
45 Reviews
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Allied (2016)
I saw the movie for the sake of the last half of the story
7 May 2024
The way Pitt and Cotillard meet and fall in love is entirely unconvincing. In the first place, they both look like middle-aged people pretending to be young and incapable of passionate love. The constant smile on Cotillard's face seems fake throughout the film. At the beginning, she had to fake her smiles, but they don't become credible even after they allegedly fall in love.

Something about Pitt lacks credibility. Perhaps I saw through his acting at the Academy Award ceremonies. I can't tell when he's acting and when he's genuine. As a result, when Pitt is acting in a film, it doesn't seem genuine.

Pitt speak with an uncomfortable accent. Is he trying to sound like a Quebecois? Something about his speaking style is uncomfortable.

And there is Pitt's face. He was a true handsome man when he made Devil's Own or Spy Game. But over the years, either Pitt has grown old or lost his good looks. Overall, he looks boring. Thus he shouldn't try to look handsome anymore because he isn't.

As for the story of the movie, Pitt was dumb to bring home an operative from the field and marry her. He brought a stranger home, thereby endangering the Allied war effort and his career. A dumb move.
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Fugitiva (2018)
It failed to persuade
5 April 2024
Throughout the episodes, I could never understand whether the reason she left her husband was justified. The story resembles Julia Robert's Sleeping with the Enemy. But in the movie, the husband is truly a psychopath with homicidal instincts. In Fugitiva, the husband is at best a mafia leader with criminal intentions. It's never established that he poses danger to his wife or children. The explosion in the house doesn't warrant her deceptive escape from her husband. Moreover, it doesn't warrant taking all three children from their father. Apparently the father loves the children and the children love their father. The woman kidnapped the children from their father and deprived him of the love of his children. The story is faulty and exaggerated. It fails to persuade.
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Enjoyed the movie but not the monologues
5 April 2024
I enjoyed Eddie's depiction of Rudy Ray Moore. There's something about it that is genuine and interesting. I liked the process that Rudy goes through to reach stardom.

But I couldn't understand why the audience went wild over Rudy's one liners. I know it was the beginning of rap or hip hop. There's something poetic about his monologues. But I didn't understand why the audience in the movie found them funny. To me, it just wasn't funny at all. Instead it was vulgar and low-class. Is it a cultural gap that I'm feeling? Is there such a wide culture gap between me and the African American community that Rudy appealed to? How do African Americans find Rudy Ray Moore's humor? I'd like to know.
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Gray (2023– )
A cheap imitation of LaCarre's Tinker Tailor
18 March 2024
The basic premise of Gray is that a super spy in retirement is brought in to spot the mole in the CIA, which is an exact replica of the premise of Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy. The suspects are the three heads of the branches of the agency, just like Bill Haden, Esterhase, Roy Bland in Tinker, Tailor. Even the structure of the CIA resembles the basic construct of Tinker, Tailor where the "lateralism" is adopted after Smiley's departure from MI6. And the greatest resemblance is that there is a mole in the highest echelon of the CIA.

LeCarre beautiful adorned the basic premise of Tinker Tailor with rich character developments of all the important characters, which go beyond the world of espionage. Gray, on the other hand, has none of such deep character development.

The American flag flying at Gray's house looks so corny and cliche. If she was such a patriot, what was she doing hiding from the CIA for forty years?

I must speculate the story was written by artificial intelligence. You put in some key concepts and the computer puts the story together. It lacks the soul.
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Available material already exhausted
10 February 2024
This movie covers the people, events, and material that are well known to me. My knowledge of them is based partly on Chuck Smith's own account of pastoral experience, Hippie Preacher documentary DVD, and available Youtube videos of Lonnie Frisbee. This movie is an exact duplication of the material listed above. I don't think there is any new material as far as Lonnie Frisbee is concerned. The Pacific beach baptismal scene is an exact copy of the Hippie Frisbee documentary. It even takes from the Christian magazine that reported the Jesus People movement. The movie leaves much to be desired to people like me who hoped to see something that they didn't know.

Besides the movie leaves out the charismatic dimension of Lonnie's ministry and the birth of the Vineyard movement altogether.
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Maestro (2023)
Never want to watch a film about Bernstein
1 January 2024
I admit Bernstein is a genius of a sort. Certainly liked his composition of the West Side Story. But I also remember his impassioned speech during the height of the Cold War calling on the West to unilaterally lay down their nuclear arms to surrender to the Soviet Union for the sake of world peace. What moron of an idealist would call for such an idiotic thing? If the Western powers had followed Bernstein's advice, we all would have lived under the communist tyranny at this time. I never trust artists' involvement in politics. That incident alone discredited Bernstein's judgment before my eyes.
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The Golden Hour (2022– )
What's with the Dutch police?
18 December 2023
It seems like the Dutch police have lost all their valor and resolve to defend the public due to their political correctness and peace initiative. The two cops who happened to be in the mall where mass shooting occurs are so afraid to engage the gunmen, and when they do, they can't pull the triggers. Why did they become cops if they can't use their weapons? Have the European people become so soft that they can't take the lives of mass murderers? The way the cops perspire and tremble at the sight of the gunmen is pathetic. We thought that the U. S. police were trigger-happy and prone to violence, but if such proclivities make for better cops, the U. S. law enforcement is way better than the Dutch.
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This is a stuff for kids!
7 December 2023
I've seen so many documentaries on World War 2. Many videos have been made to explain the various facets of the war. But the Netflix series named "From the Frontlines" insults my intelligence with its poor writing, video editing, and sketchy coverage of the complex and long war. The only thing this series differs from other documentaries is that it added color to the original black-and-white video reels. That's it! It doesn't add any new videos either. Instead it recycles old, familiar black-and-white videos and adds color to them.

The way it chronicles the progress of the war is also elementary. Not even elementary-school kids can use this series to do their history homework. There is no analysis, no critical journalistic approach; just wooden sketch of the progress of the war.

Also the videos don't match the narration. At one time, when it's covering the Nazi invasion of France, it shows the Russian T-37 burning in the field! Evidently somebody didn't do his homework or did a very haphazard job.

I don't recommend this series to anyone who wants an in-depth coverage of the famous war.
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I've never felt sorry for Yakuza before
3 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Until I saw Yakuza to kazoku, I never knew that the Japanese society has changed its policy toward Yakuza. So I checked the web to see what has happened. Lo and behold, the Japanese government crackdown on Yakuza has been so effective and cruel that Yakuza is not what it used to be.

It's sort of too bad that the days of Yakuza are gone because they had style and manhood. Unlike the organized crimes in other countries, Yakuza had loyalty, respect, and tradition like the samurai class.

The boss who is dying of cancer doesn't deserve sympathy because he enjoyed his glory and power during the heydays of Yakuza. It is Kenji who is to be pitied. He didn't get to enjoy its power and glory. And he tasted the love of his life only briefly. After his release from prison, everything was taken away from him.

The Japanese government tried to eradicate Yakuza by making it, not a battle between the state and Yakuza, but a battle between the people and Yakuza in excluding them and everyone associated with them. It is an effective strategy, but it leaves innocent victims like the family.

The leading actor displays the emotions of the protagonist very well. His interactions with his girlfriend ring true. His daughter is very beautiful. A wonderful movie.
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Crush (2023)
Don't take the dark side of Halloween for granted
30 October 2023
Anyone who blames the president and the government for the tragedy that happened on the Halloween night in 2022 must think that the government is an almighty entity that can foresee accidents and prevent them.

The government is responsible for protecting the people, but that doesn't mean that it is responsible for freak accidents that can't be foreseen or prevented.

People in sadness need someone or something to blame. Some may blame God; some blame the government. Blaming doesn't take your sorrow away. It only hardens your heart. Resentment is entrenched in your heart.

It wasn't a coincidence that this freak accident occurred on Halloween. Maybe people don't believe there's any spiritual meaning to it. But then why do they dress up as ghosts, vampires, and devils? When people toy with the dark side, don't they think that the dark side might toy with them, too? The Bible clearly forbids sorcery, witchcraft, lighting up strange fires before God, and trying to contact the spirits of the dead. As for the devil, the Bible simply says, "Resist the devil and he will flee from you."
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I Am Love (2009)
I like the movie for the first 20 minutes
29 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I must be an old-fashioned conservative of the old values because I love this movie for the first twenty minutes - until the end of the birthday party. What comes after is a tragic breakdown of the family heritage and the collapse of the old Italy, which is painful to watch.

But the first twenty minutes take a rare look into an aristocratic, Milanese Italian family. The mansion plays a big role in presenting the class and sophistication of a major industrialist family. Although the time it takes to serve the soup seems too long and the soup must grow cold, the family celebration of the patriarch's birthday gives me a glimpse into another culture and another social class.

Apparently the film depicts not only the transformation of the protagonist family but also the transformation of the Italian society from the old reality to the new reality of globalization, diversity of people and sexual orientation. The Recchi family-owned textile mill can't compete in the global market of cheap labor and competition. Although the heirs of the family fortune makes a lot of money from selling the company, it suggests the end of an era. It is sad to see the heirs of the family fortune aren't willing to brave the changing environment but want to make quick bucks by selling it off to a foreign buyer.

If I were the patriarch founder of the family fortune, I would be very sad to see my life-time work sold off to a stranger. I don't believe that pursuing one's heart and love justifies the renunciation of the family legacy and pride. But that's my personal belief.
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Gotti (1996 TV Movie)
Just want to know one thing
29 October 2023
When Angelo says that the Jews "whacked" Jesus, Gotti responds "Maybe he had it coming." Is this actually what Gotti said and believed, or did the producers take artistic liberty? Because, if Gotti really believed it, it either shows his gangster-style cruelty to any man who is killed or his rather deep theological understanding of Jesus.

Gangsters take pride in the fact that they don't kill anyone who don't have it coming. Did Gotti think of Jesus as a character in the criminal world who deserved the death that was forced on him?

Or did Gotti understand the true biblical background of Jesus's death at the hands of the Jewish authority in the first century? Even for those with theological training, it is difficult to explain the circumstances that led to Jesus's arrest and death. The evangelical Christians explain Jesus's death as a substitutionary atonement that had been planned by God even before Jesus came into the world. But a careful reading of the Gospels disclose that Jesus precipitated, through his words and deeds, the radical and extreme reaction by the Jewish religious authority. Jesus must have known that there was only one path that was available to him, given the tense antagonism between him and the religious establishment.

But this kind of understanding is not easy to come by unless you are a thoughtful biblical scholar. I'm just wondering if Gotti had come to the conclusion that Jesus had it coming through biblical understanding.

Apart from this scene, I am overall in favor of Gotti the movie as one of the most enjoyable and well-made mafia movies in the world.
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Bosch: Legacy (2022– )
Welcome back, Bosch!
26 October 2023
I've been looking forward to a new season of Bosch. There's something about Bosch that makes it different from the ordinary cop dramas. Except, as one of the old retired cop retorts, the Bosch's family attracts all the wrong attentions and dangers.

I've watched four episodes so far and I am eagerly waiting for the next episode. I used to live in LA for several years and it is always good to revisit the streets of LA.

Maddie defies the ordinary helpless woman/child character whom the male protagonist must protect because she can't protect herself. She is smart, brave, and proactive. Also she can handle her personal life well, which I like.

So far so good!
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Doona! (2023– )
A tickler but a disappointment
22 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The beginning of the drama resembles The Sassy Girl, where the rude behavior of the girl catches the guy off guard. The Sassy Girl was a romantic comedy, but Doona! Lacks the comic element, especially for the male lead character, who is wooden, hesitant, and whimpish.

What keeps the story going in Doona's character. The story kept me wondering how the relationship would turn out in the end. I sort of expected that Doona was in the control of an older and father-like, powerful man whom she couldn't forget or get away from. She was like a kept woman of this manager/supervisor/father figure.

At first, I had high hopes for this drama, but the storyline had its severe limitations. No character development, no innovations, but the repetition of the same old stories -- love that can't work.
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Can't decide whether to like Italians or to distrust Italians
13 October 2023
All three Equalizer movies make the audience not only hate the villains but also the villains' culture and nation. In Equalizer 1, the Russian mafia and Russians in general are described as evil. It's difficult to distinguish the villains from their cultures. The Russian mafia regional boss who dies on the funky floor disdains the entire American people by saying "You Americans think you can buy whatever you want." In Equalizer 2, there is even less sympathy for the Turkish father who abducts his daughter from his ex-wife only to hurt her. The audience gets the feeling that not only this Turkish man but also his entire culture is complicit in this crime because the Turkish culture is mysogynistic and patriarchical. About Denzel's African-American sidekick painter, one can't decide whether to root for him or to give up on the African-American male culture which drives men to crime. As for Equalizer 3, I got the feeling that Italy is so powerless about the organized crime that the innocent peace-loving people and the police must all bow before the omnipotent Camorrah. Although the audience roots for the good Italians, it also learns to fear the loss of government control over crime in Italy. The only good guys are the CIA, which is a strange way of looking at the world.
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Reptile (2023)
Could have been good
29 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Reptile has many things that could have made this a find movie. The biggest weakness of the movie is the cliche conclusion after much goose chasing. It has a promising start. The dark shadow over the murdered woman and her husband is duplicated over Del Toro and his wife. Fod a moment I felt that Del Toro might murder his wife in the same way the victim was murdered. But the story went in a different direction, to a cliche conclusion that we so often see in many crime movies dealing with drugs and police corruption. Somehow drugs and police corruption don't go too well with the suburban milieu of the Town of Scarborough. It would have been better if the story dealt more with the deep darkness of humans.

Another thing I couldn't understand was the use of several old pop hits like Just Like an Angel. What does it have to do with the story of the movie?

The movie could have been good. The only strength of the movie is the solid performance of Del Toro. It was for him that I watched the movie to the end.
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Will take any remake on Tinker Tailor
29 September 2023
Many of John LeCarre's spy novels have been turned into movies and TV shows. The best of them, in my opinion, is the BBC series of Tinker, Tailor. Smiley's People is the close second. Other novels by LeCarre that have been turned into movies are of mixed qualities. But I can't blame the movies because they can't be better than the original novels. The Deadly Affair was good, but in a weird sort of way; it was more of a psychological drama than a spy thriller because it dwelled on the agony of Smiley over his unfaithful wife (though the protagonist is called by another name). The Tailor of Panama could've been good, if they had cast someone other than Pierce Brosnan. The Perfect Gardner and some other movie whose name I can't recall now were based on topics that aren't as interesting as the Karla trilogy.

Turning Tinker Tailor into a two-hour movie is a difficult job considering the multiple characters and plot twists. When I was watching the BBC version, I had to constantly look up the character list and the spy jargon definitions in the DVD package to follow the story. So the director did a marvelous job producing the movie version.

I think that LeCarre was one of the most intellectual and sophisticated thriller writers of the 20th century. And he covered the most interesting and intriguing period of the espionage war during the Cold War: the Soviet moles in the British intelligence. It was a time of betrayal and conflicting loyalties.

I hope that they make a movie version of Smiley's People, too. John LeCarre is no longer with us, but his legacy lives on through his masterpiece espionage novels.
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Condor (2018–2020)
Islamic terrorism is outdated
29 September 2023
I am tired of endless streams of spy/action/military dramas featuring Islamic fundamentalism and Pax Americana ideology of the United States standing against the global threat of Islamic fundamentalism. The producers can't exactly demonize the Muslims, and so there is always a plot twist of deep state conspiracies of the military/industrial complex.

I think that this cliche equation is outdated. Nobody is so concerned about the Muslims taking over the world anymore. The bad guys are the Chinese and the Russians. They have the money, power, and determination to seriously challenge the U. S. hegemony and the Western values. Why aren't they making spy thrillers dealing with this more urgent and sensitive topic?

Does the CIA, Christians In Action, truly exist, waging the modern-day crusade against Islamism? Are they really serious about it? Do they realize that China poses a greater threat to the "American way"?

I hope to see more dramas dealing with the global threat posed by the Chinese.
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Collateral (2018)
Portrayal of a new society that has grown strange
15 July 2023
Is Collateral an accurate portrayal of the British society in the 21st century? If so, it is depressing beyond repair. It has grown strange and alien from what Britain used to be. Collateral is a woke version at its most depressing level like the cheap pizza place under the overpass and the worn-down church building.

Collateral has assembled almost all the elements of the new British society that have diverged from its old self -- LGBTQ, refugees, illegal aliens, old people with dementia, elusive marital/cohabitation status, law enforcement that is incapable of maintaining a stable and coherent society, aimless pluralism, and the perpetual grey sky.

No wonder the British people feel the ground has been taken out from below them and the tradition that used to hold them together is nowhere to be found.

I wonder why the BBC had to produce this series when it neither entertains nor guide the public who watch it.
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FUBAR (2023– )
Not worth the digital camera it's recorded on
8 June 2023
I can't believe that Arnold would agree to star in a poor creation like this. He may have thought that FUBAR was a repetition or sequel to True Lies, except that the audience has progressed way past the True Lies stage.

The title FUBAR is plagarizing a unique concept from Saving Private Ryan. Using this term in itself shows the lack of creativity on the part of the producers.

The story of FUBAR is also outrageous and stereotypical No spy agency calls an agent into a control room with large monitors and briefs him all kinds of ready-made information to go out and carry out an operation all by himself.

The idea of working with one's daughter is unrealistic. You might as well call this show "All in the Family." Again, I get the impression that FUBAR was designed as a poor sequel to True Lies.
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The Night Agent (2023– )
Unimaginative, cliche of a spy thriller
23 March 2023
Whoever wrote the script and directed this series didn't do their homework, or the story was written by AI. All of the storylines are taken from some other shows in the past and put together under different names and situations. The protagonist can't act well. He shows his frustrations in his facial expressions too often. He doesn't establish chemistry with the female lead. The female lead is a typical woman reacting to dangerous situations with indredulity and confusion. The director should have had some ideas for making the acting more credible. Each time, one character appears who represents each player of the story, the Asian woman who works in the White House, the terminator guy who represents the FBI, etc. Acting is wooden and the story is predictable. The car chase scene in episode one is almost laughable. They shouldn't put in a car chase if they can't outdo myriads of other car chase scenes already tried before. Overall, a terrible disappointment.
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The Old Man (2022– )
A Wonderful Thriller!
18 March 2023
I have watched only three or four episodes, but what I have watched so far has captivated me. The Old Man is a hidden gem. I didn't know about this drama until IMDB recommended it as something I might like, which I did.

Before starting to watch The Old Man, I had just finished watching A Spy Among Friends, which I also liked very much. There exists a noticeable difference between American espionage thrillers and the British counterparts. American ones, though real and gritty, nonetheless have basic optimism, while British ones, also real and gritty, are dark and amoral. Is this difference due to culture, religion, or psychology?

The Old Man, from all his appearances, has all the qualifications to be pitied. But he is far from being a pitiful old man. Instead, his declining cognition and strength is a cover to hide himself from his pursuers. In reality, his mind is brilliant and his strength is unmatched by any young assassins.

Furthermore, The Old Man has something to live for. The characters in A Spy Among Friends have little to live for -- both the villains and heroes. The weather is always dark and rainy, and the music is always dark and disturbing.

The Old Man demonstrates that an espionage thriller doesn't have to be dark to have the element of thrill and suspense. The Old Man is a true hidden gem and I recommend all the thriller-lovers to watch it.
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A human look into the slick, pathological liar
14 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Kim Philby may argue vehemently that he's not a traitor. But that does not deny the fact that he was a liar and a cheater. He lied to his family, friends, vocation, and country, and he was very good at it. Some may argue that the very profession of espionage compels you to lie. But you have to be honest to someone sometime. Philby was honest to no one at no time, except to his KGB cutout.

The story does not do a convincing job explaining why Philby became a communist. His experience in Vienna at the hand of the Nazis is not enough. It doesn't explain why he continued to work for the Soviet Union after the Nazis were defeated.

Instead of trying to find his reason for betraying his country from the war-time experience, Elliot's explanation is persuasive: Philby thrives in being a spy. So he had to spy, not only on his enemies, but also on his friends.

The Establishment code of ethics of protecting its own is laughable. They don't really seem to be the privileged upper class of England in the first place. Just because you went to private schools and Oxbridge doesn't make you part of the Establishment. These spoiled men took themselves too seriously. Later Joh LeCarre pointed to such people as those responsible for the demise of the British Empire.

Nonetheless, A Spy Among Friends is a true espionage thriller that only the British can make. True espionage work is conducted this way. Americans, on the other hand, throw money around and make a lot of noise. The greatest damage done to the British intelligence by Philby's betrayal was probably losing their credibility to the Americans. Americans were sloppy in filtering out the moles among their British cousins.

Sending Philby to Russia was a sort of punishment for his life of crime. Living the rest of his life in Russia was comparable to serving a life sentence in a British or American penitentiary. It's probably worse because Philby can't trust the people who are supposed to be his comrades. The Soviet KGB wasn't going to trust him. There was enough ground of suspecting that Elliot had turned Philby as a triple agent. It was for that reason that Elliot took Philby out to the balcony to talk for a few minutes, knowing fully well that they were being observed.

The Cold War ended with the American victory. The KGB's espionage coups couldn't save communism. The state power, however potent it may be, cannot save a faulty social system. I hope the same principle will apply to China.

A Spy Among Friends, shown on Prime Video, is one of the best espionage thrillers in a long time. This is the way true espionage is done -- both internationally and domestically. American-made spy movies focus on foreign operations, making spies look like tourists. But ASAF shows that spying work takes place in the drawing rooms in Kensington and in the corridors of Whitehall.

Overall, a great thriller and I recommend it enthusiastically to anyone desiring to watch true espionage thrillers.
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Page Eight (2011 TV Movie)
This is what a spy movie should be like
22 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Aren't we sick and tired of Jame Bond flicks where spies are slick playboys driving sports cars and drinking martinis with beautiful women, while spending an unlimited budget on saving the world? But we all know that the real world of espionage is never like that. Some recent espionage films have learned the lesson and toned down the drama a little bit, so that the protagonists have a qualm of conscience between their loyalty and their own sense of right and wrong. Nonetheless, movies like "Body of Lies" and "24" place the protagonists in impossibly dangerous situations with incredible action sequences. But none of such scenarios is true; they are all escapist stories.

Page Eight is a quintessential British spy story, very similar to John LeCarre's novels, where the institutions that one works for are immoral, or amoral, and truth is buried under political considerations and everyone is morally murky. Nothing seems perfect -- jobs, institutions, nation, family, marriage, and children. Nonetheless one doesn't give up on his life because he or she believes that certain things are worth fighting for. In this movie, the truth about the death of a peace activist and the lies covered up by the people in power. Americans may regard this story as being too liberal, but that's because Americans have been taught to think and black and white.

There's an element of incredibility in the chemistry between Bill Nighy and Rachel Weisz. It seems like an incredible coincidence that they happen to live opposite each other. Throughout the movie, I couldn't shake off the suspicion that Rachel was some kind of a plant to play tricks on Bill Nighy.

Another incredible thing is the nonchalance with which Bill Nighy carries a big amount of cash in a half-transparent plastic bag. It symbolizes the nonchalance attitude he has toward the things others take very seriously.

All in all, a very enjoyable spy thriller, especially to an old man like me. I can sympathize with the man in the evening of his life with failed marriage and alienated children, trying to hold on to the things that really matter in life. I recommend this movie highly to anyone who is looking for a real spy flick.
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Mafia Inc (2019)
Organized crime in Montreal has no panache
5 February 2023
The last time I saw any crime movie involving Montreal was Die Hart 2, where the bad guys take their gold to Montreal across the border from the U. S. I have been to Montreal in winter but I never knew that winters in Montreal could be so dreary. Streets are empty. Everything is covered with snow. People look cold. It would be depressing to live in Montreal. Why would anyone want to join organized crime in Montreal? Mafias in NY or LA at least have some panache. But a Mafia in Montreal doesn't have the same look. The only thing going for the godfather is his ring with which he taps tables. The Italian-American community protested the production of Godfather 1. I never heard that the Italian-Canadian community protested the making of this movie -- perhaps because they weren't interested in the subject matter. The public isn't interested in the subject matter. So why should the Italian-Canadians be?
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