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Civil War (2024)
Technically sound but under-achieving
22 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This film is technically well made, but misses it mark by a long shot. Omitting the political context - why is the United States of America in the midst of a civil war - it focuses instead on the characters, and how the insurrection affects them.

Unfortunately this leads to moral ambiguity (why are the rebels apparently the good guys, when the majority of states are loyal to the union?). Why are war crimes applauded - including the killing of the president?

The characters are also stereotypes - Lee, supposedly a great war photographer - is too moody and introspective to be realistic. The younger protege went from innocent ignorance, through foolhardy bravado, to cold indifference. Her conduct also leads directly to the deaths of four members of her team.

Overall, not a pretty sight - very graphically bloody, and portraying the Americans of the near future as confused, uncertain, and ultimately placing their own interests ahead of the national interest. Perhaps the latter is unsurprising for a country born of rebellion against their own lawful government.
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Missed opportunity
26 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This over-long movie was a great disappointment from its highly derivative plot to its casual racism - the character played by Myha'la happily suggested to her father that they shouldn't trust white people, while it was hinted that the character played by Julia Roberts questioned how people like them (the black home owner and his daughter) could own such a house.

The explanation, such as it was, for all the strange events, was absurd in its implausibly. Even on little things it failed horribly. For example, the house is supposed miles from anywhere, yet they were clearly not far from the big city, as it could be clearly seen.

Most crucially, there was no consistency in atmosphere. It lurched between comedy, social commentary, satire, science fiction, drama, horror, disaster and mystery, without any rhyme or reason.
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Beautifully crafted fantasy with something for everyone
22 November 2021
Fantasy films often disappoint, either through their poor special effects, or their writing. This film is a masterpiece of the first order, dramatic, sensitive, full of life and colour, with a true heart. For me there is only one flaw, and it is, comparatively speaking, a small one - the casting of the Falangist officer as the villain, and the Maquis as the heroes. The latter were in truth guerrillas who brought violence, death and destruction to a Spain exhausted by the horrors of the Civil War which had just ended. This complaint aside, the like the courage of Del Toro allowing us the luxury of being able to accept Ofelia's visions and adventures as real, and not merely the result of the over-excited imagination of a young girl.
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Wrong Turn (2021)
Not a reboot but more a kick in the teeth
24 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This is really disappointing. It starts badly and rapidly gets worse. What movie can be taken seriousness which begins witj a group of trekkers carefully to represent the approved demographic? - a homosexual couple, a mixed race couple and a straight single race couple, with the requisite Asian, African American naturally inclided. They are then warned to keep to the marked trail... the rest is highly ptedictable, although the usual redneck backwoods cannibals are even less credible than usual. Avoid, as if your life depended on it.
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Good, but not that good
29 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
It's hard to know quite where to start. This movie is a good sequel, but doesn't stand out as a good movie in its own right. Unsurprisingly it is derivative, but to gi e it an edge it would need to add something new.

The new was the introduction setting the scene for both movies with its explanation of the origins of the monsters. But apart from it being clearly extraterrestrial, we are not much the wiser. If the aliens could cross interstellar space surely they would have some means of crossing water? Apparently they have crossed to all inhabited continents. Without any evidence of tools we are left with monsters which are just mindless killing machines. Perhaps indeed they are just predators some kindly alien race released on earth to rid it of its previous inhabitants prior to occupation or sale?

Turning to the characters, there is little to say. The boy, despite surviving more than a year in the newly hostile world the family now inhabits, continues to make reckless decisions. The girl - whether in a deliberately sexist twist or not - is more of a man. Unfortunately the limitations in the young actress" acting ability is now more apparent. She shows scarcely a flicker of emotion whatever unexpected horror faces her.

Probably the weakest element was the island scene. The residents were far too relaxed, given the outside world had been largely depopulated by hungry aliens.

Harmless and good for some jumps, but far from satusfying.
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13 Reasons Why (2017–2020)
13 reasons why not to watch this drivel
7 July 2020
The starting premise of this series is excruciating enough - a girl is raped so she causes misery and chaos by leaving tapes behind her when she kills herself. This is more than enough material for a mini-series, but the producers cruelly drag this out for four - yes four - seasons. Every possible teen angst angle is introduced, leaving the inevitable conclusion that the school should be shut down and most of the students institutionalised, either in prison or mental hospital. I was forced to watch much of this rubbish as my wife became mesmerised by the awfulness of the thing. It is highly "politically correct" (even including white supremacist allegations, student riots, serious mental illness, drug use etc). The increasingly aged "youths" are a joke - and the main actor, Dylan Minnette - cannot act to save his life, always having the same lost expression, like a rabbit in car headlights. Watch at your peril.
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solid sci fi and a sad story
23 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I found this story simple but engaging. The premise was sound, the photography and acting just right for the purpose. One or two of the reviewers found the story confusing but it isn't really at all confusing - it is Matrix type scenario, or rather, where technology helps people blot out the grim reality of their lives, by living in what appears to be a genteel Victorian setting. The sadness is when the robot/boy realises its/his true nature, and the man/Papa, must face that fact, even if the robot does reboot itself.
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Doctor Who: Resolution (2019)
Season Unknown, Episode Unknown
Terrible introduction to the new year
2 January 2019
I hope the higher-level management with oversight of "Dr Who" - the Time Lords or whovever, soon step in and sack the writing, production and directorial team, and most of the cast - starting with the Dr herself. This was an embarrassment to the Dr Who oeuvre, disjointed, lacking in subtlety, occasionally puerile. What has gone wrong, do they want to destroy the series? I liked the revival of the old foes, but why no explanation that they are already extinct - where would an invasion fleet come from? Why the domestic drama aside, which occupied much of the middle of the show? The UNIT scene was shocking in its weakness. Why can't the writers/producers agree on a consistent approach; it can't lurch from comedy, to horror, to domestic drama etc, without ruining itself.
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Shockingly bad, social justice warrior-inspired fake history
29 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This was a sore disappointment, though, to be fair, one does not go to the cinema to watch history. The script, such as it was, was dominated by subplots such as homosexuality and cross-dressing, which detracted from the real drama of the story. The writers also saw fit, in their wisdom, to make Queen Elizabeth the villain and Queen Mary the poor victim, when the truth was far more complicated than that. And why, of why, was it necessary to introduce the ludicrous anachronism of having numerous black characters in positions of power. There may have been one or two black servants at court at this time, but never, absolutely never, members of the Privy Council or peers of the realm. A real disappointment.
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The Mudge Boy (2003)
Hugely overrated
7 July 2018
I am astounded at the fawning praise this insubstantial movie has garnered. It was apparently an "expansion" of a short film made by the director some years earlier; all I can say is that he can't have added much plot, character development or action, for this film has little if any of those things.

Don't get me wrong, I enjoy nicely crafted films which explore the human condition, but this isn't one of those. Nothing of much substance happens.

It may have been an excellent short movie; it should have stayed one.
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A Quiet Place (2018)
Nice little horror
5 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoyed this simple horror/science fiction movie.

There are a couple of reviews which seem to miss a key point, when they remark that the protagonists should not have had a baby (noting that contraception or abortion were options). Another remarked that even New York was in lockdown - presumably from a newspaper heading indicating this. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but things had got a lot worse since the newspaper was published. New York is now most certainly a silent ghost town; contraception made difficult through an absence or severe shortage of medical supplies, and home abortion a bad idea. Apart from a crazed man in the woods, this family may well be the sole survivors for many miles around. They have the advantage that they knew sign language and so could function in a silent world.

This is really more of a high-end "Twilight Zone" or "Outer Limits" than a full-length feature film, but it handles its material well - and the solid acting helps.

The back story is explained through conveniently still readable newspapers. There were a few details which niggled; they were using a huge amount of electricity, with no apparent generator (as generators are extremely noisy I can't imagine them running one anyway). They also had an impressive collection of electronic equipment, including radios and cameras, so presumably the father was some sort of survivalist before everything went bad.

Some shocks were too well signposted, such as the demise of the youngest child (well deserved according to my wife!).

These minor points aside I enjoyed the film.
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Annihilation (I) (2018)
A major annihilation of a movie
17 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This is disappointing, though not having read the novel on which it is based I'm not sure how much blame can be laid at the door of the film-makers and how much was due to the original source material.

It is true that it is hard to find a really original idea for a movie. A similar idea was done rather more dramatically in 1998 by the BBC in "Invasion: Earth". However, there was much to be enjoyed along the way, including some passable special effects and pretty landscapes. Unfortunately the team seemed to think they were on a holiday hike through the benevolent and well-tamed grounds of Windsor Great Park (which indeed they were), rather than roaming through what they should have treated an enemy-occupied, potentially highly hazardous, territory. I half expected them to come face-to-face with a Range Rover driven by HM The Queen.

Did anyone else notice the nod to the original source material for an ever-expanding area of mutations, consuming all who pass through it - J. G. Ballard, The Crystal World" (1966), which had a character named Ventress. The leader of the expedition in this film is called Ventress.

I fear the film-makers have indeed been constrained by the largely derivative material they were given, but they could have added some rigour to the expedition - perhaps just a little common sense (such as, don't place your sentry in a well-lit hut, so that she stands out like a lighthouse).

Overall, I remain ambivalent about this film. It is a pity, since I'm not in the USA, that I only saw this on the small screen thanks to Netflix - I'm sure it would have been better, visually at least, on the big screen, as intended.
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The Little Couple (2009– )
Unnecessary home video
18 May 2017
I make no apologies that this review will likely come across as harsh; it is meant to be.

Whilst this pointless "reality" TV show has generally glowing reviews, and a good overall IMDb rating, I find it frustrating and annoying. This is another of those unnecessary and febrile shows that the television world is inflicting on the increasing dumbed-down population.

There are many things which annoy me about this show, apart from its shear pointlessness - one of the most annoying is the children. Both of them are spoilt brats, and the parents seem to have no idea that they are raising self-entitled monsters. Where is the common sense in letting the brats get away with what they do get away with? Who benefits from unleashing on an unsuspecting world two more "Little Emperors"?

If you ever come across "The Little Couple", change the station before you get sucked into this trash.
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La hora fría (2006)
atmospheric and ultimately grim
17 May 2017
This is a great little movie, not perfect - the multiple threats are too improbable - but really atmospheric. The ending is a revelation, and makes a lot of sense given earlier details (though there remain unanswered, and probably unanswerable, questions).

I really enjoyed it, but it could be depressing and grim if you are not in the right frame of mind.
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13 Reasons Why (2017–2020)
7 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I find the positive reception that this series received to be truly depressing. Society - at least in the United States of America - must be genuinely sick, that people could enjoy this drivel, and worse, that we are expected (or so I suppose) to empathize or sympathies with the egotistical and irrational main character, Hannah. Unhappily I found myself wishing she had killed herself without leaving the tapes, thus avoiding destroying the lives of so many people around her.

I'm updating this review because I have now had the dubious pleasure of watching seasons 2 and 3 - I can't believe they have actually given a season 4 go-ahead. By the end of season 3 the message is clear - rape is bad, but you can get away with murder so long as the person you kill is a bad person. Absolutely incredible that anyone approved this for general release.
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unbelievably boring
5 May 2017
Normally a high IMDb score and critical acclaim indicate that a film has substance, style or other attributes which make it a good film. This one is more than two hours of dullness, with almost no plot development or character development for that matter. I can't believe the high score or the response of critics - have they taken collectively leave of their senses?

There is almost mo plot, and as an illustration of lack of character development, the depressed central character began the movie depressed, remained depressed throughout, and ended it depressed, seemingly unaffected by the events (such as they were) which occurred in the course of the film - some of which were harrowing enough in their own right.

I wouldn't say this was as dull as watching paint dry, but perhaps as dull as watching grass grow in a cemetery.

Avoid - and this has taught me to never take the IMDb rating or critics reviews as an objective measure of film quality. Thanks to this pretentious trash I am now depressed.
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Boy (I) (2010)
11 April 2017
I realise that most have rated this movie more highly, but personally I found is unsatisfying, somewhat pretentious, and ultimately boring. There were flashes of humour, but I found the story insufficient to sustain a full-length movie, and the the tone of the movie variable. Perhaps it requires a particular view of rural 1980s New Zealand life - and a subculture of that - to appreciate this trifle of a film.
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Anesthesia (2015)
disappointingly predictable and self-indulgent
16 January 2016
I found this film to be disappointingly predictable and a self- indulgent piece of "entertainment".It would have been more entertaining to watch paint drying - and about as easy to guess the next scene. The characters were all two-dimensional and lacking in any depth.

One detail that particularly irritated me was the lecturing manner - and content - of the supposed Columbia University philosophy professor. He addressed his class in a manner that no real lecturer would, speaking in over-written prose found only in bad novels - and poorer made-for-TV films. The subjects matter he seemed to cover was so eclectic and with such a tenuous connection to any school of philosophy that I wondered if the script writer was having a joke at the audience's - or academia's - expense.

The concept of one incident linking various disparate individuals, and thus illustrating aspects of life - or in this case New York city - is so over-used that it will now only succeed with a better than average script. Unfortunately, despite the reasonably capable cast, this was a forlorn exercise.
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Elizabeth R (1992 TV Movie)
Exceptional fly-on-the-wall portrait of the Queen
19 October 2015
This 1992 documentary, the most watched BBC documentary ever broadcast, is an exceptional portrait of Queen Elizabeth II in the 40th year of her reign. It focuses on the public life of the Queen, highlighting the political role she plays at home and abroad.

I particularly enjoyed the image of the Queen as humorous but at the same time dedicated and serious.

The view of royal events were not entirely new, as we have seen them over the years in other documentaries, but as a comprehensive look at the role and operation of the modern monarchy this is a worthy companion-piece to the 1969 documentary, "The Royal Family", which focused more on the private life of the Royal Family.
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Obvious Child (2014)
appalling rubbish pretending to be a comedy
30 August 2015
I'm afraid that I found this movie to be terrible, with almost no redeeming features whatsoever.

As a piece of comedy, whose central theme is that it is OK to feel good about having an abortion, is problematic. But that storyline is obscured and largely driven aside by the rest of the movie.

The main character, Donna Stern, is a so-called comedian, who follows the modern tendency of using sexual and toilet humour in her "entertainment". She is a self-absorbed, rude and generally unpleasant person.

Without revealing plot details, she is cruel and insensitive to others, is close to being an alcoholic (if she hasn't already crossed that threshold), and has absolutely no judgement when it comes to her choice of material for her comedy act.

I find it incredible that anyone could actually think this is a good movie. My wife and I both regard it as trash, and only watched to the end for the ghoulish appeal of watching a train-wreck of a movie.

Please avoid, unless you like unpleasant people and toilet humour.
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Neighbors (I) (2014)
unadulterated rubbish
12 July 2015
This movie is a rare and wonderful thing, a movie with no redeeming qualities whatsoever. My wife chose it during a visit to a shop to buy several cut-price DVDs. Had I noticed the cover statement that it was from the makers of "This is the end" I would probably have vetoed her choice. But whereas the former movie had an interesting premise - even if it was ruined by vulgarity, profanity and drug use, this movie doesn't even have an original or good premise. I was astounded to see that it has a fairly good overall rating; clearly the system must be manipulated in some manner. I refuse to believe people on the whole could be so stupid as to actually like this.
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San Andreas (2015)
overblown nonsense
2 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This was a really disappointing movie, with lots of sound and fury signifying nothing.

I know that no one watches this sort of entertainment in search of a meaningful plot, or even intelligent characterisations. However, the most annoying thing about this movie is that the plot recycles the same irritating plot device that I have seen and criticised in numerous other movies.

*** spoiler alert ***

A rescue worker, supposedly employed to rescue people and save lives, goes off on a private rescue mission, first to find his estranged wife, and this his daughter. But wait, the city is falling into ruins as he is doing this, and it doesn't seem to occur to him to use his helicopter to help anyone else, even on his way.

I could mention the ridiculous plot, the coincidences, and the two- dimensional characters. The main character is of course the earthquake, which is well done.
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one of the most polarising movies of the decade
22 January 2015
Though technically well done, this film is one of the most shocking films of the decade. I say not because it isn't well enough made - as a mindless action movie it would be successful enough - but because of its message and the response to it.

Americans, by and large, are extolling its virtues, the portrayal of a good American, a patriot. Non-Americans can generally see the broader perspective, and are less positive.

It is very unfortunate that Americans who criticize the film are condemned as unpatriotic or radical lefties. The truth of the matter is that I, though a non-American, am socially and politically conservative, yet find the message of the film to be offensive. Good patriotic conservative Americans, as well as those of other persuasions, should also condemn the ideas that the film glorifies.

The key messages are that Iraqis are bad and Americans are good, and that it is fine to enjoy killing the baddies. Kyle was a proved fabricator - the law suits by Jesse Ventura are proof of that - but that is beside the point. Boasting of enjoying killing anyone, enemy or not, is a sign of a serious mental disturbance or illness, or at the very least, a sign of the societal sickness in the USA that applauds the "right" to bear arms, and to use them with wanton abandon. Killing is what war is about, but there have always been limits to such conduct, and the film shows precious little of that restraint.

Obviously this is a fictional film, and not necessarily accurate, even allowing for the inaccuracies in Kyle's largely factual book, upon which it is based. But if the common American attitude to Iraqis, Arabs, Muslims and anyone else they see as the enemy, is as shown in this piece of mindless, gung-ho, chauvinist propaganda, then God help us all. Such an attitude can only alienate those who should be the Americans friends and supporters and will ensure that political instability, terrorism and global chaos prevails for generations to come.
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if you wish to waste some of your precious time
28 November 2014
If is very unusual for me to give up on a film before the end, even though afterwards I might feel that I have wasted my time. But this film is exceptional. I have never experienced such a waste of opportunities. A good - true - story, good caste of experienced actors, and the potential for some action, as well as some photogenic scenes, should have led to a reasonable film. It fails because it is badly written and badly directed. It is also poorly conceived - a comedy drama on such topic!

On a side note, there is a lot of confusion about Nazi art, in this film and more generally. The Germans both bought and stole art, from Jew and non-Jew. The treatment of artworks at the end of the war didn't always clearly distinguish between these different categories. There was a notorious incident in which the real Monuments Men resisted orders from their military superiors to send several hundred works of art to the USA, as war spoils. Unfortunately, although the western Allies, generally behaved responsibly, the Soviets stole what they wanted. Even today, many of those people who lost art to the Germans and then to the Soviets are still waiting for the return of their property. I won't touch on the theft of land and houses by the Communists after the war.
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A great little film
29 August 2014
This is a great little film, quirky and intelligent. It is not your typical assassin film, and it may be too eccentric for some people's taste, but I enjoyed it. There are many levels to the story - without giving anything away - and it can be enjoyed on several levels. The teenage assassins are delightfully ruthless yet - at least at times - also endearingly vulnerable. All the leads give good performances, and Ronan and Gandolfin both give especially good performances. It is quite bloody, in a literal and figurative sense, but not gratuitously. I was disappointed that it wasn't critically acclaimed and that it didn't do well at the box office - the latter may have been been due to poor marketing. I really enjoyed it, though it wasn't a masterpiece, it was entertaining.
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