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12 February 2005
I watched this film primarily as a fan of Sienna Guillory. To be honest, she was the only thing worth hanging around for, the film became so boring at stages I felt myself drifting off to sleep. It feels incredibly long, especially once you reach the end of the movie and realise not a whole lot has actually happened. It doesn't feel original (the same ideas have been dealt with in countless better films), the acting was hardly top notch, and the characters were thoroughly unlikeable and unoriginal. Unless you're really into these types of films, or you have a *really* strong fascination with one of the actors involved, I wouldn't recommend it. You're not missing much.
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Saved by Valentine
31 October 2004
Despite having so many things wrong with this movie, I can't help but love it. And there are a lot of things wrong. For the most part the foreboding atmosphere of the games is just totally gone, there are some characters who seem totally pointless (LJ anyone?), and the fight scenes are quite possibly the worst I've ever seen put on film. Word of advice, when filming a fight scene, make sure the audience can actually see what's happening. The fight in the graveyard is the worst, other than one kick (that's in slow mo) it's impossible to tell who is doing what.

However, I feel the film is saved simply by its inclusion of Jill Valentine, who steals every scene she's in. Sienna's performance is wonderful, and makes the film (or at least, her scenes) immensely rewatchable. Her introduction is probably my favourite introduction of any character to any film, ever.

Overall, a hugely flawed movie, and other than a few nods here and there not particularly faithful to its source material. But for some reason I still love it, and it's worth seeing just for Jill Valentine alone.
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Tape (2001)
14 September 2004
I can understand why some people may like this film, but personally I didn't. To me it just seemed like the same conversation 100 times over. You raped her. No I didn't. Yes you did. No I didn't etc for an hour and a half. It's not helped by the fact that I don't like Ethan Hawke, who plays a most unlikeable character. While the premise is interesting, it really doesn't go anywhere for large periods of time, to the point where I have to wonder why one of the characters just doesn't walk out of the room and leave (and when they finally do, of course they come back moments later to start all over again). The performances are good, but the storyline really lacks that extra something that's needed to take it from boring to interesting.
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Evil (2003)
Great stuff
23 June 2004
My initial thoughts after this movie finished was that it was not anywhere near as violent as I had come to think it would be. Many reviews I've read have gone on and on about the violence, but I was lost to find it. There is one scene early on with a fair bit of blood, yes, and then perhaps two more rather shorts scenes with some blood. What should have been the most violent scene at the end (and perhaps the most satisfying to watch) was left entirely to your imagination. And the 'payback' against the bullies was so quick there was barely time to register what had happened. Still, other than that, this was in my opinion a great movie. I have no idea what went on in the book, but I am planning to find out. Still, coming from that perspective, the movie worked just fine, I didn't feel like anything major was missing. I would have liked to know more, yes, but I often feel that way with nearly all movies.

Andreas is wonderful in the main role. Quite and submissive one moment, terrifyingly angry and full of rage the next. His voice did seem to be a bit monotone, but it worked for the character. Gustaf is also brilliant as the villain of the piece. He manages to play a huge pompous prick, but at the same time imbue some sort of sympathy in him. His chemistry with Andreas was wonderful. The rest of the cast are great as well, I could find no real flaws in the acting from anyone.

Overall, I highly recommend this film to everyone to see. I had waited nearly a year to see it and was not disappointed. Great stuff all around.
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Troy (2004)
14 May 2004
While the movie claims to be 'based' on the Iliad, you'd be hard pressed to find much in the movie that is actually the same. You have the same character names and *some* relationships that are the same and that's about it. People suddenly become related to those they barely knew in the tale (or become related so people don't get homophobic...), people die when they shouldn't, people live when they shouldn't, and the ending is the biggest slap in the face Homer could ever expect. If you want a Hollywood movie, you'll get it in spades with this. If you want an epic tale truly based on Homer's Iliad, look elsewhere. Better yet, just go read it again.

The sets are amazing, as are the costumes. Many of the actors are brilliant as well, though many other vital ones fail to deliver (Helen/Diane crucially, and to an extent Paris/Orlando). But the storyline suffers from so many changes to the original, it is totally unrecognisable. When a certain big character bites the dust early on things just go from bad to worse, and the ending is one of the most offensive things I've seen in a movie, a slap in the face to history just to please some fangirls. Makes me wonder if the writer/s truly understood and have read about what happened at the end of the Trojan War.

If you're looking for the Iliad, or even some semblance of it, don't see the movie. You will be highly disappointed. But if you could care less, then go for it, you'll probably enjoy it.
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The Invisible (2002)
Great film, instantly a favourite
18 December 2003
Being from Australia, not much news of Swedish films reach our shores. I had no idea about this one or the book it is based upon. I simply caught it while flicking the channels one day. It looked interesting, so I stuck with it, and I'm glad I did.

I absolutely adored this film. From the outset I found the main actor, Gustaf Skarsgard, very intriguing. I was surprised to find out this was his first major film role, he handled it perfectly. Never over the top, never underwhelming, just right.

I didn't pick the twist up in this film right away. I'm usually quick with those sorts of things, but it just didn't strike me that there would be a twist at all until it actually occurred. The feeling you get when it dawns just drums up the excitement and tempo of the film, when you suddenly realise that yes, there is something at stake here.

I also loved the very unHollywood ending. This film turned all those cliches about - characters you were meant to hate were ones you ended up feeling the most for, and the 'friend' who you usually feel sympathy for ends up doing nothing but drawing out your anger. It's rare that the real villian of a piece (especially a female one) becomes a sort of hero towards the end, and it can be confusing. But for me it worked well, and added real dimension to what would have otherwise just been a good film, not a great one.

The combination of great acting, real emotion and the eventual twist (or two) it what makes this movie so brilliant for me, and an instant favourite. Highly recommended.
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Sleepless (2001)
Predictable with bad acting, but still okay
18 December 2003
I saw this film for the first time last night. The trailers particularly looked very interesting, but sadly I didn't get the same feeling from the movie that I got from the trailers.

Some people have said it is hard to guess the killer - not true. I guessed who it was almost immediately, and even at the end when you are thrown another herring I still knew who it was.

The acting was bad. Really bad in some parts, particularly what is meant to be the climax of the movie. I felt like changing the channel just so I didn't have to endure it. It also annoyed me that it was dubbed, and you could see the actors speaking English underneath it. I'm not a big fan of dubbing, and for me it detracted something from the movie, especially when I could have just pressed mute and read their lips and still followed.

Despite this, it was still an okay film. My first Italian horror/thriller/mystery, and I enjoyed it probably for that reason alone. I found the opening scenes to be strong, but sadly the same mood wasn't kept throughout the rest of the film. It may have helped if the 'hero' didn't seem so uninterested the whole time.

Overall, predictable and badly acted, but still worth at least one viewing. I don't know about a second though.
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Peter Pan (2003)
Great adapation, well worth seeing
15 December 2003
Having seen the movie a few hours ago and the initial joy wearing off, this movie still leaves a pleasant taste in your mouth. This is Peter Pan as it should have been done years ago (although quite possibly couldn't have, effects wise). The movie is highly stylised, which works brilliantly, and very rarely has any cringe-worthy moments.

The lead actors, both children, are wonderful. Jeremy Sumpter as Peter has a certain arrogance and cockiness about him that really works for the boy who never wants to grow up, and his chemistry with the actress playing Wendy is very palpable. The successfully manage to hold the movie on their own, though Jason Isaacs as Hook/Mr Darling is wonderful in his own right. Never over the top, as it could be so easy to do, but never forgetting that he's in a make believe land, full of mermaids, flying children, and hugely oversized alligators, one with a specific taste for his flesh.

Overall this movie is a joy, not only for children but for adults alike. The style is unique, the effects are wonderful, and the plotline tight. Definitely highly recommended :)
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