5 Reviews
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Guardians Of The Galaxy's Passion
29 May 2019

  • Everything!

Cons; -Nothing!

Watch this... NOW!!!
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Avengers: Endgame
25 April 2019
Normally I would make a quip in my title but no. This film deserves to be seen as it is; a beauty.

  • RDJ, Jeremy Renner, Chris Hemsworth, Scarlett Johansson, Chris Evans & surprisingly Karen Gillan are no short of fantastic. Each actor truly delves into their characters and give masterful performances. Gillan was a nice surprise in how much she did and changed from her previous films.
  • The CGI was (I will say) near flawless. Nothing ever looked completely fake and most looked incredibly realistic.
  • The actions was gorgeous. Seriously; if it were a fetish, you would enjoy yourself TOO much.
  • It abides so Well to the continuity and is believable in its world. We see the events of Infinity War taking a toll on the world, we get rich callbacks to (Nearly) every single film!
  • Whilst slightly tying to the previous point, the fan service is fabulous. Some fans will be in awe to see what happens.
  • The cinematography is beautiful and lots of shots are stunning and would give Film Theory a run for its money (Not saying much but whatever).
  • The emotion is gut-wrenching. If you have stuck with these movies; you WILL cry.
  • The film focused on the characters that bettered the story. Some characters appeared briefly, but when so it worked!

  • The humour whilst not undercutting any serious emotion is not as refined as the other movies. Still funny but not AS funny as (Example) Infinity War.

Verdict; The mould is broken, the tables have turned. As a beautiful show of the MCU's patience & Storytelling, Avengers: Endgame exceeds its hype, it's expectations and will break you. See it whilst you can in cinema.
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A Quiet Place (2018)
A Quiet Film
23 April 2019
Oh wow! A good horror film!

  • Emily Blunt & John Kraskinski are great lead roles! They act really well without vocals in facial expression and body posture. Not to mention, their chemistry is great ( it a given (Married)).
  • Millicent Simmonds also does a fantastic job! She carries guilt & anger really well and you can understand her (Sometimes rash) decisions. However it helps that in real life she is actually deaf.
  • Noah June is quite good as well. Just overshadowed by Blunt, Kraskinski and Simmonds' portrayals.
  • Despite a low budget ($17-21 million) the CGI for the monsters is really good and realistic looking. They are terrifying awe-bringing and I love it.
  • The film really gives into its premise and it does a great job of showing a silent world and how it would test people.

  • One character that Kraskinski's character comes across is a little bit over-the-top and also very limited in his acting. Not major but a bit off-putting.
  • Whilst common in the genre, the audience learn nothing of where the creatures come from.

Verdict; 'A Quiet Place' is a very under-The-radar movie which deserves more praise, with a premise that it commits to, a cast that commit and very few flaws: this is a movie that you ought to watch.
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Daredevil (2015–2018)
Dare You To Find A Better Show
17 April 2019
This show is very... very good!

  • Charlie Cox is a phenomenally great lead actor. He truly takes on the idea that Matt Murdock is blind and in acting relies on posture, mannerisms and even other parts of the face; this guy is crazy!
  • Vincent D'Onofrio kills it as Kingpin! He is beyond brutal, he is scheming and yet you fail to hate him. D'Onofrio gives this character true life and you even want him to win at times until you remember that he kills people and always feels his way is right...
  • the supporting cast is always great. Deborah Ann Woll, Elden Henson & Jon Brenthal as Karen Page, Foggy Nelson and Frank Castle respectively really challenge Murdock's perspectives on the world whilst having relevant and compelling plot lines also.
  • The action alone is perfect. It is gritty it is grounded it is intriguing it is creative it takes the breath right out of your lungs like holy s***!

  • Wai Ching Ho as Madame Gao is not bad in any way; she is just as strong as other actors I previously mentioned! However, her plot in Season 2 gets boring and she herself is quite forgettable.
  • Season 2's pacing never really worked unfortunately and brought the show down slightly.
  • Whilst It did pick up straight after Episode 1, Season 3 started a little slow and dragged again in what I deem the unnecessary Episode 10.

Verdict; Whilst Season 2 dragged slightly with a forgettable villain, Seasons 1 & 3 were glorious with incredibly strong actors lifting the show to grand heights!
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Avengers: Infinite Success
17 April 2019
Oh... my... god...

  • For The sole reason of I'd be here all day; every single actor does an Incredible job. RDJ is fantastic, Hemsworth is fantastic, hell even Ned Leeds is fantastic and he has like 10 seconds of screen time!
  • Thanos is the new Darth Vader. He is menacing, determined but yet he is understandable and you almost want to side with the guy wanting to wipe out half life in the universe so good job Marvel!
  • Despite having the job of uniting 18 different movies of storytelling into one cohesive film, it works wonders! All characters feel right in the movie, you love all of them!
  • The humour is at its best here; the GotG meeting the Avengers is laugh-out-loud funny (Dave Bautista's Drax is to die for), Mark Ruffalo's Bruce Banner returning to Earth catching up with 7 movies of new things, etc.
  • Despite the outstanding comedy, this film gets dark and it has no fear in presenting the stakes these characters are facing. I literally cried several times so... have fun parents!
  • The musical score is fantastic. Alan Silvestri gives every scene extra life and chills. Even if there is no music it has gut-punching purpose.
  • The ending... what?!??

  • The CGI at times is a little bit hit or miss E.g. Iron Man armours.
  • Whilst impactful, the ending does leave on a bit of a cliffhanger which is ok but... yeah...

Verdict; Whilst not entirely flawless, Avengers: Infinity War is a once in a lifetime experience. It has comedy, crying, crazy action and did I say crying? Can not wait til Endgame!
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