
16 Reviews
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This Is Us (2016–2022)
Emotional Rollercoaster
1 July 2020
Im writing this little review now after watching the first 3 seasons and I must say, that I absolutely love this show until now and that it is full of emotions.

"This Is Us" is about the Pearsons, Rebecca and Jack Pearson, who are gifted with triplets (Kevin, Kate and Randall Pearson) and we follow these characters during multiple occasions throughout the decades of their life.

The structure in which the plot is delivered is really brilliant for me, because it jumps all over the place. We have our main timeline which starts on the 36 birthday of the triplets, or the big three how they are called, and from this point on we follow them through the years to come. Next to it we have multiple other timelines. Most of them play in the past and we see either Jack or Rebecca before they have met, shortly after the birth of the triplets or during other occasions in their life. Same goes for the big three. Through the flashbacks we follow them during their High School Years, we see them as little kids and more. And sometimes we even get to see little glimpses of of the future to have a little sneak peak at the route their lives seem to take.

The great thing about this structure is, that even late in the seasons we still get new revelations about the characters from times in their lives we havent explored yet and it also shows us how the past influences their present life and it is really nice to see some parallels between the live of the younger and more adult person. We see how everything is connected in their lives and how the experiences they made in young years formed them to be the adults they are now and how this shapes the decisions the have to make in life. So when we see them in a phase in their life where they have to struggle with some personal problems, it can always happen that we get some new information to that character from the flashbacks which helps them overcome their problems. Sometimes we only see how a certain thing is in the main timeline and only later in the season we get to see how this happened or what was the reason that it took this path due to the flashbacks. So for me this is a really great way to tell this familiy story instead of a linear way where you would have story information which would only become relevant 3 seasons later.

But this show is really only about character development, which is nothing bad, because the characters in this show are brilliant and it is so nice to see how they behave in different occasions and how they face their problems. It is awesome to see how they grow up (physical and emotional) to be the character you love and how the relations between them evolve and change over the years. You wont see any big action sequences or have some riddles to solve, but you will follow these characters in their live and you will quickly start to fall in love with them and this will eventually lead to a lot of emotional moments. And I am not only talking about the Pearsons. Also all the other supporting characters are doing a fantastic job and they play a big part in the lives of the Pearsons and we get to see a lot of different persons stepping in and out of their lives which will grow on you.

There is really so much to explore with the characters which can be really motivating from time to time, because I must say, that I never really saw myself as the guy who could be a father or as a familiy figur in general. But seeing Jack Pearson as the dreamdad with his nice family life... This is something I believe could enjoy myself and it opened my eyes a bit to the opportunitys the future could hold for myself.

To put the main idea of this show in three simple words... This Is Life. And this is what we are witnessing.
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Steins;Gate (2011–2015)
Interesting Story with a slow beginning
16 June 2020
I dont really know where to start, because I must admit, that I am a bit torn about this Anime. Dont get me wrong, I really liked Steins;Gate and I had a nice time watching it. It does a lot of things really good, but others werent really something for me and I must say, that I expected something a bit different. But I will try to make my point clear.

This show is about the mad scientist Okabe and his crew of the Future Gadget Laboratory, where they develop "futuristic gadgets". One day Okabe realizes, that out of nowhere his surroundings changed a bit and he is haunted by false memories that nobody else has or has experienced differently and there are even more drastic changes he discovers. So they come to the conclusion, that one of the gadgets they created is actually a time machine. So they try to figure out more about it and how they can use it and this is where everything starts.

The first little problem I have with this anime is the pacing... The beginning is really slow and the first 3 episodes are really confusing which makes it hard to get into it, because you can not tell what is going on. After it, it gets clearer but still, the pacing is really slow and I thing only around episode 9 or 10 the plot really picks up. I get that you some time to set up the complex concept of time travel but still, there should have been something to make the beginning interesting so people stick to it.

Next the characters. I must say that I did like them, but they could have been better. Okabe is a fantastic character and something you dont see often. He has some special personality traits and was often good for a laugh. Also all of the other characters are nice, cute, funny and bring something to the world, because all of them are unique and special. And it is nice to see how they all interact wich each and how different the relations between everybody are. But my problem with them is, that most of them are mostly one dimensional and bland personalities without character development and without a real backround to give them more depth for their motivations. They simply dont seem like real persons to me and are more like figures that fullfill a typical stereotype. Of course are their exceptions and some characters do get a better treatment. But even if some of the characters are sometimes a bit annoying and stupid I did enjoy them and they do play their part in the story.

So the focus on this anime is definitly on the story and on the time travel elements. And time travel is something simple to do in the first step, but to bring everything to a conclusion in the end is something different as you can see on a lot of different time travel movies or shows where the ending doesnt really fit, with a lot of problems caused by the time travels and paradoxes which leave you behind with a lot of unanswered questions and with an unsatisfying feeling. So kudos to Steins;Gate, because everything was maped out really good and in the ending everything does make sense I believe and you are not left alone with unanswered questions and paradoxes which you need to understand by youself. The time travel rules in this universe are a bit complicated as I think. They do get explained multiple times and get expanded a bit, but the first time I didnt really get it and thought they are stupid. But ok, it is part of this universe and it makes sense in the context of the plot. But i expected a bit more from it, I must admit. I really thought we would see a lot of time travel moments to different time periods but there wasnt really as much time travel action as I had hoped for. But still what they did with it was really good and I did enjoy it because it was something different that played with a ideas of changing the past and the effects it has on the world.

And the ending was really good as I think. How I said, you are not left alone with unanswered questions and paradoxes but you really get a emotional ending which makes sense after everything that has happened.

So I can definitly recommend to give it a try and you should definitly bring some time with you, because you should watch at least the first 3 episodes in one sitting to realize what this is all about.
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Vinland Saga (2019–2023)
Beautiful Show
10 June 2020
I am not someone who watches a lot of anime, so probably am I missing some of the experience to say what a good anime is or I am not able to make great comparisons to other animes. But still, I want to tell you my opinion about "Vinland Saga" because for me it was fantastic. The first thing I have to say is, that I really enjoyed watching it and I think I have seen the first Season in like two days. The animation style is really beautiful as I think, the landscapes look incredible and the music does a decent job, allthough it could have been a bit better and more fitting for a viking show.

The story is about Thorfinn, a young boy who joins a crew of Vikings lead by Askeladd, after his father is killed to get revenge on the murderer in an honorable duel. So we follow this crew during a time in which the danes invaded the english kingdoms like mercia or wessex over like 11 years.

And I must say, that for me the focus of this show was definitly on character development. Of course we get a lot of interessting stories. Some focus a bit on political intrigues and how certain people want to strenghen their positions or other focus on the ongoing battles between the english soldiers and the invading vikings and how they plan to be victorious. But what makes this show so great are really the characters. We have episodes where single characters fight and others completely focus on the development of certain characters and so we have some who do like a 180 degree personality change after the things they have been through and they have experienced. There are simply so many different characters with different moralic or religious positions and all of them are so fleshed out and they still evolve other the episodes and it is really nice to see how they grow emotionally and how the relations between everyone changes. All of it happens in a grounded story and the characters behave like you would expect from them, based on how they were established in the show. But still, there is a lot of character development which gives them more depth. And because they are so fleshed out it also gets emotionally from time to time, because we get to know the characters, theit values, what is important for them and what they want to achieve. Most of it goes of course for Thorfinn and Askeladd. We follow Throfinn on his journey starting as a young and whiney boy who is full of rage and seeks revenge to a more adult boy, who must find his place in this world to become a real or true warrior like his father before him. And in the beginning we get to learn Askeladd as the person who does eveything to achieve his goal but later we get to know so much more of him that he became my favorite character pretty fast.

And then the ending. For me it was almost perfect and this was only the prologue. But I was sitting there and wished it wasnt over. So I definitly cant wait for the seacond season to see how everything continues.
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A Classic Noir Crime Movie
4 June 2020
I dont want to talk to much about this movie, because it is a classic noir/crime movie which I believe everyone should at least see once in their lifetime and this is one of the movies that started the whole Noir era.

This movie is about Samuel Spade, a private detective who takes on a case to find a rare statue of the maltese falcon with incredible value and during this case he comes in contact with some other criminals who are also looking for the statue.

The characters are amazing and they harmonize perfect on screen and have a nice chemistry. And of course we have Humphrey Bogart who is amazing in this movie and Peter Lorre who also delivers a masterfull performance.

The plot is fantastic and delivers some interesting twists. It is thrilling and there are even some really funny moments where I had a good laugh.

Just give it a try, it is worth it
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Chuck (2007–2012)
One of the best shows ever
4 June 2020
I can only say that I absolutely adore this show and that it is one of my all time favorites. Starting with the first minute I had a blast watching it.

This show is about Charles "Chuck" Bartowski, a regular nerd who receives an email from an old friend with a program in which all secrets from the government are saved and from this moment on his live changes forever.

First of all the characters are fantastic and I love them. Not only Chuck. Of course he is awesome, funny, nice and always good for a laugh. Then Sarah Walker, the most beautiful and nice CIA Agent you could ask for and I must admit, that I had a huge crush on her in the show. John Casey, my personal favorite from the show and the best NSA Hitman. And at last we have Morgan Grimes, who is also a big nerd and the best friend of Chuck. But still there are many more supporting roles which are just brilliant and they fit so perfectly into this show and the world they have created. All of them do their part in this story and deliver cool and funny plotlines. All of them are so amazing and they have such a chemistry together on screen and it is just wonderfull to see how they all grow emotionally during this show and how they evolve and how their relationships grow.

The plotlines are amazing. They are thrilling and you always have something to laugh because the humor is brilliant. And sometimes you even have something for the heart.

But why does it only get a 9/10? Simply, I didnt really liked the last season. They changed the direction of the show a little bit and tried something new and I must say it didnt really worked for me. It wasnt bad, by I had hoped for something different to come to a conclusion. And the ending. It is not bad, but bitter sweet and it is also something I really dont like that much because you are left with a strange feeling when this show ends and i didnt really got the ending I was hoping for. At least that was my experience. Maybe it will be different for you and you will like how they ended it. Nontheless, I can only really recommend to watch this show because it is brilliant, thrilling, emotional and always good for a laugh
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Star Wars: Rebels (2014–2018)
Great addition to the Star Wars Universe
4 June 2020
I really dont get why so many people gave bad reviews for this show? This is a fantastic show with great characters and amazing plot lins which just get better with every season.

This show is about Ezra Bridger, a young force sensitive boy who joins a rebel cell with cool new characters like Kanan, Sabine, Zeb and Chopper and we see the early beginning of the rebellion between episode 3 and 4. And I love some of the new characters, especially Zeb, Chopper and Ezra and they have such chemistry together and it is lovely to see how they evolve and how they interact with each other.

I must admit, that I dont like the animation style as much as the Clone Wars style, but it is ok and you get used to it. I get when people call it more kid friendly but still, there are cool plotlines and a good laugh arent something bad in my opinion and I think it gets more adult friendly as the show continues. Ok, there are some filler episodes that arent really relevant and of course there are some stupid episodes, but almost every show has moments that you dont enjoy, but the majority of the episodes are really fun to watch and the bring something new to the World of Star Wars and they expand the Canon. That are the only negative things I could think about and I dont believe that they are really bad or are hurting the show.

What else I really like is, that we get a new look on older Characters like Darth Vader, Maul, Ahsoka Tano, Captain Rex, Princess Leia, Yoda, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Bo-Katan, Hondo Ohnaka and others and they do their part in delivering some cool plotlines.

On top of that we also get some more new Characters integrated into the Canon, like Great Admiral Thrawn, Agent Callus, The Bendu or the Inquisitors. And all of them bring something new to the world and it is nice to see how the characters evolve over the seasons.

The only reason why Rebels only gets a 9/10 instead a 10/10 is simply that it isnt integrated as much into the overarching Star Wars Story as for example The Clone Wars and Rebels stands on its own for the most part and even the ending didnt really get a final conclusion and is still left open. But of course that can change in the near future with the second season of the Mandalorian where Bo-Katam and Ahsoka should make their Live-Action debut and maybe we even see other characters returning. And maybe even there will even be some connections to the upcoming Obi-Wan show or the Cassian Andor show. And if that happens and Rebels will have a bigger impact on the entire Franchise, then I am sure I will lift this up to a 10/10.

Still I would recommend it to every Star Wars fan, because it is an amazing addition to the Canon and you should build your own opinion about the show
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Death Note (2006–2007)
Amazing start, stupid ending.
2 June 2020
I must say, that this show started out so great and that I got so hooked up by it, so it is really sad how it stupid it ended...

This show is about Light Yagami, a 17 year old boy who finds the death note. Whatever name he writes into it, the person dies, so he uses his new power to kill a bunch of criminals in an attempt to create a new world without any crime, an utopia with him as the new god of this world. Of course this doesnt stay unnoticed and shortly after he has started to get rid of the criminals he finds himself in a cat and mouse game with L, the world greatest detective who wants to bring him down. The only problem is, that nobody knows who L really is, so whoever finds out the true identity of his opponent first, wins.

The rivalship and the psychological warfare between these two characters develops a fascinating story and tension, which binds you on the screen. The use everything they have, use every trick they have up there sleeve and risk everything to bring the other one down. it is almost like a psychological thriller.

The characters are great in this series, not only L and Light, but also all of the supporting roles deliver a good performance and they do there part in creating this amazing atmosphere and it is fun to see how everyone evolves.

There are many amazing twists in she show, some you may have foreseen, others you may not. And even If you think that this show goes into a direction that you dont like, it resolves it brilliant at turns back to the basic idea of the show. All of it culminates in the "end" and it could have delivered a phenomenal, worthy and satisfying ending to this story and it would have been a 10/10 show... But this doesnt happen and when you think you reached the end, it delivers an unworthy and unsatisfying ending to this story arc, which was just dissapointing. They could have done more with it.

And then they use it to go into a different direction with this show and this is, where the downfall beginns. Because the second story arc of this show just sucks in my opinion. The characters we got to know behave so diffferent and out of the sudden the act so stupid and do stupid decisions. The new characters are just bad rip offs of other characters, which dont seem to act logical and only achive something by luck or by how I said stupid decisions of other characters. All of it led into a really dissapionting ending for me, that wasnt worthy for it after how brilliant it started. Probably are there people who like what they did with the show and how it turned out in the end, and I am happy for them, but for me it didnt work and they ruined a brilliant show which could have delivered an amazing ending.

But still I can really recommend to watch the first act and then simply skip the second act of this show because the first one is really brilliant and you can cleary see when it ended and the second act starts. Or you give it a try and maybe you even like it
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Archer (2009–2023)
One of the greatest animated shows
2 June 2020
When I first started watching Archer I didnt had high expectations, I simply wanted something simple to watch on a bad day. And within the first few episodes this bad day turned into a day where I couldnt stop laughing and I started to binge this show on my days off.

This show is about ISIS, an international spy agency. Our main protagonist is Sterling Archer, the "worlds greatest spy", wo has the burden to work under his mother, the boss of ISIS, and together with his ex girlfriend Lana Kane and other people where you just wonder how the hell they managed to get employed by a spy agency.

First of all the characters are brilliant. They harmonize so well together and they all get a distinguished personality which evolves over the seasons. And they fitt so well together, simply because they all are so different. And with time the relationships off the different characters also evolves and it changes how they see each other and how you see them. No matter if they love or hate each other, when they are on screen together the develop such tension and charisma and the way they interact with each other is just fantastic. And while time passes you start to fall in love with them.

The humor is brilliant for my taste and especially Archer himself. He is like one of the coolest guys to ever walk on the surface of this beautiful planet and his humor... He cracked me up so many times and I could not stop laughing. There are so many brilliant moments that I thought that I would die of laughter because I couldnt breathe... There are so many memorable moments and quotes which I still remember after a long time.

And then the plot lines. Most of the time they are only one and done episodes with a story that is closed in itself. Which doesnt mean, that they are bad. They are hillarious and can be thrilling. And with Season 5 they start to develop storys that span entire seasons.

Sadly I must say that Archer has the Problem, that many shows have. They start out so great and they arent able to continue on this level for multiple seasons. During Season 1-4 this show was probably the best animated show I have ever seen. With Season 5, where they switched to overarching storys, it slowly started getting a bit weaker, still not bad! But later, I dunno if it was season 9 or 10, you clearly see that they arent on the level of the earlier seasons anymore. You should stop when you are at the top...

Still it is one of the best animated shows I have ever watched and if they would have developed a good ending with season 8 or so it would definitly a 10/10. But now, with all the other seasons into account, I can only give it a 9/10, which is still great
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Californication (2007–2014)
Im loving it
25 May 2020
I dont know when I first watched the show, but a few years have passed since then. Back then my brother recommended it to me and he told me that it is like a mix between "American Pie" for adults and "Sex and the City" for men.

I didnt knew what I should do with this Information, but I gave this show a try and I instantly fell in love with it and I dont know how often i watched it. Granted, the last season sucked in my opinion but that is ok, because the 6. season ended so perfect, that it should have been the season finale. So whenever I watch it again I simply skip season 7. Allthough I know that some people do like the finale season, which is great, I am happy for them.

In the Core the show is about Hank Moody, an author who is in his midlife crisis and isnt able to write a new book at the start of the show and we see his life in Hollywood and how he struggles with it and how he tries to fix his broken family. But there is more to it. The show also shows us the dark side of Hollywood with sex, drugs, parties, alcohol and the show business in general and how people do anything to rise to the top in the city of angels and how all of it can affect the entire lifes of people and can destroy them.

The lead in the series are David Duchovny as Hank and Evan Handler (who also does play a part in Sex and the City) as Charlie Runkle, his Agent and best friend. Of course there are more amazing actors who impersonate fanatastic chharacters, but these two are simply amazing and the best for me and they deliver an amazing performance.

The plot in the show is wonderfull, the pacing is great and the there is a lot of humor in it, while it also deals with important themes.

For me it is one of the best written series ever and I would recommend everyone to give it at least a try and to build their own opinion about it.
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Blue Mountain State (2010–2011)
Just Amazing
25 May 2020
When I first started watching this show years ago I would have never thought that I would love it that much. I cant explain it, because there isnt really much to the show and the plot, but it is just amazing. When I first started watching it I got so hooked on it and binged it like nothing else.

Each episode has its own plot and there is only a really minor overarching story over each season, but it is simply great and I dont know how often i allready watched the entire show.

But what is it about? The Blue Mountain State is a college and we follow Alex and Sammy who are best friends and they are just starting their first year at the BMS. So it is a lot about Football, Party Women and all the other stuff they do and experience at the college.

The characters are fantastic and so likeable. And to see how they evolve a bit over the sadly only three seasons is just cool. The story for each episode is simple but great and the humor is wonderfull, so you can almost laugh for the entire episode.

But thats basically it. Really, you can not tell a lot about this show, because the concept is so simple. Just give it a fair try, watch 2-3 episodes and maybe you will also fall in love instantly.
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21 May 2020
I am writing this review now after the show has ended with the seventh season. And all i can say is wow... I am so glad that I started watching this show, not only because it is fantastic on its own, but it also improves the prequels greatly. I mean I have never hated the prequels and I actually like them, because I grew up with them and I still remember beeing 8 years old and seeing Revenge of the Sith in theaters which was just mind blowing for me back then.

But back to Clone Wars. I must admit that the first two seasons are not that good as the rest of the show. They are more kid friendly, the animations werent that good during this time and some of the plot lines werent that fascinating. But still, the first two seasons had their moment. Season 3 slowly started getting better and as soon as season 4 started, I could not stop watching the episodes. I got so hooked on it just binged through it.

But what makes Clone Wars so good? It simply expands the Canon, it gives us more information about the world of Star Wars, the Force, and a lot of characters who didnt get the opportunity to shine in the prequels get now the treatment they deserve Characters like Captain Rex, Kit Fisto, Padme, Plo Koon, Mace Windu, Ki-Adi Mundi, Jar Jar, Grievious, Count Doku and a lot of others now get a real personality or are getting improved. And of course Anakin, the Chosen One. He is the one who profits the most of Clone Wars. I get why a lot of people dont like him after the Prequels, but now... He is an amazing character in the show and you cant stop but love him. He gets so fleshed out that seeing him turn to the Dark Side is even more painfull now. And the Clones in general. In the movies they are more like mindless soldiers but now they all get a personality and they are beeing developed into fascinating characters and we get now quite a lot different clones which are all different and you simply fall in love with them. We also get a new look on older characters like young Boba Fett, Obi-Wan or yoda which is nice. And what was really important to me, we get a closer look on how Palpatine was able to manipulate the whole Galaxy and rise to power.

We have amazing plot lines that spand over multiple episodes. Some of them focus on politics and palpatines rise to power, other focus on the clones and are like a Vietnam war movie. There is something for everyone.

On top on all of that we also get a lot new characters which are brilliant. First of all of course new adorable clones and most importantly. Ahsoka Tano, a character which I love. I dont want to take to much away, but there are really so many new characters which improved the universe and were responsible for many great plotlines. And also one of my favourite characters rises up from the dead and I jumped up with tears of joy when I saw him...And he ist not even wasted, but due to him we get some of the best Star Wars Storys ever, especially in the new season 7.

And if we are allready starting to talk about season 7. The first few episodes were ok. nothing special... But the last four episodes of Clone Wars are killing it and are some of the best Star Wars moments ever. And watching Episode III now feels like a totaly new experience which hits way harder then before.

I could endlessly go on and on about why I love Clone Wars, but I think I made my point clear. So I would definitly recommend this to every Star Wars fan who wants to now more about the world and the characters. You wont regret it
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Ran (1985)
A beautiful movie
21 May 2020
I have never read Shakespeares King Lear or watched an adaptation of it. But I like Akira Kurosawas work and so this was a must watch for me. I mean I knew the basic plot line of King Lear, but thats it. So obvious there where many twists and moments that I didnt expect or that I imagined to turn out different.

But lets start at the beginning. Just the first shot of this movie was so incredible beautiful and I directly knew that this movie is something special. The entire movie was shot so beautiful, like you can stop it at almost any second and have an incredible shot you could turn into a poster.

The actors delivered an amazing performance and you can really empathize with them. During the time of this movie some of the characters really grow and continue to evolve, so you really start loving some of them and you just feel sad for them during some occasions. And some characters you start to hate more and more as the movie continues. And the ending... It just hits really hard, for me at least.

There are some amazing battlescenes in it and you could only imagine how much work went into it. And the locations where they shot, magnificent. They build an entire castle for the movie, just to burn it down. Or they shot at real historical places and I was just baffled by how amazing everything looks. The cinematography was just great, as everything else

The plot has a nice pace and it really never felt boring or dragged out and how I said, there where some moments that I did not expect.

For me it was an amazing experience and it is one of the best movies ever made in my opinion. Without hesitation I would recommend everyone to check it out. 10/10
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Batman Begins (2005)
The beginning of a great movie trilogy
11 May 2020
This is where it beginns. For me this the best comic book movie trilogy there is until today, which happens to also includes one of my all time favourite movies: "The Dark Knight". I am a huge Batman fan, I love reading Batman comics and I absolutely adore Christopher Nolan, so back then this was a must watch for me.

But first of all I must sadly say, that this is the weakest of the three movies out of this trilogy and even the weakest movie of Nolan and there is one simple reason for it. The treatment of Ras al Ghul, one of my favourite Batman antagonist, maybe even my second favourite next to the joker. All in all it is a good movie and it delivers a decent story to start this trilogy. We see the beginning of Bruce Wayne and what influences him in his core, his transformation into Batman, how he starts fighting for Gotham and how struggles in the beginning. There are definitly thrilling moments in this film, wenn get action and there are some twists in it. The directing, cinematography and the score are of course really good, like always in a Nolan movie. The Acting is on point and Bale is amazing, same as Caine.

So this is definitly a fun movie to watch, hell you should watch the entire trilogy.

But I myslelf can not get around the fact of how poorly they used and portrait Ras Al Ghul. This could have been an incredible movie, where we have two amazing fighters facing each other while there are mysterious plots playing out in the backround. I think there was so much missed potential and there where so many great things Nolan could have done with him in this movie, but instead he was just used like garbage in my opinion.

Still this is a great movie with big moments, that everybody should check out.
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I was disappointed
11 May 2020
I was very excited to watch this movie after all the buzz it received and all the great reviews you can find everywhere. On all sites where I looked this movie was praised to heaven, so it was obvious for me to watch it and I went in it without much prior knowledge about this movie.

First of all, I needed three attempts to sit through this movie or "Piece of Art" how some call it. The first two times I simply fell asleep and this is not something that happens often when I watch movies. I think the last time it happened was when I watched "Jack and Jill". But I must say that this movie looks really really gorgeous and is visually really beautiful. The costumes are nice, the setting is great and the cinematography is fantastic and each shot is magnificant and something special that wants to show you exaclty what you need to know and to see, so everything has its purpose to display the emotional state of the characters or the feelings they want to express. And the score also does a fanatstic part in creating the atmosphere. I give it that. Sadly thats it basically, because it seems that this is everything this movie wanted to achieve. Delivering fantastic shots which show you everything you need to know while the plot slowy unfolds next to it. And yes, it does that, but it is like watching grass grow or a painting dry, because there still isnt much going on. And a possibility of why I was so disappointed is simply the reason I stated in the beginnig. I was so hyped about this movie that it just couldnt live up to my expectations and that I expected something that it couldnt deliver.

This is a love story about two women from "different worlds" that start to fall in love, even though there are not supposed to, because of the life that is predestined for one of them, and that they have to come to the realization, that you need to say goodbye at some point and let the ones you love go. And that is basically all this movie is about storywise. The struggle they both experience during their time together and how they have to handle their emotions while beeing surrounded by few other people. And this is where the bad things start. I simply can not stand love storys, which was a huge let down. For me the overall acting and the facial expressions seemed a bit emotionless and bland most of the time. This led to the fact that I simply didnt care for the figures and I could not connect with them. And dont let me start talking about the plot. It was as predictable as it was boring and it was a torture to sit through this. And I like slow paced movies where I get an amazing conclusion at the end, where everything comes together, so that it is worth to sit through the movie. But this time my patience was not rewarded. Nothing to make up for the time I struggled through this movie was waiting for me at the end and only the nice shots and the cinematography couldnt make up for this,

Still, I am glad that I formed my own opinion about this movie and it was definitly an experience and something different. You should also form your own opinion and if you are in to love storys this might be something for you, but for me the movie didnt work and the only nice things about it were the cinematography and the score, which elevated this to at least 3 put of 10 stars.
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An ok movie
6 March 2020
First of all I must say that to a certain extent this movie gives you an interesting look at a different part of the world, how people live there and what kind of problems they need to face. But sadly this is where the positive aspects end in my opinion.

This movie is about Maryam, a young Saudi-Arabian doctor who wants to run for the office in the local city elections but she has to struggle with a lot while the community does not accept her as their town's first female candidate. So we can see how women in different parts of the world live and with what kinds of problems they have to deal to be taken seriously in their workspace or the regular life.

Sadly the story itself is pretty boring and predictable. After like 20-30 minutes you can say how this movie ends and the build up for the climax is too long. The movie also couldn't really reach me emotionally due to the actors, because I wasn't able to sympathize with them. And when you finally reach the point where the movie actually gets a little bit exciting, the movie has almost ended. The cinamtography and the score were ok, but nothing great.

In the end I would still say that this is a movie you can definitly watch once, simply to get a different look at the world and maybe you can even enjoy the movie, because I'm sure that this movie can give hope to someone. But sadly this movie didn't work for me.
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My Spy (2020)
Fun little movie for the evening
6 March 2020
Ok, first of all you shouldn't have to high expectations when going into this movie, because if you do, you will probably get dissapointed...

But let's be real. If you only need a fun and simple movie, without a twistet story you need to stay focused on, then it is a fun little movie where you can just turn your brain of and enjoy it.

The story is fairly simple, sometimes even predictable, there aren't any big moments you will still remember in a few years, there is no 'real espionage action" which you might hope for and of course you could have done more with it. And I must be honest. I myself expected something a bit different from this movie in the beginning and by the trailers. But I like what it is. I can enjoy the charackters and their interactions, I can laugh at a lot of the jokes, and I can simply sit here and enjoy the simple story, without the need to figure out what is happening and I think this is something you could need on a bad day.

So If you want a fun and little movie for your evening after a hard day or for you and your Family, this movie might be worth a Shot.
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