
13 Reviews
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Gabourey Sidibe Is awful
5 June 2023
Seriously why is she even a panelist with this show? What's the relation between her with Johnny Knoxville and Eric Andre?

She really is a charisma vacuum and even admits on the first episode "oh I'm for more diversity." Atleast she realizes she doesn't belong there. Probably just needing work.

I hate to make all this about her. But it's really hard not to because she just has such a negative self satisfying rude attitude towards all the possible participants.

She acts like she should decide personally who gets on and visibly doesn't get along well with Johnny Knoxville or Eric Andre.

If she wasn't a panelist on this show I'd rate it much higher. But I hope whoever is over this show realizes how negative and unnecessary she is to this project. Otherwise I doubt this show will get past 2 seasons with this.

If Gabourey Sidibe is fired I'll change my rating to a higher grade.

PLEASE FIRE Gabourey Sidibe she is awful!

Johnny Knoxville and Eric Andre are awesome though! They have unlimited potential for entertainment as they have obviously done successful prank type shows as a career. If it isn't broke don't fix it. And Sidibe is broke so please fix it by giving her the boot.
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Rent-A-Pal (2020)
A great commentary on what loneliness can do..
14 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Ok where do I start! Let me start off by saying I'm very happy people got the point of the film. Not being necessarily a horror movie. It is very much a great film on representing loneliness and what it can do to the human psyche. You thought the tape was haunted or something silly like that huh? I did. But I was wrong, I think he very much was going down that rabbit hole before the tape entered his life. Otherwise he wouldn't bond so deeply with a video tape of a guy saying the same things, at the same time, with the same tone and responses. But he's strangely comfortable with the repetition and being able to predict what will come and when. I think this is the kind of tape that's kind of like a "self help" tape of sorts just in a more adult way. Which actually is good. Because it's meant to show adults it's ok to be awkward but it's not ok to close yourself off. A tape that helps you (or Atleast is supposed to help you) learn on how to connect with people and how to start up conversations by showing you patterns of speech. Showing you ways of how to engage with others. But instead he took it the wrong way. He took it as "this tape will fix all your problems, this tape is all you need and if anybody says you're crazy they're just jealous of you and the tape" I thought that yes it has its boring parts but I think that was deliberate. To help put us into the mindset of him. To show the same repetitions and same backgrounds over and over again to show why he feels like he's been so held back and so afraid to go out into new things. And ultimately that mindset was his ultimate demise. Yet Hence why he was afraid of letting his new tape out of his life. 'What will I do without this tape? Things are new now, things are getting better, I cannot let people take this from me!' What do you think about that analysis? Do you like that? Agree or disagree? Thanks for reading! :)
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Fairview (2022)
Lol what a joke!
10 February 2022
This show is trying way to hard to be the next South Park and they do it horribly. Loud, obnoxious, purposefully over the top, unlikable characters. Transparent as a it is unwatchable. Will definitely be cancelled soon. Not for being 'to edgy' like they probably want you to think but for being to boring and unoriginal.
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Dexter: New Blood: Sins of the Father (2022)
Season 1, Episode 10
They should've just let him be a lumberjack..
10 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
So after all this? After all the justified homicides? After all the drama? The tears? The sacrifice? To do what?! Have Harrison Kill Dexter?! For what reason?! I hated the lumberjack ending but Atleast he got to live. I'll admit I was thinking it would be the other way around. Dexter kills Harrison by accident like he did with Coach. Or maybe he gets arrested and the series ends with him escaping and Harrison is the get away. I was even thinking while the ending was happening "wouldn't it be great if Harrison killed himself to escape 'the dark passenger' and to let Dexter choose his own path?! But no. Why writers why do you hate us fans? This season was so good until this last episode. You took us so far just to drop us off a cliff. Shame on you Dexter Writers! SHAME!!
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Ten Year Old Tom (2021–2023)
'Home Movies' 2.0
9 October 2021
I love the dry sarcastic humor XD and the bad animation. If you've ever seen Home Movies the first original cartoon made for Adult Swim when it debut back in 2000; this is exactly the type of humor this show gives.
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Not even close.
3 July 2021
I'll be brief I've read all the fear street books. And this isn't even good enough to be a parody of them. None of these actors are believable. You're getting chased by supernatural killers. What should we do? Let's have sex and make out in the bathroom. Let's make cringe jokes, let's make a Jason Mewes wanna be say the F word a lot and hope it counts as a personality trait. One thing that really bothered me was back in the 90's we didn't have the "such and such is typing feature." Heck there's a bunch of scenes where they're on the phone AND the internet simultaneously! That's not how it worked back then! Who did they hire to ok this crap?? The story was boring, characters without charm, a love story nobody wanted, and to top it all off I can't remember the last time I was so built up for something only to feel like I got slapped in the face with a big ol' wiener. READ THE BOOKS INSTEAD! They're WAY better!
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Guest House (2020)
I want my 2 hours back.
19 December 2020
This movie is the worst 'comedy' I've ever seen. Horrible acting, the characters aren't like able or believable, any characters in this situation would've made sure the guy was moved out way before the even bought the place, why is he even allowed in the guest house if the property has been bought to resale by an estate seller? Why are these so called 'goody-goodys' so easily swayed by temptation if they're so established as so called busy bodies? Why all the lame bottom of the barrel jokes? You know your movie is in trouble when Steve-O is the best and most believable actor of the group. If you want a better way to spend your time, try staring at a wall and watch paint dry instead.
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People where definitely hired to boost this movie's rating.
10 December 2020
Everything about this movie sucks! I don't even have enough passion to continue this review. If you want a better way to spend 2 hours, try drilling a spike into your stomach and bleed out slowly instead.
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Glass (2019)
This film has legs made of glass
1 July 2020
I don't even have enough Hate passion to rip this movie a new one. This is easily the worst 'hero vs villain' movie ever. And yes, I'm including 'Steel' with Shaq. Dialogue? Who cares. Ability to care about the characters? Nope. Action? Barley any; certainly not enough to be considered a 'hero vs villain' type film. I even saw 5 people fall asleep in theaters when this came out and two walkouts.
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The Twilight Zone (2019–2020)
If this show where a fish I'd still try and drown it
26 June 2020
First, the actors they get to play these roles seem to be more friends of Jordan or the Show Runners behind the scenes. Because it certainly wasn't because of the talent. This 3rd incantation of 'The Twilight Zone' makes the 2nd incantation in the early 2000's look like the original by comparison. The stories are so boring. I love the original and even think the 2nd Version of the show has its cool moments. Because I'm loyal to the original and the 2nd version; (it's easily one of my favorite shows of all time) I wanted to give this every chance I could so I wouldn't miss anything. Well. I've watched both new seasons and haven't missed a thing. Bad acting, boring plots, sleepy dialogue, doesn't have any heart. I'd give it a zero if I could.
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Rick and Morty (2013– )
A lot of good almost as much bad
3 June 2020
Don't get me wrong a lot of surprises and good writing have come out of this show and even some unexpected surprises nobody could have predicted. However, the biggest problem is I truly believe they make episodes much to slow to ever go past a 10th season, at this rate the girl playing summer will be in her 40's by the time shooting wraps; and Justin has already had his time in the sun. He's a brilliant voice actor but is already handling to much with his new show. Which is what made Seth Macfarlane's 'Family Guy' crap out from exhaustion. I predict 2 more good seasons left to come before it turns into a parody of its former self. I believe there's not enough want and need to make this a show like South Park Which in only its first 2 seasons, has surpassed in writing quality and quantity which only gets better with age. I believe the best episodes have already shown or will be quick to pass and from this time on Rick And Morty will encounter to many problems to stay afloat here in the next few years.
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Joe Pera Talks with You (2018–2021)
A show that has no bounds. And is Heartwarming!
19 February 2020
One of the most modest, well shot, story driven, best new things, or even old things there ever will be! I'm moved by this show and I hope Joe has shows in Tennessee soon so I can throw money at him! Since the show debut i hounded my gf to watch his show with me at first she hated it. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ but after YEARS of bugging her about it we've both watched all the episodes together and are a much happier pair for it! I can't recommend Joe Pera enough! I bought his shirt (only one shirt on sale of his I saw ) but if he made more shirts; I'd buy two of each!! Please Joe!! NEVER leave us!! πŸ‘πŸΌ πŸ‘πŸΌ πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌ
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The Simpsons (1989– )
A good show but needs to end
19 February 2020
The first handful of seasons (up to 12 or even 13 debatable) have been great! But even with the occasional good jokes here and there on the new episodes or even the ever so rare good entire episodes, (which are to few and far between) are just not enough to sustain its previously untouchable legacy. The actors don't care as much, to much censorship (they even took out Apu for the complaints) which was a sign the creators had lost their nerve, they are to political and try to hard to adapt to an SJW world. Enough is enough. Please kill this show with mercy. It had a great run, but it's time. Thank you though, still give it a collective 7
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