
6 Reviews
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inspiring and moving look at the trials and tribulations experienced by a 19th century wine maker!
13 September 2009
I was thrilled to hear Niki Caro was going to make this movie, no one else would have been able to portray the 'basic' elements of the novel better than she could and very well did. From start to finish the movie consisted of a real feeling of love and life. More so that she exactly put just that into making this film. The importance of simple things which when given love, sweat and time grow into something special, which if you haven't read the novel is the basic idea.

There is a heavy pagan love of the earth atmosphere in the movie ensuring an uplifting feeling. Leading me onto the visuals which where spot on, the sweeping French vineyards and valleys where just as I imagined them.

The casting was perfect, Sobran who is played by Jeremie Renier provided us with a inspiring and moving look at the trials and tribulations experienced by a 19th century wine maker. I would hate to give this remarkable film any negativity but it does bare mentioning that Xas is completely neglected. Played by the fantastic Gaspard Ulliel much that could have been anticipated was actually not used at all. In fact almost all of the characters fascinating background such as his knowledge of there whereabouts of haven and hell, his relationship with another human, other than Sobran, and the reason why he is a fallen angel is not remotely even mentioned in the movie. The angel seams to be of no importance sadly and could in fact have been withdraw all together. Niki Caro sort of justified this in the Q&A "the movie is about life". It seams to me that she didn't want to add the philosophical characteristic's which was very sad to me, Xas is a captivating individual. Aurora De Valday (Vera Farmiga) was compelling but sadly Celeste (Keisha Castle-Hughes) fell flat in the second half.

Many fans of the novel might be disappointed due to the amount of fundamental moments in the development of the characters which is simply dropped out all together. However I do strongly think that this is as great an adaptation as anyone could have hoped for. Also if its anything to go by I was at the gala presentation, after which it received a huge round of applause.
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Deception (2008)
You'll be thoroughly entertained! as long as you don't expect to much.
1 May 2008
Its not perfect by no means, the script has much to be desired and at times the acting was unconvincing. But when I went into the Cinema I wasn't expecting anything mind-blowing, in fact I wasn't expecting anything at all. Surprisingly I didn't seam to find the movie overly predictable, however at times its dramatically far fetched. Notably the complete stupidity of a shooting occurring in broad day light in a busy European city going unnoticed. All this being said, the movie is entertaining. I wasn't at any moment particularly board with its rather slow beginning moving on to a fast paces final hour. Surprisingly Ewan McGregor seamed to portray the role fairly well with the exception of a few noticeable accent slips. Michelle Williams on the other hand has much to be desired. In no way am I suggesting she's a great actress but I was surprised at how unconvincingly she portrays a rather simple role. Its definitely a mixed bag, where on one hand its very engaging and on the other it has obvious flaws. I recommend it, you'll be thoroughly entertained but try not going in the theatre expecting to much.
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Cloverfield (2008)
intense movie which is surprisingly rebellious!
19 January 2008
This is an intense movie which is surprisingly rebellious in its aim at frightening and equally exciting its audience. It's been a while since I have been to the cinema and have felt sheer and utter tension from beginning to end. The film memorably consists of a number of chilling effects conveniently shown on a handy cam. This is exactly what makes the film seam so real, which is why it's unfortunate that so many would criticize the films highest achievement. Thoughtfully, leaving us wondering about where the creature is from. This in my judgment is a positive aspect as it's not directly relevant in the films context to explain this, but further more the survival of our main characters. Which have to be applauded for portraying such believable performances. Always entertaining, disturbing at times and to an extent rather relevant. A+
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Razor sharp, original and a little disturbing. Excellence in Dogme95' stile direction.
2 October 2006
A original and quite disturbing look at human psychology in a terrene rather different from what we are used to. It is rare that one can go ahead and call a film genius but in this instance it is not difficult. I have never seen a film which in such a simple manor built very strong character development, but this is what leads me to the location. Simple, visually stunning and to think about there seclusion from reality leaves you with only them. Which is why they are developed so well. They are raw and real to life each going through there own trials and tribulations.

The basis story is while a bus is driving through the desert with tourists, it takes a very inconvenient wrong turn. they end up deep in the desert. Watching them fall deep into hell if fascinating. The conclusion to this film is extremely powerful and without any doubt will stay memorable for a long time. Seeing how powerful the desert is against us is excellent and seeing King Lear being recited within is quite unbelievable. In conclusion the deserts power and symbolism which was taken for granted is more powerful than our education and lifestyles.Kristian Levring directed this project fantastically and even though Dogme95' ended around 6 years ago I would like to see him take more stylistic choices.
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The Addiction (1995)
shockingly pleasing and very memorable
24 August 2006
One, if not the, most original and likable of the more recent vampire films. As it suggests in its title, this film takes the vampire genre and innovates it by portraying it as a disease what gives you in a sense, a drug addiction. Rather than some mystical beings what can turn in to bats the characters are people coming to terms with their problems.

The film is entirely shot in black & white which I think was a very original step for director Abel Ferrara to take. It signifies that vampires can come out in the day but tend to stick to the dark under bell of New York where sky scrapers and chirpy people are nowhere to be seen. However to compensate for this we have alleyways and ghetto like areas filled with the darkness of night. Conveniently for them in the day. The composition and camera work has a certain simplicity to it which in a way counteracts, creating more depth and allowing us to become familiar with the characters.

The characters them selves are deep and ultimately well portrayed. Kathleen Conklin, (played by Lili Taylor) begins as the delicate and unaware being who struggles with her temptation by secluding herself, further moor leading on to her very memorable pinnacle which in deed will stay with you for a while. Not to mention Peina, (played by Christopher Walken) which unfortunately has a smaller part than I would have liked to have seen him in, nevertheless as always his presence is original and wont go forgotten.

Overall this is an Art house film, Which uses the stereotypes by going against them. If you like the usual vampire flick this wont be for you, even so if you want to see something original this wont fail to surprise and will stay memorable for many years to come. Without mentioning what happens the climax is shockingly pleasing and very memorable. 10 out of 10
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Silent Hill (2006)
psychological ride into what can only be explained as a nightmare.
23 August 2006
Silent hill was an all round original viewing experience. By no means was this an excellent film but what it was, was an excellent adaptation of silent hill. I am only partially familiar with the game, however I did manage to notice a number of familiarities like the eerie score, the creatures and not to mention the location.

Right from the start of the film you are able to notice that this is going to be more than the average horror/video game adaptation, in fact it is in a completely different league from the lights of Resident Evil or Alone in the dark (Just to mention could have been equally as good if written and directed with more care). It becomes present that this is an emotional and psychological ride into what can only be explained as a nightmare.

Rose Da Silva's (played by Radha Mitchell) first contact with Silent Hill is when she notices the sign. Which has to be mentioned is a rather powerful moment, the mist is excellent and what at first to the unaware viewer seems like snow is in fact ashes. As she makes her way down the winding rode in the heavy mist a town becomes present. Not mentioning to much information but Silent hill has 2 phases, the night and the day. When she first enters the town it is about to turn in to night. Sirens are activated creating a very claustrophobic and wiry atmosphere as darkness approaches. Of cause Rose is oblivious of what is about to happen.

What is noticeable in the film which is very different from all other films is the small details. In the first darkness phase in the film when rose is wondering through a very dark corridor, she lights her lighter which creates light but not enough to stop her from stumbling over a bin. In the majority of films the light would have lit up the entire corridor. As mentioned this is only a small detail but it is exactly things like this what create an atmosphere.

The acting isn't bad but could be a lot better. Having said this Cybil Bennett's (played by Laurie Holden) performance deserves mentioning. Although many people might think she was just a little stiff, I believe she made her research. The way she moved and spoke is as if she was the game character.

Visually the film hasn't a uninteresting moment, each set crafted with distinction and also the way the film has been shot is unbelievable. The use of CGI is obviously there but not to much or an easier way of explaining it, is it has been balanced much better with real sets. The lighting is worth mentioning, for example the torch again doesn't light a whole room but only a straight line.

Overall There are some genuinely disturbing moments in this film. After receiving some mediocre reviews in general it has to be mentioned that this is probably because this is not intended for a very general mainstream audience. However it will be a memorable experience to those of us who enjoyed the game, fans of Christophe Gans and everyone who enjoys experimental, creative and psychological film making. Be wormed The film does contain some unpleasant moments, which at times can be bloody. 8 out of 10
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