
21 Reviews
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Mayor of Kingstown (2021– )
Violence for Violence Sake
2 June 2024
Season 1 was somewhat believable, the writing was good but it went off the rails with the teachers subject matter, eye roll on that one. A lot of violence against women as usual, I guess these people think that gratuitous violence works but not me. There is a compelling story in there somewhere and maybe they should have gone back in time to help explain how this town became they way it is. But we get the usual gunz-a-blazin and somehow all that goes away without any thought and we get more shoot-em-up and kill than any story worth following. It's a shame because these people know what they are doing, they have the credentials to make a good show. The same thing happened in Yellowstone where you get to the point that you dont care about anyone so what is the message? Is there a message, or are all people just violent criminal a holes. And if they are, some sort of explanation. Would at least make sense.
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The effects arent very special and neither is the premis
14 December 2023
I was able to make it about 90 minutes and gave up. The whole thing from the beginning was as implausible as you can get and the narrative just didn't ring true to me. And the mindless writing, the plot to nowhere and the unbelievable dialog about the power grid being able to be hacked is 100 percent rubbish. Ive worked in and with the industry and there is no way a hack can happen. I don't really know if the intent is predictive programming but if it is, it would only work on tweens and people who have no reasoning skills beyond say a 3rd grade level. Back to the effects, is this really the best that anyone can do these days? I am heading back in to finish and will edit this if appropriate. Well, I got to the Kevin Bacon stereotype prepper scene and that was ridiculous. Anyone who prepares like this guy and most people who live in rural areas have a gate, usually a cattle gate, to the property with barbed wire leading off both sides to keep cattle and other animals from getting loose. They would also post no trespassing and beware of dog signs at the gate not nailed to a tree in their front yard next to their house and no one would have a no soliciting label on their door. The gate to the property is the no soliciting clue. Even the wealthy preppers who build bunkers in New Zealand have these survival tools. And the Kevin Bacon person would have helped the kid.
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Frasier (2023– )
Not Bad - At All
14 November 2023
I figured, why not, I'll check this out, after all, how bad could this possibly be, right. I had a feeling that Frasier wouldn't lend himself to generalized misanthropic tropes that seave throughout today's cultural abyss without his flamethrower whit and dichotomy that made the man we know and love. Sure, he's always been opinionated, but who isn't. One episode in and I am okay with this, I like it. And I will continue to watch and I am quite sure this will get more interesting as it moves forward. I would make one change and film this in-front of a live audience to get the general reaction. So far so good.
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Mindhunter (2017–2019)
Excellent Dialog and Story Telling
3 October 2023
I rated this when it came out and I have been waiting for a new season for a long time now. I read that the pandemic was part of the reason for now renewing season 3 and it was unfair for the actors to be held up and should up and move on to other things. All I can say is that this is one of the best shows I have seen since Breaking Bad and in many ways the writing is as good or better. The acting is also first rate and Fincher is a great story teller. I hope Netflix and Fincher and everyone who is involved can find a way to bring this back. I would also be willing to pay for this on any service that would take this show on and complete the series.
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I would have done something different
26 June 2023
I would have had whoever is left rig up a Catamaran and set sail to France to see if they ever did find a cure. You could build an entire new series on the hope that things might be going better in Europe but didn't know for sure. There are so many ways to take it from there. I would also ditch the computer graphics and shoot this outside and make it look real and compelling. The current tropes are just rehashed see a Walker, stab it in the head, rinse and repeat just doesn't cut it for me. And the Wanted poster, come on. I know AMC has the talent to make s good show and the only way to get people to buy the app is to make a show that appeals to a broad audience.
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Hillbilly (II) (2018)
The Destruction of Lives, the Environment and Hollowing out America
27 April 2023
I read some of the reviews of people calling this a left wing trope and this documentary could be nothing further from the that perspective. The corporations came in to do one thing, make themselves wealthy and exploit the local population for their labor. It's the same game wherever you are. The miners were in the worse possible working conditions risking their lives to support their families. The land is stripped mined, and the resulting poison and pollution and flooding of the land is reprehensible. It's a shame what is happening here and the country in general. There are two job opportunities in the region, Coal Mines and Walmart. Good God.
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The Walking Dead (2010–2022)
Season 1 = 10/10 Seasons 2-6 = 8/10 After that Forget it
27 April 2023
Frank Darabont spent 5 years developing The Walking Dead and was instrumental in establishing the tone, visual style and what the zombie outbreak would look and feel like. He wrote and directed the pilot episode "Days Gone Bye" delivering a unique setup and live action that was compelling and believable. I also give credit to Robert Kirkman, Gale Anne Hurd, Glen Mazzara (all excellent) for continuing to keep the show on track after Frank's departure. The original cast also played a integral role I also give much credit all of them as well as Greg Nicotero, Tom Luse and Angela Kang for their early work.
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The Offer (2022)
Thank you, you did a great job
6 February 2023
It's been a while since I thought I could even state an opinion without stopping and considering what I would say would be deleted or somehow considered "okay boomer" even though I am not from that generation. I just wanted to stop by and tell the creators what a fine job they did on this series and let them know that they are appreciated. Considering everything they now have to go through had to make them feel ill trying to accomplish their jobs without offending someone. Being under mandates to make entertainment has to be a gut-wrenching experience and when all your are trying to do is make something that people will enjoy. The production, acting, writing and screenplay are all top notch and I applaud you all for doing what you do best, entertain. Keep uo the good work and thank you.
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Watched it more than once
14 January 2023
This is the type of movie that I knew I would watch more than once. The first time was to get a sense of the story and for entertainment and I very much enjoyed the film. The dialog was realistic and genuine and the story was very interesting. I watched it again to look more closely at the visuals and acting and the aesthetic. I enjoyed the film immensely on the second time through and found the gems I knew I had to have missed the first time around. I am very happy to see that there are people who still take the time to create a film shot on film instead of using digital effects throughout. I did notice with trepidation the digital effects in this and they stand out and detract from the experience. That is my only complaint about this movie. If you are going to shoot a movie on film then it is always better to use practical effects for continuity. Other than that, this is a remarkable story and beautiful film.
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Project Project MKUltra anyone? Excellent Film and Realistic
9 January 2023
Great Film Adaptation based on Project MKUltra (or MK-Ultra), also called the CIA mind control program, is the code name given to a program of experiments on human subjects that were designed and undertaken by the U. S. Central Intelligence Agency, some of which were illegal. Experiments on humans were intended to identify and develop drugs and procedures to be used in interrogations in order to weaken the individual and force confessions through mind control. The project was organized through the Office of Scientific Intelligence of the CIA and coordinated with the United States Army Biological Warfare Laboratories. Other code names for drug-related experiments were Project Bluebird and Project Artichoke.
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Vice Principals (2016–2018)
Wow, this may be the last epic comedy ever made
16 September 2022
This is an excellent show and the comedy is nails it every time. Being that this series went off the air only a few years ago shows you something very interesting and detrimental regarding how culture has been completely flipped on it's head. This show wasn't even viewed in a negative light and was considered one of the best comedies on television. The writing is first rate and the acting is also very good and the situations showing life are right on the money. I hope shows like this will be able to come back and that HBO realizes that. I was disappointed that we only got 2 seasons when this clearly could have gone past 5 seasons without becoming stale.
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Fear the Walking Dead (2015–2023)
Great Show Season through 3 and then, down it went
5 September 2022



FOURTH SEASON : Negative to Infinity, AWFUL, JOKE Watch the first three seasons and then, you can skip fourth and the following seasons (except sixth) are a train-wreck. I couldn't believe my own eyes watching a very good show becoming a terrible mess. This is unbelievably bad writing. It seemed like the show and everything on TV went into this cultural shift and the whole concepts of the shows are completely changed into these parodies of themselves. I don't even know how the actors can get through their lines it's really became that pathetic.

The first 3 seasons are excellent but after that, forget it. I sometimes wonder why AMC wanted to ruin this show and that left me never watching FTWD again. Same with TWD, first Glenn, then Coral, CORAL! When your best actors ask to leave the show you know there are some serious issues going on. AMC destroys everything it touches.
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Succession (2018–2023)
It pulls you right in
31 August 2022
A good series lets you know it straight away. I pulls you in leaving you with questions and creating a mystique resembling life with all its good and bad qualities. It shouldn't preach to you what you already know, it should confront you as life does, with realistic situations and challenges and then show you the results of your choices. This series does that and shows what people are and how they react to life.

The acting is very good and so is the writing and directing and screenplay. I have watched from the beginning and I would tell people to watch this show. I think it's the best show on HBO and one of the best series on Television right there with Better call Saul, it's that good.
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How does AMC stay in Business
15 August 2022
Are they trying to make the crappiest television possible. I know Scott Gimple knows how to make a good television show so why anyone would release this garbage is beyond me. Even children would mock this. Compare this to the first episode of WTD and it's just, there are no words to describe how far off this is. I don't even get what demo this is geared toward. AMC must really be hurting for money or something and they just cant devote serious resources into making a compelling series.
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Better Call Saul (2015–2022)
14 August 2022
I wish Vince was in charge of making every TV show; he's just that good. I started watching when this series came out and I have enjoyed it very much. Every Award is well deserved and I cannot wait for your next project.
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The wost writing ever
5 June 2022
I thought I had seen some bad movies but this is on a totally separate scale of horrible. This is by far and away the absolute worst piece of writing I have ever experienced. You could throw a can of alphabet soup at the wall and it would be 100 percent better than this screenplay. I think the writer has some serious issues with life in general.
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26 May 2022
I dont even understand what the point of this is. I think humanity has finally hit rock bottom with this and for the life of me, I just cant believe this was someones idea.
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It's okay
19 May 2022
I can actually sit through the whole episode which is a rarity these days. I got through a few STD episodes in season 1 and even a few with Picard and so far I have been able to get through 3 episodes of SNW. When the most positive thing you can say about a series is I was able to get through it, that isnt a good sign. I guess I am still holding out hope that somehow Star Trek will bounce back.
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More Please
15 May 2022
This is a very good film and I enjoyed it tremendously. It takes me back to a time when the only check box required to meet for a film was to have fun. Bravo!
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31 March 2022
Once again, Oliver Stone delivers the truth. As in the case with his recent work on JFK, Stone provides facts and goes to the people that are living through this nightmare to gain insight.
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1883 (2021–2022)
Depressing and Devoid of any Hopeful Human Emotions
11 January 2022
I tried to like this but if I want to be depressed I can just turn on the news. I can remember looking forward to watching Deadwood but this series is bleak and depressing. I watched Lonesome Dove over the weekend and man did I notice a HUGE difference in acting and writing. Lonesome Dove was tragic but it had heart and philosophy about life that this series is clearly lacking. I notice this is most dramas of today that the message is nothing but hopelessness and anger. NO thanks Paramount, I just cancelled for the second time Star Trek Discovery being the first time. Whats wrong with you?
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