
22 Reviews
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Quarantine (2008)
Just watch REC instead
1 September 2021
To explain why this is bad I need to compare it to the film it's based off of REC

A lot of the scenes are just the same scenes from REC even some of the dialogue is the same or it'll be almost the same but just slightly different there are a few scenes that are completely new and I like some of those but the others feel like they are just made to appeal to American audiences and will have things like humor added in that just wasn't funny

It changes a few things for the better but most of it is either just the same as REC or were changes for the worse.
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It's fine I guess
29 August 2021
I have very little positive to say about this movie but even less negative

It's fine I guess I like it more than the second movie but that's not really saying much

It's really hard to write anything about this movie because I feel indifferent to almost everything about this movie.
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Loved this a lot more on a second viewing
28 August 2021
This went from a 2/10 on my first viewing to a 9.5/10 on my second viewing

the viewings were under 2 months apart.

Idk what changed.
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Love this movie
16 August 2021
Can't believe I gave it a 6/10 on the first viewing.
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Unfortunately the Worst of the 3
5 August 2021
Gingerdead Man 3 is a very strange movie even when compared to the previous movies. It feels too mean spirited at times to be likeable and it doesn't work when it tries to parody scenes from other movies. Also the effects (practical and visual effects) are much worse than they are in the first two movies which didn't have great effects either.

Gingerdead Man 3 is a bizarre chaotic experience but I don't think I would say it's one I liked overall

Grade: C.
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Shadow of the Blair Witch (2000 TV Movie)
Pretty much the only reason to watch this is as a companion piece to Blair Witch 2
18 June 2021
This movie is a great companion piece to Blair Witch 2 and makes it a lot better and it perfectly gets that made for TV true crime documentary feel but this movie has the same problem as those documentaries that being that it's kind of dull

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Warrior (2011)
The Best Fighting Movie
26 December 2020
So I just watched Warrior and this is one of my favorite movies of all time. I'm not exactly sure where it would go on my favorite movies list but I think it could be in the top 10. This movie has some problems yet still manages to be so good when movies with less problems aren't as good and the reason why I think that is because of this movies highpoints those being the boxing matches which might be the most exciting things I've ever watched in a movie despite most of them being predictable they are still so exciting and so brutal and are made even better by the fact that you want certain characters to win. The acting is great and I really like the characters especially Brendan Conlon who was by far my favorite character.

Overall I loved Warrior it is my favorite fighting movie and I give it an A+
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The Best Movie of 2020 so Far
21 September 2020
So I just watched The Devil All The Time and it is my favorite movie of the year where to start on this movie the cast I was a bit skeptical going into the movie because of Tom Holland who I love as Spider-Man but in other movies like The Impossible and Edge of Winter he was alright but nothing special and in this movie he is great I would actually say he gives the best performance in the movie which is especially impressive considering no one in this movie gives a bad performance. In this movie there are a lot of characters and they are all pretty good especially the most important ones and although there are so many that it can be hard to keep track of all of them they all are important and add something good to the movie. The action in this movie is very exciting when it happens it is brutal and unpredictable and that makes it even more exciting. Like I said when talking about the action in this movie this movie is far from predictable and that made me like the movie even more but I think another thing that made me like it even more is the serious tone and it constantly stayed that way which makes this not a movie for everybody but I really liked it. Overall The Devil All The Time is my favorite movie of 2020 so far and I'm giving it an A.
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End of Watch (2012)
The Ultimate Buddy Cop Movie
20 September 2020
So I just watched End of Watch and it is by far Ayer's best movie. The acting is incredible, everyone does a great job especially Jake Gyllenhaal who does incredible. He's probably my favorite actor. I've never seen him give a bad performance. The characters are also great, especially our main two Brian Taylor (Jake Gyllenhaal) and Mike Zavala (Michael Peña) who have great on-screen chemistry and are very funny in this movie. The action is so great it is done so well it feels gritty it feels like people could die at any moment and it is very violent. The way this film is filmed whether we're talking about the found footage parts or the not found footage parts work they work very well and made the movie better in my opinion helping with the grittiness. Like most things in this movie the ending is incredible. I really liked it. I hope David Ayer goes back to making films as good as this because he's able to do it and from what I've heard I doubt The Tax Collector will be that return but I hope he starts making great films soon. Overall this is probably my 2nd favorite movie of 2012 (I think I like Moonrise Kingdom a bit more) and this is probably my favorite found footage type film and I'm going to give End of Watch an A+
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Good Time (2017)
Even Better Than Uncut Gems
10 June 2020
So I just saw Good Time and it was even better than Uncut Gems. I really loved Good Time. I'm not sure where to start with this film because it's so great I guess I will start with the action scenes which are great they are so fun to watch and intense the acting and characters are also great and this film made me want the main characters Connie Nikas (Robert Pattinson) Nick Nikas (Benny Safdie) and Ray (Buddy Duress) it made me want to see them succeed and that's impressive because Ray and especially Connie are horrible people but I still wanted to see them succeed and I don't know why and like I said earlier these characters are acted very well but although I love this film it's not perfect it has flaws one of which is this action scene involving a dog that was done very poorly and the film slows down a bit with some scenes involving a house although I don't really consider it a flaw because I still really enjoyed those scenes but there are still more positives such as the camera work which at one point even felt like a documentary also the ending is great but there is another flaw there is a scene where we learn about a character that wasn't as interesting as the rest of the film.

I really loved Good Time. This is the 50th film I saw this year and one of my favorites for a while I wasn't sure if I should give the film this grade or the one below it but I finally decided that despite its flaws Good Time gets an A+.
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First Hour Isn't great But The Rest is Incredible
7 June 2020
I Don't Feel at Home in This World Anymore. Review By Meaningbird So I just saw I Don't Feel at Home in This World Anymore. and I really enjoyed it especially the last 30 minutes and ending it was such a fun movie and pretty funny too but the film doesn't get great until the last about 30 minutes maybe less but those last 30 minutes are incredible I really love that part of the film it's my favorite part of the film but my second favorite part of the film is the characters they are so great especially are main ones Tony played by Elijah Wood and Melanie Lynskey and they are great and definitely the best parts of the first hour speaking of the first hour that's my big negative with this film the first hour is not that great they have a few good scenes but the rest aren't that great but the ending is incredible.

Overall I give I Don't Feel at Home in This World Anymore. a B+
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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (2011 Video Game)
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Campaign Spoiler Review
20 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Campaign Spoiler Review By Meaningbird So I just finished the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Campaign and it was great I actually really liked it which was surprising because although the game got better as it went along a big chunk of the game was just alright but once it hits Blood Brothers that's when it went from good to great although my biggest problem with this level is Soaps death didn't make me feel anything when it should of because he was a main character in every game. Speaking of great characters this game has some great ones Soap, Price, Yuri, and my favorite villain in the trilogy Makarov but for every great character in this game there is a forgettable boring one you don't care about at least for me they are I'm talking about Sandman, Frost, Truck, and Grinch these characters are forgettable like I found so many characters more memorable than these some examples I have are Soap, Price, Yuri, Makarov, Shepherd, Roach, Ghost, Gaz, even Paul Jackson was more memorable for me but to get back to the positive side the game looks great especially considering it's nearly 10 years old. If I had to say the best part of this game it would be the final mission it was just incredible it probably is my favorite level in the trilogy it is a super fun level with some of the best characters in the game the ending is so great the level is intense you feel very strong when you have the armour and Yuri has a incredible death scene and his sacrifice ends up saving Price and then Price kills Makarov this entire level is just perfect.

Overall I give Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Campaign a B+ (8/10)
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Community (2009–2015)
My Review For Every Season of Community
18 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Community Series Review

This is my review for all 6 seasons of Community and my overall review.

Season 1 was really good but has it's problems some of which are it starts off not great but as season 1 goes along it gets better it has an incredible episode that being Modern Warfare which is my second or third favorite episode in the series but other than that episode it's only great and not incredible. Another positive about season 1 is the characters are usually likeable. I give Community season 1 a B+.

Season 2 is probably my 2nd least favorite because while this has a lot of harder to enjoy episodes season 4 is more consistent but not great but season 2 has its great episodes if you asked me my favorite episodes a lot of them would probably be from season 2 including my favorite episode in the show. Some examples of incredible episodes are Epidemiology, Abed's Uncontrollable Christmas, A Fistful of Paintballs, and For a Few Paintballs More. All of these would make my top 10 list maybe even more now you may be wondering why I don't like this as much and that's because other than those most of the episodes just aren't as fun it feels like the group is constantly arguing and when they are it's not even that fun to watch. I give Community season 2 a B maybe even B-.

Season 3 is probably my second favorite season because it's funny the characters are very likeable a lot better than in season 2 I have one problem with this season that being the lack of a paintball episode other than that it is a consistently great season that I give an A-.

Season 4 is just fine, not bad pretty forgettable characters are likeable kind of funny weakest paintball episode out of all the seasons just fine probably my least or second least favorite season. I give Community season 4 a B maybe B-.

Season 5 is probably my favorite season of the show. Its funny people are consistently likeable overall. A great season of a great TV show is positive. The new character Buzz Hickey is also great and they bring back Ian Duncan who is more likeable than ever. Some flaws with this season are that two main characters leave the show and like with my other favorite season of this show there is no paintball episode. Overall I give Community season 5 a A.

Season 6 is either my third or fourth favorite season of Community because although the new characters were likeable three more characters left this season although two of them were not main characters also the longer episodes may be a bit too long. Also the episode Modern Espionage is the best paintball episode since For a Few Paintballs More maybe even A Fistful of Paintballs. Overall this was about as good as season 1 and I give Community season 6 a B+.

Community is a great show that I really hope the movie comes out because I really like this show and overall I give Community an A-.
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Lost in Space (2018–2021)
My Lost in Space Season 1 and 2 Reviews
21 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
These are my reviews for season 1 and season 2 of Lost in Space season 1 is spoiler free season 2 is not

Lost in Space Season 1 Mini Review So I just rewatched Lost in Space season 1 (2018) and it was a lot better than I remembered. My favorite part of the show is probably the visuals followed by the characters. The visuals are beautiful, especially the ice part which was really great. The characters are very fun to watch, especially Don West. I really enjoy watching characters talk to each other in this show especially Maureen and Smith, Don and Judy, and Don and Debbie. I can't remember my flaws with this show but I do know I had some. I give Lost in Space season 1 a B

Lost in Space Season 2 Spoiler Review So I just saw Lost in Space season 2 and it was better or equal to the first in almost every way with my favorite parts of this season being the visuals and the characters especially Dr.Smith who was one of the better parts of last season too and she was even better this season because we learn a lot more about her and she is very likeable yet also really smart and at times very unpredictable and I really hope that she did survive because she is one of the most entertaining parts of the series also another plus is that the cliffhanger was better than in season 1 and season 1 had a good cliffhanger. If I had to name some flaws with this show there are less of those great scenes where characters would talk to each other. The scenes are there but not as good as in season 1. Also the show is not entertaining enough to get an A-, A, or A+. Overall Lost in Space season 2 is a definite improvement over season 1 and I am giving it a B+

Hope you enjoyed overall score is a B or 7/10 but season 3 might be able to push it into B+ or higher.
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Snatch (2000)
Might be my Favorite Movie
14 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
So I just saw Snatch and it might be my favorite movie I've ever seen. It is filled with so much fun and funny moments that it made the film so enjoyable to the point where it made me want to write a full review for it. All the cast is great and play their roles really well. The film's comedy is probably the best part about this film. My stomach hurt from laughter because of how funny this film is. This is the end of the non-spoiler section of the review. Another Great part of this movie is the great plot twists especially the one near the end.

Overall this movie was great and I loved every moment of it

I give Snatch an A+
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Comedown (2012)
I Haven't Seen a Lot of Movies But This Might be my Least Favorite
25 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I hate this movie this movie frustrates me I'm going to start with one of my biggest complaints I don't like them not only are most of them annoying but there all incredibly stupid which leads to them being even more annoying. The only reason this movie isn't 5 minutes long is because of many stupid acts getting them here the main reason this movie happens is someone lights a dudes pet pigeons on fire so he kills them all for killing his pigeons but anyways back to the characters.

Jason is by far the most annoying thing in this movie he is awful to his friends he even spiked his friends drink the friend that literally just got out of jail recently and he dies in an unpleasant way that way being shot to death by nail gun which something else I would like to point out is what I watched it on said it was 13+ but it was way more violent than that and while I'm not squeamish that death was unpleasant to watch and I wish I knew it was that messed up so I could be prepared for that because it was an unpleasant surprise.

Kelly was a tolerable character annoying to listen to but tolerable her death was fine she got pushed down this tube thing and died but although I'm not sure she wouldn't have gotten caught not long after she hid there she leaves and then she gets thrown down that thing.

Jemma is also tolerable she doesn't do much in the movie but you know those stupid decisions I was talking about she went into an abandoned building while pregnant she then eventually gets caught and a long time later gets saved which makes it even harder to get out because there also trapped in by the killer she is one of three people in that building that lives but the worst part of this character is the missed opportunity she is 3 months pregnant and it has no effect on the story if I remember correct.

Gal is the arsonist he likes fire and burned the pigeons and the way he died is probably what you expected he was burned to death which causes the building to start burning overall he's tolerable the only thing he did was kill those pigeons but something I forgot to mention earlier is these characters hate pigeons so much Jason calls them flying rats and hits some of their eggs out of his friends who he is really mean to.

Col is that friend Jason is really mean to he is the one likable character in this movie helping Lloyd find Jemma and sacrificing himself to help them he died from being thrown off the building by the killer and gets impaled on a pole. Lloyd is the dude with a pregnant girlfriend he is one of the three survivors and in the end the police presume he's the killer this all happens the same day or a bit after he just got out of prison.

The Killer kills most of the people for killing his pigeons he is the third survivor in this movie.

There were a few other characters that aren't really worth mentioning that I wouldn't be able to mention because I forget what there names were. Something that is not important that I would like to mention is the first time we see the killers face they angle the camera in a way that makes his face look as wrinkly as Deadpool's face I'm not sure if this if a failure or impressive. One death I didn't mention from earlier was one of those two dudes I don't remember the name of and therefore didn't write them down earlier in my review in near a door and a knife gets stabbed through the door and through his throat and it looks so fake and then it cuts to the side of his head and we see the knife leave his throat and although I'm not sure why I don't like that death scene.

Something important to mention that I haven't yet is all of these characters except one drink alcohol and use drugs whether they know they did or not. I feel like I should mention one of the very few good parts of this movie the inside of the building looks abandoned which helps the atmosphere which is also not bad doesn't fix the fact that the movie is a bit boring, frustrating, and the fact that most things in it are quite unpleasant but it helps. Overall this movie sucks don't watch it 1/10 or if I was giving it a letter grade I would give it a F. I Haven't Seen a Lot of Movies But This Might Be My Least Favorite.
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Cargo (2013)
Extremely Well Done
23 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is great really great now I haven't watched the reboot which may or may not be better than this one (it wasn't but was still great) but Cargo (2013) is a movie with great acting even though there is no dialogue this movie is well paced and the main character who actually plays a character in the new Cargo movie is a smart character especially when he is about to turn into a zombie this movie is really great and deserves more attention than it got overall I give this movie a 10/10.
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The Last of Us (2013 Video Game)
My 2nd Favorite Game Ever Made
4 November 2019
This game is amazing I have never loved a game, TV show or movie more than this. This is proof that video-games are a form of art. This game has some of the best characters and drama of all time the controls are amazing when you get used to them and the first 15 minutes is impressive considering what they did and how effective it was using only 15 minutes and after that the game takes a bit of a dip but then it keeps getting better and better and better all the way up to the opening scene or maybe even better and that opening scene was the best scene in all of gaming but then we have the multiplayer which I really liked. This is the best game ever also my only complaints are that some of the puzzle's are really difficult to figure out and compared to TLOU2 the combat is much worse. Overall this game is worth more than it costs not enough people have played this game I really hope the sequel is just as good or better also I forgot to mention that I'm talking about the remastered edition but I'm pretty sure their almost the same.

Overall this game is a 10/10 or in letter grade it's a A+ if you haven't played this do it.

(Update this isn't my favorite game anymore that now goes to The Last of Us 2)
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Humor Saves This Movie
1 November 2019
IT:Chapter Two is a movie that is extremely funny filled with incredible performances and it never bored me but it is not scary and at times contains extremely stupid moments and at some points is so stupid that it makes me laugh but luckily the humor saves this movie.
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Spider-Man (2018 Video Game)
Best Spider-man Game I have Played
1 November 2019
Insomniacs Spider-Man is one of my favorite video game of all time because it's got incredible characters especially the villains, an incredible story, incredible acting, incredible fighting and traveling mechanics and the villains motives are incredible I would 100% recommend this game if you can play it.
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Worst of the Trilogy
1 November 2019
London Has Fallen is by far the worst of the trilogy and its worse than White House Down which was a lot like Olympus but worse though I did like all of these movies because it's just dumb fun but this one is by far the least entertaining or interesting of the trilogy.
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Enjoyable but Low Quality
29 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Chernobyl Diaries is not a good movie but I like it so here are some flaws and parts I like about Chernobyl Diaries. Right off the bat this movie was enjoyable watching 4 of our main characters travelling/vacationing and there in Ukraine and they hear about a tour of Chernobyl and they do and it builds up the tension for a while and then it turns into the horror movie it is people hunted by monsters get picked off one by one until there all dead but it's in Chernobyl now lets talk about the camera work because at first I thought this was a found footage film that's all you need to know about this films camera work. In Chernobyl Diaries there are 7 characters none of which are well written most of which do stupid things and some of them actually do pretty much nothing but most of them are kind of likable and I can sympathize with most of them but I just feel like I've seen these characters before so overall I enjoy this movie it's fine IMO but I can't think of anything else to say about the movie so that's my review.
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