
14 Reviews
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P2 (2007)
An excellent low budget thriller!
30 November 2020
I love this movie! Given the budget and the fact that it was contained almost entirely within an underground parking garage the movie did an excellent job building and maintaining that claustrophobic atmosphere for Angela as she is being stalked by an security guard who is obsessed and wants to spend Christmas Eve with her... Or else!

This film revolves almost entirely on the interplay between Rachel Nichol's character Angela and Wes Bentley's Thomas. They both fulfilled their roles very well with Wes Bentley absolutely knocking it out of the park with his craziness and homicidal tendencies. Another strong aspect of the film I really liked is the length. It was just about right with enough time to have a nice game of cat and mouse between the two main characters without dragging it out to pad screen time. I watched this movie twice (once on DVD in 2009 and recently on Amazon Prime since a relative was interested) and I highly recommend it. It is worth at least one watch! 9/10.
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Girl (I) (2020)
Mediorcre thriller, decent acting from Bella & Mickey.
28 November 2020
This is by no means the greatest thriller and the story is very predictable; however, Bella Thorne did a good job for the role provided. In addition, Mickey Rourke was solid as well during his major scenes. He was calm, yet menacing. I felt that the interplay between the two main characters was one of the few highlights in the film and provided some much-needed tension. The plot and general reason for the character's motives are not surprising, very one dimensional in nature. There is also a major twist late in the movie; however, depending on how much you were paying attention you might be shocked or see it coming a mile away.

Regardless of the general mediocrity of Girl (2020), I felt it was enjoyable to watch and merits a viewing, especially if you can watch it on your preferred streaming service. I would not recommend purchasing this movie though, it is more of a rental at most. 5/10 for the fact that Bella and Mickey carried this movie with their presence.
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Broken Vows (2014)
Watch for Wes Bentley
27 November 2020
Saw this movie on Amazon Prime since I am a fan of Wes Bentley and recognize Jaimie Alexander from the Thor movies. In terms of the premise it is very simple. Jaimie Alexander plays Tara who is engaged to be married to Michael. While out with her friends for a bachelorette party they let loose and have fun. Tara meets a bartender at a club named Patrick, and they end up sleeping together. After that moment Patrick ends up developing an obsession with Tara and once she makes it clear that it was simply a one-night stand that is when things start escalating.

Like other stalker movies he gets more involved in her life and looks for ways to sabotage it. In terms of acting it was not great with the exception being Wes Bentley. He does crazy very well (see a similar movie called P2 where he absolutely tormented Rachel Nichol's character in a parking lot). I would go so far as to say that he carries this movie because the rest of the cast was mediocre to poor. Even Jaimie Alexander was fairly bland and only stood out because of her beauty. I have seen her in Thor and a few episodes of the TV series Blindspot, so I know that she is capable of putting in a good performance. Her friends and sister (Emily) were terrible and cringy.

I do not regret watching this film and have seen much worse; however, in terms of the obsessive stalker-type movies it has been done better elsewhere. As a matter of fact, Wes Bentley's own P2 (2007) was very well done on what looks like a smaller budget with fewer cast members and confined primarily to one location (an underground parking lot). Give P2 a watch instead; however if you absolutely must watch this then see it for Wes Bentley and only watch it once. 5/10 due to Wes.
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Possession (I) (2009)
Bland, disappointing and predictable
27 November 2020
I found this movie rather disappointing. Acting was not great even for Sarah Michelle Gellar this was one of her weaker performances. Fairly wooden and bland which is surprising since she was excellent in Buffy and Cruel Intentions. Husband was bland. Pacing was slow and the ending was rather predictable once you knew where is was going. There apparently was an alternate ending that likely would have made film better and less predictable. 4/10 even as an SMG fan.
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Second Chances (2010 TV Movie)
Boring, predictable and acting was not great
11 November 2020
I had an interest in seeing this movie due to Melissa George who plays Kate Fischer who lost everything due to withholding an interview she did with a serial killer that could have saved a life if she turned it into police right away. Melissa is a decent actress capable solid performances in TV (Alias) and film. She was passable at best here and every actor around her was awful. All of them are a boring, tired cliche or just plain useless in the film. Even worse, Kate's cop friend Lucas was downright terrible. He is horribly incompetent and not believable as a seasoned detective. Second Chances also has characters that do not serve to advance the plot at all. A key example is the professor that does not like Kate Fischer (Melissa George). In addition, once the perpetrators that are after Kate are revealed it was not some big twist or surprise at all. You could see it coming a mile away. The music used to build suspense and advance the story is bad as well, even for TV movie standards. I have watched other made for TV movies and went into this with low expectations and was still very disappointed, hence the low rating.

If I could think of a plus side, Melissa George looked gorgeous here; however, by the end of the movie I was bored and wanted to go to sleep. Skip this film if its on tv. Second Chances is not even one of those "so bad its good" films. Don't even give it one chance.
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Enjoyable thriller/crime film with little in the way of surprises
9 November 2020
This was far better than I expected going into the movie. The main cast did their jobs well and the scenes as well as sound do well to keep the pace of the movie hectic. In terms of the plot Nick Cassidy the protagonist was framed for a crime he did not commit. Elizabeth Banks is Lydia Mercer the negotiator tasked with talking Nick down to prevent him from jumping. Both played their roles well and the banter between the characters was good. In terms of the real perpetrators of the crime, it soon becomes fairly obvious and predictable who they are so don't expect major surprises or an unexpected twist if you have been paying attention throughout the movie. Regardless, Man on A Ledge was a fun, well paced for a thriller/crime/action romp. Definitely worth watching for Elizabeth Banks and Sam Worthington.
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Alien (1979)
A Sci-fi/horror classic!
2 November 2020
This is the epitome of an excellent sci-horror movie that nails everything and still ups today. The cast was great, Sigourney Weaver is still known for the Alien franchise and this one (along with the sequel Aliens) are the reasons why. The small cramp hallways and vents are the perfect setting for building terror. The synthetic crew member added to that tension as well creating this whole question of "can you really trust him?". The alien creature was well designed and the special effects were very well done for its time. Again, given the horror elements the effects still hold up in 2020.

If you have never seen this movie and enjoy horror OR sci-fi you owe it to yourself to watch this film before you die. It is a classic film that will stand the test of time. The kind of movie that will still be celebrated 50, 100 years from now.
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Atmospheric but slow horror film.
2 November 2020
This film absolutely nailed the atmosphere from the lighting to the sets and scenes in terms of cinematography. The main actresses all played their roles very well and considering I have seen Emma Roberts in other films this comes as no surprise. The issues start to come up in terms of editing where there are certain scenes that were too long and the pacing was extremely slow for the first half of the movie. It was not until the second half where the movie really gets into the meat of the story involving murder, sacrifice and demons etc. In addition, the sound was used too frequently to indicate something terrible or ominous was afoot. Subtle use of this is preferable for an atmospheric horror of this nature. The movie's ending was also kind of sudden and not enough explanation/resolution was provided. The final scene feels like it was just abruptly cut and then the credits roll. 5/10 largely due to the excellent acting from the main cast and the atmosphere.
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Not perfect but has its funny moments
2 November 2020
I found this film to be funny at times and enjoyable. It is basically an inferior version of Warm Bodies. The two main characters Beth and Zach were good. Dane DeHaan nailed the "edgy" teen who became depressed once his girlfriend died. Aubrey Plaza was funny at times too, especially later in the movie when she had to change up her behaviour. John C Reilly was his usual self although at times I felt the writing or acting was a bit too much. He ended up taking away some ample scenes where other characters could have been developed to a greater extent. Matthew Gray Gubler (Spencer from Criminal Minds) was hilarious as the security guard gun happy brother and he was a clear standout from the minor characters. Cheryl Hines was kind of wasted in my opinion and Molly Shannon could have done more if her scenes were not dominated by John C Reilly. She got better towards the end when she had this disturbing, yet touching scene with her daughter Beth and Zach. I also wish Anna Kendrick had a few more scenes as the few she was in were well done.

This was meant as a movie that you do not take very seriously and it accomplishes that most of the time. I had a great time watching it with family and while not all of the jokes or humour land, most of it does hit. If you like more comedic horror films or enjoyed Warm Bodies you should watch this movie. 7/10
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Nocturne (II) (2020)
Beautiful but dark and tragic...
26 October 2020
This was a very enjoyable movie. Not truly a horror movie in the traditional sense with jump scares and excessive violence/gore. It is more psychological so keep that mind before you watch this movie. Sydney Sweeney and Madison Iseman were excellent in this film and definite highlights. The soundtrack and music throughout was very high quality and you could tell that great care was taken to make sure that the score was top notch. The story and advancement of the plot was a good balance and the kept interesting by the splicing of supernatural scenes and a certain amount of questioning for the audience whether this was real or in Juliet's mind. I also like the competitive/jealousy dynamic of the sisters throughout the movie and it serves as the basis for why both sisters can be down right cruel and vindictive (both of them get their shots in, especially Madison near the end of the film). I liked this film from start to finish and heavily sympathize with both sisters throughout the film. Madison was the prodigy who had a promising future and Juliet was always in her shadow. She wanted to be somebody, popular and famous, loved and valued. A thought provoking film with an ambiguous finale and I look forward to watching again in the future to gain some additional perspective on certain scenes. An easy 9/10 for this genre of film, do not skip it!
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Breathe In (2013)
A beautifully crafted film!
7 July 2020
Even though this type of drama has been done before Breathe In is a very well-done and thought provoking entry. It is about a young foreign exchange student from the UK moving to New York state to learn more about herself and the world. We then see the affect her presence has on the family she is staying with and unlike other films which beat you over the head with everything, this film adds a nice degree of subtlety between the characters.

Guy Pearce and Felicity Jones were terrific in their roles and made you want to see more of them. Their characters were flawed (just like many others in this movie); however, there was meaning to it and it developed at a nice steady pace for the film.

Pacing was in my opinion well done here as well avoiding the common issue of rushing the romance or love between people to the point of making it unbelievable.

The music and soundtrack were another high point for this film. Excellent treatment of classical works and it was used judiciously to advance the plot; however, not to the point of it becoming overbearing.

Only issue I could find was that the character development of the wife, Megan could have been handled better and we do not find out what happens to one of the main characters at the end of the movie. These are not significant issues; however, that detract from the overall point or story in the film.

I highly recommend watching this movie, it really gets to the point of just how family relationships can be, especially beneath the surface.
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Pandemic (2016)
Problematic even for a zombie B-movie
6 July 2020
While the premise was fine and I liked some of the characters the movie has major problems that make it difficult to recommend even for someone looking for a b-movie zombie action flick.

The most glaring issue is the first person viewpoint used through most of the film. Some occasional and conservative use of first person adds to the atmosphere of certain films and can make the experience more immersive. The problem here is that it was used far too often making it difficult to watch, especially during action sequences. Once the viewer starts running into this problem it actually takes them out of the immersion.

Another problem is the special effects in certain areas were just plain awful even for b-movie level.

Overall, this is a mediocre zombie movie that I would only watch once out of interest. There are far better zombie films that nail the genre and make repeat viewings a pleasant experience.
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The Aeronauts (2019)
Beautiful Scenes & Excellent Acting but Historically Inaccurate
22 June 2020
I watched this mainly because of the two main actors. Both Felicity Jones and Eddie Redmayne absolutely shined in their previous outing The Theory of Everything, so I looked forward to seeing them together again onscreen. They delivered in terms of solid performances (although not as good as previously) and I enjoyed their banter and development throughout the movie. In addition, it was a decent balance of quiet and more tense sequences, especially while in the balloon.

That said, Felicity Jones' character Amelia Wren has more scenes and narrates this film as well putting her as the lead protagonist. This would normally not be an issue; however, this bring me to the issues with the movie.

The primary issue with the movie was that while the moments shown throughout the film are based on a true story, James Glaisher's pilot companion was a male by the name of Henry Coxwell. He was completely absent from the movie and Jame's friend John Trew was also fictional. Further compounding the historical problems are the fact that Felicity Jones' fictional character Amelia Wren narrates this film throughout and has more scenes pushing her to be the more prominent of the two lead characters.

I understand changing things for a film; however, considering the strong historical premise of this film it does detract from the experience. Looking at it from a purely fictional perspective; however, the movie is excellent and I have no major complaints on that front.

As long as you temper your expectations I recommend watching it once, mainly for the two main actors. I don't regret watching The Aeronauts, even with the numerous historical issues.
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Time of Death (2013 TV Movie)
Predictable, boring and messy script
16 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoy watching crime and thriller movies. This one is terrible even compared to many other made for tv films. First off, Jordan Price the main character is constantly mentioning that she is a part fo this case because it is a Department of Defense matter (DOD); however, she also frequently mentions that she is FBI. Which of the alphabet agencies are you are a part of? Both organizations have their own investigation teams. In addition, the chemistry between the two main characters were lacking and their development make no sense. They go from strictly professional and cold/aloof to sleeping together right away?

I watched this mainly because I have seen Kathleen Robertson in other films and she is capable of putting in a decent performance. This movie is worth one watch if you have nothing else.
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