
26 Reviews
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The Invitation (II) (2022)
Predictable and cheesy but not awful
27 August 2022
I am writing this review as a very inexperienced horror film viewer. This film was all around predictable. The exposition was very long and the climax/conclusion very rushed. The pacing made the movie uncomfortable to watch. There were several shots that I didn't like how they were directed.

The gore was mediocre and not scary. But if you like a vampire movie, this isn't terrible. There are much worse depictions of vampires that are much worse to consume.

The story is pretty basic and you glean a lot from the trailer which made the movie not as exciting to view. Reviews completely bashing it don't make much sense to me but again I don't watch horror often.
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Well done kids movie, enough laughs for the adults
5 August 2022
The movie was quite enjoyable. I enjoyed the thrown in jokes for the adults (my personal fav was the new headline that said "rich man goes to jail for once";).

I felt that the climax was drawn out for much longer than needed. I was tired by the story at that point and knew what was going to happen. It follows a classic hero's journey story line so nothing original there. The resolution was very cute and cheesy.
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Bullet Train (2022)
Some of the most entertaining exposition I've seen
3 August 2022
I was not surprised this movie was as good as it was with the strong cast and budget. The humor and story telling were too tier.

The action was easy to follow and there were enough twists and turns that it didn't feel like 2 hours.
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Meh in every way possible
29 June 2022
Good parts:
  • the opening sequence
  • Jeff Goldbloom's performance and character
  • visuals
  • music
Bad parts:
  • dialogue
  • story
  • acting
  • plot
  • antagonist.
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Encanto (2021)
A historical film
14 January 2022
I'll be honest, this movie was much better upon second watch. The first time I was so mad at the way the family treated mirabel I couldn't enjoy it the way it was meant to be enjoyed. However, this film was gorgeous in so many ways. Visually it was amazing, the colors, symbolism, and scenes were breathtaking. The songs were all hits and were both deep in meaning and composition. Mirabel was a perfect protagonist. Not only does she wear and pull off glasses, she is not super skinny, acknowledges her feelings, is the outcast in a familiar way, not "special" by the family's terms but and an endearing personality, and she has great character development. Everyone can find themselves in this film. But it is entertaining and fun without all of the deeper meaning.
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Didn't hit the mark but still entertaining
14 January 2022
I felt that every other song was a hit but it was very inconsistent. It was a very long story with no pay off. I felt that the emotion was lost in the last 20 minutes and that is where it completely fell flat. Most of the characters were one-demential and created little emotion. All that being said, visual it was stimulating and a fun watch.
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Eternals (2021)
Entertaining but not marvel at its best
10 November 2021
This movie watched more as a DC universe story than marvel. There were more DC comic references than marvel at that. It was a very entertaining watch and the story created great love for the different characters. I was disappointed by some of the lack of screen time for the more beloved characters as the one demential ones got a lot more which made the movie less enjoyable.

The end credit scenes did not seem to set up eternals in the marvel universe in the near future (although I am interested to see what they do with the timeline alterations) which also left this movie not setting its mark like the other marvel movies that have come out this year and that are scheduled to be released in the next year.

All that being said, this is different than any other marvel movie which is why is should not be compared exactly to the others, despite them being in the same universe. It felt more as a stand alone film and didn't leave me wanting more. I felt like it barely met my expectations and will not have be lining up soon for another rewatch.
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Engaging and heartwarming
9 November 2021
I didn't think I would fall in love with two race car drivers in the course of a 2-hour film, but here we are. Ford V Ferrari is exactly what a true story adaptation should be. The writing did a great job telling the story in an engaging way where you could understand and be excited about what is happening whether you love cars or not. It has something for everyone. Action, love, friendship, comedy, passion, conflict, all in a perfect harmony to create a stellar film. It has quickly become one of my all time favorite movies and a great rewatch (although I stop before the end because there are too many tears)
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Wow, just wow
9 November 2021
Shang-chi was worth the wait and the hype. I immediately fell in love with all the characters because of their charm and charisma on the screen. The fighting scenes were well choreographed and filmed. I felt like I had a front row seat to some of the most artistic and beautiful fighting sequences on the screen and MCU history. The character development was also astounding and I cannot wait to see where they go! It was a work of art. This movie's cast was perfect as well as the directing and music. It is a must see for MCU and superhero fans alike.
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Love, Simon (2018)
Heartwarming story but too predictable
9 November 2021
This story follows Simon, a lovable character in his teens with a huge secret, that he is gay. I really liked the story and Simon was a very great character and well portrayed, but the rest of the film fell flat due to overplayed clichés and ultimately predictable plot. The movies whole climate culminates to "who is the mystery gay kid that Simon has fallen in love with but hasn't met?" I saw who it was coming from a mile away, even when the film tries to make you think otherwise. This was too distracting to simply enjoy what was taking place. I believe the story and message are so important and it should be watched for that, but it is not a top level film by any means.
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Cruella (2021)
An unexpected delight
9 November 2021
I didn't have high or low expectations walking into this movie. I had hoped for an entertainer experience, and that is what I got. I personally feel like they romanticized the character of Cruella more than I had hoped, however, Stone's performance was wonderful. She captured the essence of the character beautifully.

The visuals were stunning except for the dogs. For such a high budgeted film, the dogs looked fake and were obviously CGI, in an almost distracting way.

That being said, it was a great watch with lovable size characters and an immersive story.
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Dune (2021)
An Immersive experience
9 November 2021
Ahhhh! I haven't had a movie truly take me from my seat into a new world that made me sad to leave. I walked into the theatre not knowing what the story was about and left in love with the world, characters, and story. The cinematography was gorgeous with beautiful shots of the planets and locations. The acting was top tier and made you feel each characters emotions. It did not feel like an almost 3 hour movie.

This is not a movie that hands you things. Upon second watch I discovered more details I missed the first time through. This movie was made to be digested, to have you think long afterwards, to have you talking about the motifs. I loved how it made me forget reality but also having me questioning it. This is by far my favorite movie of the year because of the whole experience of it. It was also a refreshing break from the faster paced, action packed movies that are so common in cinema today (and don't get me wrong, I love that too). This truly is a must watch.
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One Of Us Is Lying (2021–2022)
Cliche high school drama with a murderous twist
9 November 2021
I personally don't hate high school drama stories if the content is interesting and characters are dynamic. And this show was just that. The writing and acting makes you genuinely like all the characters and root for them. You don't want any of them to be the culprit but at the same time as suspecting them all along with the story. I was anxiously awaiting each new episodes twists and turns.

While I think the show did an excellent job filling the time, creating deep character development and an intriguing story, they did fall flat in the ending. The final episode where the culprit is revealed fell flat and felt rushed. It was not the mind blowing revelation each episode had been building up to. I feel like it could have been executed better. That being said, I don't think that ruined my enjoyment of the show as a whole. It was a great mix of mature high school story, murder mystery, and drama.
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Respect (2021)
A beautiful and fitting tribute
14 August 2021
This tribute to Aretha Franklin was heart warming and moving. They way they told her story made the audience in the theatre cry, gasp, laugh, and cheer as we felt all the emotions. Hudson did a phenomenal job carrying the movie. Such a fitting role for the talented actress!

The timeline and aging throughout the movie was difficult to follow and I found it slightly distracting. Overall I was moved by the film and now need to dust off my 60s and 70s music to continue feeling those feelings!
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Fantastic summer action movie
7 August 2021
I thoroughly enjoyed watching the newest addition to suicide squads story. I'll be honest, I am not a DC fan, but this story had my intrigued and engaged throughout the film.

The humor hit almost every time. I found myself laughing out loud to many jokes. The action was engaging and visually appealing. The cgi wasn't distracting which I've seen in past DC cinematic universe movies.

Here's why I didn't score it higher. The exposition in the middle was boring and I lost interest. Ended up picking up my phone and it didn't pay off it the end. Some of the resolution felt forced which was unfortunate b/c up to that point they did well w/ moving the story along and having great chemistry between characters. Margot Robbie's Harley Quinn was the best part of the movie and she didn't get the screen time she deserved.

Over all this is a great action movie to have fun w/ and I would recommend it to any action and super hero fans.
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Great action, terrible writing
17 July 2021
Let's get this right, the writing is awful. The last line of the movie really killed it for me. The humor never hit right since it wasn't supposed to be a funny movie. I laughed more at the aliens outsmarting the humans than any of the clearly "humorous" lines.

But the elements that it did well made it much more palatable.

The CGI was great! It depicted the aliens clearly and interestingly and made the action scenes really exciting. The movie was quite visually appealing.

HOWEVER, it fell short of what makes an okay movie a great movie. There was little to no character motivation, it wasn't until the last 40 minutes anyone really had anything to fight for. This lead to little to no character development and what little there was was lackluster. I wasn't worried or stressed in intense scenes b/c cause I didn't care for the characters in an emotional way. Even in a dystopian syfy movie you need some realism. The endless bullets flying w/ no reloading killed it for me and the continuity errors made me actually mad and were very distracting.

As a summer fun action movie, I think it hit its mark, but every other scene that wasn't action fell way short of the mark and was a great time to check Instagram.
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Awake (III) (2021)
Boring movie for an interesting concept
14 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
While the concept was unique and intriguing, I believe the overall film fell short of what it could have been. The middle was long and unnecessarily drawn out. There was unneeded shots and scenes that did not move the plot along and could have been easily left out.

While the story as a whole was interesting, I was hoping for some resolution in the end. I saw the "cure" coming from a mile away, however, there was no explanation for what caused the incident or why it was affecting peoples sleeping.

The timeline seemed to be off. People went crazy right away, however the overall story was over 6+ days. What was happening?!? I certainly didn't see 6 days pass.

Gina Rodriguez did a phenomenal job portraying her character and carried the movie in my opinion. While I don't agree that it puts you to sleep, it does become boring in the middle and speeds up at the end w/ no resolution.
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Soul (2020)
An instant classic and thought provoking movie
13 June 2021
Pixar had no business writing and producing such a real film. This was a new and refreshing film about the difference between life and living. The way it tackled big issues like purpose, time, and gratitude was spell binding. It was amazing to see a film without a villain other than self, which is the most detrimental villain of them all that we all face.

The animation was new and beautiful. The colors and shapes were intentional. The music was calming and perfect for the tone of the movie. I recommend this to anyone.
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The Umbrella Academy (2019–2024)
Pure excellence
13 June 2021
Who would have thought I could fall in love with 7 different characters? But here we are.

I love how complex each sibling is and how well they are able to focus and tell each of their stories throughout the series. Even Ben who isn't even alive pulls at your heart strings.

This is a new, exciting, and dark take on a super hero story. Be prepared to get sucked into a new universe.
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Little Women (2019)
Beautiful movie
13 June 2021
I grew up on the OG Little Women and I was excited to see a new making to share w/ my younger sisters, but I have to say it fell short of my expectations.

The way they told the story really confused me even for someone who knows the story. I didn't like how they bounced through the timeline. I also found the portrayal of Jo very annoying. I don't know if it was the dialogue or how the actress played her, but I was disappointed.

There were moments that truly warmed my heart. I also loved the costumes and set. If I wanted to watch Little Women, however, I would watch the older version instead..
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Loki (2021–2023)
Marvel has done it again & the acting is amazing
13 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
One episode in and Tom Hiddleston's acting had me in tears. Watching an evil Loki see how his life will turn out was a beautiful breaking of the fourth wall. The complex emotions that were portrayed by Tom were breath taking.

It's an excellent blend of humor, suspense, and confusion as marvel does so excellently. I loved watching character development in reverse almost.

If it is anything like the first episode, the rest of the series will be bringing us emotions, intense plot, and top tier acting!
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Beautiful visuals, boring plot
13 June 2021
Not going to lie, I only watched this b/c I love Awkwafina as an actress. I think she did an amazing job and was the only part of the movie I enjoyed.

The plot was old and washed up. It was the same thing you see in any other movie with an allegory for greed and nothing original to set it apart. I felt like they were trying to add as many characters as they could and didn't allow time for any character development.

It was beautiful but boringly predictable.
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An interesting dark twist on a children's movie
9 June 2021
This movie truly gives hope to children in unfortunate situations. The actors did an excellent job portraying the different characters and I appreciated the depth of the story.
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A fun watch
7 June 2021
While the movie was full of cliches and twists and turns you could see coming, I found myself smiling and pleasantly surprised by the end. The visuals and animation were well done. A great family movie and worth a watch.
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Don't bother
5 June 2021
Watch the trailer it was wayyy better and well made. It was slow and nothing was fleshed out. There were unnecessary plot points and story lines that seemed randomly thrown in and never resolved. The zombies were way more interesting than the characters yet they were also 1 demential.

The resolution is in no way worth the 2.5 hours to get there. There was no character development other than superficial and then by the end of the movie it was all for naught. I had hoped it would be better.

I gave it 3 stars b/c the acting was well done, despite the terrible film making, however, that is a generous rating.
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