
24 Reviews
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Magical Realism in the Midwest
12 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is a coming of age story about an 11 year old girl in 1980s America. Shielded from the family's economic hardships by her parents, Gitty spends her time exploring the world of her family's farm. When she discovers a stranger trapped inside an abandoned silo, she becomes excited at the prospect of acquiring a new friend. But by the film's end, she is compelled to face numerous moral challenges. Eventually she steps forward and embraces the adult issues that are thrown at her, proving herself to be astonishingly heroic. This is a scary story with a happy ending.

The writing, plot, and script are great. The performances were all very realistic.
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Sundown (I) (2021)
I loved this philosophical story
19 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
From the beginning of this film, we are given hints regarding the main character's motivation for doing the things he does. Very early on, we see a few seconds of a cell culture being examined under the microscope. Coupled with the title of the movie, it is pretty easy to come to the conclusion that Roth's character is dying. But what percentage of the audience is paying enough attention to do this? IDK.

In any case, yes, Roth and his sister and her children are all vacationing in Mexico when they are called back to London. Roth's character decides he doesn't want to go back and he makes up a flimsy excuse to stay. After a few weeks of enjoying his life, his sister returns in full rage mode. BTW, it quickly becomes clear that noone else in the family knows that Roth is dying. Only their lawyer seems to know. It also seems clear that Roth has known about it the entire time. This is a big reason for the "apathy " noted by so many other reviewers...... he just has a different set of priorities at this point.

Once the end rolls around, and the Mexican Doctor confirms that Roth's cancer was already metastasized back in London, we see that Roth is completely uninterested in the whole chemo thing too. He just wants to enjoy what he has left. At least that's what I got.
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Massive spoilers ahead........
6 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
There are no zombies or superheroes in this movie. Also no aliens or time travel. So for many reviewers here, that means this movie doesn't qualify as science fiction. Whatever. This movie not only is great science fiction, it is terrific story telling. Wonderful camera work. Just outstanding in the snowstorm scenes. Clooney is really at his best as an actor in this one, now that he is no longer playing the debonair romantic lead.

It starts out with what appear to be 3 different threads: 1. An older man who has been doing scientific research in the arctic finds himself alone at a far north weather station when everyone else evacuates. 2. A young astronomer is so driven by his work that all of his most intimate relationships fall apart. 3. A two year mission to one of Jupiter's moons is on its way back home but cannot seem to get in touch with anyone on earth.

But these are all actually one single story line. Yes indeed. We find this out in the last few moments of the film, although some astute viewers will have figured it out for themselves right around the time that Clooney falls under the ice into the water. Actually, from the very first moment his character sees the little girl, you will start getting suspicious about what is going on.

And what is going on?

Yes, I am going to just say it. So if you don't want to know, just stop right here.

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. His daughter is on the spaceship.

And not only that. The little girl that who he found hiding in the kitchen and who has been crossing the arctic snows with him is also hiis daughter. He has been imagining her this whole time to help himself do what he needed to do in order to save his actual adult daughter.
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White Noise (I) (2022)
Extremely Funny, Campy, Highly Stylized and Fast Paced
8 January 2023
I loved this movie. It is visually stunning. The sets and costumes are just over the top as far as design. But so is the choreography, for want of a better word, that is employed in scene after scene. This is such a tightly filmed and staged piece of work that it is breathtaking. But I am beginning with the very least of the praise so that I can move up as I continue.

The acting was all 100 per cent top notch, with many of the minor rolls filled by some excellent veteran actors (Barbara Sukowa, Francis Jue, Jodie Turner Smith). This type of dark humor often relies on dead pan delivery, and IMO the execution was flawless. The adults seemed so detached even passionate moments, and this just made it all the more ludicrous. Of course, this is precisely the point regarding middle America during this period as we all numbed ourselves into oblivion with pharmaceuticals and hyper consumerism.

My highest praise has to go to the writing and directing though. The more I think about this film, the more I feel that I need to see it again. I just have the sense that there are so many scenes that were so visually packed that there was a lot that I missed the first time around. Like the first scene with the family in the kitchen. It was chaotic, everyone speaking over each other, weaving around one another, grabbing things......and it was totally hyper realistic! I felt like: Yeah ! When you have 4 kids this is what it's like. It's not neat and orderly with everyone taking turns to talk. ...... Well the whole movie was kind of like that. Instead of being all cinematic and pretending that the world stops when something important happens, there are lots of parts of the movie where the chaos of life just keeps going on around the so called main action.

Until about the last 20 minutes. Then there is this abrupt change in the pacing. That was very jarring. Maybe I should change my rating to a 9? Nah. It was still pretty damn funny after that anyway. And the final scene in the A+P was just so awesome.
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Virtuality (2009 TV Movie)
Mind Bending
27 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this as a stand-alone movie, not knowing that it had been a pilot for a series that never happened. TBH the last five minutes make more sense to me now that I realize it was made in anticipation of a longer continuing story. Nonetheless, I would still highly recommend seeing "Virtuality".

The acting is all superb. The production values are beautiful. And the script is very intelligent. Perhaps this last point is where it fails for some?

The plot appears to be about an extended mission into deep space. It takes place about 150 or 200 years in the future (according to some references in the film about nuclear propulsion becoming possible 100 years prior), when the global environmental collapse has become irreversible. Ostensibly, the mission is headed to a planet which we hope to find is habitable, so that humanity can be saved. Blah, blah.

However (spoiler alert) there is something else going on here. Serious subtext wise. On the surface, we are shown (as many other comments have pointed out): a crew that seems highly dysfunctional and somewhat bordering on unqualified at times; a virtual reality/fantasy fulfillment system that takes up major screen time; more than one character that mentions that they think the Consortium that is backing the mission could be lying to them about things; the onboard psychiatrist is doubling as the host of a reality TV show about the mission and this psychiatrist keeps saying things like "I'm only playing a role". . .

All of this, and more, forces me to question what exactly the overarching plot of the series was supposed to be about. Especially given the last two scenes. It is such an intriguing question for me that I already want to see it again.

And I didn't even go into the 2001 homages throughout, or the glitch in the matrix notion-and how integrating your VR program into your ship's main computer is a recipe for disaster, etc. Anyway. I recommend it.
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Snowpiercer (2020–2024)
This Is Not A Detective Story
7 January 2022
This series is a science fiction climate change dystopian story that happens to begin with a murder. Any review that that calls this a crime/detective show was just not paying either the show or the movie. This series is about the last remnant of humanity trying to survive together after all life on the planet has been frozen to death and the entire earth never gets above minus 100 farenheit.

3000 human beings are riding a train that continuously circles the globe. The society on the train is divided into classes that are so widely divided that some people have entire train cars to live in, while others live like they are in a concentration camp.

Such wide disparities have consequences. And this is really one of the three major threads running through the whole series. The other threads, naturally have to do with the issue of their fight for basic survival, and with the other conflicts that occur between humans living together in close quarters over long periods of time.

Every performance is stellar in the cast. The sets and costuming are just amazing. And the script/plotlines are edge of your seat level stuff. The drama is high, thought provoking stuff. Sometimes poignant, sometimes fantastic. Always artful.
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Low Stakes Game
1 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I rewatched the previous Matrix movies in the 2 weeks prior to seeing Resurrections. In my opinion, the movies are ranked in the following order from best to worst: Matrix I, Matrix III, Matrix IV, Matrix IV, Matrix II. My criteria include things like: depth of character development as expressed in conversation and progressive actions; inclusion of complex ideas and/or moral situations that are difficult to resolve; ambiguous endings (more like real life); internal struggle in characters; multi layered interrelated plotlines; universal relevance; and, of course, nuanced acting, good line writing, camera work, set design, action choreography, etc.

I think that this fourth installment failed for me because the stakes were just never high enough. So, as I review that list of evaluating criteria above I find myself thinking that the real problem with the movie lies in either the basic writing--that is the plot construction, not the dialogue--or maybe in the final editing.

All the way through the movie, the primary focus seems to be on recovering the romantic relationship between Neo and Trinity. And I suppose that is a fine idea. There are plenty of movies that are basically romantic dramas. But is one romance really worth placing the entirety of the last remnant of humanity at risk? It seems overblown to me. Why would the other humans go along with this?

There were a few extremely brief moments in which other, larger scale, concerns were brought to light: The crucial interest that the machines have in maintaining the status quo (keeping Neo and Trinity separated but close). The tense state of peace that has existed between the humans and the machines since Matrix III. However these two issues, which are actually interconnected, are never really given the screen time necessary for them to help elevate the focus of Neo's mission from one that is purely personal to one that could determine the future of humankind.

If Neo's mission could have been reframed in this way, I think there might have been a greater sense of importance and urgency for this audience member. A greater feeling that the outcome of Neo's actions and choices mattered....... As things stood, this was not much more than a movie about whether Mr. Anderson was going to ball Tiffany.
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The Virtuoso (2021)
Great Performances From Some Veteran Players
8 September 2021
This is not an action flick. This film is not about surprise endings. And all of the low ratings on here are because the kids wanted to have those two things.

This film is primarily a character study. It moves slowly, and goes into the thoughts of one person over the course of a few days. That's it. And that's why I think it's a terrific movie. The acting from everyone is amazing.
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Animator (2018)
A Magical Realism Morality Tale
4 July 2021
This is a film about a man who has a lot of growing up to do. He is a self centered, short sighted, materialistic person who is given a gift of immense power. And he has very little understanding of how to use this gift in a way that will be of benefit to anyone, including himself. As we observe him use his gift over and over again, we see that this is largely because his understanding of life is deeply lacking. The things he seems to value quickly turn out to have negative consequences that he did not foresee. In real life, learning this lesson is what marks the transition from adolescence to adulthood. In this film, well you will have to decide this for yourself.
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The Tangle (2019)
Just Wow
14 May 2021
On one hand this is a sci fi murder mystery. On the other hand there are some other serious issues raised.........Is the Tangle a good thing? What do we give up when we give up pain, violence and hurt? Do we need these seemingly negative aspects in order to create things like poetry and art?

This is science fiction at its best.
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Debris (2021)
A very exciting show
6 May 2021
I am loving this show. Just watched episode 10.

The production values are very high on this new science fiction show: special effects are used when needed, and they are very well done, but not over the top.

I think the writing is superb.......a perfect tension in trying to balance opposite issues such as how to keep the lid on the investigation even while events affect more and more people, how to trust your partner when you're being instructed to lie to them, how to hold on to your sense of reality when you keep discovering that reality is so fragile and mutable, etc. These existential questions (and others too) are at the core of the plot, as is the case with most good science fiction.

Both the casting and the directing are really spot on. The low key characters help us to focus on the concrete struggles that the alien tech keeps dragging us into. Just like real agents in this type of situation, the leads take everything with a professional attitude. Don't panic, and you won't create panic in the public. Encounter new situations with a problem solving perspective not a this-is-a-problem attitude. . . . This mature determination makes their actions, choices, interactions believable.

The relationship between the two leads is really beginning to have some depth to it. We learn more about each of them just as they learn about each other. I feel that it is unfolding very naturally.

I am always impatient to see the next episode. I really hope that this show gets renewed.
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2067 (2020)
Don't Believe the Haters
15 February 2021
This is a terrific movie. Clearly NOT low budget, as so many reviewers seem to bizarrely state. I thought the acting was quite fine--perhaps those who didn't like it are not so accustomed to the cultural differences that deliver different styles of acting and filmmaking (even in the English speaking world). This is a time travel movie, and so it deals with the conundrums of this issue. Although some elements of the plot were a little simplistic, there was definitely imagination and originality brought to bear in regard to the central questions that the plot turned on. The sets were all very detailed, and the film quality was like a typical feature film. It was a pleasure to watch. I wish more science fiction movies were this good.
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The Last Ship (2014–2018)
My Guilty Pleasure
5 June 2020
I love this show. I am currently watching the whole thing for the third time through as I write up this review. The Last Ship is a wonderful modern mythic adventure about the crew of a ship who are called on to perform the mission of keeping the various forces of evil and chaos from destroying the world.........over and over again. Because they have a true hero as their captain--a man of noble moral fiber, courage, and intelligence--the crew rises to the occasion and answers the needs of a humanity tossed from one extinction level crisis to another. Perhaps it is the unshakeable faith and loyalty of the crew to their captain......or maybe it is the ease with which we are able to distinguish the good from the bad.......or maybe it is the amount of mayhem in the plot..........yes, these could all be reasons to call "cheese" on this show. Especially regarding the increasingly outlandish crises faced by this ship full of good souls. But somewhere in all the cheese, there are the echoes of our common human condition: life is often dangerous to navigate through, and in the midst of the danger and confusion there is a yearning within many of us to find the clear path, to be joined with others who fight the good fight, and to know that the cause of justice and goodness can triumph. At least, that is why I love this show.
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Not Star Wars, But Still Pretty Good
9 March 2020
If you think Science fiction is all about explosions and fast paced ships chasing each other, then this is not the movie for you. This is a good movie about one person being unexpectedly thrust into a cosmic journey. By time and fate, thousands of years before their birth. It raises questions about how we know the difference between different states of consciousness, between what occurs in our dreams and what occurs in our waking life. . . . . And which is a more trustworthy measure of reality. It also introduces some interesting ideas about human history on earth. Although the production values are not high budget, I found them acceptable. And the acting was generally strong.
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Saving Grace (2007–2010)
High Quality, High Octane
28 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
So much has already been said about the wonderful acting, the original script concept, the gritty I won't go on and on with my many praises of the fine work done by everyone involed in this show. I will say that I am sorry it was canceled after only three seasons. I believe they had at least one more good one in them.

Just finished the final episode, and I disagree with many other reviewers on here regarding season three, and the last episode in particular. . . . . Major spoilers ahead

Grace died a hero, and all of those at the scene acknowledged her for this. She was a martyr in the truest sense, giving her life to save the lives of countless others. She "bet her soul" on being able to kill Hut along with herself, and so remove him from the earth as an instrument of evil. Given all this, I think Earl did accomplish his goal. And that was the point of the show.....not whether she was going to ever change her personality and become somebody's wife at some point.
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Fast Color (2018)
Truly Super Powerful
6 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This film is definitely not an action movie. So if that is what you're looking for, you will be disappointed. Rather, Fast Colors takes a very natural approach to examining the life of a woman who possesses super human powers that even she is not completely aware of. The movie opens in a world where there hasn't been a drop of rain for the last eight years. (We discover why later in the film. ) The central character is being chased by government goons who believe that her powers can help with the drought situation.......meanwhile, she is just trying to get back home.

The acting, camera work, script, etc. of this movie are all wonderful. For the most part, this movie is about internal struggles, intra-family challenges, and wrestling with being human......The use of metaphor is brilliant, as the entire setup is really a statement about the connection between our inner states and our outer states.
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Yesterday (III) (2019)
Good Music, Normal People
12 September 2019
This is exactly the kind of movie that we need so much more of these days. What happened to movies about plain old normal people being in love and living their lives? Well, this is a movie like that, except that, of course, it is filled with the very best rock and roll music ever written!! This is a terrific movie about the kind of questions most people face during their normal lives--even if the circumstances in the movie are somewhat magical--and that makes it something we can all relate to. For this reason, it is a great family film, a terrific date movie, and an all around feel good film!
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Character Driven Meditation on Corruption
6 January 2018
This is not a movie about crime in New York. It is not a romance, nor an action picture. It is a slow-paced film that carefully examines the ways in which our anxiety about personal survival corrupts our values, our dreams and goals, and our intimate relationships.

Through the four central characters, the audience is shown various human subjects at different stages of moral corruption and psychic emptiness. There are clear correlations drawn between their existential vacuity and the actions that they willingly sign on to again and again, as the film progresses. . . . . and yet we are treated to a superb film here because three of these four central characters do seem to struggle with their decisions, with the choices that embroil them more deeply in tragic "destinies" that they construct for themselves.
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Alamar (2009)
Amazing tale of love between a father and son in one short month
30 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This is a true life story about a very young boy who has been living in Mexico but is about to move to Rome with his Italian mother. For one month or so, he goes to live with his father and grandfather in their fishing village in Mexico's Banco Chinchorro coral reef-the world's largest pristine coral reef.

This film is as much about the camera's (and our's) love affair with the environment of the reef as it is about the tender relationship between young Natan and his father (who may never see his son again). We watch as Natan learns about his father's simple life as a fisherman, the joys and pleasures of life on the reef, and the male bonding in this way of life.

Most touching, perhaps, are the scenes featuring the wild egret that migrates from Africa, and lands in their hut one morning. Although it is Natan who forms an attachment to the bird, once the bird flies away the audience becomes aware that there is a parallel here between the bird and Natan himself.

This viewer cannot but hope that Natan himself will see this film several times over the course of his own life, and let it inform his path and his sense of who he is........and the rest of us as well.
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Chingaari (2006)
Not Your Typcal Bollywood Musical
11 February 2010
Warning: Spoilers
This is a high art film coming from director Kalpana Lazmi, who chose to take the risk of casting several actors who have arguably been considered by many as being past their prime by the Indian movie establishment. Taking place in a small village that worships the great goddess Kali, Lazmi's film presents a strong critique of the caste norms, and the concepts of purity and pollution that still control life in much of rural India today.

In the lead role of the most popular prostitute in a small village, is the great Sushmita Sen, and she truly has turned in the greatest performance of her career up until now in this film. This role demands such intensity and discipline from her as an actress, and she convincingly brings us along: Celebrating her strength as the self-sufficient wage earning single mother, cringing through the abuse and humiliation she suffers at the hands of the village priest, weeping as we watch her fall in love with the young postman who befriends the women of the brothel.

Ila Arun's role as the owner of the brothel is carried off excellently--all the way from her over-done make-up to her alternations between the over solicitous motherly nurturer and the cold-hearted exploitative business woman. This veteran actress is expert at portraying the caricature of a person that the madam of this small village actually is.

Mithun Chakraborty's career is also revived in his role as the powerful but corrupt village priest. He allows the prostitutes to serve Kali through dance and by making offerings, but they can never touch the goddess' feet. At night he visits the prostitute, but he cannot deal with the truth of his own desires, and so subjects her to all manner of abuses during his visitations.

Chakraborty's own stoic performance matches Sen's in intensity and depth. And the final confrontation between the two of them provides a scene of rare cinematic climax!! The goddess has truly come alive.
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At The Edge Of The Muslim World
31 August 2009
What a moving portrayal of the human struggle, and the very real costs of that struggle, that occurs for so many today as the result of the cultural schizophrenia in places like Algiers and throughout the Muslim world. Just as so many of the economic and technological benefits of Western culture have begun to penetrate these countries enough to affect the daily lives of most people, radical Islamists enter the scene en force as a reaction against the political ideas and social freedoms that so many also wish to participate in. And much of the ordinary population is caught up in the confusing and dangerous middle ground.

Each of the four primary female characters in this film embody the split personality that *is* the Muslim world today. Each one navigating between desires and ambitions born from her sense that it is permissible to dream of freedom and happiness--however that is symbolically represented for her in her visions of a self-defined destiny...............yet each also struggles against the curbs placed on that freedom and self-determination by the culturally-shrinking society that surrounds her.

In the film this is wonderfully portrayed in the stark difference between the public and the private spaces in which the characters function. This is most obvious in the costuming, as the women cover themselves completely whenever they go "out" (ironically, making them anything but "out") and uncover when they are inside. But this difference is also portrayed in the interaction between the main characters themselves, as though the traditional clothing in which they are hidden also creates a wall between them--and it is only inside, when they have taken off those coverings, that they can relate on an intimate level.

There are crucial - and painful - moments of crisis in the film when these separations break down: bringing the psychic walls of coveredness into the private realm, or being exposed and uncovered in the public realm. And in these moments, we see that things start to break down in the lives of the characters. This also is a continuation of the metaphor: for those living in the schizophrenia of the Muslim world today, who attempt individually and societally to simply put the modern Western world in one compartment and the tug of Islamist fundamentalism in another, who attempt to simply switch costumes while going from one to the other -- such a way of living, such a way of being eventually has to break down.

The film does not attempt to resolve this problem, but merely to set it before us. On the way to its conclusion there is great tragedy, minor redemption, and a possibility of some vague hope. Let us also, as the audience, dare to posses some hope for a future resolution in the Muslim that does not take such a toll on the women who live their lives within it.
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Fun and Games...If You Can Survive!
26 March 2009
Warning: Spoilers
In many ways, the 10th Victim is a spoof on several genres at once: the Spaghetti Western, the Mod Spy Flick, and the Whirl-wind Romance, (oh, and let's not leave out the spoof on Fellini, as well!). And I think it succeeds on all these levels.

Set in the mod-mod version of a near future Rome, where two players in an international game called The Big Hunt play cat and mouse. The hunter knows the identity of her prey, but the victim has to figure out who he is being hunted by. He is allowed to kill his hunter, but there are major consequences if he kills the wrong person: going to prison for murder, naturally.

Our heroine is brilliantly cheesy as the most beautiful, frigid, and deadly of all women around--the ultimate huntress and mercenary, who wants to make a fast deal advertising TEA (of all things!), while also winning The Big Hunt.

Meanwhile, our hero's wife keeps cashing in on his Hunt winnings, leaving him and his live-in girlfriend at the mercy of the repo man. His girlfriend is constantly on his case, when suddenly a beautiful American woman enters his life, offering him money, fame, and sex. It seems too good to be true!
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An excellent way to learn about Chinese Buddhism
8 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
In addition to being a superb film--with stunning visuals, an uplifting plot, and superior performances all around--this film also provides audiences with a wonderful window into the history of the development of Chinese Buddhism.

The main character's own personal spiritual development actually parallels several centuries of Chinese history--what a subtle genius this director is!! As we follow the General's progress---from a superficial adherence to the rules and forms of Buddhist practice, through his initial explorations of Pure Land doctrine, and finally on to his confrontation with his own inner flaws as he truly embraces Chan's paradoxical koans and teachings---we also follow the forms of traditional Buddhist development from 4th through 9th century China.

This is not only a cinematic triumph, it is also a spiritual gift to the rest of us. I use it in all of the Buddhism courses I teach.
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The Big Trees (1952)
Early Environmentalist Film
1 January 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This is a story about a young opportunist and slick-talker (Kirk Douglas as Fallon) who leaves his floundering lumber operation in Wisconsin in order to exploit a piece of Federal Lands Claims legislation that went into effect in 1900. Hoping to make a quick fortune, he heads for northern California and the vast tracks of Redwoods and Sequoias there.

The plot's central conflict is developed when Fallon/Douglas encounters a community of nature-loving religious pacifists who have been living for years on the land that he hopes to harvest. Much attention is paid, in this film, to the simple arguments presented by these people who consider the giant trees to be sacred reminders of God's greatness. The forest is their church, and they strive to convince would-be (de)foresters such as Fallon that the trees are more valuable left standing than being cut down and used for lumber.

Douglas' performance is nuanced and convincing, as he portrays the deep internal transformations that his character goes through. In addition, there is a truly remarkable action sequence--clearly the great grand-daddy of all of Tom Cruise's (et al.) exploits--in which Douglas leaps aboard a runaway train.

In a silent "wink" to savvy audience members, the mock-Spanish name of the California county where all this takes place is written on a sign over the door of the courthouse: San Hedrin.
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