
2 Reviews
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First It's Funny And Then It's Sad
3 July 2020
Turned this on with my morning coffee not expecting much. It turned out to be a really fun ride. It wasn't exactly unpredictable, the story wasn't elaborate, and it was all over shortly after it begins. Even so, it was a brief and unexpected roller coaster of emotion. Not a bad way to spend a couple of hours.
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The Invisible Man (I) (2020)
(7.4/10) An Excellent Suspense Film That's Worth Your Time
29 February 2020
Is It Worth Watching: Yes

Is It Worth A Movie Ticket: Yes

The Invisible Man is a movie that excels in one particular area: suspense. Once you allow yourself to step into the reality of the movie you realize that there is a crazy, invisible man who may be behind you at any moment. It becomes worse as that invisible man begins to torment you. You tell your friends and family, but they don't believe you. And the invisible man goes out of his way to isolate you, to destroy your integrity, to harm loved ones, and to prove that he is always in control.

There are a lot of complaints about this movie and a few of them are justified. But these complaints can be easily forgiven if you take the time to appreciate what's important in the movie and what isnt. For example, people complain that this is a PC propaganda piece because it involves an abusive boyfriend (the invisible man) tormenting a woman who decides to leave him. However, that relationship isn't really "important" to the movie despite being much of its foundation. What's important is that there's an invisible bad guy and a victim who needs to find a way to fight back before their life is completely ruined.

People also complain about some plot holes and technical issues. How does an invisible man drive around? Why is he so strong? Why didn't she take videos with her camera? These are the sort of complaints that are a little more justified and they are part of the reason this film doesn't go into the hall of fame. But if you can overlook these (very minor) problems, then you will find yourself on the edge of your seat as you watch this story unfold.

You could compare this to movies like 6 Underground or Anchorman. The first of which is a movie that excels in terms of action. If you begin to focus on the mindless story elements, then you'll suspend your connection to the movie's reality and find it unlikable. Anchorman excels in raw comedy, but if you focus too much on the evolution of the main relationship and the potential real-life consequences of character actions, then you'll once again leave the reality of the movie and find it unlikable.

Returning to my initial statement, this is a movie that excels in suspense. If you find yourself worrying about the political climate, what should have been done in a particular situation, or how a person can wash off a gallon of paint in 30 seconds, then you lose your connection to the reality of The Invisible Man and will miss out on an otherwise fun and suspenseful adventure.

Finally, the play my own Devil's Advocate, the missing elements from this movie are what create a true masterpiece when they all come together. Had this story been a little more careful and thoughtful with some decisions it could have been even better. The Invisible Man may not be a masterpiece, but it doesn't take a masterpiece to drag me to the movie theater.
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