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The Hollow Crown: Henry IV, Part 2 (2012)
Season 1, Episode 3
Great actors giving true performances
8 September 2012
A warning before I begin: You may not like this production if you don't like drama. Personally I think that the combination of grim severity and comical wit is perfect. But this is (by and large) a serious film. If you are looking to laugh, applaud, and (maybe) shed a tear or two then this is definitely for you. If you don't like Shakespeare, or are just looking for mindless entertainment, pass it over…I promise not to judge too harshly.

The directors and producers truly captured the spirit of the play. Jeremy Irons's anguished and troubled Henry IV is perfectly on par. He allows you to peak into the past and see the man Henry was. Likewise, Tom Hiddleston's portrayal of Prince Hal is simply beautiful. His Hal is charismatic, calculating, inspiring—a complex character who you simultaneously love and abhor, applaud and condemn. Hiddleston gives, by far, the most compelling rendition that I have ever seen.

But you could not have Hiddleston's Hal without Simon Russell Beale's Falstaff; they are the perfect pairing. They capture the essence of the tragic/comic relationship that exists between Hal and Falstaff. You can't help but despise Falstaff. Yet the love that he shows for Hal makes him endearing and human. Beale's complex performance leaves you questioning whether you should like or loath his character, which is exactly as it should be.

The costumes are appropriate and the attention to detail is commendable. You won't see busty women prancing about in unrealistic clothing, like you do in some horrid productions. The battle scenes are refreshing; there are no swarms of digitalized soldiers, but actors giving true performances. The music is a bit over-dramatic at times; but other than that, it is a great production.

Would recommend to anyone who likes Shakespeare. If you are familiar with his comedies, but have not seen the more serious plays, the combination of wit and tragedy makes this the perfect introduction.
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A good way to kill time
19 February 2009
Lets be honest, this is no master piece. But it is good mindless entertainment.

I think that all the people going on about the bad directing and less than believable storyline are really quite ignorant and foolish. This movie is clearly marketed towards male teens and people looking for a cheap fantasy story. If you are in to things like that (star trek, stargate, etc) then you will probably like this movie. If, however, you expect to see Oscar winning performances in this movie...well then you are also foolish and ignorant.

Realistically, the acting is not that bad. Several people pull off relatively impressive performances. The characters are likable for the most part, the plot is rather interesting, and all things considered the special effects are not that terrible.

Basically, after the first 10 to 20 minutes the movie is quite enjoyable. Once you get past the completely unbelievable storyline and accept the film for what it is you can get into it.

But unfortunately, if you are a snob who only watches movies of the highest caliber you will not be able to see this movie as a humorous satire like I did. Certainly it is not worth paying $7.50 for to see in the theater, but I think it was time well spent.
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