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Undewhelming and Overhyped
14 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Endgame is a much less interesting and visually engaging movie than Infinity War. I don't understand all the crazy hype and 8.8 on imdb is stupid, this is why I'm giving it one star, to mitigate the stupidity.

As everyone expected, remaining avengers use time travel to try to fix things, yet even for a marvel movie the time travel science is confusing and ridiculous, as well as shown in a very boring way. I've seen low budget movies that had better grasp on the scientific, logical and visual aspect of time travel.

The whole point of endgame is to resurrect the fallen avengers and other trillions of creatures across the galaxy, yet while doing it avengers end up losing irrevocably even more important members of the team, and the whole thing looks ill-conceived.

A lot of time is spent on meaningless conversations, while the devastation Thanos caused across the galaxy is barely shown, negating the past and current sacrifices of avengers.

I left Infinity War wanting to see how the story ends. I left Endgame feeling that I should've waited for it to come out on Netflix.
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The Mist (2017)
An Epic Pile of Crap
7 July 2017
No monsters, period. 4 episodes in and not a single tentacle with teeth. The sad part is that acting is decent and main characters are OK, but the idiot writers/creators of this thing obviously decided that monsters are not important for Steven King's The Mist. It's not even a financial decision, middle of the road cgi is cheap these days. Apparently it's the stupidity of show creators who want deterioration of humanity in town inhabitants be the main boogeyman. This show is a huge missed opportunity and I hope it's canceled before the end of the season. This slow boring monsterless drivel has nothing to do with Steven King's story. Absolute shame, do not watch.
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Stop Taking Us For Idiots
22 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Ridley Scott probably just phoned in this movie. Someone else was sitting in the director's chair, as a result we got Alien: Idiot Edition. This movie is so stupid that it looks like the sequel to epically moronic Passengers, not to Prometheus. It started with zero character development, proceeded to a bunch of idiots not wearing protective suits when deploying to an alien planet they discovered a minute ago, and ended with standard alien corridor slasher shot with zero suspense or momentum building. Also it now takes maximum 5 minutes for a human to get infected and "give birth" to an alien creature. Prometheus wasn't a perfect movie, but I liked it. With Covenant I was just counting how many imbecile things can fit into the span of 2 hours. A lot, as it turned out.
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Unnecessary and boring.
27 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers

My number one complaint about R1 is missing character development. Number two - bad casting, I have no idea how Felicity Jones landed this role. But if you saw the movie, it kinda makes sense in the end. Because unlike in any other SW movie, all (literally all) good characters die at the end of this one. Which is somewhat brilliant. For a Disney cash grab. Because this is what it is. Good special effects, junky script, 0 character development, basically easy parts done right, hard parts botched, money made because it's Star Wars. Episode 7 was crap because it was a shameless ripoff of episodes 4,5 and 6. R1 is crap because it doesn't make you care even a tiny bit about any of the characters, some of which are quite annoying, monk being the prime example. Seriously, no one in the production team thought constantly repeating "i'm one with force, force is with me" will drive audience crazy? Well, it did. SW franchise died the day Disney bought it. RIP Star Wars.
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Passengers (I) (2016)
Idiotic. Dumb. Sad.
27 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
OK, the whole movie is hanging on the idea that in future spaceship engineers and designers are complete morons.

First of all, the shape of the spaceship. Come on. Secondly, no one ever will send 5000 people on a 120 year journey without the crew rotating in and out of hibernation precisely for the purpose of managing the emergencies. That would be insane on many levels, yet this is the premise of the movie.

Thirdly, in Space everything has a backup, or you die. It's fricking Space. But in our case if your hibernation pod malfunctions you can't go back into hibernation. Because pods are "fail-proof". "Cant' break". It would've been my first question at the presentation, "Um, sorry, but if my pod craps out, is there a way to put me back into sleep? And will there be anyone on duty to do it? What? No and no? Really? OK, thank you, good bye."

On a psychological level "Passengers" makes even less sense. If someone literally ruins your life and all your hopes, you don't forgive him and live happily ever after with him. Doesn't happen. Could've been a cool stalker/survival horror movie, but no, screenwriters aren't smart enough to pull something like that off.

One more thing - if you're directly at the exhaust hatch of a huge thermonuclear reactor when that hatch opens - you die. Movie ends right there. Unless screenwriters are idiots. Then you live.

Also if you pass that close to a star its gravity sucks you in. And if it doesn't, then you spaceship is built using a whole new set of physics laws, and then why does it take you 120 years to get from point A to point B in the first place?

This movie is by stupid people for stupid people. Tons of missed opportunities. Good leads. But stupid people, stupid people everywhere.
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A Shameless Boring Rip-off With Idiotic Plot
24 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers
*spoilers ahead*

I am completely puzzled how JJ Abrams could produce this pile of crap. I've never been a Star Treck fan, yet his remakes were somewhat great and completely watchable, and that proved that he knows how to breathe in new life into a corpse of an old franchise.

What happened here is awful. I don't know if this is Disney's influence, or the result of misreading the feedback from a bunch of idiots who claimed they're hardcore Star Wars fans, or Abrams secretly hates Star Wars. But the result is a boring parody of few previous episodes that is neither funny nor intriguing.

I have no idea where $200 million went, this really should be investigated.

I probably will repeat other disappointed reviews, but so what. There's not a single new idea, not a single memorable moment, not a single shred of logic in Episode 7. It's simply remarkable how they managed to screw up everything. 90% of screen time is taken by rehashed scenes and plot twists shamelessly taken directly from episodes 4, 5 and 6, except that all of it is extremely badly glued together by an amazing and never ending chain of stunning coincidences.

Rey, despite being an extremely charming and capable actress, receives no character development, as a result you get Matrix where operator loads Ace Pilot or lightsaber fighting program into her brain the moment she has for the first time to precision fly a huge spaceship or duel a well trained adversary who is good with lightsaber. It's beyond ridiculous.

Finn's character is nothing but annoying, and according to idiot writers clone army is now no longer composed of clones. Finn was just grabbed from some planet, and sent to commit genocide without any training, at which point he of course defects. How much more cool would it be if he was a defective clone who discovers his humanity due to an error in the cloning process?

The very premise of SW7 is FUBAR. Luke Skywalker is in hiding, no one knows where he is, but there's a map of his location (why ????? if he is in hiding, why is there a map? ) and First Order (formerly known as Empire) as well as rebels want to find him, because he is the last Jedi or something, and he has to be killed/saved. Some Jedi, sitting for 30 years in a remote dump while Empire managed to turn an entire planet into an idiotic Death Star 3 that is 100 times larger and sucks in actual stars whose energy it uses to destroy a bunch of planets at a time. Of course the simple fact that destroying a star kills every planet in its solar system is not a concern. And of course when this stupid monstrosity fires it spares the only planet that harbors the only operational rebel base from which two and a half rusted out x-wings later launch to repeat same Death Star killing routine you've already seen more than once. I guess both rebels and First Order were above conducting intelligence operations and knowing things in advance. Not to mention that pathetic rebels apparently remained at pathetic rebel level of weakness for 30 years and watched new Death Star being built while sucking on lollipops.

Main villain Kylo Ren is miscast, behaves like a baby, wears mask for no fricken reason and has bipolar disorder. Couldn't kick the asses of two main new characters despite showing impressive powers at the beginning of the movie. Again, writers are morons.

I guess I could continue forever, but what's the point.. I don't know why people hated Episodes 1, 2 and 3, I loved them, yes, Jar Jar Binks sucked, but these movies were visually wonderful and exciting, with tons of new planets, eye-popping locations, vastness of space, robots, gadgets, cities, buildings, politics, and intrigue. Many memorable moments, real drama, crazy lightsaber fights, massive military battles, alien wildlife and much much more… I love those movies, they were the true and thrilling progression from Episodes 4,5, and 6.

Episode 7 has none of that. I doubt I will ever want to watch this ridiculous boring rip-off again.

If you're giving this movie 10 or so stars you're either a very young person who never saw original episodes, a movie studio shill or ( if you call yourself a fan and remember old movies) an idiot who doesn't understand anything in movies and movie-making.
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12 October 2015
It's no secret all Terminator movies after the second one stink to high heaven. Large studios keep disregarding one of the main rules of movie physics - when you remove the original director form a decent franchise, you destroy it. Alien franchise is a great example of this, after Aliens all Alien movies were mediocre at best until original director again took over his creation. With that being said, Terminator Salvation still sets a new record of how idiotic things can become when this rule is violated. This movie is bad. Plot is dumb and clichéd. Everyone is miscast, Emila Clarke more than others. It's boring. It's stupid. Do not watch it in the theater. Wait until it's released on video and still don't watch it.
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Battleship (2012)
Most Idiotic Movie Ever
21 May 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Battleship isn't just bad. It's so profoundly atrocious, so spectacularly deplorable, so intensely horrendous that saying it's bad is like giving Oscar to everyone involved in its creation.

The script is written by a cliché fetishist. First 20 minutes filled with pointless melodrama that makes you constantly look at your wrist watch wondering when aliens arrive, and when they actually arrive you become even more depressed.

They clearly hired some mentally-disabled person to come up with the key element of this sci-fi debacle, which is this: Aliens, while having somewhat questionable, yet quite capable war machinery, have one "interesting" weakness: they constantly scan our ships and soldiers and attack only if guns are aimed directly at them with the intent to shoot. If guns are off by 10 degrees they become absolutely disinterested and let you live till the next time you decide to attack. That exercise in idiocy can be repeated as many times as needed. I am not kidding.

Of course, brave humans manage to figure out that they deal with dumbest space morons in all the galaxy, and beat them to a pulp using inferior technology.

Add to that a staggering amount of patriotic drool and you will get the ugliest kind of spectacle that represents the worst Hollywood can offer.

Any 8 year old child could come up with more logical and less loopy idea while riding a bicycle, eating a lollipop and listening to Death metal.

I am not sure if somewhere out there there are aliens that have nothing better to do than attack Earth, but if they get their testicles (cuz i wouldn't use tentacles to touch it) on this movie you can bet your panties the attack is coming, even the most tranquil alien will loose his cool after watching Battleship. They spent $200 million on this fiasco. District 9 costs $30 million.

Instead of counting boobs and f-words MPAA should investigate movies like this, because nothing that idiotic can go into production with that kind of budget without some kind of conspiracy to waste money while simultaneously insulting movie audiences, on Earth and elsewhere.
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Worst movie of entire MI franchise
27 December 2011
I can't say you should not watch this latest installation of MI series. In fact, if you have 2+ hours to kill, if you like beautiful set pieces, spy gadgetry and BMW product placement and if you want something that has Tom Cruise in it - this is your movie. Except that you need to remember one thing – Ghost Protocol is lacking everything that made 1st and 3rd MI movies good, and 2nd - bearable.

MI series have always pushed the believability envelope with outlandish spy tech, but that played only second fiddle to the moments of true tension, thrilling action sequences, and all of it was glued together with somewhat acceptable logic of the events. Mission was well defined, the enemy had the depth and the reason, and the conflict between good and evil felt real.

Sadly enough Ghost Protocol fails on all these counts.

The story is extremely bad, even dumb, I could literary come up with a better plot in 15 minutes.

Despite lots of action there are no intense moments here, you never feel Ethan Hunt is one step away from death or that he is under the enormous pressure of making a critical decision.

If there is a room with a door that good guys want to get access to, it is guaranteed they will choose the most absurd, most expensive, most pseudo-hi-tech way to do it using most ridiculous gizmo they could find. In fact the amount of unnecessary tech toys and super-duper spy stuff is so over the top here the movie looks like the parody of itself.

The major flaw (and the amazing one at that, since no experienced production team would ever overlook this) is that the villain's character is not developed at all, we're given almost no explanation of his actions or motives. Actually he barely speaks two words during the entire movie, which is such a mind-blowing contrast to Philipp Seymour Hoffmans's stellar portrayal of Owen Davian in MI3.

As always everything taking place in Russia looks retarded, which is a common Hollywood's problem, it's a mystery to me why it is so hard to avoid stupidity when showing Eastern Europe.

Movie locations feel more forced than ever, like Burj Dubai, that has no business being in the movie other than for the picturesque purposes.

The lack of logic in everything that takes place is quite impressive, I actually suspect someone at the studio had a bet regarding what level of idiocy movie audience will tolerate without starting Occupy Hollywood protests if only they infuse this moronic script with multi-million dollar budget.

Brad Bird was clearly a wrong choice for a MI director, considering that the only action comedy he ever made was The Incredibles, which is my favorite cartoon, but still just a cartoon, and much more of a comedy than action. In comparison, MI1 was directed by Brian De Palma, MI2 - by John Woo, and MI3 – by JJ Abrams. I have a feeling Paramount executives secretly wish for MI series to go out with a lame fizzle, and doing their best to achieve that.

To avoid descending into spoiler hell I will not delve into multiple WTF moments where either laziness or lack of common sense resulted in directorial decisions that poorly translated to the screen.

To sum it up – if you decide to go watch it – come in with low expectations, that will make Your Mission a success.
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Hugo (2011)
An Empty Candy Wrapper..
28 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Hugo is a beautifully made movie with great 3D effects. Yet with the misleading advertising, the story that goes nowhere, and with over 2 hour runtime it is one hell of a boring movie.

Please do not believe 8.3 IMDb and 94% RT ratings, this movie one of the most overrated movies in the history of the film, the word 'history' is the key one here. When everything is said and done Hugo reveals itself as nothing but a cleverly disguised homage to one of the French pioneering movie directors, a subject interesting primarily for the movie history buffs.

As I said Hugo is hugely misrepresented in advertising. Every poster tells you that some Narnia type adventure is awaiting you. All the trailers were masterfully crafted to leave you with expectation of magical miracle. The words like 'quest' and 'mystery' are a part of Hugo's brief description on each and every site, just read what it says on IMDb. Furthermore the word "adventure" is lavishly sprinkled throughout the Hugo's first part. And yes, great Martin Scorsese is behind all of it, so what should you expect but a magical adventure on a grandeur scale ?

Sorry, you will get none of that. Yes, Hugo is like a charming 3D French postcard, but its not worth looking at for over 2 hours. 3D effects are well done, yet absolutely not required for this story that never leaves the setting of Paris train station.

While plot has some holes, the elephant in the room is that pretty much nothing happens in the movie with all these mechanical dolls, golden keys, and the visually rich Dickensian atmosphere. And be sure, there is absolutely no magic, or any type of adventure hidden here.

I am giving Hugo just one star to counter misleading ads and all those hypists that ether work for the studio, or easily hypnotized by big director's name. Please have few good games on your smartphone and bring a thermos with coffee if you decide to go see this snoozefest, you will need it.
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Sucker Punch (2011)
Epic Fail
23 June 2011
i saw this movie few months ago, but writing review now just because i am surprised to see IMDb rating for this disaster still sitting at 6.4 mark. there must be many studio trolls' reviews here, can't explain it any other way..

honestly, if i could give this movie a negative rating, i would..

i liked Zack Snyder's Dawn of the Dead, 300 and Watchmen, he is definitely a good director, when it comes to directing something written by others, that is.. however he apparently has no fricken clue how to write a decent screenplay, one that not only makes sense, but at the very least devoid of ridiculousness..

somehow Snyder managed to construct an action movie in which the audience does not even a tiny bit care what happens to the main characters..

more depressing thought is that Snyder perhaps thinks that this is how much we, as moviegoers, are worth, this is what we apparently supposed to find acceptable and enjoyable.. if so, this is insulting..

not going to tell you not to see this movie - instead go see it, but remember - if you like it - you don't understand anything in movies and any hopelessly idiotic plot married to semi-pretty visuals will get you excited..

Zack, direct, but don't write... one more Sucker Punch, and you will suckepunch yourself out of movie business..
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Skyline (2010)
Cool Sci-Fi ! Don't believe hateful reviews !
16 November 2010
Warning: Spoilers
i am giving Skyline 10 stars just to counter all those haters that call it "the worst movie of the year", which is a total lie, plain and simple..

don't believe neither RT's 16%, nor IMDb's 4.8, it feels like there is an organized campaign to bring this movie down and reduce the ticket sales... what a shame..

Skyline is not a "great movie" by no means, yet a very interesting one, and surprising on several levels.

The main complaint against it is that acting is flat, and the director along with actors completely failed to create any "cloverfieldish" atmosphere of chaotic frenzy, that dialog is empty, and so on..

Yep, there is no A or even B-list star here who heroically fights alien aggressors, delivers passionate Oscar-worthy monologues, and saves a girl and the Earth at he very last moment. Not that kind of movie.

What you see on the screen is YOU. This is how you would look in a similar situation. This is you with your not so engaging life and not so smart and funny friends, and not so interesting girlfriends, and with quite average conversations you have with your average friends. This is how your life would look, not very cinematic, trust me. Mine too. And this is how you would react if all of a sudden everything around you turned upside down. With a twist of violent alien attack.

This is exactly what makes Skyline feel so real. It doesn't matter whether that effect is created intentionally, or accidentally - it works, and makes this movie different from all the "Independent Day" types.

So don't complain about acting, be thankful.

As for special effects, aliens and action - it is absolutely great.

The explanation of what exactly aliens need from us, who or what they are, and how they operate is completely original and unexpected. It is not easy to come up with such and original stuff, after alien invasion and alien creatures were re-imagined countless times. Yet they pulled it off.

It is also such a relief to see that for once global genocidal alien invasion is not thwarted during the course of 90 minutes by a group of heroic humans who find some overlooked flaw in the design of incredible alien war machine.

So here it is: great Sci-Fi, top-notch FX, realistic acting and outcome, i want to see more !
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The Crazies (2010)
F-n Awesome !
28 February 2010
Warning: Spoilers
i have only minor spoilers here, so read with no fear..

I have not seen original movie, and so i'm judging 2010 Crazies on its own merit. The trailer looked promising, but i've also seen the Cop Out's trailer, and what a pile of garbage that is ! As we all know long time ago movie studios figured out how to cut a cool trailer for a totally hopeless flick, and have fooled all of us countless number of times since then.. what i'm trying to say is that i had certain reservations regarding Crazies, particularly given that decent zombiesque production is so rare, the last good serious American zombie movie was Dawn of the Dead, and that was 2004, right ? (i am not counting Zombieland, which was terrific, but is pretty much a comedy) The Crazies is awesome. Period. It had by far exceeded my expectations, and the next day i realized it is up there in the zombie hall fame along with 28 Days Later (with a twist of 28 Weeks Later).. OK, may be it is not as good as 28 Days that was a masterpiece on many levels as well as the groundbreaking movie for this genre (fast-running zombies ? who'd think ! changes all the rules of engagement, doesn't it ?), but it offers you equally honest and violent insight into the psyche of evil..

The Crazies has an average running time, but seemed long to me ('good' long, not 'bad' long) because they managed to fill the plot with so much content, and it constantly gives you something new..

The movie opens with a scene of destroyed burning street of a small town, and you kind of think that this is how the movie will end, they gave you a glimpse of final mayhem, and now you'll see how it all came to this. But there is so much more there than one small town biting the dust.. and the burning street is just the half-time..

There is the zombified murderous population, love and friendship constantly tested by deteriorating world, subtle social commentary, breakdown of civil order, inhumane, but somewhat understandable actions of military, large-scale quarantine, militia-type rednecks on a killing spree, and much more.. Main characters are constantly facing new enemies, and that makes Crazies way more entertaining than Dawn of the Dead.. and unlike most of zombie movies (including Dawn of the Dead) The Crazies gives you the perfectly plausible and logical explanation of why everything went total fricken bananas, and as far as i am concerned everything that you will see in the movie could happen tomorrow in our everyday real life, we just don't know what is sleeping out there in the dark..

The movie is very intense, more than once you'll jump in you seat. It's well shot, all the visuals are solid and uncompromising.

Unlike many zombie movies it does not suffer from the lack of budget and necessity to cut corners, it all feels real. The military, the biohazard troops, special forces - all look authentic and downright evil in their well planned but futile attempt to stop the spread of insanity, and they only fuel the fire.

I gave The Cazies 10 stars, because there is nothing that i would change or improve if i could. It is realistic, persuasive, action-packed and thought-provoking look at how it all may end.. i just hope we are all more lucky than this..
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Up (2009)
UP - the Saddest Cartoon Ever..
30 May 2009
Warning: Spoilers
yes, this review contains tons of spoilers, so if you read it - you probably won't want to see the movie.. UP has been peddled to us by Pixar studio and many critics as Pixar's "funniest cartoon ever", well, some add "arguably" to this sentence, which did not make it any less misleading.. don't get me wrong, i love Pixar and all the masterpieces they gave us over the years, which only adds to my surprise and disappointment over UP - such a professional and famous studio either consciously joined other dishonest movie factories in an effort to advertise their product falsely, or for some unknown reason no one at Pixar understands what they created..

and now - this is the movie in a nutshell (and a million spoilers, so you may want stop reading right here):

1. boy meets girl, they both are mad about famous explorer and dream of traveling to some south American land "lost in time" discovered by this guy, who actually disappears from public view being ridiculed by scientists who do not believe the skeleton of an unknown bird he found is real.. well, boy marries girl..

2. in 5 silent minutes narrated by the music Pixar geniuses show us the life of this cute couple, from happy marriage to the moment they discover she can't have kids (or was it a miscarriage you tried to show us in this happy funny movie, Pixar guys ?) to two of them getting old to her dying from cancer (or what was it that killed her, Pixar friends ?) and him being stuck in the same house, which is now surrounded on all sides by new high-rises, while some developers looking like men in black try to squeeze the poor old guy out of his house and his piece of land.. i'll be honest, the short story of their life ending with wife's' death brought me to tears.. and i was going to see a funny cartoon..

also, as we're shown this couple spent all their life in the same house, and husband never achieved anything beyond the position of balloon vendor in a local park.. what the hell ?

3. old dude is visited by an overweight inapt boy scout who wants to help him in any way to earn "help elderly" badge..

4. old man is fed up, he attacks one of the construction workers, court rules he has to vacate the house, and right when two indifferent dudes from assisted living place come to pick him up he fills up thousands of balloons he has from his job with gas and launches his whole house into aerial adventure.. let me also say that throughout the whole movie he constantly looks at the pictures of his deceased wife and talks to her, which is very painful to watch..

5. Fat boy scout somehow jumps aboard the house, and is stuck there with old man...

6. they arrive to south America by means of huge storm..

7. miraculously they find themselves almost at the very spot old man dreamed reaching all his life.. they meet a weird talking dog (she uses

special translating electronic collar) and a huge weird bird..

8. they travel together trying to land the house at the designated water fall, while we find out that this dog is one of many "talking dogs" raised and put in servitude by the famous explorer, who is still, for like 60 years hiding with his huge blimp in a cave in the vicinity somewhere, trying to catch this rare bird, yes the very bird that old man and fat boy scout befriended.. old man meets explorer (who is apparently 150 years old at this point, but looks as "young" as old man), soon they figure out that Mr. explorer is cold-blooded killer who is ready to dispatch of anyone standing between him and the bird, and an "indiana jones" type sequence of events transpires before our eyes, during which the meanest talking dogs and Mr. evil explorer plunge to their deaths, old man looses the house, but comes in possession of the blimp and everything on it, as well as the army of remaining talking dogs..

good adventure, terrific graphics, but...could this cartoon be any more sad ? and did i mention that poor fat boy scout lives with stepmother and abandoned by his real dad ? i don't know about you, but i wish there was a law that would let me sue a movie studio for false and misleading advertising..

if i knew how depressing UP is - i'd never gone to see it..

yes, there is ton of "funny" stuff in this movie, the interaction of old man and boy scout and talking dog and huge bird, and every character's graphics is funny and cartoonish, but none of this joyful ha-ha stuff manages to even remotely disguise the extremely sad plot lines..

old man is heartbroken about his wife the entire movie, the whole balloon journey is about fulfilling her dream of getting to this south American place (why they never tried to get there in their 60 years together is beyond understanding, particularly given that they did not have any kids to look after (we were explained that all too well)), the boy scout is heartbroken about his dad leaving him, the bird gets injured by evil dogs (though recovers later), the famous explorer reveals himself as a homicidal maniac, and so forth...

yes, as a story about the unlikely friendship, helping friends, fulfilling dreams and other crap like this - this cartoon is great..

but as an "arguably" the funniest Pixar work it fails so miserably, so breathtakingly and profoundly that i am nothing but sorry i saw it..

in no way it is for kids, and adults should know how heartbreaking the whole thing is..

Pixar, why ?
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GOOD MOVIE, period.
11 February 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I was quite surprised to discover that Hannibal Rising (HR) received just 16% from critics and 5.3 (just yesterday) on IMDb. It seems that HR is the most misunderstood movie in years. Whether it is the demonic presence of Hopkins, and Hopkins only that most were expecting to see yet again, or the fact that *minor spoiler here* HR gave previously unjustified evil a great deal of justification to the point that audience pretty much has to take side of the monster, i would still expect any experienced movie fan to appreciate Peter Webber's vision. HR is well crafted, nicely shot, with good performances and solid characters. I am sure that audience largely expected more of brain-eating and guts coming out without any explanation why. However they got the well-founded explanation of why and how this monster came to be. Too bad that we so often become victims of out own preconceived notions.
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