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August Rush (2007)
Soppy, Dripping Mess of a film.
26 November 2007
This film tries too hard to pull at heartstrings. Sentimental movies should just "happen" - they shouldn't be contrived messes. I read one reviewer say that this film should have been titled "Oliver! 2: Electric Boogaloo" and that about sums it up. The actors plod through horrid direction - the music is as banal as it comes, and why is it that every kid genius MUST play the role as sub-autistic? Not every genius is socially damaged. This movie should be burned or relegated to the Lifetime Movie Network. This film insulted me as a film-goer and music lover. I should have been crying at the end of the film, and instead I just left angry that this one even got out the gate. A lighter touch in directing, and better musical direction would have turned this into a good film - the story is interesting, but it was painted with a jackhammer instead of a brush.
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Clerks II (2006)
Dante and Randal are back - and in prime form.
2 June 2006
Clerks II is a worthy successor to Kevin Smith's 1994 debut, "Clerks.".

The continuing adventures of Dante and Randal speed along with witty dialogue, insightful social commentary, and a touching look at various levels of life, responsibility and most importantly, love.

There's a lot of the requisite dirty jokes, but they enhance the golden center of the flick. I laughed and cried in many of the same moments. But mostly, I watched two characters I had grown up with grow up themselves and face some of the dilemmas I've faced since I went from being a teenage slacker to an adult. I was reminded of a better time in my life, and also reminded to look forward to the future.

Brian O'Halloran knocks Dante out of the gate, with pitch-perfect delivery. I believe that this is still the Dante we knew - just a bit older. Jeff Anderson takes Randal, an already amazing character, and brings him to a new level. Randal becomes even funnier - and more touching. Trevor Fehrman's Elias adds the perfect foil for Randal's brand of mischief. Jay and Silent Bob, the dynamic duo, are also back - proving that Jason Mewes is back in top shape, and really enjoying making you laugh.

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Boardwalk Poets is a well filmed, gritty look at tough life on the Venice Boardwalk.
29 April 2005
I was privy to a screening of this film at the Syracuse Film Festival on April 29th, 2005.

"Poets" is a gritty drama about an aging mobster, who tries to steer his headstrong, but good-willed nephew towards a better life. The debut film from director John Bevilacqua, I enjoyed the film and the performances from Daniel Baldwin, and in particular, Bree Walker - whose turn as the young surfer, Bleu, was particularly touching.

The film's visual style calls to mind such gritty directors as DePalma and Scorsese - director of photography Richard Salazar worked to create a dark, hushed tone for the usually vibrantly filmed Venice Beach, dropping the idyllic sheen that the scenery has encompassed in other films. This dusty and used look adds to the sense of urgency of Baldwin's fading gangster.

An impressive film, considering it's budget, this one is not to be missed by lovers of drama and crime stories.

The personal enthusiasm of Mr. Bevilacqua was evident as he and Mr. Baldwin fielded many questions in a Q&A session afterwords - the love that went into this project is evident in the final product. I expect to see more in the future from the film's two young leads, James Oliver and Bree Michael Warner.
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All right. Now give me Paul Schrader's Version.
21 August 2004
After viewing EXORCIST: THE BEGINNING tonight, I have come to this conclusion.

I want to see Schrader's version.

This, the Renny Harlin version, is a boring Exploitive gore fest with so many stupid horror cliches it made me shudder, not from horrific shock, but from the realization that someone still uses those cheesy 80's horror film techniques. Instead of a well researched, and interesting piece that delves into faith, mythlogy and the occult, we get predicatble scenes of terror and gore, and pointless deaths of people in brutal ways. He also uses children in a manner in this film that is meant to shock, but it comes up very flat.

This film was a disapointment, and it cannot even be mentioned in the same breath as "The Exorcist". It, however, can be mentioned in the same breath as "The Exorcist II", I think. I can't wait to see Schrader's version on DVD, just to compare the two. I don't think Schrader's film will be the Holy Grail, but after viewing this film tonight, I would like another option.

1.5 Stars out of 4

----- See it if you want typical horror scares, not psychological suspense thrills. ----------
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Not Shakespeare, but a well made Action/Adventure/Sci-Fi
15 August 2004
Alien Vs. Predator is a decent Science Fiction/Action film. The plot is interesting, with wonderful sets and fair acting. I was not expecting Oliver-caliber performances, and I got what I wanted.

Great special effects and cinematography. My only complaint is that one can tell the hatchet-job editing of the violence in the film, in order to maintain the PG-13 rating. The editing style, as well, is a confusing blur of murky takes and MTV-flash editing, making some of the face-off battles harder to interpret. Make no mistake; this is a violent movie, with many impalings and bloody scenes. This movie pushes the edge of PG-13, for sure.

If you want to be entertained by action, special effects and cinematography, see Alien vs. Predator.
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Hendrix (2000 TV Movie)
1 September 2001
This was a BAD biopic.....the music was horrible, number one. In a movie about Jimi Hendrix, you must have insight on the music. No orginal Hendrix Compositions were used; probably his his money hoarding family woudln't sign off right....but even the actor did a POOR job of SIMULATING guitar playing....I was offended as a guitar player. Very bad...don't waste money on this...
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Very Slick homage with great effects.
27 July 2001
I just saw this movie in the theatres and I left with a smile on my face. That's all one can ask for. There was social satire, humor and Estella Warren wearing little clothes for the guys, and Mark Wahlberg for the ladies. There was great make-up by Rick Baker for the techno-philes and Tim Roth for the acting buffs. Tim Burton directs very well; the visuals in this movie were great. The ending was clever and fun and I enjoyed the movie.
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Joe's Apt. (1992 TV Short)
Classic 1990's MTV Short Film
15 July 2001
MTV used to show this little gem during commercial breaks. It's just a silly story of all the roaches that live witha 20 something named Joe. Cleverly executed, this one still holds up almost 10 years later. This short paved the way for the popular long-form commercial that was done to death in the late 1990's. This little show is an example of the innovativeness that MTV has lost in their bid for more money and the pop generation. They used to have more left of center stuff; now it's all commerical pop.
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Stupid, Crazy, Fun - a little before it's time.
20 June 2001
This was a funny movie. There was no life shattering point made, but it was just pure young fun. I laughed pretty hard at some parts, particularly Kevin McDonalds turn as a crazy Star Trek fan. This move came out in 1995, and suffered the same fate as Kevin Smith's "MallRats" - the world in 1995 was not ready for a fun, mindless R-Rated teen comedy. If this had been released last year, it might have been an instant classic.

So this is a brainless, funny comedy and for that I give it Three stars out of Five. ***
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