
8 Reviews
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One of the most emotional endings to a film ever
18 August 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I rate this movie in my top 5 movies of all time. It's one of the few movies to make me cry and I'm not even gay!

It's so refreshing to see a film which celebrates the unconditional love of parents for their children. It's a rarely treated subject in film. Juno is another film which treats this topic beautifully. So many films deal with the intolerance of parents towards wayward children when I'd argue that more often than not parents will stick by their kids whatever. Why do so many films try to tell us otherwise?

As someone who is approaching the age where mothers are really pressuring us to settle down and produce some grandchildren I can really relate to the lead character as well.

As I said in the title to this post the twist in the tale of this story is so subtle and unexpected and at the same time so powerful. It left me with a renewed faith in humanity.

Like the Big Country, which I think contains some really profound and important lessons about what it is to be a man, I feel that this film contains some equally important messages about being a parent.
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Great but flawed by writer's deviation from the truth
17 June 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I really think that the writer made a mess of this story. Just as background I ought to explain that this story is based in part on fact. In 1975 Alistair Little murdered Jimmy Griffin in front of Jimmy's little brother Joe. The writers takes this as his starting point and then hypothesises a current day meeting between the two characters, Alistair and Joe played by Nesson and Nesbitt.

The opening segment of the film set in the 70's are brilliant. For someone like me who grew up in the UK in the 80's it really brought home to me the horror of what went on in Northern Ireland during the Troubles. Young men incited to murdered each other with absolutely cold brutality just because they were a different religion.

Then the film skips forward to the present day and the problems start.

Firstly, both these men must have gone through years of torture over what they experienced. We as viewers see almost none of that torture other than what we see in the faces and hear from the mouths of the characters in the present day. This is a movie, not a play, the writer should be showing us their pain.

Also, we see almost no context around their current lives. Nothing around how they spend their days, where they work, who they hang out with, what they do for fun. All these little details are so important in a film like this. They're important for understanding and empathising with the characters.

My biggest criticism is that this very serious story is ultimately reduced to a run-of-the-mill movie fist fight. It's tacky. It demeans the subject matter which it's treating. If Joe Griffin really told the writer that this would have been his reaction then they should have cast someone different to Nesbitt.

Having said all this I'd recommend everyone to see it. It's quite affecting despite its flaws.
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Son of Rambow (2007)
At times great but ultimately a bit disjointed
10 September 2008
It great to see lots of these quirky films being made nowadays. Amelie and its massive international success basically kicked the whole genre off. Since then Juno has picked up the baton and taken it to new levels.

There are some great, possibly classic, scenes in Son of Rambo. The foreign exchange students arriving, the sixth form common room, the birth of Son of Rambo are all great scenes. I could really relate to these boys. I was almost exactly the same age as these kids when Rambo came out and I remember myself being obsessed by it.

Ultimately though I just found that the whole thing lacked structure and coherence. A friend once told me that all great films/plays have three acts: introduction, problem, resolution. All the elements are there in Son of Rambo but I just felt that they weren't put together clearly enough to tell a compelling story. The resolution was them making their home movie and yet this started almost at the start of the film. They should have left it until the final act.

Having said all this, I did really enjoy it and I'd recommend it to everyone.
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The Prestige (2006)
Dark and brilliant
9 September 2008
For some reason I decided not to see this in the cinema and now I am really annoyed that I didn't. This is a brilliant film. Beautifully paced, complex and dark.

One of the reasons that I didn't go see it in the cinema is that I'm not a big fan of magic or steam punk but what this film is really about is the art and mind of the illusionist.

The twist in the story keeps itself hidden right to the end. The storyline despite being complex is wonderfully coherent as well. There are no unnecessary scenes in the whole film. It's very reminiscent of Fight Club in some ways.

I'd highly recommend this film to everyone.
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Closer (I) (2004)
A film about deep and meaningful conversations ends up being shallow and meaningless
9 September 2008
I avoided this film like the plague when it came out; I hate films built around pretty actors. A combination of good reviews on this site and recommendations from a few friends changed my mind however and I watched it last night.

First the positives. The director showed enormous restraint by not showing any sex scenes in a film which is almost entirely about sex. Having said that he does strip Natalie Portman to a G-string at one point in one of the most gratuitous bits of on screen pornography that I've seen in a long time.

My main complaint about this film is that you are never given a chance to like any of the characters. We see almost nothing of their lives beyond the confines of their relationships. It's a huge mistake not to introduce the characters in a film like this because without feeling anything for them you just never really engage with the story. At no point was I ever really convinced that any of them were in love. Compare this to a great film I just saw, Mike Leigh's Happy-go-lucky, which contained one of the briefest, most understated, convincing scenes of two people falling for each other that I've ever seen.

In the end my worst fears were confirmed. This is just a soulless vehicle for four pretty people.
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Really poor; not need for real Indy fans to see this one
19 June 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I went to see this last night and I was really, really disappointed. Luckily I fell asleep before the end thus putting myself out of my misery.

The stunts and effects in this film are amazing but that wasn't what I went to see. I wanted the Indy who fought a bloody gun-fight in Nepal and speared someone with a flaming kebab in Shanghai. All the grit had been taken out of the character.

You can't do an Indiana Jones film properly without Nazis. It just doesn't work. You need that real air of menace. Temple of Doom got over this by introducing the human sacrifice element. This film had no menace.

The film includes many references to the other Indy films and it just ends up making you nostalgic.

Ford should steer well clear of any more films. All involved should be embarrassed.
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The Departed (2006)
Very overrated
27 February 2007
Well I was really disappointed that this won best movie. I thought both Little Miss Sunshine and Babel were better. Actually The Departed was the most disappointing film I've seen this year.

Having said that I wouldn't begrudge Scorcese the Oscar. He definitely deserves a mantelpiece full of gongs but just not for this film.

Poor stories and gratuitous violence never go well together and this was no exception. I'm surprised as well at how good everyone thought the acting was.

Anyway if you're thinking of going to see this on the basis that it won best movie I'd steer clear and wait til it comes on TV then record it and watch it when you've literally got nothing else to do.
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Amélie (2001)
Beautiful and fresh
7 October 2001
I saw this film two days ago I want to go and see it again as soon as possible. The film has such a vibrant feel to it and I really didn't mind it being so long because every new scene was such treat. I just hope Jeunet stays in France and makes more films like this and doesn't get lured back to Hollywood. A great film though I can recommend it to anyone.
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