
17 Reviews
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Frozen (I) (2010)
Left me shaking, and not because of the cold.
20 September 2010
Frozen is not a masterpiece. It is not a great thriller, but it is compelling, terrifying, and engaging despite (perhaps because of) its minimalist approach.

Three friends hoping for one final ride down a mountain find themselves stranded on a ski lift on a Sunday, the last day of skiing for a week. Faced with the possibility of freezing to death, desperate measures for survival lead to some heart pounding moments of terror. Viewer discretion is advised, there are some extremely graphic scenes in this film.

The plot is basic, but its simplicity lends some believability to the events. There are few far-fetched plot developments, but on the whole the three main characters act in understandably desperate ways. Their dialogue, however, is fairly underwhelming. The lines feel contrived. There is a reference to the Twin Towers which comes across as a bit exploitative, and conversations feel flat, lacking the spontaneity and humanity of real interactions. Emma Bell's character, for example, does very little in the film but scream and complain, leading me to wonder what kind of self-respecting male would want her as a girlfriend.

Despite its flaws, Frozen kept me stuck to the edge of my seat for the entire running time. There were moments where I wanted to look away, there was one particular scene where I wanted to block my ears. Needless to say this film will come to mind the next time I take a chairlift.
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virtual sex needs a reality check
3 September 2010
Call me old fashioned, but I like a storyline with my erotic films. Whether it's the milkman delivering more than just the milk, or the plumber fixing the sexy kind of plumbing, that little injection of reality makes the erotic experience all the more pleasurable. By comparison, virtual sex with Tera Patrick seems sterile, detached and loveless. Amazing as she is, Tera Patrick appears bored with the whole concept of pleasuring a disembodied phallus, and fair enough.

Maybe if the black background had a projection of a tropical landscape or a locker room, or the half time show of the Superbowl. I think Paul Greengrass could have added some spice to this tepid expose, his shaky camera work would have added some well needed suspense. Or maybe Michael Winterbottom's taste for the self-reflective, metaphysical film style could have added an interesting twist to this personal erotic encounter.

However, the film still had a happy ending for me so for that reason alone I give Virtual Sex with Tera Patrick an enthusiastic virtual thumbs up.
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A Single Man (2009)
Powerful performances, excellent cinematography
28 July 2010
Wow. Only rarely does a film make a lasting impression on me. This is one of those films. From the opening moments Colin Firth had me in tears, before his character had even been established. In a single evocative shot Firth is able to express a range of emotions so potent, real, and engaging that the reason for his grief did not matter. Only as the plot unfolds through beautifully shot flashbacks does the film truly reveal honest expressions of love and loss.

Matthew Goode is charming as always, and plays a character so real I had to look twice at the credits to assure myself that this was the same actor who played Ozymandias in Watchmen. Equally alluring is Nicholas Hoult, who manages a believable American accent. And last but certainly not least, Julianne Moore, brilliant as always, playing a complexly tragic lover so wonderfully engaging despite having very little screen time.

But credit where credit's due, Tom Ford absolutely shines with his debut film. His lingering shots, his comic timing during moments of tragedy, some fantastic edits, and the ease with which he uses slow-motion and alternate lenses... breath-taking. A must see.
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Avatar (2009)
Avatar in 3D does not mean 3dimensional characters
28 July 2010
Since when did visual effects determine the worth of a film? Then again, there is no real point asking the question or reviewing the film. The whole world has already watched it convincing film producers that an original storyline and fleshed out characters are unnecessary.

The problem with Avatar is a complete lack of substance and originality. People praise the film for it's visuals, and while they are pretty they are not particularly imaginative. Floating islands, seen them before. Every animal on Pandora (lame and transparent name for a planet) is simply an Earth species with added limbs and fluorescent colors. The military hardware has been seen before, the drop ships resemble those from Aliens, the armored suits from any computer game set in the future. All of the characters are stereotypes, the gruff military general who has a blinding hatred for Pandora for no particular reason, the hero who must learn the true value of life. There is the greedy capitalist and the hippy scientist, and the natives of the planet that are Native American Indian stereotypes painted blue. It's a wonder James Cameron didn't include a casino on Pandora.

The message that the forests are precious is a little bit of Fern Gully. And the racist message that seems to have gone over everyone's heads that the natives need a White man to save them in order for their culture to be preserved. Well that's a little bit of Dances with Wolves and Pocahontas right there. And don't get me started on the plot holes!

But, there is no point standing on a soapbox preaching to the deaf. The film grossed absurd amounts of money, the damage has been done. All that is left to do is reflect on this cinematic anomaly and prey to the gods of the theater (if they are still listening) that film makers will continue to respect our intelligence and our desire to be challenged with believable characters, original concepts, and layered story lines. Amen.
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Reptisaurus (2009 TV Movie)
A real tour de France
27 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Reptisaurus is something else, a truly outstanding example of low budget film making done right. The premise of the film is typical, and not too original but where the film really starts to shine are the quiet moments where director Christopher Ray takes the time to develop his characters. For example, Commando #1, and Guard were exceptionally convincing, almost to the point of tears. Though small parts I find that it is the collective weight of small but powerful performances that coalesce into a solid piece of art and help define a film worth watching. Also pulling her weight is Caroline Attwood, who proves that she is more than just a pretty face. She also starred in the ICP classic 'Death Racers' which was another fantastic film, and proof that the ICP and their juggalo clowns are a fierce artistic force to be reasoned with.

In conclusion, Reptisaurus is a fine film with a predictable premise but Caroline Attwood's face and some excellent performances. It could have done with some more ICP and maybe some nudity but otherwise I liked this even more than Baise Moi
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Judas & Jesus (2009)
If Fritz the Cat starred Jesus the Goat
12 March 2010
This is a fantastically blasphemous animated short. Full of violence, sex, and the kind of humour that strikes right at the heart of the self- righteous, this film has everything to inflame the Christian audience no doubt tearing this thing apart.

Which is a shame, because the production is top notch, and the comedic timing is impeccable. Judas as a character is able to be sympathised with while also being the kind of despicable low-life that seems to embody most of today's oversexed youth. Any way you look at it, it is intelligent and challenging.

Probably too pornographic to watch openly at work, this is still a must see. Rebellious, intelligent, sexy and constantly funny, a feature film could be made out of this material and I would lap it up. Brilliant stuff that I hope is appreciated around the world.
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Brilliant from the start
11 March 2010
This is one of the greatest short films I have ever seen. It's all in the title really, so I don't think I'm spoiling anything when I say that it is all about someone's first haircut. Who would have thought such a simple concept could be so inspiring and emotional. I cried so much my face dried up like a withered sponge.

Directed by Alex Zamm, this short really shows his potential for style and pizazz. He later went on to direct Chairman of the Board and Inspector Gadget 2, two of my all time favorite films. While not as funny as those movies, this one still had me laughing, and also crying, what an emotional roller coaster.

A definite must-see and something that I hope gets the Blu-ray treatment
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Not bad, but for Scorsese that's not good enough
17 February 2010
What is nagging me the most about this film is that it is not really bad, it's just not particularly good, and at times it gets rather boring.

Many reviewers are stating that the plot "twist" is predictable within the opening moments of the film, and they are not wrong. Unfortunately, once the twist is guessed at (or even as it is revealed in the film) all that is left is some brooding cinematography and an overtly dramatic music score that fails to excite. There are some brutal WW2 flashback moments, but their relevance is questionable and rather than add weight to De Caprio's character and the plot they are more likely to frustrate an audience who wished there was more to them. Some of the imagery throughout is brutal and chilling, but it does not go far enough when the plot itself fails to unnerve. Moments of exposition are too drawn out, De Caprio is good but I've seen his range of expressions numerous times, Kingsley is convincing but his character is barely fleshed out....

From the opening moments it is clear that this film is directed by a brilliant film maker, but as the hours drag on one starts to ponder if the script were written by a brilliant screen writer. Ultimately, dwelling on the thought that Scorcese could be behind something so average is likely to drive a person insane. Best avoided.
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Poseidon (2006)
Wolfgang Petersen gives another reason to fear the sea
3 February 2010
I feel the need to defend this film, in part because of its rather low rating on this site, and also for its lacklustre reception in general. Perhaps, being a remake, audiences are overly critical, maybe it is a case of seeing one disaster film too many, either way this is a flick worth watching.

If there is one thing Wolfgang Petersen is capable of directing it is a film set on the vast ocean. From 'Das Boot' to 'The Perfect Storm' Wolfgang elicits a sense both of respect and outright fear for the destructive power of the sea.

The visual effects are brutal and convincing, the pacing is spot on, the preaching is kept to a minimum, eyes on you Gene Hackman, and overall it is a fun underwater romp. Plenty of heart in throat moments for characters who, while disposable, are still somewhat engaging. Josh Lucas is fantastic, Kurt Russell is cheesy and the love interest is blase, but it hardly detracts from the action.

Oh, and Fergie is in it, what more do you need!?
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American Werewolf in London this is not
2 November 2009
Brotherhood of the Wolf is an oddity. It is at times a meandering French period piece dripping with the arrogance of the French aristocracy, lathed with extravagant set design and overt period-piece costumes, delving into the sexual appetites of the 'oh so very French' libertines while at the same time coming across as an ambitious but ultimately underwhelming horror/martial arts epic. What does this amount to? A somewhat boring and self-masturbatory two hour long period drama with some superstitious elements, a brief glimpse of Monica Bellucci's naked body, and some rather lackluster fight scenes that try to mask their banality with quick edits and an overabundance of slow motion shots.

It is hard to recommend. There are better werewolf films out there, there are better French period films, there are also better French martial arts films. So why watch this one? The story is intriguing, Mark Dacascos' character, Mani, is fantastic, and when the ambitious over-stylized sequences do click the film can be pretty to look at. But this is hardly enough to keep the film interesting.

Approach this wolf with care.
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Good dumb but unremarkable fun
2 November 2009
Warning: Spoilers
GI:Joe Rise of Cobra is a good dumb fun action film that offers plenty of bang for your buck. Forget plots, character development or plausibility. What this film offers, and it offers it in droves, is high impact thrills and action set pieces that every kid in their sandpit could only dream of creating.

However, even though the film appears to cater for the easily pleased, action saturated market of juvenile kids and young adults in denial of their age, the film falters at various stages, both on a technical level, and also as a functional and engaging film. While he is no doubt a talented and successful actor Joseph Gordon-Levitt is absolutely terrible as 'The Doctor.' His voice is off, the performance is stale, and it seems that he is completely uninterested in the material. A shame. Sienna Miller's Baroness offers some sweet sex appeal, but her character goes through one of the most unnecessary changes of heart i have ever seen. It is almost as though the film is afraid to keep its baddies for fear of scaring the little ones. Finally, while they may be passable when dealing with action figurines, some of the character names (Snake Eyes, Storm Shadow etc...) just sound silly when spoken by actual actors in a live action film. This is made worse by the fact that most of the characters are so shallow that the only way the audience can get to know them is through these campy combat names.

Some of the action sequences also lose their intensity. This is in part because of the frenetic, almost incomprehensible nature of some of the larger battles, but also because it is all so obviously CGI at times. It is hard to care for the action (as pretty as it may be) when there is little to no emotional investment in the characters and when it is clear that at no point in the making of the film was any actual person in any actual danger.

But that is to be pretentious with a film that is merely aiming to entertain. And it succeeds. Worth watching on a big screen with big speakers and a big bucket of popcorn.
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It sure is a movie.
29 October 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This film is brilliant... Probably. It stars Stephen Mendel, one of my all time favourite actors. There are lots of things to like about this movie. there is acting, and cinematography, and even some special effects that are so subtle it is almost as though they aren't there at all. There is a plot of some description, presumably. I assume some events happen during the runtime of the film and it concludes at the end. Probably. Some laughs may be had by some people.

Francis Megahy really does a good job of capturing the mood of the film. Being both a director, writer and actor means that the film is always focused. Focused on the laughter, this being a comedy and all. The twist at the end involving the pumpkin wasn't really necessary, but maybe someday society will grow to accept it as an innovative moment in film. Give it a chance, I enjoyed it To conclude: this is a good rental, but not something I would buy on Blue Ray. Perhaps on betamax.
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Knowing (2009)
5 October 2009
From the director of Dark City and The Crow, two very original and stylistic films, comes this lacklustre thriller that fails to involve, intrigue or interest an audience.

The plot involves Nicholas Cage gaining the ability to calculate the dates and locations of tragic events, all of which happen quite conveniently within driving distance. These disasters are visually appealing on an exploitative level primarily because they involve mass destruction and a large loss of life.

What kills the film in my opinion are bland characters, which make it hard to care about the potential destruction of the earths population because there is no emotional investment. Nicholas Cage is just going through the motions, Rose Byrne lacks any character traits and merely flitters into the film almost unnoticed.

And the "climax" of the film. Utter tripe. Pretensious, overbearing nonsense that hammers in a message of rebirth so predictable and contrived it deflates the rest of the film.

Some nice elements,a hint of Twilight Zone, but let down by lacklustre characters and a complete fart of an ending.
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should have known better
7 September 2009
I rented this film not knowing who Uwe Boll was, and boy howdy what a harsh lesson to learn. This film is utter tripe, beyond being humorously bad like Troll 2.

The second Uwe Boll started splicing in-game footage of Sega's House of the Dead into the opening sequence this movie was destined to be crap. It perfectly exemplifies his status as an amateur director, using a technique that might have sounded cool on paper (to a 5 year old) but comes across as laughably (in hindsight) pathetic. Poor acting, predictable characters, heck, even the nudity is poor (no offense to the actress).

Maybe Uwe Boll is actively trying to be like Ed Wood, believing that after he is dead a neo-Tim Burton will create a masterful biopic of his awful movies. Bah, I feel like I'm wasting so much breath on Boll, and he doesn't deserve it. The movie is rubbish, don't bother.
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Bad Boys II (2003)
Bad Boy Bay
13 August 2009
Bigger, badder, and worse than a tetanus shot in the eye. It is obvious that Michael Bay has no concept of subtlety, but this film goes too far, bordering on bad taste at every turn.

And then Will Smith and Martin Lawrence show up spouting one liners straight from the tattered rulebook of bad 80s cop films. They're partners with issues of trust, we get it! Oh, and the over protective African American wife, now that's original.

So the script is predictable, but that is to be expected. What about the action scenes? The Matrix Reloaded proved that a ridiculously long car chase does not a good movie make. And Bad Boys II has three of them! While Michael Bay does have a flair for cool set pieces, it seems that this epicly long film is too ambitious. Without a solid script to keep the stunt course afloat, no amount of explosive shenanigans can save this floundering mess of a movie.

For fans of Bay only, and I'm not sure how many of them there are.
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Elektra (2005)
A masterpiece in every sense
13 August 2009
This cinamatic masterpiece is a masterpiece., It was like i was having my mind blown physically and literally by the action on the screen. Jenniffer Tilly was amazing as Elektra. She was perfectly cast, and suited the role perfectly cast.

The direction was also spot on. I think this will go down as one of the best action films based on a comedy ever.

The only thing missing is Ben Affleck and his chin. The chemist between Jenniffer and Ben would have made this film complete. Especially the bits where they must kiss and fight the baddies.....

  • Authors Note: If I were to enjoy this film, my review would have been something like that above, clearly suggesting that my IQ could not have been more than a grapefruit. The movie is rubbish, barely passable as a direct-to-DVD feature. Do not watch it!
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Just awful
13 August 2009
This film has more of everything from the first movie, such as: insulting racial stereotypes, pointless throw-away dialogue and incomprehensible action sequences.

If you handcuffed eight maladjusted monkeys to type writers you would probably get a better script. And as for the "action," go to your nearest toy store, get the latest line of Transformers action figures, cram them into a blender and switch it on. That's what you'll get in a nutshell. Oh, and people running from explosions in slow motion. John Woo's action films seem to be in fast forward compared to this. Just because it is in slow mo it doesn't make it cool... unless you're Zack Snyder.

It is hard to imagine anyone enjoying this film on any level, even the recently lobotomised. From the previews and hype, Michael Bay appears to be trusting the success of this film on the marketable qualities of Megan Fox's heaving bosom. Yes, gratuitous close ups of her chest abound.

Michael Bay is a contemptible hack. He has single handedly set science fiction back a few years, undoing the good work done by the recent masterful science fiction films, up to and including Alien. Do the world a favour and stop watching this tripe so that we can put an end to Michael Bay's reign of crap!
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