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Not Quite Unwatchable, but Almost!
1 June 2024
I like Kevin Hart and John Cena and enjoy movies about movie making; but, this was something else. It is as if it tried to be Naked Gun one minute, Get Shorty the next, then Misery ...I don't think it knew what it was trying to be. Perhaps it was the directing; but, the writing seemed disjointed and the acting awkward and clumsy. I'm not sure it would even be a good way to pass the time when there was nothing, nothing at all, left to watch. I wish I had spent the time reading a decent book. Not sure how movies like this are allowed to be made; but, it seems that with streaming options and direct to DVD, the bar has been lowered....and yet the movie industry wonders why theater ticket sales are dropping. I was disappointed by this movie and I did not even leave my living room. I cannot imagine how I would feel had I paid to see this in a theater. If you have nothing else to watch, try this; but, be prepared to turn it off half way through.
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Oppenheimer (I) (2023)
Definitely Well Worth Investing 3 hours; but, Only Once
6 December 2023
Such a terrific piece of intelligent filmmaking with a long list of fine actors. Somewhere between a documentary and a drama, which was a bit slow at first and then slowly warmed up to a satisfying simmer. A terrific experience that doesn't come around too often. I found myself going back and playing scenes and catching nuances that foretell the future of the story that I did not pick up on the first time around (e.g., "no, just a shoe salesman"). Robert Downey's character's evolution was a wonderful piece of acting and a real surprise plot twist, reminding us, as he has in the past, that there is so much more to him than an Iron suit. Watch and enjoy, learn something about history and the personalities that impacted the end of WWII (with some poetic license, I'm sure).
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Jim Gaffigan: Dark Pale (2023 TV Special)
Funny; but, not his best
1 August 2023
I am a huge Jim Gaffigan fan. So multitalented and a sense of humor that you aren't afraid to listen to with your kids in the room. Good, clean fun. We both come from the midwest. I wanted to love this special as much as his others; but, he's lost a step. Perhaps COVID dulled his standup skills a bit, I can't say what it is, perhaps his material, perhaps he appeared to be trying a little too hard because he realilzed he wasn't hitting homeruns. Not sure; but, I'm not sure I had a good laugh until halfway through. I still think he's a national treasure; but, he has set the bar so high for himself that sooner or later he was going to come up short, and this special #10 ("Dark Pale") was the one. Hope it's just a glitch, a momentary lapse, because he is one of th best comedians alive today.
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Barely, just barely, worth your time.
17 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Another case of unwarranted notoriety given to a sad, immature criminal, bright enough to perhaps have given something back to society if he had taken a different path. But, as far as the "mastermind" aspect is concerned, more is made of his exploits than they deserve and honestly, my wife and I fell asleep halfway through this documentary. The "mastermind" apparently uses the same cell phone for months while the wiretap is activated and he so desperately wants attention that he videos his crimes and rents vehicles under his true name.

When you watch interviews with his biological father, you can see the apple doesn't fall far from the tree when it comes to delusions of grandeur, LOL. I feel sorriest for his mother.
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Mafia Mamma (2023)
Consistently entertaining throughout
12 July 2023
This film punches above it's weight. We have the talented Toni Collette and the skilled and beautiful Monica Bellucci. You just have to keep in mind that it's a farcical comedy-drama. Yes, the plot is unrealistic; but, then, it's supposed to be! Once you get past that and see the talented acting and very fine writing, sit back and enjoy a movie that never lags in entertaining you and holding your interest. Deceptively engaging with a fine supporting cast. The way in which a comedy of errors results in success for the lead is awfully amusing and this was a surprisingly delicious picture. Enjoy!
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Fast X (2023)
Worst one yet- 4 stars is generous
12 June 2023
If you are invested in this series, you're going to watch this latest iteration any way; but, be prepared, it's the worst one yet. There's a parade of stars, some just for a few seconds; but, the script is so bad, with such poor attempts at humor, obligatory repeated references to family and faith, Mamoa's over the top flamboyant behavior is such that you cannot take him seriously and more explosions and impossible CGI stunts that I could not stomach much more. Combined with an unsatisfying ending, this was as close to being unwatchable as any long running, big budget main stream franchise movie I can recall. So, so very disappointing and I read there are two more parts to this train wreck that I hope will be the end of the series.
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Making Time (2022)
Disappointing--Not At All What You Think It's About
21 May 2023
Big fan of Aldis Hodge from Leverage and his other work and was delighted to learn we shared a hobby, horology; however, the movie is less about the hobby and more about the lives/struggles and motivation of a few independent watch makers and Aldis Hodge hyping his upcoming line of watches he has designed. That could have been covered in 15 mins and saved the viewer from enduring one watchmaker's wife's battle with cancer and the child he had with his next wife, etc..... I mean, really? So S-L-O-W moving it was God-awful tedious and I watched until the end for Hodge's sake; but, it never redeemed itself. The camera repeatedly moved quickly and briefly over actual watches so I had to pause the video just to appreciate the face/shape of an actual watch and watch design is what I thought the whole show was about! So tedious, I truly regret losing the time I wasted watching this piece. I gave it 3 stars for the drone footage of Switzerland and Dubai.
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Triple Threat (2019)
Could have been better; but, still beats expectations
21 May 2023
This film could have been better...i.e., some character development, better use of Tiger Chen; but, come on! It has Michael Jai White, Scott Adkins, Tony Ja, etc....we didn't watch this for plot and script, we watched it for punches and kicks and it delivers. Very straight forward, yes, could have been better and less cliche; but, this is a much better film than the IMDB rating reflects. Good film, really likeable and popular stars and delivers what you expect, no more, no less. A Solid 6 to 7 and an opportunity to cheer for small statured underdogs who really deliver. Very satisfying film that gives you what you expect.
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One Ranger (2023)
Only Mildly Likable
8 May 2023
I was looking forward to a rare appearance from Thomas Jane; but, he could only do so much with the script he was handed. Good acting all around; but, the character development seemed rushed and plot seemed poor, predictable and dull at times (and the ending seemed very highly unlikely). His partner handles everything on her own and is in over her head, with the usual irate boss and the Ranger is left to do most things without the benefit of carrying a weapon of his own-- and I could not understand exactly what the Ranger style of investigation really was and how his visit to London impacted the case. Just tepid and lukewarm all the way around. Potential that never really rose to being memorable or anything more than bland. I wanted to like it, I really did. Dominique Tipper was very good, but her London boss (Malkovich) didn't even have a British accent. Great to see Patrick Bergin and Jess Liaudin played his part very well, whereas Dean Jagger was a bit wooden. Could have been so much more than just "McCloud goes to Manchester". Tired subject, poorly written; but, decently acted.
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Assassin Club (2023)
Punches Way Above Its Weight Class!
2 May 2023
Highly underrated film. I thought this film would just be a little relief from a boring work night; but, I was pleasantly surprised. Very decent plot, nice action that did not try and bite off more than it could chew and decent acting, especially from Sam Neil, who moves effortlessly between being an unflappable handler to a desperate man caught in his lies. He most likely raised the bar for the rest of the cast, except perhaps for Noomi Rapace, who may have driven close to the edge with an almost over the top portrayal of an assassin playing both sides of the street. The story moves quickly, albeit a bit predictably except for the unnecessary twist at the end. Altogether well worth a watch and a pleasant surprise.
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Well worth the time; deeply moving with fantastic effects
1 May 2023
Although at times it was difficult to follow the exact specifics of what was happening, despite the limitations of subtitles, this was a deeply moving piece of science fiction with surprising subtle humor (the piece of equipment spinning in zero gravity that has "made in China" stamped on it) and strong emotional moments. There was a tendency towards having arrogant and helpless outbursts only exhibited by white, Occidental men (i.e., U. S.); but, all of that aside, this was an outstanding prequel to the first Wandering Earth movie. The CGI effects were some of the best I've seen on a home screen and the moving plot involving a father's undying love, self sacrifice and altruism made the almost 3 hour long movie feel much shorter. Just be prepared for depending upon subtitles for a lengthy period; but, it's worth it to see a special and relatively rare piece of science fiction film making that does not come around very often. There's an enigmatic teaser at the end that hints towards a 3rd movie and that would be most appreciated.
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Just. No. Words.-Sooo Bad
7 April 2023
With 3 or 4 familiar names, I thought this would be a passable evening's entertainment after so often enjoying Katee's work on Galactica and most recently, The Mandalorian. But, I can only say that she must have needed the money, because this script is so abysmally bad and so far below her abilities. A high-schooler could have written this screenplay and done as good a job with a few of his/her classmates, an abandoned factory in the desert and some leftover storm trooper costumes from their last sci fi festival. Came so close to turning this off several times. Just a bad movie on so many levels and I cannot believe anyone financed this piece of junk. Listening to the rifle's AI voice, alone, was almost intolerable and who would have imagined that a notable martial artist could make a fight scene look laughable? Just stay away, it's not worth your time.
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Surprisingly Terrific
27 March 2023
I've been a Bollywood fan for years and grown accustomed to the usual plots, singing, dancing and melodrama so I was expecting all of that with this new film; but, was very pleasantly surprised. At minor points the plot was a little hard to follow; but, only because the director wanted to give you several options as to how the film could end. There are twists and turns that you expect and one very crucial one that makes for a great ending and a nice return on the 1 hour and 50 minutes you spent watching it. Truly a very good film that holds your interest from the beginning all the way to the last minute.
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The Weapon (2023)
Don't waste your time
25 February 2023
Wow! Was expecting so much with a few good names in the cast; but, this was baaaad. Jerky storyline told via disjointed flashbacks, stilted and trite dialogue, badly choreographed fight scenes, poorly developed characters...just awful. I started playing it and it soon became just background noise to pass the time while I did some mundane household chores. Just terrible. Sad to see Bruce Dern and Cuba Gooding lent their names and talents to such a low budget effort. I guess everyone has to pay the utility bills and a job's a job. Do yourself a favor and pass on this one, I'm not sure it was even worth listening to in the background....find something else that's worthy of your time.
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Vengeance (II) (2022)
Wow! A Tour De Force for Novak
7 February 2023
Novak really accomplishes something here...writing, directing and starring in a poignant and thoughtful film that touches on the very current and timely implications of social media as well as the condescending manner in which the coastal culture thinks of the "fly over" states. I would have given it more stars; however, I would have liked to have seen more development with Kutcher's character and I would have liked his lines to have appeared less rushed and forced (but, then again, perhaps they would not have spilled out rapidly like a flow of consciousness bursting to be shared?). But, most of all, I thought the ending was not believable.... I did not feel the lead character was vested enough to go to such lengths---not believable. Still, there are so many terrific lines in this film that are so profound and astute that I can forgive the ending and enjoy it for what it is. Novak is wonderfully talented and I love to see Kutcher in deeper, more serious roles.
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Kajillionaire (2020)
Nicely Quirky and Complex
6 February 2023
Gina Rodriguez steals the show; but Richard Jenkins and Debra Winger are superb as well and Rachel Wood does a lot of heavy lifting with her unique role. I could have done without the hot tub "seduction" scene between Jenkins and Rodriguez, since I felt it was simply unnecessary. Some plot points stretched credulity; but, that's what the "willing suspension of disbelief" is all about. Not everyone will appreciate this film; and, I can understand how some folks want comedy, action or escapism without thinking or feeling too much and it all depends on what kind of film you are in the mood for! This is a thoughtful film, well written and superbly acted.
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Do Revenge (2022)
A Pleasant Surprise
17 January 2023
This was a pleasant surprise. Was just looking for a movie that would be appealing on "date night" with my wife and discovered that this was not just one of the usual ordinary teen soap operas. There were a few nice twists, good writing, very good acting by the two female leads and excellent costuming, albeit a bit over the top for high school uniforms. It almost parodied the melodrama that a lot of us experienced in high-school, at various levels whether or not you had peers from outlandishly wealthy parents. I was fortunate in that there was no internet or cell phones in my high school days and I went to an all-boys school, I was spared most of the heartache and Machiavellian machinations portrayed in this movie. But, it served to demonstrate how much enduring pain we can all unthinkingly inflict on others, especially when we are too young to understand the repercussions. That pain can fester and twist within us unless we learn to let it go or deal with it. I never expected that lesson to be taught in what I thought was just a simple teen revenge/high school drama. A very good film, nicely done all around.
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Highly Entertaining! Punches way above it's weight class.
16 January 2023
I'm not really a fan of this genre of film; but, have always enjoyed Mark Dacascos, so I thought I would kill some time tonight and watch it with very low expectations. What a pleasant surprise! A terrific tale of good vs evil with very good character development, a decent plot and performances by younger actors that rose to the occasion. I think the veteran actors must have brought out the best in the younger stars, because they really brought their A-game. Just a well-balanced, albeit predictable, action film that checked all the right boxes. No one is going to win an Oscar here; but, this film punches way above it's weight class and doesn't disappoint. Nicely choreographed action sequences that are not over-the-top (if you can ignore the magic powers of the head "witch") or too drawn-out or too gory. A satisfying ending for the characters that were developed fully enough for us to care about.

Altogether well-worth a couple hours of time.
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The Old Way (2023)
Good acting; but, formulaic script--don't expect "Unforgiven"
14 January 2023
Formulaic Western; do not expect "Unforgiven", but a similar premise. Good acting, especially by the lead character's daughter, but the writing could have been better. I'm not sure if most viewers will catch on that the father and daughter may very well share a familial "disorder", and that throws a twist into this movie that I have not seen before in any Western. (Take note of how she deals with death and requests the saddlebags). A good way to pass the evening; but, it will not win any Oscars due to the predictable and unimaginative script. That said, it's a decent enough performance by Cage in his first Western and I'm sure with a better script he can slip into a Western role quite nicely. Also, always good to see Clint Howard (anyone remember his TV series, "Gentle Ben"?). The Marshall and the daughter really stand out as much as Cage, despite the poor writing.
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Spirited (2022)
One and Done-cannot watch again
31 December 2022
Big fan of all these actors and musicals as well and it took some effort to see this one through to the end. Poorly written, character development and flow were not good and there was too much singing and dancing and the songs were so, so forgettable. Patrick Page was amazing--perfectly casted and with the best voice of the bunch. Will Ferrell and Ryan Reynolds have charisma; but, sadly not enough to make up all the shortcomings of this film. Perhaps one day someone will be able to remake this tired old classic and do it justice, because it is a tale worth telling and a lesson to be learned; but, sadly this was not that day.
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An Acquired Taste To Be Sure; But, Not Even A Morsel Here
11 December 2022
Fan of the series and thankful to see any Reno 911 content; however, it's getting to the point where even I grow weary as the cast dwindles and the terrific banter wanes and there is little left to enjoy. Wanted to turn it off a few times, fortunately it was only 78 minutes. Just a notch above a waste of time, and that is from a long term fan's point of view. I did not crack a smile until the second half of the movie and I really do not see how they are able to find any financial backers to produce such a film. The writing is noticeably worse than even the last marginal film and an expanded cast does not make up for the lack of chemistry and quality banter between the remaining original cast members. You may want to skip this one.
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Ice Soldiers (2013)
Pleasant surprise
22 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I thought this was going to be a direct to video, barely tolerable film; but, was pleasantly surprised. Yes, it was very predictable; but, still enjoyable on a lot of levels. Not every film has to be an Academy Award winner in order to satisfyingly fill a work day evening's entertainment requirement. Decent acting, believable personalities, terrific Ontario scenery and only a 94 minute investment. Those critics who do not read the synopsis beforehand only have themselves to's a struggle against Russian Cold War Super Soldiers revived from the ice.....this is not Shakespeare.
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Not Enough Films Like This
19 June 2022
Steller acting, heartwarming story. No gunfights, no explosions or CGI, just a good story well told. Not enough films like this these days. Bryan Cranston and Annette Bening are perfect for the roles and are superb. Loved the comic relief from Rainn Wilson and Michael McKean's understated performance is very good. Excellent all around.
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Not worth your time
18 June 2022
Fast forward to a few decent Bill Burr segments; but, most of this video is just awful. I mean really awful, and I'm a guy that will try and see the humor in almost anything. Very geared towards a west coast audience.
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Black Site (I) (2022)
Not Oscar Worthy But A Decent Action Film
9 May 2022
This film will not win any Academy awards; but, a pretty good and very watchable film with a straightforward plot and a nice twist, albeit not all that unexpected. All but Monaghan's character are one dimensional; but, Michelle Monaghan gives a gritty, realistic performance that makes the film watchable. Action scenes were well done; but a couple plot points were badly mangled: e.g., if the site is under "lock down" and no one can get out of the secure facility, why can Monaghan get outside to connect with the antenna? I don't care for endings that setup for sequels that will never be made. Viewers have to realize that not all movies can be award winning, and do not let that keep you from enjoying average films that come along, especially since the choices are limited due to the pandemic. All things considered, definitely worth watching.
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