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A good DVD extra
3 October 2008
Blood Trails is a collection of short movies, originally shown on-line as an accompaniment to the main movie. Don't buy this expecting a new movie or even a full TV series, the whole thing runs at a little over 30 minutes.

Overall it's quite well put together and pretty gory, also it covers some of the New Orleans storyline from the original comic book (sorry, graphic novel) that was excised from the main movie, which is cool for fans of the source material. What annoyed me most however was that the whole thing was not edited together into one long episode, instead I was having to fast forward the opening titles and the "Next time on Blood Trails" endings every two or three minutes which took me out of the story somewhat.

As my summary states this would have made a great extra on the original movie's DVD but as a stand alone piece it doesn't really hold up. For die hard fans only.
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It's not really anything!
10 September 2007
As the end credits rolled to the execrable Ring Of Terror the first thing that occurred to me was that it had not succeeded to be any genre of movie at all, and I don't mean that in the good Donnie Darko way either.

The main problem is that it is essentially a Twilight Zone style set-up/payoff story but the film skirts so lightly over the setup (our main character has no fear) that the final pay-off seems utterly unconnected to anything. On top of that the payoff happens so swiftly that there's no dramatic tension at all.

The second problem is the tone. The movie starts off as a horror. Well, if you can class a campy actor looking for his cat (Puma!) in a graveyard while spouting nonsense actually horror. But once the opening credits have played the movie swiftly becomes a teen high school movie, so by the time the climax wrenches the viewer awkwardly back to horror we'd forgotten anything horrible was ever supposed to happen.

All of the other usual b-movie flaws are also evident - the bad acting, incredibly hittable 'comedy' characters, cheesy script. On top of that most of the college kids are played by really old actors. I'm not talking Danny and Sandy old here, these folks are literally in their forties with wrinkles and receding hairlines. It makes it very difficult to get into the story when they're so clearly not college kids.

In short don't think of watching this without the MST3K crew to help you along. It's easily one of the worst I've seen on MST3K.
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From Dumb Till Dawn
9 June 2005
This sorry rip-off of From Dusk Till Dawn uses gore in place of wit, a sharp script, good acting, keen editing, decent ADR, or any kind of suspense whatsoever.

The film concerns itself with several limp story lines involving road trips and murders that all culminates in a bar full of vampires (and Germans!!). Sound familiar?

Where Dusk Till Dawn deftly blended horror, action and an underlying dark humour. Legion veers wildly between over the top gore and slapstick humour. The films main pairings (the vampire brothers and the two friends) adopt the same straight guy and stooge blueprint and rinse it to the point of irritation. By the 10th time the bespectacled brother got in an accident I wanted to throw my DVD out the window.

Then there's the editing. It appears that to cut running time the director has merely hacked parts out of scenes with an axe. The first time the hitchhiker killer has a fit, one of the brothers remarks "He's freaking out again". Again?! When was the first time? The film is riddled with moments like this, giving the feeling that we are watching an abridged version.

The only saving grace is the beautiful Kimberly Liebe who is also one of the better actors in the film (not that this is saying an awful lot).

...and don't even get me started on the ending.
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Irreversible (2002)
Left me shaking
12 January 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I am writing this review more to exorcise the demons this film has left me with more than anything else. I watched it last night and have been distracted all day thinking about it.

I was unfamiliar with the work of Gaspar Noe before this but couldn't ignore the tremor this film had caused forever. Having browsed the web I can see that there is a definite polarized opinion on Irreversible. People either seem in shocked awe or have dismissed it as exploitation trash.

I'm in the first camp.


The film details a brutal rape and the equally brutal revenge meted out by the victims partner and ex-partner, however it is told in reverse, starting with the revenge and ending with everyone involved blissfully unaware of the horrors that are about to befall them. Many have dismissed this technique as nothing more than a pretentious gimmick but I feel they're missing the point. Having the film close with the happy characters not knowing the horrors that we have just witnessed left me sick and sad. I actually pitied their future which is a very bleak feeling indeed.

Now I have seen a lot of nasty films. Just check my other reviews. I've sat through I Spit On Your Grave and Last House On The Left yet the rape scene in Irreversible was on another level. Through most of the film Noe adopts a swirling camera style. The scenes in the gay club are dizzying, the camera swooping and diving through rooms letting you catch glimpses of all sorts of unwholesome acts. Yet from the moment the rape begins the camera remains static throughout. Forcing us to watch, daring us to look away. There are no cuts, this is realtime and we are there for the grim distance. Monica Bellucci's performance is heart breaking and painful and the moment when the rapist kicks her in the face I actually involuntarily shut my eyes. I have NEVER done that. Possibly the most painful part of the whole scene is when a figure appears at the end of the tunnel then turns and walks away again. Noe is forcing us to ask ourselves 'what would I have done if that were me?'. Would you have come to the rescue or would you turn back through fear for your own safety? It is a moment of salvation that is quickly snatched away.

Also of note is Cassel's performance. He is truly a man possessed. Until the events unfold he appears a mere thug but by the end I almost wanted to go back to the start and root for him.

If you think you can handle it I urge you to see Irreversible and make up your own mind. It is an unforgettable experience.

I promise you two things; You'll never look at a fire extinguisher again without wincing and you will definitely think twice about taking the subway.
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Zombie 3 (1988)
My Favourite Zombie film this side of Pittsburgh
30 December 2004
Off the blocks let me just say that I am a huge zombie fan so I don't make statements like the above lightly. Secondly let me say that this is an Italian zombie film and Fulci only directed 15 minutes of it before handing over to Bruno (Rats, Night Of Terror) Mattei. This is no Dawn of the Dead folks.

That said this is easily one of the most entertaining zombie films I have ever seen.

The script is wonderfully horrible. Just check out the two scientists trying to find an antidote ("Let's try putting these two molecules together").

The zombies come in all varieties. From moaning shufflers, to machete wielding maniacs, to birds!

The gore is plentiful. Legs are bitten off, arms amputated, stomachs burst open.

The pace is fast, flying from one zombie attack to the next.

Then there's the head in the fridge. Oh the head in the fridge! One of the greatest moments in horror since Ash got his hand possessed in Evil Dead 2.

You should know already whether you're the sort of person who's going to like this sort of film. Get some mates and some beer and you'll be in for a fun night.

Did I mention the head in the fridge?!?!?
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I watched it so you don't have to!
30 December 2004
I acquired this film a couple of years ago and on trying to find some info about it I found that even the mighty IMDb didn't have it listed. That should have been all I needed to know.

With Friends Like These is an anthology that plays like a collection of second rate Twilight Zone / Outer Limits episodes all linked together by a bus journey that never really seems to tie in with the rest of the film. Of the three stories, the only one that I gleaned any entertainment value from was the second episode in which a man (of sorts) grows out of the bacteria in a guys fridge. This episode wins points for a few spots of humour and it's bizarre premise. Other than that there is an episode with a talking car (bland and directionless) and an episode where a girl visits a very unique dating agency (my dog guessed the ending of this one).

As has been mentioned in other comments, the 18 rating is entirely unwarranted. There is nothing to offend here. If you're after a good horror anthology check out Asylum or the Creepshow films instead.
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All filler very little killer
30 March 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Titles like this don't come along everyday.

Sadly, the title is about the most appealing part if this little 70's oddity.


'Based on the true story of Ed Gein' (someone should really copyright that), it tells the tale of a young man who is accused of doing terrible things by his domineering father, or did he?

The main problem with this film is the pacing. Despite its 80 minute run time there is an incredible amount of filler and very little action. The opening quadruple murder flashes by in a .. er .. flash yet a scene featuring characters walking through a field goes on for an age. The worst example however is a scene in which our protagonist goes to a bar to think. While he sits in meditation we are treated to TWO FULL SONGS by the bar band!

The whole love interest sub plot does little to enhance the plot and just gives the excuse for more filler.

Some credit must be given for the ludicrous ending. Part of the twist is patently guessable though the extra little family secret makes for an amusing surprise.

If you're really into your Ed Gein films check out Deranged instead.
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Incredibly underated
10 October 2003
Warning: Spoilers
It's refreshing to see so many positive comments about this film on IMDB. This oft derided Carpenter film is, in my opinion, only inches away from Halloween and The Thing in terms of quality horror.

Spoilers Spoilers Spoilers Spoilers Spoilers Spoilers Spoilers Spoilers

It tells the story of a group of scientists sent to a church which is holding a cylinder of green fluid embodying the son of Satan, slowly the group are taken over one by one, as the survivors struggle to survive, trapped in the church by zombie like vagrants (featuring Alice Cooper), as the evil offspring tries to bring his daddy into the living world. Oh yeah, there's also something about a warning from the future. Sounds ridiculous I know but with Carpenter's deft handling this is a taut and genuinely atmospheric thriller with the same claustrophobic intensity he created in The Thing.

I first saw this film years ago and it still has the same effect today. Especially those creepy dream sequences.

Forget what the critics say. Check this one out.

Credit must also be given for being the only film to feature a stabbing by bicycle
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A far cry from Devils Experiment
25 June 2003
Warning: Spoilers
After having viewed the disturbing images of early Guinea Pig's Devils Experiment and Flowers of Flesh and Blood I approached this chapter with well deserved trepidation. What I didn't expect was that I'd be laughing my ass off five minutes into the film.


Telling the flimsy story of a transvestite doctor and his/her radical experiments on her patients DWD is basically an excuse for unleashing a handful of hilariously gory sequences, from a family whose heads explode when angry to the story of a loving couple, one of which is dead via the tale of a woman pursued by a killer 'abandoned internal organ'. I kid you not.

The FX are bargain basement at best but it's all about the comedy this time. The exploding heads are straight out of Monty Python while the rest rings of Troma or early Trey Parker film Cannibal the Musical.

Fans of hardcore horror are often disappointed by this entry in the series but if you share a slightly warped sense of humour you will get a good few laughs out of this one.

"Iron Pie Fight!!!"
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Possibly the greatest badfilm of all time
3 June 2003
Now I've seen my fair share of garbage over the years. Hell, I admit to actively seeking it out. But nothing prepared me for this little wonder.

Yeah, yeah, yeah I can hear you all say. We've seen Zombie Flesh Eaters 2, we've seen all of Ed Wood's little wonders, we've even sat through a Fred Olen Ray movie marathon. FORGET IT! You ain't seen this.

OK, let's start with the plot which is actually fairly complex for a film of this quality, it's also totally ludicrous. Incestuous, murdering cave siblings are cursed to live for eternity living off the flesh of the young until they can sacrifice a virginal descendant of the tribe when two stars with silly names come into alignment. In a whirlwind 10 minutes of celluloid the brother rents a room, marries the landlady, has a daughter with her who becomes a teenager and runs away from home due to turbulent family life. From there she meets two other runaways who coincidentally live with the sister of the cave pair. The kids rumble their game, zombies rise from the ground, laser beams are shot from eyes, and the two 'eternal' siblings are killed.

Got that? Right. It gets worse. Everything about this film goes way beyond amateur, from the 'old person' make up, to the Persian rug cavemen clothes, to the dissolve shot ageing FX. The lighting is abysmal; spot lights are shone straight into the set giving each shot an early silent film style ring of shadow around the edge of the shot. The acting is appalling, especially from the grimacing Crackers Phinn. The plot progresses at bizarre speeds, some scenes dragging on for way too long and other plot points zooming past at top speed.

Despite all of the above (or perhaps because of it) I love this movie. I really could bang on about it for days but I won't. If you ever find a copy (which isn't easy) you have to see it. I defy you to find anything worse in such a truly wonderful way (Invitation To Hell comes close).

Horror fans will also be interested to see a very early appearance by Linnea Quigley, who shows from an early age her willingness to take her top off.

Oh yeah, there's a 'shock' ending too.

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Like a haunting dream
28 March 2003
I saw this movie many years ago completely by mistake (the video store had got it mixed up with another film called Deranged) and it has haunted me ever since.

After years of searching for a copy I finally located it on Ebay. On watching it again I was surprised to find it had lost none of its hypnotic power. I was also surprised to find it was directed by Peter Fonda.

The story concerns a group of youngsters who go into the future to study the earth, post apocalypse. A number of incidents result in them getting stuck in the future, left with the notion of restarting civilisation.

The film itself is unbelievably stark in its presentation, this is mainly due to the restrictions of a clearly minuscule budget (the sets in their entirety include a road, a corridor, a room and a desert plain). There is very little warmth from the story, sets or characters, the script is fairly cheesy and the special effects are pretty poor.

Despite of this the film someone creates a hold over you. Despite its flaws I never once considered turning it off, I sat, hypnotised as the scenes unfolded. Ever had a dream from which you've woken up slightly troubled, though you're not sure why? This is the film version of one of those dreams.

It's hard to explain in writing. If you ever come across a copy of this film I urge you to see it. You may not like it but I guarantee you'll not forget it too soon.

and I've not even mentioned the ending...!
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Snuff (1975)
How To Market Trash pt392
13 September 2002
Warning: Spoilers
I'm sure you all now the story behind this one by now. Shockingly poor film is repackaged with fake snuff ending tacked on. Crowd goes wild.

Yes it's a brilliant idea but sadly putting a rear spoiler on a Capri does not make it a Porsche.


'Snuff' ending aside, what we have here is a frankly dire Faster Pussycat rip off (originally called The Slaughter) involving an all female biker cult in a plot to murder a rich pregnant woman and her movie maker husband. The bulk of this film is close to unwatchable, only the occasional moments of unintentional humour make it bearable.

and so to the ending:

The final scene of the film proper sees the bikers burst in on the girl who is inexplicably in bed with her lovers father (the reason we may never know as the original ending has been replaced with the 'snuff' ending). She is stabbed in the stomach then the camera pans back and reveals a movie set with a different actress (like we wouldn't notice). She is then stabbed and dismembered by the movie crew who are then heard to scarper as the film runs out. The scene is admirably made as far as make up goes though the whole thing has the feel of a long joke with no punchline. After sitting through over an hour of drivel I felt cheated at the lack of proper conclusion to the story.

If you should get your hands on a copy of this film do yourself a favour and fast forward to the end, at least you can say you've seen the part with historical significance.
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Dated, tame, occasionally amusing
12 September 2002
Warning: Spoilers
Often credited as a Joe D'Amato film, this was actually mainly filmed by Bruno Mattei (this movie also appeared under the moniker 'Emmanuelle and the Porno Nights').

The premise as such concerns the ever smiling Laura Gemser guiding us through the modern world of erotic entertainment while she frequently and inexplicably changes clothes. We are treated to scenes from strip shows, fertility rituals, and even a 'Taxi Mother' who hires her daughter out as a prostitute.

Even by 70's standards this is tame stuff indeed. The 'erotic shows' are little more than nudity and when a scene does begin to get racy we cut straight back to Laura Gemser (still smiling) who will guide us into the scene.

There is some fun to be had though. -(SPOILERS)- One scene involves a girl in the window of a Holland strip joint, after stripping for the crowd she offers one lucky fella inside for something a little more intimate, he keenly obliges leaving he stunned wife standing by the window to watch.

More amusement comes from Laura Gemser's (did I mention she smiles a lot?) linking scenes. As I touched on before, she moves around her home, talking and randomly changing outfits. In her closing speech the strap of her top comes away clearly exposing a breast, 'oops' she says cheerfully, replacing the wayward strap.

The oddest scene comes in the form of an erotic magic show, in which a woman is thoroughly inspected by the crowd to make sure she's female, and is then given male genitalia by the magician.

If you're looking for erotic cinema then look elsewhere. Though a few mates and a few beers might make this little romp a pleasant experience.
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Nekromantik 2 (1991)
Slow and ultimately pointless
11 September 2002
The first Nekromatik was an original concept and was executed in a darkly original way (as has become Buttgereit's style). Sadly the sequel seems merely to rehash the original's ideas and does so without the flair and inventiveness of the original. Admittedly the ending truly must be seen to be believed and easily equals if not tops the originals ending, but the rest of the film (a gruesome dismemberment and a pointless seal autopsy aside) is extremely slow paced, especially the 'art' cinema scene. With a film as original and shocking as Nekromantik a sequel was never going to pack the same punch. If you're a fan of the first film I strongly suggest you check out Schramm or the excellent Der Todes King instead.
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You can do better than that!
8 July 2002
CONTAINS SPOILERS. I recently had the pleasure of seeing this 'video nasty' after so many years of it having been kept under lock and key by our beloved BBFC.

Now, if there was a British Board of Film Quality I could understand the ban, as this is one of the most useless pieces of drivel I have ever seen.

It's hard to know where to start; the acting is abhorrent, even by badfilm standards. The 'actors' frequently talk over each other, repeat lines ad infinitum (one actress makes her way through the entire film with the words huh? and no!), cast members stand rooted to the spot as if reading a cue card.

The plot is non-existent, and I mean NON-EXISTENT, Friday The 13th looks like Lost Highway in comparison. A group of annoying teens (aren't they always) trek through a forest as a wildman kills random people who have nothing to do with the plot!!! They're just crowbarred in there. The most ludicrous being a wheelchair bound guy struggling to get up a woodland path ON HIS OWN! Why is he there? It makes no sense! The plot has so many holes, like why is there an undiscovered wildman living in a huge cabin in the woods that no one has ever seen before, why did he kidnap the baby, is the baby left in the woods to die (or, as I think it suggests, become another wildman, as if a baby has natural survival skills when left alone in a wood). Why do the police let the two survivors just wander off home on their own at the end?

The score is painful, jumping between country guitar, bontempi organ, and screechy horror soundtrack. The FX are lame, the direction is dreadful, the editing is childlike, the cast are all ugly. THIS FILM IS RUBBISH!

On a positive note, the film does contain an (unintentionally) hilarious over use of the name Dick.

I know, like myself, this review will only serve to inflame your need to see this movie, but please, do yourselves a favour, stay well clear. You have been well and truly warned.

NURSE! I'd like to go back to my room!
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Living Doll (1990)
Dead Dull
20 December 2001
Here's a premise for ya: A morgue attendant, who's obsessed by a beautiful girl, soon finds her on the slab after a car crash, he takes her home where he creates a fantasy world in which she is alive and co-habiting with him, eventually leading to his total mental breakdown and destruction. Sounds intriguing doesn't it? WRONG! This film is a perfect example of a fair premise let down by totally uninspired film making. Instead of an interesting character development plot, what we are presented with is a film based almost entirely on a man coming in and out of his apartment, making excuses to people, and occasionally talking to or hiding a phony corpse. But at least the performances carry it through right? WRONG! Some of the most mind numbingly poor performances by any actors I have ever seen (just check out the girls meathead boyfriend) and not even in a laughable way, just in a truly 'couldn't care less if they all died' kinda way. It says a lot when one of the stronger performances is from Eartha Kitt! If you really need to complete guy falls in love with corpse film collection then do yourself a favour and fast forward most of the middle of the film, only the mildly deranged ending is worth the entry fee. Though it does have a great closing line. File under: mild curiosity.
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Must press stop.!!!!
25 July 2001
Warning: Spoilers
There are films I watch because they are quality movies (Fargo, Rear Window), there are films are watch because they're fun (Back to the Future, Three Amigos) and there are films I watch because they're so bad they're good (Zombie Holocaust, Slugs). Jack Frost 2 doesn't fall into any of these categories. It falls into the truly bloody awful category. #Possible Spoilers# The surviving characters from the first film go on a Christmas tropical holiday to get away from the memories (after seeing this, you'll want to get away from the memories too), but Jack follows them ACROSS THE OCEAN!!! (I don't know, so don't ask.) After too many sequences of irritating holiday goers and nearly seeing girls naked Jack starts to murder people (in a generally off-screen way). When we finally see Jack 'in the flesh' he (once again) is nothing more than a guy in a very poor suit. But this time he has the ability to spawn killer snowballs. These are generally static bits of fluff with 'evil' faces stuck on them, occasionally jiggled on wires and, in one scene created in extremely poor CGI, they are the worst horror monsters I have ever seen, and that says a lot!!! Perhaps if the filmmakers had made this film an 18, and thrown some adequate gore or nudity in (rather than nearly showing everything) we may have had a part enjoyable movie. But as it stands this is a sorry piece of celluloid with some of the worst production values I've ever seen (it looks like an early Neighbours episode.) Badfilm fans, don't do it. Trust me, it's not funny (even unintentionally), scary, gory, or at all entertaining.
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The Suckling (1990)
All he wanted was a cuddle
12 July 2001
Warning: Spoilers
Sewage Baby is a sick little puppy of a film. Repulsive and ridiculous in equal measure. -Possible Spoilers- A boy forces his girlfriend to have an abortion in a back alley house that makes the Texas Chainsaw house look positively inviting. The aborted foetus get flushed, and after a bath in toxic waste it returns as a shape shifting mutant, hell bent on revenge. Yep, I know, and I willingly watched this film. Boy did I get what I deserved. Gobsmacked is not the word. We are treated at first to lots of POV shots of the thing scuttling about (if you've ever seen the Polymorph episode of Red Dwarf, you'll know what territory I'm talking about). Before a couple of cheapo killings. It really hots up when the survivors trek in to the creatures cocoon (or what ever the hell it is), I assume it's supposed to look like a kind of giant womb, what it looks like is the result of two kids let loose in a net curtain shop, really you have to see how poor these effect are. Much 'show as little of the monster as we can to save on budget' shenanigans ensue, before we're treated to one of the most ludicrous ending I've ever seen (girls may wince, though more likely laugh). Truly folks, I'm as partial to a cheesy bit of horror as the next fella, but the words 'scraping' and 'barrel' have never been used more fittingly.
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Cape Fear (1991)
Great Director, Great Cast...What happened?!
26 June 2001
I hate this film, and there are very few films I'd say that about. On seeing it was a Scorsese film staring one of my favourite actors (De Niro), my hopes were very high. What I got was a clunky, stagey, potboiler. I felt no sympathy for the characters at all, the emotionless husband, the neurotic wife and the slutty daughter could have all been hacked to pieces for all I care.

Yes De Niro was fantastic with what he had to work with, but the enormous lack of realism ruined what could have been a classic. Not a patch on the original.
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26 June 2001
This is a very odd, and rather disturbing short. If you're not into Lynch then give it a wide birth, even if you are, then approach with caution. The story concerns itself with an unhappy boy who grows a grandmother. Well, that's all I could work out anyway. The rest of the film is filled with bed wetting, barking parents, and bizarre animations. Everything is in disturbingly garish colours (generally deep blue), and there isn't a single line of dialogue. See this if you're a die-hard Lynch fan or if you're a budding experimental film maker. If, however, you found Eraserhead too weird then steer well clear.
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