
43 Reviews
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The Acolyte (2024– )
most juvenile Star Wars ever
6 June 2024
This is by far the most juvenile and boring Star Wars show ever. The story felt like it was written by a teenager for kids. Disney really should have stopped at Obi Wan and quit. The acting and casting are just obviously amateurish. And the showed started with Kung fu fighting like in the matrix and that is just a new low for Star Wars stories. The casting of the lead actress felt really forced. The story is made up of old and tired cliches. It is nothing more than a murder show involving Jedi and space stuff. It is hard to finish the first episode and I will pass on the subsequent episodes as I got better things to do such as talking to my cat.
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Atlas (2024)
Never send a crying grandma on any mission!
28 May 2024
Atlas was so emotional and cried through most of the movie. She cried when she crashed landed, she cried when she got frustrated, she cried when she was scared, she cried when she talked about herself, ....... so annoying when an emotionally fragile human cries at anything because it's all about her. Unlike Ripley who was a great admirable female lead in alien movies, Atlas is just an annoyingly emotional person always on the verge of crying. The story line is basic and many scenes are stolen from other movies including terminator, transformers, pacific rim, Star Wars, edge of tomorrow....... Pretty lazy production. The only positive about this movie was the cgi which is why 2 stars instead of 0.
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super lame
23 April 2024
These guys were kinda funny on Saturday night live, but this movie is 1 hour and 30 minutes too long! Same 'funny' scenes over and over makes it not funny at all. Just the same old stuff they do on SNL but it got really really old really fast. The story was very very repetitive comprised of variations of the same joke over and over. Conan;s part was not funny at all, and he was always kinda funny in all other stuff. Over all this was kinda like the 3 stooges but way dumber and way less funny. It felt like I had seen the same jokes somewhere else on the past. The three guys are like a no hit wonder as I wonder why this movie was made!
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Nice attempt but kinda failed
14 April 2024
Both actors are good actors and likable. This short movie was, however, poorly written and dialogue was forced and it was quite obvious. It was clearly written by a gay man who was not talented as the whole story was pointless and didn't have a believable plot. The two actors were great in other movies, but they were trapped in an amateurish and low budget production. It felt like the only reason this was produced was to show two straight actors are open minded enough to play gay characters. However, their acting did not match the lines/dialogue and it felt very awkward and forced. Disappointed.
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Star Trek: Discovery (2017–2024)
Why is the captain always whispering?
8 April 2024
I loved the first 2 seasons, but it went downhill at warp speed after that. Michael was great the first two seasons, and somehow she changed her hair and speaking style. She only whispers and being a drama queen with too many tears and being very annoyingly emotional. It became a super girly show like a chick flick that overshadows the sci-fi parts of the stories. She became a captain of female intuition in many annoying ways. Unlike captain Picard who was logical, smart and commanding, she is weak and, emotional and acts based on her gut feelings. She's the reason many Trekkies don't care for discovery.

Updated review: pathetic for a captain to stop during a super dangerous and time constrained mission on a Breen ship to talk about her feelings and relationship with book! It's atrocious beyond belief and unwatchable.
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3 Body Problem (2024– )
One of the best sci-fi ever if you have enough brain cells to understand the science
29 March 2024
This is an outstanding sci-fi, probably one of the best sci-fi stories ever! The story has science loosely based on our current understanding of astrophysics and quantum mechanics. Most characters are likable if you are not a racist as it has many Asian american characters who are usually not popular for american viewers. The actings are quite good and the production made a somewhat awkward writing into something much easier to follow. Some of the science and engineering are quite radical but have been proposed in real life. Many people who probably failed physic and other science classes probably won't enjoy this show.
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The Signal (2024)
Way too long and ended with a whimper
20 March 2024
The story was kind of interesting at the beginning and it raised your expectation for the ending. However, it moved very very slowly and many pointless details were exhausting to watch. It builds up your expectations but at the end it crashed hard in disappointment. Most viewers would expect 'close encounter of the third kind' type of ending, but that's not the case. At the end it completely destroys the whole series as it meant nothing. And all the very slow moving drama became irrelevant at the end. There was no message in this show, but showed many people and governments wasting time doing pointless stuff in life.
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-10 stars
9 March 2024
Grandma Lopez is trying too hard to hang on to her long passed youth. Super predictable chic flicks that's all about me me me..... like Madonna, J Lo is refuse to accept the fact that she's is no spring chicken anymore and continue to make these type of immature and naive movies for other older women. Unfortunately I was forced to watch this movie because someone in the family used to be a fan. However, there is no fan left in this household after watching this movie. I'm so relived I'll never have to watch her attempts to act and playing the same type of character over and over. Hopefully she can be easily be replaced by AI.
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A 'reality' show disguised as science
8 February 2024
Most of the show are about pointless chitchat and opinions. They could have done a real twin studies with the resources, but they chose to make it a very boring and long winded reality show. There is no science in this 'study'. It is all about correlation between diet and blood and other test results. Correlations have some values if there are very well defined controls. This 'study', however, is useless as there are multiple variables that can affect the results. They could have done a way better job and present it better in 1 short episode instead of excessive useless conversations that have no value at all.
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Sun Moon (2023)
Very disappointing and lame
16 January 2024
It's a Christian movie! Like all Christian stuff, it's lame and boring. The story is super predictable. The middle school aged kids behaved and being treated like little kindergarteners. Her over 20 year old sister was just mad all the time like moody teenage girls. It would have been nice if they showed more of taiwan in addition to the couple minutes of places in Taiwan. A lota conversation sounded dubbed. The plots are just very poorly done. The kid who loved to draw was taken away and there was no follow up on his story. Taiwan is much more Americanized than what the movie portrayed. It could've easily be way better than this very juvenile and uninteresting story.
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The Creator (2023)
Decent movie but weak story with bad science
25 December 2023
The story makes no sense in that AI bots have similar intelligence and biology constraints as humans. AI bots are in 3rd world Asian country 'people' and show no difference than the human there except the obvious hole on the jaw area. The super hooky part was when it took one guy less than 1 minutes to figure out the child's purpose and potential by just looking in the hole. It's as if the director was too lazy to do something more believable. The other hooky part was it took humans 5 year to build a functioning gigantic machine in the orbit in just 5 years after AI blew up humans. A sci fi story writer needs to know the science much better than this one. This story is almost as bad as 'after earth' which is by far the dumbest sci fi because the story line was missing even common sense.
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Don't let racist and homophobe reviews prevent you from watching it
15 December 2023
The show is very well done and is by far the best Godzilla show ever. The acting is quite good and CGI is better than the godzilla movies. There are Japanese characters because it's about godzilla! The lead character is a lesbian, and many negative reviewers have to trash the show because they are racists and gay haters. It's definitely worth watching it and decide for yourself. Keep an open mind and the show is very enjoyable, and that goes for life in general. Judge the show by its contents and not based on your hatred for characters who are not like you. It's sad for the close minded people who live their lives based on hate and miss all the good things that make life better or happier.
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Blue Beetle (2023)
Very juvenile and cliche
22 November 2023
It's as if the story was written by a 10 year old boy. The plot is super predictable and pretty much just mix and match of other movie story parts. The special effects are just the routine stuff in low budget movies. Acting is probably the worst part. I like the fact a Mexican is the protagonist in this movie, but the juvenile story and poor acting really backfires. After the first 10 minutes of the movie, you already know how it's going to go and end. Many parts of the movie makes no sense at all, like how his uncle is a tech guru and yet the family is completely broke. Also, a very poor family has a high end computer? This movie wants to be iron man or some marvel super hero movie, but failed miserably.
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just ok asian chick flick
13 September 2023
Been deciding if I want to make a trip to taiwan and thought this movie might be interesting. The story is ok but parts of it were lame and super predictable. It was very disappointing it didn't show much of local scenes and culture, but maybe that was because there isn't that much to see. Asian cultures are so people/culture centric, and the reality of that is it gets very boring. And the ending was about not needing to have all of your life planned out and just kinda go with the flow, which is typical of millennials and zoomers. It could be fun while still young and parents flip the bills for that life style, until one day you get too old to start to plan your life. That day isn't far from your 20s.
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Nice cgi but the rest is garbage
1 September 2023
The plot is hoaky and predictable, and wayyy to many cliché scenes they copied from American movies such as 'contact' and 'independence day'. The author of the story did well in 3 body problem trilogy, but his other works are just intolerably boring and facky. Sad he didn't even get the science parts, like solar wind doesn't blow the dust on the moon, and space elevators don't use rockets which defeats the purpose of space elevators (why use cables when rockets can sent space crafts upward without them?). The stories of the two guys, one trying to create digital copy of dead daughter and the other with cancer dying wife, are so overused in Chinese movies they are lame.
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Same old story line with affirmative action cast
27 August 2023
Same story as many previous transformers movies. It was very tiring to watch as anyone can guess the whole story after 1 minute of watching. Also, same effects and similar fight scenes. It makes no sense why they would look like machines and animals of earth. The only difference is the casting, an all new minority actors. The street talking guy and stereotypical archeologist in black are not good fit for the movie. Acting is very weak and the lines are cartoon level at best. The 1st movie was good, and the second was ok, but it became pointless after that. I regret wasting time watching it. People who think it's a good movie needs to reevaluate their existence.
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Ahsoka (2023– )
Meh, so far the least interest SW shows
23 August 2023
It started frustratingly slow and not grabbing viewers' attention right away like the other Star Wars shows. The predominantly female characters just feels very forced and the characters are very 21st century 'earth human like' and don't feel they belong to the stories. It's out of synch with other Star Wars stories. Ray Stevenson is the only character that feel well fitted for the role. The acting is weak as people talk like 21st century earth people and Sabine looks like someone you would see walking on the street today. Female characters try to act like guys and feel unnatural (unlike Ripley who was a great character in aliens). Objectively it's pretty boring so far, but subjectively some people probably feel compelled to give it 10 star ratings for having mostly female characters.
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Too long winded but some good info
12 August 2023
Why do women always begin something by saying 'when I was a little girl.....'? Or something about "me"? The personal stories of people involved in James webb are irrelevant. Maybe a few seconds would be enough, and not tens of minutes. The James Webb project was the reason to watch the show. While the telescope did end up extremely exciting and it's changing our views about the age of the universe and possibly the Big Bang theory, the show is quite boring and slow. While the woman scientist (or engineer?) was focused on herself and her emotions and experiences on the projects, the guys talked mostly about the project.
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A very predictable pointless movie trying to make a point
29 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The name of the movie sounds like a remake of an old wuxia movie, but it has nothing to do with it. There is not a single likable character. Even the protagonist was a traitor and got everyone killed and he is the only survivor. The part where he pretended to save the sad mopey woman, wrote her a love letter, and then betrayed her is the character of a psychopath. The story is basic and have no depth, like typical Chinese movies. Always about misunderstanding that turns into a revenge mission for life and no one uses logic or reason as if they are so stupid they refuse to accept truth and rather die or kill people based on rumors.
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Sakra (2023)
Very disappointing
27 May 2023
The story is a very condensed version of the novel. For people who didn't see seen the original tv series in the 80s,, or several remakes (not as good), this movie would makes no sense. Also, the character was in a trio in the original story, and this movie removed the other 2 characters and that destroyed it. This version of story is super basic and uninteresting. The worst part is Donnie Yen. He is very homely looking and can't act, and he doesn't look the part. The whole movie is about him and all other characters are played by unknown actors who couldn't act. Yes the fight scenes and cinematography are better, but they are not enough to save this movie. In fact, it ruins the memory of a great story.
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Shockingly bad
27 May 2023
How did Brian Leung go from the playing the biggest hero in the 80s to this? The plot for the movie is like an 8 year old wrote it. It's incoherent and really dumb lines. Fight scenes are very dated and poorly done. Cinematography is about the quality of 70s tv shows. Brian Leung is a decent actor but this movie is surprisingly bad. He can do really well in a good movie, and it's hard to believe he would be in a movie like this one. All other actors are as if they have never acted before. There is no redeeming quality in this movie. I wasted couple hours watching it and wish I didn't. It ruined my memory of Brian Leung as an actor I admired.
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Father to Son (2018)
Well done but very very boring
3 May 2023
Acting is actually very good in this movie. However, the story is very simple and boring. I get that many Taiwanese movies try to be humble and down to earth, but it's painful to watch and not much happens in the stories. It does not have a coherent storyline and it's hard to figure out what the writer thought was interesting. It's like watching an average person's life story, and most people's lives are quite uninteresting. The message of the movie is very simple and kinda pointless. Just everyday average people's stuff and you will come away with nothing after watching it and never think about it again.
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Paradox (2017)
Ok action but super stupid plot
3 May 2023
First of all, organ transplant needs matching donors and recipients, not random like this uninformed writer using organ transplant murder as the base story line. The rest of the story is juvenile as if it came out of a middle school kid. The song they sing to their kids in that movie is very annoying, and the acting is really bad, watching the movie is like watch the same Hong Kong movies in the past. Same old storyline, cliche events, poor acting, and same old awkward fight scenes not even half as good as the matrix. Hong Kong movies need to move with time and improve the same old bad productions.
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Horrifically bad
1 May 2023
This plots and script felt like it was written by a teenage girl for teenage girls. So pathetically predictable and even the two main actors who are very good could not save this movie. The plot was extremely juvenile and make no sense. The female support actress was just bad and her lines were unbelievably dumb. And casting was poorly done. Other than the two main actors, the rest were as if they were acting for the first time. Netflix will go outa business if it keeps making movies this bad. It's truly shocking a movie this bad was made this century. I was hoping the movie gets better, ur it got worse and I just can't finish it.
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Way better than that Oscar movie
29 March 2023
Oscar is now an affirmative action awards. It gave a criminal an Oscar last year just because of his race. And this year it gave the dumb movie everything everywhere all at once because it's an Asian movie. There are a few way better Asian movies but not considered because they are not in English. Top gun 2 was way beyond my expectations as I was expecting it to be similar to the 1st one. Acting was good and actions were amazing. I watched it twice and the 2nd time was still good. That 'everything...' movie was hard to watch and I struggled to finish it as it was dumb 'scifi'. The hotdog fingers were just plain stupid.
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