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The pandemic has lowered standards...
27 July 2021
To see all these 7 star or higher ratings posted recently speaks volumes to the mental health crisis we are entering. This has never been a good film and that's not changing. A film called Viviarium was released before lockdown and that was thematically and visually more terrifying than this. Time to look for better films people instead of clinging to "cult classics" that are still feeding off of original masterpieces. That behavior produces stagnation. Fans of this film must be anxiously awaiting that great Rob Zombie return.
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I'm shocked...
7 December 2020
As a true child of the 90s, growing on films like the Pagemaster, Little Monsters, Short Circuit, etc... I'm so shocked to see how low of a rating this film has. This was a staple in my home, my cousins and i would watch it religiously. The combat, the animals, the spirituality was all so engrossing. Granted when i watch the fight sequences as an adult, they are a bit too hazy fot me.. But boy, was it like entering a dreamworld when i would turn this flick one. 90s kid classic, IMO.
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The Host (2006)
Monster Movie Magic
4 October 2020
It's insane that this movie came out the year that it did. I mean, this was almost 15 years ago. The effects, cinematography and overall feel continue to outdo what we are plagued with today by American cinema today. I believe i first saw this film around 2016 and wonder why i never really caught the buzz in high school, as a real buff who went out there way to see films like 'High Tension' in theaters when i was only 15. Either way, it still stands up and i can see myself watching this film for the rest of my days. Superb work.
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Holidays (2016)
Happy Holidays :)
25 May 2016
'Holidays' opens up with the Valentine's Day sequence, that gives almost immediate odes to De Palma with it's high school-heartbreak atmosphere. To make a short story shorter, the plot revolves around a misunderstood and exiled young girl would happens to have a crush on the school's swimming coach. After getting word that he may have eyes for her fair-haired nemesis, she retaliates through violence. This one does border on creepy as the feelings between Maxi ("Maxi Pad") and her teacher are somewhat mutual. But life is like a box of chocolate.. or hearts. By the time you see the credits, the tone does seem comfortably familiar. From the director of Starry Eyes. (5/10)

The next segment surrounds Irish myth & folklore on St.. Patrick's Day. While I do have a clover tattoo and I love the color green, this was not one of my favorites. Plot follows an elementary school teachers who has just received a reserved new student. Ginger-hair, freckled and somewhat adorable, the young girl does not seem to integrate well and quickly upsizes the teacher with rude dismissals and eery glares. We are soon given hint that the teacher longs for a child and eventually becomes pregnant after a night out drinking. The young girl becomes eerily fond of the teacher as if she knows something she doesn't know. They reference Polanski in this one, but it's no demon she's carrying, something a lot more scaly. This one was brought to us by Gary Shore, director of Wicker Man. (5.5/10)

Easter is never really looked upon with much horror, much like the preceding holiday St. Patty's. However, director Nicholas McCarthy ("At The Devil's Door") manages to hint at a surreal dimension filled with unseen terrors that leaves you thirsting for more. The Easter installment opens up with a young girl being put to bed by her mother. They have a somewhat intense and offbeat dialogue about the iconic Easter Bunny and how no child has ever seen him, or should. The same young girl happens out of her bed that night and stumbles upon something only seen in nightmares. Kudos to the FX team and any behind the visual the bunny, an image that'll stick with you for sure. Peter Cottontail meets Pan's Labyrinth. (8/10)

Mother's Day...... a lot can and will be said about this one for sure. This sequence put me to sleep and woke me in the same damn sittnig, stressful. The overall downside to a lot of the shorts is they feel just too short. This is not the case here, in this indie desert horror from "Midnight Swim" directer Sarah Adina Smith. The concept is basically a young girl becomes pregnant every single time she has sex. She feels she is medically ailed or cursed. After seeing doctor after doctor, she is referred to a retreat house in the desert somewhere. This place is filled more with woman who are having opposite issues with fertility and she again, feels slighted. Somewhere in this drawn out entry, I dozed off and came to in time for an OUTRAGEOUS finale. It woke me up, revitalized me enough to rewind and rewatch. All I can say is geeeeeeeeeeez. And what was that in the sky? A devil? An angel? (6/10)

Like in real life, Mother's Day is followed by Father's Day; without a doubt the most gripping entry in the production. They must have strategically placed it after the previous snooze fest, besides that ending of course, to regain viewers attention. I immediately appreciated the dark, deep tone of the setting. We are introduced to a young woman who comes home to a package at her doorstep. She opens it to find an old cassette tape player with a double sided tape inside, headphones included. She decided to play the tape, of course, and is jarringly met by the voice of her late father. The tape contains not only her the voice of her dead father, but it is looped with her's a young girl as they took a trip somewhere one day. She is quickly overwhelmed, rejects the tapes, regains herself and continues. Basically, her father disappeared years and years ago without a word or trace. She never got an explanation as to why. Until now. She continues to play the tape is led into an eerily-orchestrated scavenger hunt to find the truth about her father's disappearance and perhaps be reunited. This a truly beautiful built piece and again, is only hurt by the fact that so much can and needs to be said. The ending, IMO, does not live up to the build-up but I accept it for what it in this short and it does not take away from it's genius. Shoutout to Anthony Scott Burns, Happy Father's Day. (9.5/10)

Halloween - omitting review due to word count (4/10)

I had to go look up what this segment was about again, which sounds bad, but once I did I was pleased to remember. I liked this very odd and campy thriller about a man who goes to extreme lengths obtains a Christmas gift for his "dear wife". We all know how the latest gadgets get people in a frenzy, well the product in mentioned is called the "UVU".. and "UVU shows you, YOU". It does indeed, Our characters are forced to look at themselves and the ones closets to them in an entirely new lights and brings a whole new meaning to it 'what lies beneath'. Also, great cameo from Seth Green. Nice to see that guy. (7/10)

New Year's Eve was thoroughly enjoyable IMO and very unexpected. I'm not even gonna talk too much about it because it's best the end things off with a bang. Just know that two loners wind up on a date New Year's Eve and it's a countdown you will not forget. (8/10)

Overall, I'd give this anthology around a 6.5/10.
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Think of it as an experience, a thrill ride so-to say...
21 May 2016
Phew! That was a ride, for or better or for worse. I think this film, if it hasn't already, will polarize many horror fans. 'You Are Not Alone' is a first-person indie slasher in the vain of Carpenter and IMO, Cunningham. This is one of the few times I was happy I read numerous reviews before viewing because A.) I had low expectations and B.) I knew that I would be getting practically no real action until almost an hour in. A slow-burn for sure, definitely not a film for the impatient, but I did not find the first half of the movie grueling AT ALL. It was actually very enjoyable watching the characters go about their everyday lives and activities.

The setting is absolutely gorgeous. I don't know if it's because I didn't grow up in a small town/never have really been in one, but I'm enamored by the idea of them. This film feels like a more mature take on the classic town of Haddonfield and I'm pretty sure it's meant to take place in that era. The wide-open, tree-lined streets.. friendly townspeople.. and serene silence, all create a really genuine intimacy. This coziness only increases as we are introduced to more characters in the film, their faces so seemingly close it feels like we experiencing time with them. The story surrounds a young college graduate, who returns to her hometown during 4th of July Weekend. Setting the film during this holidays ends up doing a lot for the overall production. The inclusion of the annual town fair and festivities further establishes the realistic tone of the film.

The biggest critique you will here about this film is that the creators took to long to bring up some thrilling footage. I feel like if you are not the patient-type and disengage too soon, you end up missing out on a lot of really suspenseful build-up. *MILD SPOILER* Like the diner scene with her "Nana" and we get the first mention of the loose-killing spree and curfew. *END SPOILER* I honestly became tense upon hearing that and there are many other moments that mirror that. You've basically got to commit early to really enjoy, but I think that goes for any movie. Had it not been for the extreme amount of character development, from protagonist to supporting characters, it may have just felt like a bobbling head running around/.

Once the action does start going, it GOES. And the killer is very sick, very sociopathic and very sly. The POV does not become distracting and even affords some very well executed chase sequences. There are plenty of horror clichés, most passable, and there was one moment I literally took a break because I did not understand the heroine's logic but overall, this was a good one. It kept me on the edge of my seat. I try not to give much away in my reviews because I don't want to take anything away from the movie. Despite the title... watch it ALONE.. watch it in the dark.. and don't blink.

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