
42 Reviews
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If you do not Mario, you will have no idea why anything happens
7 April 2023
It has basically all the tropes of modern movies.

Give me a movie where a political female figure, like a "princess", is a political figure and not some sort of badass.

Anyways, it was not as bad as I thought. It is not offensive and relatively harmless.

The world seems thought out, the Kongs were decent, the game music was really well done and presented. The 80ies and 70ies music has been used in the same way, billions of other products and was really off-putting. Reminded me that it is indeed, just a movie and not an experience.

Besides of Peach, the adaptation was relatively "faithful" and well done. Also, this movie requires one to know the franchise, so it not really a great experience, but just part of the franchise.
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"Greek" gods, but divers Charlies angels.
17 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This "diversity" did not ruin it, but it surely got tedious after they made sure to mention 2901838 times that the gods are "greek". Just. No. Just divers Charlies angels.

There are enough statues that display the people and the antique "gods". Spoiler they were not chinese and not ... whatever the fake Disney princess pretends to be.

The humor is the same as it was in the 1st movie. Makes it boring. 4th wall breaking and references. So many references... Do people just laugh at things they know?

Acting is terrible. Helen Mirren had a fantastic scene. But the rest was insanely awful. The adults were worse than the kids. Clearly demonstrating the lack of communications between departments.

Visuals are boring. After all those years of CGI educing nonsense, I am desensitized to it.

The action was boring. Nothing memorable.

Music is fine. Although generic. Midir looked fine and sounded actually really good.

Steve was alright, Helen Mirren was fine. Story is "bleh". Just fine. The extras where mostly fine.

This is not a bad movie, If you loved the first one, you will have a good time with this one. But it is a very forgettable one. I am also VERY tired of this forced "diversity". This trend must die.
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M-She-U again and really boring
18 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Man, this product has no reason to exists.

Most of it is just talking in 3 locations. Half or it is just talking in 3 locations.

The CGI gets boring very quickly. This is effectively an aminated product.

The Wasp saved this product, while the old lady is in there the most and dictates this product. Makes me wonder, why it is considered an "Antman" product.

Deus-Ex-Ant-Machina. They just pull it out of thin air and it makes no sense.

Kang is insanely boring. All he can is building B-Level storm troopers. And shoot laser that vaporizes people.

The Stormtroopers did nothing. They lost against guys with swords.

The "Massage" of capitalism bad and socialism good is insulting. The makers clearly never seen what happened to the ideologies when millions of people were killed and had to suffer for "utopia".
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The Orville (2017–2022)
Good Star Trek, awful "comedy"
16 January 2023
I am truly impressed by the quality of this show.

The "comedy" is the worst aspect and truly a "Seth MacFarlane" thing ever. He is an exceptionally talented >insert whatever he does<, but his comedy is awful. While some one-liners are fine, he also uses an unfunny thing and stretches' it out for hours.

Luckily, it is only one negative aspect and the "comedy" is used very sparingly.

Acting, chemistry of the characters, stories, character development and production are however, really well done. REALLY well done.

What impressed me the most is how this is best Star Trek experience of this time. Paramound is murdering one of the greatest and most interesting franchises of all times, while a "parody" is more faithful to the source and vision of Rodenberry than ANYTHING that came out in the past 10 to 20 years.

It is interesting and thought-provoking just like Star Trek is supposed to be.
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Star Wars: Visions (2021– )
A generic anime
15 December 2022
This is nothing but a generic anime you have seen hundreds of times.

It butchers old Japanese "traditions". (Treats them more like clichés) and slaps some elements of Star Wars in there.

It is identical to the Blade Runner anime.

The animation, while beautiful, is very minimalistic and exceptionally cheap. There is an endless amount of still-shots at something/someone, while someone else delivers dialogue.

No money was spent on animating choreography, no money was spend on the script.

The plot, character "development" is so cheap, that trying to describe it will end at one sentence.

If you want a Star Wars thing, this one will leave you dissatisfied as there is nothing that defines Star Wars. If you want antient Japanese culture, watch any other of the billion of animes. This one is just surface level at best.

Watching it ironically will certainly treat you with some good laughs.
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Saints Row (2022 Video Game)
It even has a dance party at the end.
9 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
We have to remember what defines a Saints Row game.

I will exclude gameplay as there are hundreds of videos online that perfectly demonstrate how much less this product is to even the third game.

I am talking about the gangs and the characters. SR1 is probably one of the best written games of all times.

Just think back at the revelation that Troy is a cop. Dex dropping his flags. The respectful tone of Ben. King. The hypocricity AND truth behind Julius' speech before he died. The protective way Molero talked about his boys. Vogels development plan. Carlos' death. There is a lot to talk about. An insane amount of research, thought and care was put in the characters and their journey. Every playthrough will have a new nuance you have never noticed. I promise.

I do not see anything of quality in this product. Everything and everybody is forgettable. Just one note caricatures. The gangs have no personality beyond, one gang is strong, the other has numbers and the last one is a hard copy of Stag. There is no fun in paying attention to anything.

This product was clearly not written by humans. The "humor" is what an AI would write. But most importantly, they missed what defined Saints Row. This is NOT a Saints Row game. It misses what made 3 and 4 fun and what made 1 and 2 outstanding.

Now the rest: The script is bad. The majority of dialogue is meaningless. Just wasting time with unfunny ... things. Game is insanely ugly. Sound design is bad. Lighting is bad. Code is bad, to many bugs. Environment is ugly. Voice acting is below average.

It blows my mind how people defend this product. Did they really disliked the previous games that much?

This product is a cheaper version of a game you have played before. GTA, Watchdogs, Matrix tech-demo, SAINTS ROW, you name it. Worse than many Ubisoft product. This Product has no purpose to exists and considering there is NOTHING that it has in common with a Saints Row game, I call it a scam. I want to talk to the AI that pitched this product.

Now go and look up game play comparisons between this product and a game.
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A bland story about talentless actors
20 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
At first I thought people would make fun of me when they said, this product would be real. After realizing it is real and after watching it, I now know this is Disney making fun of fans.

What about the story? Who cares, it was pointless and boring. Someone got kidnapped and now these "actors" have to save them. Something that exists in millions of different and better versions.

Remember the character of Chip and Dale? Well, they are actors now. So everything we liked about them is meaningless now. They are just unlikeable Hollywood millionaires. Even their high pitch is not their real voice.

Voice acting is really bad. It is soulless, emotionless, effortless and bland. You can tell this is a pay check for them. The cop was good. For some reason J. K Simmons cared about this product. He is also the only good actor/voice actor from the entire assemble.

The 2D animation is insanely cheap. There is hardly any animation. Compare it to ANY pre 2000's animation and you will know what I mean by it. Youtubers who copy the old Disney styles are way better than the current talent-free hags from Disney. It has no presence at all. Just drawn on the current frame without any "real" animation.

There are way to many other art-styles they just butcher. Every style is just a worse version from the same studio 20+ years ago. Stop motion was fine (at best). The sock puppet was unironically great. Caught me off-guard in a good way.

It is clear that their entire effort is in 3D, but as usual for Disney, it is bad.

There are like 2 jokes. A joke has a set up und a punch line.

What this product has are references. Just show a thing people remember.

I will most likely forget its existence within the next 8 hours.

If you never like Chip and Dale, you liked cheap kidnap movies and you love nostalgia milking products, then this is something for you.

If you like good movies with interesting plots and characters you can skip it.
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"Hey, do you remember The Matrix?" the movie.
22 December 2021
This is what it is.

It was done by armatures. The dialogue is cringe, uninspired, immature, just bad. It looks bad, editing sucks, music is bland, colors are unfitting, nobody lives in Zion, it is super tiny, the sets are bland and tiny, CGI is mostly mediocre.

The actors were mediocre at best. Yahya Abdul-Mateen II stood out as absolute trash (I am being generous) with the worst writing and Neil Patrick Harris who is a fantastic actor with equal bad writing.

The choreography is exactly what you would expect from a cash-grab. Remember how the actors had to learn Kung-Fu in the original? That's why it looked awesome. This shoddy product replaces it with quick cuts and fake punches.

One of the worst nostalgia-cashgrabs ever, since the "makers" did not watch the original trilogy and the absurd amount of footage they used from the trilogy.

The comedy or consistent parody towards the trilogy physically hurt and is never funny.

Remember that the Neo we knew was the only "chosen one" who fell in love? He was also the 6th I think? Oh yea, Trinity died! And no way you can save her after the way she died!

The love story was not the significant aspect of the trilogy. It was important, because it influenced Neos decision that lead to stop/halt of the cycle. But It was still Morpheus who enabled the story, while Agent Smith unknowingly gave Neo something to negotiate for the treaty. This "love" angle makes no sense. Making trinity to the "One" makes less sense. So they basically retcon the entire trilogy.

It would be great to explore the cycle of Zion being destroyed and rebuild, the role of the chosen and the consistent upgrades to the Matrix, but no. We got this. The existence of this product is just punishment for a Matrix fan.
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If God is everything, why can't God be dead?
23 November 2021
TL:DR: If you want a movie that is easy to forget, you will like it. If you want a movie that respectfully and philosophically discusses Christianity, religion in general and provides any intelligent and thoughtful perspectives, move on. Go and watch "Life of Pi", this is a movie that feels very respectful, interesting, critical and eye opening towards believe.

I really do not hate this movie. It is as mediocre as you can imagine it. It is not bad if any aspect is analyzed on its own.

The problem is the story and the plot. There is so much unnecessary filler, that it is hard to pay attention to those aspects. I also think that some scenes where only used to provoke an emotion that has nothing to do with the movie? Very weird.

There was also very little logic to anything that was going on. Some argumentations they used for anything were straight up from... Jupiter? Very little contact to reality.

I do believe that nothing was used respectful, was research or came from a philosophical perspective. No depth, just surface level... presentation? Discussion? I do not even know what this movie was trying to go for.

I would be VERY surprised if any Christian, Atheist, Liberal of whatever people use to put them in to some kind of groups, do actually have any feelings 1 hour after watching this movie. It is that forgettable.
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Generic anime without purpose
14 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Just in order watch this series I watched Blade Runner 2049. One of the best movies of all time. I am disappointed about the pandering to the first movie, but did way to many things right, so overall an easy 9/10.

Now to this product.

TL:DR; If you want a bland uninspired boring anime, you will enjoy this. If you want a series that properly incorporates the quality and style of both Blade Runner movies, move along, nothing to see here.

First off, the English dub can burn in hell. Yes it is this bad. If you HAVE to watch it, watch it in Japanese with subtitles on.

What baffled me is how it started. Generic pop-song in the opening. Have you clowns even seen the movies? What makes you think this style of music is appropriate?

The direction seems like a factory produced anime. Boring choreography action, full of flashbacks and pointless dialogue. No tension, no mystery, no great visuals, no good dialogue.

The choreography is as boring as you can expect. No thought was put in to it. Just a bunch poses to make the protagonist look cool and nothing more. The action in the movies was never really mind-blowing, but it was well done and looked good.

Cinematography is horribly bland. Both movies look fantastic. Every frame is a painting. This however, looks cheap, uninspired and just forgettable. The lighting and color does not exists. The makers just made it dark.

Everyone remembers the epic music from both movies. The tone and genre were different, but both movies had fantastic music. They use it in this product as well, BUT this is not executed well. First off, the opening is a generic pop-song with a style you have already heard a million of times. Most importantly, the point of the music of the movies was to provide complimentary audio for the tone, visuals and mystery. The music does not work for this product at all, because there is nothing that justifies the "epic-ness" of the music from the movies.

The streets are empty. What is great about the movies is the feel of claustrophobia, that is how packed the streets are.

Language. In the previous movies, some people spoke different languages, LIKE THE AFRICAN GUY and they all understood each other. In this soulless product, they all speak the same language. Also the workshop of the African guy is wrong and they missed all the character traits he had in the sequel.

There is a lot wasted time with music montages, flashbacks and meaningless dialogue. Sure the originals had flashbacks and montages too, but they looked amazing and had a point.

The animation is not good. Not the worst, but VERY far away from good. Looks like something you would expect to see from the year 1990.

They gave her a sword for a short time. Now it is literally " Blade Runner". Bleh...

This product has nothing that made the Blade Runner movies special. Tone, visuals, build up, the Noir setting, this is all missing. Instead this is just a bland generic anime with a lack of lighting. I swear, call it Naruto 2049 and NOBODY would spot the difference.
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One of the worste
6 November 2021
Humor is replaced with grimace and "goofy" music.

Cinematography is trash. Seriously, I can make something that is more eye-pleasing.

Music pretty much everywhere. Spoils emotions. Usually to mask terrible actors.

Consistent jump scares.

Awful or boring dialogue with mostly terrible actors.

I do not see a single positive element about it. It is the same dreadful style of dozens of series. A bunch of meaningless "people" talk to each other in a room about things that do not matter.

This series exists only to trick zombie fanatics to waste their time with this purposeless product.
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Squid Game: VIPS (2021)
Season 1, Episode 7
VIP = Very impressive poor-acting
14 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The players were great. Their acting was, as usual, solid at worst.

The cop sub plot was fun. I really like his journey on this.

That trash performance of those VIPs however, ruined this episode for me. Especially the fat one. Just because the behind masks, does not mean they are not supposed to act.

The next points are not major complaints, but some that really annoyed me. Like every episode, this one also contradicts it self in a way. "Everyone is equal in the game." and "Elimination when refused to play. Those 2 rules/principles got ignored.

About the principle, the first player is destined to die, while the last one is most likely to win. There is no way the first one could have made it. This game is by definition unfair.

And the rule was broken when one of the guys decided to not move AND THE GUARDS DID NOT DO ANYTHING. I understand that this game needed some conflict, but he broke the rules! Shoot him!

Also, was it against the rules to walk on the metal that was carrying the glass? I am disappointed that nobody tried it out.

Besides that, since when is betting ONE million bucks on a persons life, in ANY currency, considered a lot? The people who have the power and influence to do that, would bet actual money.
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Old (2021)
Congratulations Shyamin, this is the Happening 2 with worse actors.
17 September 2021
If you tell me this product was all improv, this would be a solid 6. But this is it? This is what he made? I like the directing of M. Night Shyamalan, but this?

Honestly, watch the trailer. It is a great summary of this product.

Why is the rating higher than 2? Why is the Metascore not red? There is NOTHING good about this. WTF did you saw in this? This product is just a bunch of plot holes. Have you positive-review people seen this product or have you watched only the trailer?

90% of visuals were meaningless. Camerawork was terrible. Shots that were supposed to establish some sort of suspense, were really stupid. The payout was ALWAYS expected.

80% of dialogue is meaningless. Nobody talks like a human because everything is bad improv. They try to explain things but do not talk with each other. The "important" dialogue is just exposition. Like a bunch of text-to-speech bots... Shayamalang was the *best* actor. Yes! This is the quality we have reached.

The music sounds like it is stock-music. It is so forgettable, you have no idea.

Things/people got old. How can you stretch out this paper-thin idea in a 108 minute audio-visual product? It endlessly contradicts itself.

Characters are defined by an illness and their job. Nothing more.

What is this genre? Drama. What is dramatic about people explain things from their script? Mystery. EVERYTHING is predictable. Thriller? What is thrilling about this product. They can't leave because of an invisible wall, they get old and they die.

The plot twist was neat, but got ruined by the other plot twist that was so predictable, that it physically hurt.

The death of the calcium lady was cool. This product was not as boring as it could be. In the end it is ether getting your eyes clawed out by crows or this terrible TERRIBLE product.
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Candyman (2021)
Beetlejuice > Candyman > Bloody Mary
16 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Lets start with the obnoxious point first. This Movie is racist against whites. Why is preaching racism accepted? Not saying there are no valid points, but what is a white supremacist? They use this word but there is no meaning behind it.

The script and the story were off? It is difficult to explain. It feels like someone who never saw a horror movie tried to make one. For example, the tone is great. However, the deaths are ether comical or have no real impact. Especially how bland the main and the support characters are affected by them. Basically not at all. Although the deaths were really well done, especially the deaths of the schoolgirls, that scene was fantastic. The script was still not very well communicated. No much reason why certain things happened.

The thriller aspect was sort of neat. I enjoyed how "crazy" the main character was, although he did not receive any development.

The main actor is great. Not in this movie sadly, BUT every time I saw him, he was a different character. I now want to see him in a good movie where he gets to show his acting talent.

The shadow figures instead as flashbacks were fantastic. Very creative. The cinematography was alright. There were A LOT of decent shots. Nothing mind-blowing, but still nice to look at.

This movie was way more enjoyable than I thought and It was engaging enough.
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Dungeon Dynamite (2016– )
Great Humor
14 September 2021
This is the only series that has well written humor, an interesting story and this is the only one, that makes me laugh.

The only "downside" would be the animation, but honestly, this kind of animation is part of the humor and it has more effort and "soul" than 99% of the animes and series out there.
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You have seen this one already.
1 August 2021
This movie has nothing new. This is a factory made action movie.

The music, while not bad, there was to much of it.

The acting was very poor. Especially from the main "actress". They tried to make her cool, but she was just bland. There is nothing to her.

The choreography was mostly well done. I enjoyed the mild-ish violence the usage of things in the room (similar to Jackie Chan films)but the problem was the main "actress". She never did sport for the sake of being fit. She only did it to look hot.

Why do action movies with female protagonists do this? Why do they cast women who look like they need help with carrying their groceries? Why can't they cast women who look like the character they are supposed to play? In one scene the baddies were kicking her, but the statists were afraid to hurt her, so they did not kick her at all, but slightly touched with their feet. It was hilarious.

Editing was mostly fine. Better than 70% of generic action movies. It was clear what was happening. The slow-motion on the other hand were trash. As they usually are. HEY, MOVIE MAKER, STOP USING THEM! They just make things cheesy and bad.

There were also some really cool and colorful shots. While this movie has basically no stakes and no scale, the sets look fantastic. Visually speaking, this movie is nice to look at.

Comedy was trash. Not a single joke was funny. Slapstick is also not funny.

This movie is not bad, but sadly it does more things wrong than right. Ether way, if you want to see a "fun" movie that distracts from a boring day, this one will do the job.
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Masters of the universe, yet they never leave their planet
30 July 2021
The trend of series/movies with the word "revelation" being bad continues.

Lets be honest, this franchise was never good. It never had a purpose and there was nothing that really defined it. I watched every single episode of the original and NOTHING was that impressive or memorable.

I guess Skeletor was neat. And the Heya-video.

It was nonsensical and kind of stupid. This new show, except of the visuals, is not that different.

Boringness and the usual Netflix-Clichés aside, my major complaints. (otherwise this review would be pages long)

This show has some legitimate bangers, BUT there is music EVERYWHERE! It is really frustrating. Every scene, every "emotion" gets spoiled by it. Why? Because, the voice acting, while not bad, is as mediocre as it gets. Yes, that includes Luke/Joker... I mean Mark Hamil. I do not hear a character, I hear the voice actor. Writing is eh. Most monologues/dialogues ONLY exists to explain things to the audience. Nobody talks like a real person. One thing is clear, this show was not done with a "vision" and certainly not by people with talent, considering how mediocre it is.

This show is not bad, it is just mediocre and in my book that is worse, because nothing is memorable, nothing leads to any discussion or for some ironic humor.

I would give this show a 5/10, BUT Kevin Smith behaves like a pile of s*** for some reason. He is really unprofessional and he should be called out on it.

Sure, I SHOULD distinguish the art from the artist, but insulting the fanbase is the lowest of lows and because of that Kevin deserves to never find work again. Which is meaningless because he is rich.
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This Way Up (2019– )
What is the point?
25 June 2021
It claims to be a comedy, but there is no humor. Not a single "joke" or thing they did was funny in any way. Nothing was cleverly written and led it to be very cringe.

The drama works the same way. Not good. The characters do barely act and talk like real humans. It is very unbelievable how they talk and what they say is usually meaningless and has no point.

I do not understand the good score on this site. I got nothing out of this show. There is no value. Nothing funny, nothing interesting, nothing thoughtful or thought provoking. It feels like it only exists to pad time. It is filler that you run in the background when you do some chores.
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Promare (2019)
This movie contains 200% of the yearly doses of pink a human should see
24 May 2021
Promare is very over the top and parodies almost all clichés modern animes do have. But unlike the majority of animes out there, this one is not boring. It is scene after scene of pure stupidity as an excuse to entertain and honestly, it works great. This movie is fun as hell.

The comedy does not work in animes. It is the usual screaming with dumb faces, but luckily that is a very small part of it. The majority of humor is the absolute ridiculous and over the top action and animation.

Kill la Kill and this one share the same director, writer and componist. So the script does not take a break. Instead of pacing the have a train on LSD. There is a lot of action that happens and pretty much all of it visually stunning, creative and some of them are hilarious. The soundtrack is obviously FIRE as well.

The few issues I have is the annoying dialogue of the main character and the break-neck pacing.

At the same time the anime knows how annoying the main character is and everyone calls him out for being an idiot. His passion for helping makes him also quite likeable as well.

The pacing is honestly a breeze of fresh air. In a normal movie it would be a problem but since the majority of modern animes are designed to have a pacing of a glacier with a lot of meaningless dialogue that only exists to pad time, it is very refreshing to see stuff happen in a short amount of time.

This is not the best anime of all time, but it would be a sin to pass on this.
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This is a Zack Snyder product
22 May 2021
What defines a Snyder product?

Bad acting/insufficient directing of actors. It is there.

Over-usage of music. Usually as a compensation for lack of emotions. It is there.

Overexplaining/Over-dramatizing character background. It is there.

Bad technical aspects like bad lighting, consistent camera shake, annoying lens flares, subject not in focus, bad framing. All there. Additionally Snyder is the only director who is getting worse with each "thing" he makes. This product looks like it was done by me. (I do not know how to do movies)

Bland music videos/montages. Yes, both are here.

Cringe humor or a complete lack of understanding how humor works. Yea.

A lot of boring nothingness with meaningless dialogue. That is there as well.

Bad/unbelievable CGI. Check.

This is a B-Movie at best. But even as a B-Movie, it is still just a product.
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Mortal Kombat (2021)
As a fan of MK I was very bored
25 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
TL:DR: If you want to see some MK characters in a movie. You will like it.

If you want a good action movie with "The raid"-like choreo... you will be very dissatisfied.

Also, why does Scorpion says "Get over here!" even thought he died hundreds of years ago in feudal japan? Did he attended an English class in hell or what?

There is nothing that this movie does well.

Story, writing, production (set design), cinematography, camerawork and acting are very poor. Especially Kano with his "humor" was enough to turn off the movie. Why do the corporate-rats from Warner Brothers like this cringe style of humor?

I rate this movie on the 3 most important things that an action movie should do right. Choreography, script and editing.

The choreography was mostly lame and tame. Nothing anyone did was impressive. When Scorpion fought the assassins and the first 3rd of Subzero vs Scorpion were alright. Kano vs the invisible Lizard was actually cool.

The script was .. blegh. Nothing happened. The coolest moment was supposed to be Scorpion vs Subzero. But the good part of this fight lasted not even 2 minutes before it went full cliché. After that he disappeared. The ending was virtually the same as the beginning of the movie. It felt like the entire movie was meaningless.

Editing was indistinguishable from any factory produced Hollywood slog. A bunch of quick cuts during the action. I lost count how many times it was impossible to tell what actually happened.

The whole time I was watching MK, I kept thinking of "The Raid".

Yes, every Raid movie has obnoxious editing, but the choreography is on point and those movies have scripts where stuff is happening moving along.
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Outriders (2021 Video Game)
Awful endgame
18 April 2021
Division 2 is a product that nobody cares about, it has no vision. Destiny 2 is ... ehm Destiny 2. Anthem was dead before it even arrived. Ghostrecon has no reason to exist. Borderlands is frustratingly boring with its fetch quests. Now we have Outriders.

The story is great and the game definitely has an identity, but there is only one way to play this game and unfortunately it is not about skill and knowledge, it is exclusively about the numbers on your gear. That's why this game will not die, but dry out very quickly. In a short time, it will become very toxic. This is not a game you will play to relax or calm down like the others.

Division 1 and 2 do it right. There is some hard and frustrating content, but there is enough stuff to do while just leaning back and farm grind or try out new stuff.

Outriders on the other hand is always stressful thanks to the downscaling and the frustrating amount and combinations of enemies.

Additionally, considering the last statement from the developers how this game is supposed to be a "combat puzzle" shows how inept and distend they are from reality. I do not have much faith in them at all.

This game has potential to be good, more then the other looter shooter. But if we would rate every product on potential, then everything would get a pass.
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4 hours of awfulnes
18 March 2021
This movie proves why it was rewritten and how incompetend Zack truly is as a director. First off, yes, this movie has all the flaws that make a Snyder movie and it is definitively more watchable than the garbage that came out in 2017.

As a fan of DC, super hero movies and good movies, I was left dissatisfied and even slightly insulted.

Everything is CGI. There is one set. A big green room. Nothing is real and it looks terrible.

At least 40% is just padding. Just wasting time with nothingness. The 4 hours are NOT justified.

Like 60% of action is slow motion. It gets boring sooo quickly, you have no idea.

The "actors" suck. They are all just terrible. They cost so much money and they are so bad. Did Zack not care at all? Was it all improv? Also, why is Ben Affleck the most uncharismatic Bruce Wayne ever? Why does Jesse as Lex Luther behave like the Riddler?

There is very little sense to anything that happens. Zack wastes soooo much time instead of actually explain anything is just insulting.

The movie is filmed by an armature. No sense of colors, lighting, FOCUS?!

There is music EVERYWHERE! That is because every "actor" suck, the scenes have no emotions, so Zack has to over-compensate with music.

Again, this movie was better than the 2017 thing, but it was still equally painful.
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Good movie, awful "humor"
7 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This movie did many things right. The landscape, the story, the choreography, cinematography at points and the main character. I think I fell in love with Raya.

The music is often times really good, but sometimes they use instruments or genres (like dubstep) that are really unfitting for this time period or region.

Many sequences and character actions/thoughts do not make a lot of sense. Felt more like the script wanted to do them something. Lazy writing.

The 3rd act makes barely any sense. I realize, that the makers wanted a happy end, but many sequences just happened without any real reason.

What dragged this movie down was the terrible TERRIBLE "humor". The tone of this move was great, until they introduced the dragon. Everyone but the "bad" guys is a joke dispenser. The "jokes" are not even funny. The film makers often times even stopped the movie to make a "funny" thing. This ruined the flow of the movie and since not a single thing was funny, it just wasted time.

In the end, I still would recommend it, Just alone for the awesome animation.
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Cosmic Sin (2021)
This product commits the biggest Sin
6 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
It's frustratingly boring.

GOOFS: This entire audio-visual product.

Holy smokes, it was even worse than I thought. Every person that worked on this thing, music, editing, """acting""", just sucked.

Hoffman from Saw was watchable. He was the least bad thing about this product. But he dies relatively early.
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