
16 Reviews
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Super Smash Bros. Ultimate (2018 Video Game)
Smash Ultimate is Actually Really The Ultimate Cash Grab
27 May 2020
Don't get me wrong, I know Sakurai and The Smash Team worked hard on this, and almost everybody loves this game, but this is my opinion. If you don't like it, go somewhere else. Nobody's forcing you to read or understand it. So, naturally when the trailers first showed actual gameplay, I got really excited, but man, those trailers were very deceiving. First off, while I like the idea of retooling the collectibles, story mode, and some of the gameplay like the annoying dodge spamming back in Smash 4, this game, I'm sorry, it was pretty bad and wasted potential. I despise how much they advertised World of Light as if to be amazing, only when it's realistically just a flamboyant cash grab. It's super boring, it's just consecutive battles after battles, solve a dull, bland puzzle, fight a boss, and move to the next area only for more battles. Think of World of Light as a long, drawn out, bland board game of Monopoly where every space on the board was "Go to Jail", and you had to roll doubles twice just to get out, only to get sent back where you were. While you may get sick and tired of me repeating the same words over and over, but that's how I felt. World of Light is not only extremely boring, drawn out, and bland, it's so boring in fact that I just wanted to get it over with, and I really didn't want to play more. I know people will bring up the ending where you fight everybody with the Master Hand, but at that point I was so bored and sick of World of Light, that I just didn't even care. Having to go through all that vile, flashy nonsense just to get to the only fun and interesting part is despicable and obnoxious. I won't ever play through World of Boredom again. I'm sorry if you enjoyed World of Light, but this is my opinion. World of Light just made me so angry in the sense that how much they advertised it, and how it was the main focus, only to be a ambitious, flamboyant, drawn out cash grab. At least Subspace had two player mode and wasn't just bland, grueling battles after battles only for more. Also, Smash Ultimate is extremely overrated; it's not even that good, it's really deceptively pretty boring, ambitious and flamboyant.
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Even Worse Than Foodfight
7 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Like, at least Foodfight had stupid but hilariously bad humor, while Where The Dead go to Die is very bad and is just edgy. It's just murder, murder, and more murder with gore and butt ugly animation. Like, the first story "Tainted Milk" was literally about a innocent boy watching a twisted satanic dog rape and rip the genitals of his parents, and kill his unborn "devil" brother in the process..... ...... and force him to have sex with him to have his parents back....

Yeah, that's where I couldn't watch more. While it was just 90 minutes, it was 10 minutes to me.

I don't know why this one guy who made this movie thought it was a good idea. He must have a dirty sense of humor.
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The Looney Tunes Show (2011–2015)
Could've Been Better
6 May 2020
The Looney Tunes Show was... interesting. But it was pretty mediocre. I do like how they changed Lola to fit the franchise, but I hate how they had to make her dumb just so she could be funny, and it really doesn't work. I also think The Looney Tunes Show had a bad release date, I mean, a big reason why it flopped was because of Regular Show, which was far superior and took enough risks to be different and relatable.
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An Underrated Failure, But With Missed Potential
5 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Even though it's literally a knockoff of The LEGO Movie, I thought it was pretty good, well the animation anyway. It did have decent potential to be almost as good, or at least, not just blatant advertising for a brand. The only problem is the songs and story. Make the story either less complicated, and get to the main point of the film instead of wasting 20 minutes of our time, and get rid of the songs, it's needless and stupid. I hate musicals in movies, they're just a waste of time and unnecessary. The last thing that could've been improved was the action, make it the main part of the movie instead of the songs and storytelling.
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An Underrated Rip-off
5 April 2020
So, aside from people saying it's a ripoff of Frozen even though The Snow Queen 2012 came out first, it's one of the better looking ripoffs, compared to Trolland and The Little Panda Fighter. I think the animation/CGI are fantastic, especially for a company that isn't DreamWorks or Pixar.
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Aladin (1993 Video)
5 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Amazing. 10/10. It's a masterpiece, especially when compared to Dinosaur Island. Just amazing.
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Why Too Movies are Too Horrible
31 March 2020
While the first one was basically a Shrek ripoff, with the mockery and absurdity of iconic Fairy Tales, with intoxicated and loud characters, it did make me die a bit inside. The sequel was just Too much for me, awful almost everything, aside from the crude, fast paced comedy.
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So Bad It's Good
28 March 2020
I mean, it's trash, but it's the type of trash that makes you die a bit inside.
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Foodfight! (2012)
Even Worse than The Emoji Movie
12 March 2020
The Emoji Movie, was undoubtedly pretty awful and big waste of time, but with Foodfight!, I don't even know where to begin. Compared to Foodfight!, The Emoji Movie is a million times better and watchable than Foodfight!, which made me cringe and look away the whole time, but I couldn't even sleep after watching Foodfight!. The animation hurt my eyes so bad, I couldn't close them even after the movie ended. What humans on earth thought Foodfight! was a good idea?
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Sonic Forces (2017 Video Game)
Wasted Potential
11 February 2020
Ever since the garbage that has been Sonic Boom, I was hoping when SEGA would just stop, rethink their actions, and go back to what made them great. When I first saw Classic Sonic in the trailer, I got a bit excited that this would be a sequel to Generations or a new experience. But, nope. It's just Super Mario Odyssey with the main focus being the OCs, a lower budget, horrible, unwanted voice acting, boring story and villains, unnecessary side characters, and trash character development. What's the point of having most of the characters here if they're just cheerleaders and aren't playable? However, what SEGA did to Tails is unforgivable. In Adventure 2, he defeated Eggman on his own, but since Unleashed, he's just a mere background character that does absolutely nothing. Wow, what a way to go.
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Sonic: Lost World (2013 Video Game)
Last Good Sonic Game?
11 February 2020
I do like the gameplay, puzzles, graphics, etc. but the voice acting is awful. Most of the actors do a terrible job portraying the characters, and just make them stereotypes.
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Cats (2019)
Even Worse Than The Emoji Movie
7 February 2020
The Emoji Movie, was... a terrible movie. But Cats takes the cake for the worst movie of all time. Like, if we compare them both together, The Emoji Movie is a million times better. The Emoji Movie, while obviously a big waste of time, at least had some funny moments and decent voice acting, for the most part. It also didn't make my eyes bleed from the CGI. Cats, on the other hand has no redeeming qualities. Trash music and story, as well as disturbing and nightmare fuel "cat people".
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Could've Been Done Better
7 February 2020
Compared to The Lion King remaster, this was a masterpiece. However, the CGI and Acting were mediocre. I do like how Disney wanted to go for the realistic and imagination point of view in kids' heads who loved the original, but this lacked in emotion, talent, somewhat color, and story.
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South Park (1997– )
This Review Isn't Fat, It's Big Boned
26 January 2020
South Park is a classic that never gets old. It's hilarious, dirty, ridiculous, insane, and pure gold.
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Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric (2014 Video Game)
Boring, Horrible, and Forgetful
26 January 2020
Good lord, this "game" is even worse Superman 64, and that's saying a lot. Compared to that, Rise of Lyric has no logical reason to come back to playing, when it's more fun to stare at the wall than play this garbage. Crappy combat, boring as hell gameplay, ugly character art and graphics, and god awful voice acting.
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Conker: Live and Reloaded (2005 Video Game)
Should've been a sequel instead
6 December 2019
I get why people really love this game, more specifically the original N64 version, since it was a masterpiece. However, this is garbage. The graphics are the only good thing, and everything else is awful. Especially the Windy music, it sounds like Nails on a Chalkboard and doesn't even deserve to be called music. The original Windy is legendary. This is s**t.
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