provokoing piece. Although this film is only 20 minutes long, it covers just about every emotion. It makes you think, wonder, rationalize, and yearn. ALL AT ONCE. It's deep commentary is quite refreshing in today's day and age.
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