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Bluey: The Sign (2024)
Season 3, Episode 49
Terrible message
15 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I usually love Bluey, it sets an example of how families should behave towards each other. I was so shocked by the message in this episode. I thought it was going to be an episode which would help children embrace change and deal with the difficulty of moving house, schools etc. Instead it gives an entirely inappropriate and unrealistic message that even when your furniture is out of the door there's a chance if you wish hard enough you might not have to move after all. Poor children who will get their hopes up after watching this episode and then be forced to move. It would have been so much better if the message had been sometimes you have to move and it can be sad but maybe you will enjoy the change. I watched the ending in horror at how such a wonderful programme could have got this so wrong. However, ending made my husband cry, so what do I know?
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Far less than the sum of its parts.
7 April 2024
This film has such a good cast, actors from shows like Heartstopper, Bridgerton, The Big Bang Theory plus Nick Frost bumbling around is background for some unexplained reason. Is he the chauffeur? Why is Nick Frost the chauffeur? Has he done something wrong which means he can't be the star of a film anymore? In addition, the sets are stunning, the music is good, they clearly haven't penny punched while making this film. It's such a shame that the result is so much less than the sum of its parts. The result is a chaotic, rushed mess of a film with far too much breaking of the fourth wall and one of those relationships where you're supposed to believe two people are perfect for each other but they end up hurting each other because they can't be honest with each other. Honesty is the basis of a good relationship, I'm never going to root for a couple who only obstacle is their inability to tell each other they love one another.
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No character development
14 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I'm already so bored of the AI as villain trope and you know it's only just beginning because it's so on the mind of the collective culture's psyche at the moment.

From the moment Ray was introduced it was obvious he would be the instigating murderer; most simply because there was no development of any of the other characters who were potential suspects. Even after watching the entire series, I would struggle to name more than five of the other characters and I could absolutely not tell you what it is that they do which made it so important for them to be gathered together. However, Ray was a fully rounded character with an omniscience that was conveniently ignored when necessary to serve the plot. I may not have guessed exactly which human he was manipulating to do his bidding, but it barely mattered because they were all so 2 dimensional.

Such a shame because it's a compelling concept and setting, but so little is done with the potential mystery. We just continuously linger on Emma Corrin's distractedly pointy face looking shifty and flash back to a crime where we've already seen the resolution in the first 5 mins and so has no suspense revolving around it.

I really thought this was going to be fun, exciting, modern take on the classic Agatha Christie locked house mystery; but it is ponderous, uneven, and ultimately disappointing.
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Very inconsistent
22 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I thought this was going to be a fun YA vampire show, but it is not. I'm not sure who it is aimed at. Sometimes it is very serious and quite adult, at others time it's a teen romance. Apparently it's supposed to be a comedy, but I didn't find anything in it funny. It feels like someone had an idea for a show and it was greenlit but they hadn't thought what they were going to do beyond the initial premise

The characters' behaviour is utterly insistent. Sometimes they are trying to kill each other, other times they are teaming up. There's a killer who seems to have a connection with a lesbian character but then confusingly falls for the lead male. It makes no sense. Halfway through the series the main hero starts acting horrifically and completely differently to how he has been previously. You absolutely can't root for him any more.

The acting is patchy. The actors/characters often feel like they are in different shows to each other.

I'm on episode 9 and I'm trying to finish the series but it's a real slog. Such a shame as I was hoping for a fun campy show.
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8 July 2023
Wow, I watched this directly after Avengers Endgame and the shift in tone was extraordinary. I cannot believe this is a genuine Marvel movie, it feels like complete parody. It's clear everyone making it was having enormous fun (except Tessa Thompson, who looks and sounds like she'd rather be anywhere else), but it's a huge shame that it's not such a fun film to watch. It is absolutely all over the place.

Granted, in the Avengers, Thor had become the subject of mockery, but this film takes it even further. He is supposed to be a strong hero but he is just ridiculous.

I'm surprised Natalie Portman agreed to come back for this given how different it is from the original Thor movies in which she starred.

Christian Bale is excellent as a duplicate Voldemort, intent on killing Gods. His storyline is the only one which has any sense of a proper narrative and is marginally satisfying.

After 90% of the film is self parody and daft jokes, it suddenly has a very heartfelt and sentimental ending, which it simply does not earn.

Marvel must be drunk on the success of Ragnarok to give the creators of this film such creative leeway as to make this film which is a spoof pretending to be a proper Marvel film.
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You & Me (2023–2024)
16 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I wanted to like this, and it made me cry a lot, which is usually a sign of a good programme. However, the happy ending, which should have felt like redemption or relief after the exploration of so much grief, was thoroughly tainted by the fact that one of the main characters marries someone else hours before she gets together with the other main character for their happily ever after. I wanted to root for these two characters who have suffered so much and are helping each other overcome pain; however, how are you supposed to root for them when they are essentially cheating on a perfectly decent man who has done nothing wrong? It was such a misguided attempt to create drama when all it does is spoil any goodwill you have built up towards these characters. Cheating on someone, even if the person you are doing it with is the perfect person you are supposed to be with forever, is never romantic.
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The Twelve (2022– )
Interesting premise
15 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The premise of concentrating on the 12 members of the jury and how being involved in a trial affects their personal lives is interesting. However, this programme didn't quite work for me. The jurors became involved in each other's personal lives far too quickly to the extent it seemed as though they didn't all have wider friend groups and lives outside of the jury. There was too much over the top drama going on in the juror's lives - manslaughter, spousal abuse, missing children, mental health crises, police brutality, bribery etc etc. It would have worked better if the jurors were more normal people with smaller personal dramas and the criminality had been reserved for the case on trial.

Ultimately, however, I think the reason the show did not live up to the promise of its premise is that the crime on trial was not interesting or complex enough. Realistically, I didn't believe a case with so little evidence, no body etc., would have even gone to trial let alone managed to convince a jury that there was no reasonable doubt. There wasn't really any evidence any crime had been committed, let alone murder. The accused woman was so unpleasant to watch and the backstory of the crime really voyeuristic and grimy. The niece and aunt relationship didn't ring true and it was hard to engage with or really care when the truth was finally revealed at the end.
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The Last of Us: Left Behind (2023)
Season 1, Episode 7
6 March 2023
I've wanted some back story on Ellie, who, up to this point, has felt very lacking in any kind of character other than snark. However, I found this character development centred episode very unsatisfying. It took an hour to show what could have been shown in 10 minutes. We already knew she grew up in some kind of institution, we already knew she had been bitten. I wanted to know who her family was, how she ended up on her own, how she ended up with the fireflies after she was bitten. I wanted something that rounded out her character more fully, not just to watch her hanging out with her girlfriend experiencing 90s mall culture through the eye of the pandemic. I feel like we learned very little and it was all very samey and dull. I really don't understand all the hype over Bella Ramsey.
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Transcendent music, pacing off
17 January 2023
The music in the film is transcendent. Houston's music has stood the test of time and sounds wonderful in this film. Naomi Ackie does a brilliant job of miming to her music without it seeming forced or cringey. She acts very well and is able to portray Houston astonishingly well at all ages without any noticeable special effects or intrusive makeup.

However, the pacing of the plot of the film feels completely off. For such a long film, it barely offers any insight into Houston's life. It skitters along touching occasionally on important incidents but in absolutely no depth. There's a shot following her kitten heels walking across a floor which lasts longer than the scenes in which she miscarries or gives birth. She goes from meeting Bobby Brown to marrying him and consequently divorcing him in about 5 scenes. The whole film feels like it treated Bobby Brown way too generously, there's barely a mention of his domestic abuse towards her or criminal convictions.

The film makers have obviously chosen to focus on her music as the key part of the film, but I wonder why bother adding any biographical detail at all if it is going to be so frustratingly rushed and unexamined?
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24 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Little boys who die putting up Christmas decorations in trees is not festive. Cheating on your fiancé is not romantic. I absolutely cannot root for a couple when one is already engaged when they meet. Why are so many romantic Christmas films based on this premise! It is absolutely horrible!

Plus who on Earth puts out candles with their fingers? And, if you had your long lost mother's diary to read and the aim of your trip was to find her, would you really put it aside to read a crime novel written by your hunky new travelling companion? I can see why Netflix released this in November rather than closer to Christmas, it is not full of Christmas cheer.
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8 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It's a shame this film isn't better because it has a great cast and the filming locations in Shropshire provide a gorgeous backdrop.

Unfortunately, the story just seems a little silly and the ending is far-fetched, with the father doing a complete reversal of his previous character. He starts out not even knowing what colour his own daughter's hair is and by the end is suddenly putting her needs first. Really?

I think the film just skews very young and is probably best aimed at 10-13 year olds rather than grown ups. Maybe that audience would enjoy it more than I did.

It's worth a watch just to see how beautiful Stokesay Castle and the Shropshire Hills look on film. More films should be made here.
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Persuasion (I) (2022)
16 July 2022
It's fine. It's an easy, fun watch, but the knowing looks to camera do get a bit irritating. Dakota Johnson's English accent is not great and the central couple have no chemistry once they finally get together which is a bit disappointing. All their kisses are very awkward.
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21 February 2022
Utterly lacklustre and formulaic Hallmark-style romance. I was hoping for a fun sunny Australian romance, but it could be set anywhere as they've made the bizarre choice to have the Australian actors use American accents.
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Reacher (2022– )
15 February 2022
It's ridiculous how many bodies Reacher piles up in this series without any consequence. It's not big or clever to go around killing people left, right and centre. He's basically a spree killer and we're expected to believe that just because he's killing baddies that he can walk away scot free at the end of the series? What about due process of the law? Utter nonsense. I can't believe this kind of ultra masculine hero is still being written in 2022, it's so outdated. It's so much more interesting to see a person solve a crime using their wits rather than their muscles. I felt the same way about the book, so I don't know why I expected the TV programme to be any better.
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Good Morning Christmas! (2020 TV Movie)
Just wrong
13 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Why does Hallmark think it's romantic for people to fall in love with each other while one is already in a relationship? It is not aspirational or romantic! Also, the TV producer should be fired for broadcasting two people live without their knowledge or consent. That is also a terrible thing to do.
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Christmas Tree Lane (2020 TV Movie)
Not one of Walker's best
12 December 2021
Andrew Walker is such a charismatic lead that he can usually elevate even the most turgid Hallmark film. Sadly even his talent couldn't save this turkey. The dialogue is exceptionally stilted. The idea of celebrating Christmas like people used to by making it utterly shop focussed is nonsense. The film takes itself way too seriously, it needs a bit of levity and humour. It was painful to watch and dull. Alicia Witt as the lead actress has no charisma or appeal. It just made me angry that they wasted Andrew Walker on this film.
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Money Heist: La teoría de la elegancia (2021)
Season 5, Episode 8
Unnecessary female nudity
4 December 2021
There was absolutely no need for Monica to strip in this episode. It infuriated me. Her husband kisses someone else and she responds with a sexy dance? It's 2021, women should not be written like this any more. There should no longer be female nudity which is completely supplementary to the storyline and is just there to titillate male viewers. It's really disappointing in a series like this, although they also seem to be killing off all the strong female characters, so maybe it not as modern as I thought.
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Grey's Anatomy: Someone Saved My Life Tonight (2021)
Season 17, Episode 17
24 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Amelia is the actual worst. They finally redeemed her character in season 16 by giving her Linc and now she has destroyed that for no reason. How can you invest in a character who can't even make things work with a perfect man who is also her child's father?

I hate to think what they will do to Maggie and Winston next season after letting them get together and married with no tension/drama/infidelity. Then there's the endless Owen and Teddy merry-go-round. They are toxic to each other, but also deserve each other.

I wish this show would just let couples be happy sometimes. How can characters be so put together in their careers and so utterly shambolic in their personal lives.

At least Jackson has left now so they can stop destroying his character with awful decision making and terrible relationships.
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Feel Good (2020–2021)
I don't get it
13 June 2021
I've heard so many rave reviews for this show. I just don't get it. It's not funny, it's just spoilt, self-absorbed, damaged people being callous towards each other. I was really hoping this programme would be feel good as the title suggests, but it had the opposite effect. I've heard people say this programme is romantic, but I think most of the relationships are just toxic.
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Grey's Anatomy: In My Life (2021)
Season 17, Episode 9
No one cares about Teddy
28 May 2021
Seriously, s whole episode devoted to Teddy? No one cares. Also, Owen has had so many on again off again relationships now that I have no tolerance for his drama either. Just let them be happy together or break them up for good. Stop torturing us and them. They are both awful.
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Boring and repetitive
17 January 2021
Such a weird choice to centre the spin off series around the two least likeable/interesting characters on the first series. This series doesn't work because none of the drama has any impact because we know from the experience of watching the original series that there will almost always be a twist which reverses any revelation from the prior episodes.
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Horrible acting
8 January 2021
Horrible acting, monotonous voiceover, pointless constant switching of allegiances between characters, nonsense plot. Not even fun trash TV.
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2 January 2021
This relationship is utterly toxic and not one that should be promoted as romantic in the 21st century.
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12 Days of Giving (2017 TV Movie)
19 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Why do so many of these supposedly romantic Christmas films feature a person who is engaged falling in love with someone who is not their fiancé? How is that festive? Even if their fiancé is not right for them, it's not a good or romantic thing to do.
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21 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Why do so many supposedly wholesome romantic Hallmark films involve infidelity? This, like so many of their other films has the main character finding herself and true love while cheating on her perfectly nice but not quite right for her fiancé. Why is that something we should route for? Hallmark leads leave a trail of broken engagements and wronged lovers in their paths in the pursuit of 'the one'. It's baffling to me why that should be seen as romantic.
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