
25 Reviews
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Everybody's favourite arcade beat em up starring the 4 green turtles are back! But can the 3D visuals make up for the games other flaws?
25 January 2010
Turtles in Time for the SNES is just a personal favorite all time game of mine. It is for sure the best beat em ups I have played and when I heard of 3D animated remake I was extremely interested. I downloaded the game on PSN today and it was very cool to see the visuals jump to life out of the arcade/SNES. But other than a few minor CONS it for sure could have been a lot better. First off let me start with my first complaint. THE MUSIC! The music is not TMNT and more importantly it is not good to hear. I would have loved to have the original music here to add for the big nostalgia feel. The fighting system could have had a bit more to it. Updating it a bit would have been nice for more funnier gameplay. What worked than doesn't work now. However the voice acting is nice here making it on par with the original. Perhaps the biggest problem rivalling the music is the removing of some levels. Looks like Ubisoft was rushing to get the game out on XBL and PSN and this caused it's ultimate problem. The game should have had all the classic levels here. By the time I got to the final battle with splinter I realized it was the end of the game and I still hadn't had the classic elevator battle and the coolest and one of my favorite levels of the game which is when you have to trough the foot clan members towards Splinter is a cool 3D moment. To play online is a great add on. Beat em is still fun,to see the graphics and animations come to life is cool to see. You can play story mode,survival and quick mode online with other users.However once you get to 3-4 players the screen becomes cluttered and you lose sight of your character and you get confused with other turtles since they all look the same besides the color of course. Not to mention the constant explosions and foot clan members attacking you does not help however when it comes to the boss battle things spread out smoothly and is clear to play without causing to much confusing even with 4 players. I would say go head and play it only if you are a die hard fan of TMNT and the original game like myself. This for sure is not a bad game by any means. Although because of the removed levels game can be completed in half an hour and that's not even on easy difficulty although the challenge modes and difficulty settings keeps the replay value good.

PROS Graphics, Nostalgia, Beat em up fun!, Online, Trophies, Good replay value

CONS Removed levels from the original arcade/SNES, Online can get clustered once 3-4 players come in, Original music replaced with bad music, Shorter game due to levels removed

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Pumping Iron (1977)
Great stuff.
17 October 2009
Arnold back in the day was simply a evil genius. When i first watched this film i didn't expect it to be as funny as it was, but it was. Arnold is simply great and Lou is great as well. The movie is very inspiring and very entertaining from beginning to end and Arnold really makes it work because if though this is a documentary Arnold himself plays a evil character, telling stuff about how he didn't attend his fathers funeral, getting Lou to yell and saying Lou is a child and he is his daddy. It's all part of the mind games. As for Lou he is basic and great to follow. The best thing about this film is seeing the why Lou and Arnold remain friends even through the entire competition and after. The film is inspiring,funny and just a great viewing experience every time. A must see for Arnold and Lou fans for sure
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The Wrestler (2008)
Wonderful telling of the reality of professional wrestling
29 December 2008
Writing this review write after viewing the film. This film is a perfect telling of behind pro wrestling. As being a huge fan of the sport all my life and people insulting me and laughing when i tell them i am a fan of pro wrestling they laugh at me and tell me its nothing but fake garbage. I've always known the risks and how this stuff had been staged. People i know after viewing this film who thought pro wrestling was fake garbage before now have a greater respect for the sport. I'm glad a film like this has been made and it's a wonderful drama into the world of it all. Micky Rourke does a terrific job of playing a has-been wrestler. This is certainly one of the best films of the year and a new favorite of mine.
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Amazing! Lives up to the hype!
3 October 2008
The Dark Knight faithfully lives up to the hype. Everything comes around perfectly. Certainly the darkest Batman film ever and i thought Tim Burtons Batman and Batman Begins was the darkest Batman we will ever see, Dark Knight tops it. And it fits very well, everyone's performance is spot on. When Heath Ledger was announced as Joker i was shocked and outraged even when the teaser was released i was still disappointed and scared with how Joker will be done but by the time of the 2nd trailer was released Ledger made me eat my words. You would think people over react to his performance because of his death but that is not true it is really one of the best performances i have ever seen. Killing and Funny is hard to mix and make it work. Ledger does it. Christain Bale's performance was great the film made me think twice about actually wanting to be Batman, his life is very hard and i think director Chris Nolan captured really the problems of Batman and his life greatly. Some people say his voice is a little over done but i would dis agree he makes it sound like a creature....certainly creepy. Aaron Eckhart's Two Face is perfect! The CGI on the face is excellent and is likely something to what it looked like if that had really happened. Two-Face is probably my favorite Batman villain, you just feel so much for the character and he was brought into the film perfectly. There are also several great actors in this film. Maggie Gyllenhaal is a improvement over Katie Holmes. Morgan Freeman,Michael Caine, Gary Oldman who is one of the best actors of all time. The soundtrack was something I really loved, I never go a day without listening to the score it is just amazing. The special effects is a job well done and the twists,turns and the way everything came around was perfect. It isn't a masterpiece at all.....but it is one of my new favorites, certainly will be a classic.
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Halloween (1978)
True classic Horror film.
22 September 2008
John Carpenters Halloween is a great classic true horror film, Witch defines evil as the character Micheal Myers as a child quickly kills his older sister for no reason it seems years later he is back and chasing after Laurie Strode and her friends the film is mysterious and leaves a great scare without actually using any blood and none at all swearing witch the remake couldn't make scary without using blood or swearing. Dr Loomis Michael's doctor tried to keep him locked up as a child but failed since he's escaped, There isn't much to say about this movie beside...

It's a true classic of awesomeness.
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Super Friends (1973–1985)
Mindless fun.
11 August 2008
As cheesy, goofy and as predictable as every Super Friends episode is it has a special feel to it. The classic sound effects and animation along with a basic fun story to it is what makes this show great. Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman are mostly the focus of the shows and the rest are sidekicks, a lot of the sidekick heroes i haven't even really heard of. The show featured a lot of villains from the DC Universe, it was cool seeing Batman face of against Lex Luther and Superman face off against The Riddler. The Legion of Doom is the Super Friends enemies it's always exciting seeing them face each other. Of course if this show started at this day and age it would be a huge failure because people are looking for to much these days.There is just something about 60's and 70's cartoons that makes them excellent.

Super Friends 9/10
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The best
9 July 2008
Really, this is my favorite cartoon of all time. Growing up as a small kid watching it everyday when coming home from school i quickly became a huge fan of the series and Spider-Man himself, if i hadn't had seen this series i would probably never had been a Spider-Man fan. Every episode was amazing they always had a great cliff hanger, great story, great characters, great voice actors and great animation. The Venom Saga was easily my favorite storyline i remember watching all the time on VHS after receiving it as a Christmas present, the storyline was amazing, i didn't read the Spider-Man comics to know the origin of the Symbiote but this TV Show told it better as far as staying in Spider-Mans world.The Storyline was very dark and scary if only the Spider-Man 3 film had followed the symbiote story it would have made more sense and been better but the storyline was pure incredible, Peters dark side was unique and scary. Venom quickly became one of my favorite villain to ever step into the Superhero world. The series didn't have the character of Gwen Stacy but i was totally fine by, i didn't discover her character until years later. The Green Goblin was always my second favorite character of the show his design was perfect and his character was perfect as well and he delivered one of the most amazing evil laughs i have ever heard. The series didn't feature much Electro so that disappointed me because he is my favorite villain ever believe it or not. I always enjoyed The Black Cat and Spider-Man episodes mainly because i enjoyed the love relationship storyline a ton, i enjoyed it more then the Peter and MJ story lines likely because Black Cat was like Spider-Man a lot fighting crime. If you are now in your teens and are a die hard Spider-Man fan it is likely because you grew up watching this series, like myself. This series is very special to me and it will always remain my favorite cartoon series ever. 10/10
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Good Spider-Man game
8 July 2008
I enjoyed this game. I thought the game play was great and the cut scenes were cool, the story was nice and a ton of fun, the intro music doesn't fit the game at all though. Great to play as Venom here but he could have had some of his own moves because him and Spider-Man seem to fight the same and Venom could have been a little bit bigger in the arms. It is great punching out the thugs and such, and that is the best part of the game. The graphics where nice in the background on houses, trash can e.t.c. The game could have been harder i found it a little easy but sometimes when a lot of baddies gang up on you and it is just annoying. Overall this is an enjoyable Spider-Man game their are a lot of ones that are badder and a lot that are much better. 7/10
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Toy Story (1995)
A timeless classic.
28 May 2008
Toy Story is truly a groundbreaking film. The animations are amazing and the story and these characters are so lovable,humorous and just flawless no matter how many time you have watched it. Woody and Buzz beat a giant ogre and a talking donkey any day of the week. The animations on the film inspired movies like The Incredibles, Shrek,Finding Memo and others. Toy Story's plot is about a boy named Andy whose playing with his toys, such as a Mr. Potato Head, Rex, and his favorite toy, Woody. He takes Woody into the living room and plays with him some more, where he learns Andy has planned his birthday a few days early, as himself, his mother, and his sister Molly will be moving. Woody gets put back in the room, and when Andy leaves, he's revealed to be the leader of the toys, and orders them to be prepared for the party. All the toys work together, aware that new toys could mean the replacement of current ones, but Woody keeps them calm. After Andy goes through all his presents, he's surprised by one last present from his mother. The present is revealed to be a new must-have Buzz Lightyear toy.

They all return to their places as Andy and his friends come running up to Andy's room. When they all run out, the toys approach the Buzz Lightyear action figure. Buzz does not seem to be aware that he is a toy, which becomes apparent after he sees the package he came in (a space ship shaped box) to be his damaged ship. He believes himself to be a space ranger on a mission to save the universe from "the evil Emperor Zurg." The other toys take to him immediately, being impressed by his many features. Only Woody is unconvinced, showing jealousy towards Buzz. As time moves on, Andy clearly shows to have high regard of Buzz, seemingly forgetting about Woody, as with the other toys who Buzz spends a lot of time with. By the end of the day, Andy sleeps with Buzz in his arms and confirms he has a new favorite toy. Eventually, Woody confronts Buzz while he is repairing his "ship" where he finally realizes that Buzz actually believe himself to be the real space ranger, and not toy model of the character.Andy is given a surprise trip to his favorite restaurant: Pizza Planet. However, he can take only one toy with him. Knowing this, Woody assumes he'll take Buzz so he tries to shove him behind Andy's dresser, but instead inadvertently knocks him out the window. When the other toys learn of Woody's actions, they think he has turned into a killer. They try to attack him without even giving him a chance to explain, but he is saved when Andy come into the room to look for Buzz. Unable to find Buzz, Andy takes Woody on the trip instead. At a gas stop, Woody finds that Buzz grabbed a hold of the family's minivan and is with them. Woody tries to apologize but Buzz won't listen, and starts a fight which knocks both out of the minivan that causes them to be left behind. I remember watching this film when i was about four years old and having Woody and Buss figures and waiting for them to come to life when they thought i wasn't looking. That's the impact a film and interesting Toy characters could do to a little kid. This film remains my favorite animated movie ever and one of my favorite movies ever. Talking Toys, a mean bully who hates toys, a thrilling adventure with spectacular animation and some of the best characters ever. There is not much to go into about the plot or anything, it is simply put a perfect film for all ages it even has some small adult humor and that you don't get anymore. 10/10
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Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (2008)
27 May 2008
Indys return is rather weak however Harrison Ford and the crew delivers a entertaining movie.

The way to far fetched Indiana Jones seems to go fall down three rivers including one like Niagra Falls, go flying in a fridge after a huge nuclear explosion and walk away from it no problem making you think "has Indy somehow gotten mutant powers of Wolverine within the last 19 years?" One of the most annoying thing is that even for Indiana Jones it has turned into a major CGI feast including CGI monkeys, ants,trucks,vines and maybe even that whip and the whip is only used a couple times within the whole film. The plot is entertaining and catches your attention but its odd how the main treasure is just being man hand-held and tossed around like a rag doll. The opening could have been better and more epic however the end was fairly good. Indy's return is action packed and a thrill adventure though the plot is weak and the amounts of CGI and far fetched occurrences cant be ignored is was not worth the wait but it is good enough to check out if your not a die hard Indy fan. If you are then beware. 6/10
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Spider-Man 2 (2004)
The greatest movie of all time.
12 May 2008
Spider-Man 2 is not just the best Superhero film ever. But to me it is the best film ever. As a long time fan of Spider-Man Spider-Man 2 was perfect.

Director Sam Raimi hits it right on the head with Spidey 2. The fight scenes are amazing with the best special effects I have seen in a very long time the way Spider-Man and Doc Ock move are amazing. The characters all go the right way. Tobey Maguire,Kirstin Dunset, James Franco, Alfred Melina all do the roles perfectly. What also makes Spider-Man 2 a great film is it is very different from other superhero films the focus is the problems of Peter Parker and that is why he is very interesting. Doc Ock is an amazing villain but he is not really that mean villain but a great scientist. In short Spider-Man 2 is a fans dream come true and a comic book come to life. For me thats a perfect movie.

Story 10/10

Scenes 10/10

Special Effects 10/10

Fight Scenes 10/10

Character Development 10/10

Brilliance 10/10

Directing 10/10

Acting 10/10

Overall: 10/10
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Not a great movie but at least it's enjoyable
19 November 2007
The Fantastic Four are back the following sequel to the first Fantastic Four this time there back in Fantastic Four Rise of The Silver Surfer witch is more fun then the first but still not great The most happiest thing about this Fantastic Four is that Director Tim Story boosted up the action witch was a major flaw in the first the story seems to progress much faster and the characters seem more interesting the story lines seem to be much similar to other 2nd super hero films such as wanted to give up and quite the team much like we seen the hero's quiting in Spider-Man 2 and Superman 2 but this film doesn't quite get anywhere or really get serious with that storyline the main story line is the Silver Surfer a famous character in the marvel comics keeps us not knowing if he's a good guy or a bad guy in the film we think he's the bad guy but we see towards the end of the film he doesn't want to but he's just summand to earth by his leader Galactus who many believe is a giant storm cloud as a comic boom fan myself i am very disappointed with Galactus witch is probably the biggest and most disappointing flaw of the whole film but then again they prolly never had the budget to create him. We also see in this film the return of Dr. Doom who helps reed and the army capture surfer but again turns against them Dr. Doom's look as improved over the first at least this time the mask fits the actors head the special effects and cgi in the film is well done in the most parts of the film.

Fantastic Four Rise of the Silver Surfer is a dull film only kids will think is smart but it however a enjoyable popcorn action superhero film that comic book fans shouldn't take seriously but just enjoy.

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The turtles trip over there success and they cant get up
1 October 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Well after the amazing first Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles film and the second not quite amazing but still good Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2:The secret of the Ooze the turtles return to the big screen for the unlucky third time where in the first 2 films they had a great opening sequence like in the first we had never seen the turtles on the big screen and really alive before so they kept that suspense going for about a awesome 10 Min's we finally see them all together right after there about to jump at the main titles and in the second one the turtles all jump up and the main title goes right there it was pure awesome and everyone couldn't wait for them to come up.....but in the third there is no thought no imagination its just the turtles dancing witch couldn't even succeed at being funny and brings me to splinter witch if you think splinter was an undeveloped character in the second...wait until you see him in the third splinter is supposed to be a main character that teaches the turtles but in this movie he just stands in his under ground house and at least the first two films he looks really cool but in this film he looked like a puppet behind a wall and only appeared in a few scenes witch was pointless so lets get to the plot April buys a some sort of time warp thing and warps the turtles in time and this movie would have been good story and have something that fans wanted such as shredders return and the debut a krang if thats what you are hoping to get......your wrong...instead you get 2 weird stupid undeveloped characters that nobody cared for why? because we didn't know these characters from the cartoon show and they don't look cool there just siting on a horse shooting guns and ones the gos guy and other is the bad guy and the Michaelangelo gets kidnapped witch keep the turtles back April as well gets set back in time where her and mike and prisoners and the turtles costumes just look so awful it isn't funny and there is only a couple fight scenes not involving all the turtles until the end at least the previous films had more then one for scene with all the turtles more then once so as you can see they pretty much went wrong where ever this is buy far the worst tmnt film as well as it being one of the worst films and let downs ever and goes to show that most three's in a sequel flop the first,second and fourth tmnt films are all great so lets just pretend the fourth is the third and leave this horrible film as a past and killed off memory. so now its time to overall this film.

story 3/10

scenes 3/10

special effects 6/10

fight scenes 4/10

character development 4/10

brilliance 3/10

overall 3.5/10
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The Turtles are back not has good as before but still pretty strong
1 October 2007
The sequel to the 1990 film. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Secret of the Ooze picks off fast at immediate fight scene involving all the turtles and it worked out pretty well witch got your attention right at start.The plot of this movie is where a year after the turtles think they have defeated the shredder then begin there journey searching for there origin the secret ooze as they do this the shredder returns and stops the turtles and taking there ooze witch was the last copy of the ooze they got from a weird scientist the film quickly gets you into the story and interested as the film sorta re invents two fan favorite villains but with two different species and different names though it remained good but i would before they type in the cartoon this film delivers not as great as the first but still the turtles give a great return with overall a interesting story,fine action fights for its time ecspecialy with guys in costumes as well as in special effects and the character development was off at time there should have been more story behind splinter but he doesn't have a big role as he did in the first. so lets overall this.

story 8/10 scenes 8/10 fight scenes 7/10 character development 7/10 Special effects 7/10 Brilance 7/10 Overall 7.5/10
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Halloween (2007)
Halloween (2007)
1 October 2007
Well first before this movie i wasn't a big fan of the Halloween films first watched the first film a few days before the re make came out i also watched the 2nd before the re make came out i seen the re make opening day and i thought it was average. 40 Min's fit just fine for Lil Michael myers screen time the story went smoothly and the film went 50% rob zombie and 50% classic Halloween people say to much sex and swearing. that may be true but it only fit it to be more believable the only thing i didn't like was towards the ending i think rob may have not been thinking there but because of this film i am a huge fan of the Halloween series. 5/10
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Spider-Man 3 (2007 Video Game)
13 May 2007
Warning: Spoilers
i was expecting this to be one of my favorite games ever because ultimate spider-man and spider-man 2 games are my favorite games ever but this isn't huge let down its just conclusion of the game is bad if you seen the film harry dies he also dies in the game but when its all over they completely forgot about that and story mode is short to atleaset on the ps2 version but swinging around new york is just pure fun so is story mode but its disappointing that it is so short and playing has black suit is fun but its to bad you cant after you beat the game. So overlay this is another great spider-man game but it doesn't compare to ultimate spider-man and spider-man 2 game.And the spider-man 3 game is better then the first spider-man movie game so i recemond this spidey game is very fun.

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Spider-Man 3 (2007)
Looking back on it......
4 May 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Looking back on Spider-Man 3 after all the hype...

When you re watch Spider-Man 3 today you see the biggest flaw fairly early. Way to many story lines in one.If you were to re watch Spider-Man 2 and 3 in the same day you would notice the flow and amount of development Spider-Man 2 had. It built to everything so masterfully and had great delivery. I know I am not the first to say this nor will I ever be the last, but it has to be said once again.

The movie suffers with the lack of character development in the Eddie Brock character not to mention and I will say it now a major mis cast in Topher Grace.Venom.My all time favorite super villain was thrown is awfully. But the biggest slap in the face and perhaps the biggest thing to anger the fan boys like myself was the very cheap plot device of the symbiote. The symbiote story needed to have a whole movie to it's self.We needed to see the symbiote come from space.We needed to see the JJ's in the shuttle and that's how you bring in the symbiote. not to mention this could have helped the Peter MJ storyline with JJ's son.

Speaking of which brings me to my next biggest grip. Kirstin Dunst as Mary Jane. Annoying. Very annoying. She is written so poorly and whinny. Even if she is mad about the negative reviews never would I treat the person who saved me from being thrown off a bridge, kidnapped by Doc Ock,etc. She is nothing but useless and annoying in this movie. She either needs to bite the dust or be used much better in the fourth instalment.

Sandman is a terrific villain to watch on screen. His background is always great for a villain. Misjudged, but once again not developed enough. Another case of to many story lines this could also have he's own movie. The whole scene of Sandman being born picking up his daughters key chain is amazing CGI and always great to watch.

Harry I thought was done and played off well for the most part....the thing that was just idiotic and stupid was having him have that head injury he became a little....ya know? It was pointless and strange to even go that route again I have no idea why they did it, I am at a loss for words. The way he goes out however was done well. I remember reading the way he dies " your my friend.Best friend" to Peter many many many months before the film was released online. That's interesting.

Now I love Tobey Maguire as Peter Parker/Spider-Man. But he really needs to keep his mask on more. Anyway we all know him dancing,emo cut,etc was awful now moving on. Spider-Man needs to crack more jokes, but I won't complain about that as much as some people.

Bryce Dallas Howard/Gwen Stacy is the most undeveloped character and was a huge waste. I also felt the way her character was portrayed wasn't to my liking very much. By now I don't even want to see her in the sequel and scrap her. Now onto Felica Hardy/Black Cat.

The special effects/CGI in this movie was strange to say the very least. At times it looked amazing and at other times it looked awful. Example when Harry and Peter are fighting in the alley during the opening fight scene. The CGI on the walls and pipes looked horrid. Like they came ripped from a N64 game. But all the effects before the alley part were terrific and well done. Now I understand we had a new team doing the effects/CGI in this film. Please for the fourth Sony try your best to bring the old team back.

Something that felt very off in the movie was the music. Now all respect to Christopher Young but the soul of the movie felt missing without Elfman. He really defined everything about the first couple movies and I hope Raimi and him make up and Elfman gets back on the fourth. no disrespect to Young I still though he did a fairly good job.

now after all of this you would think I hated this movie. But i didn't for the most part I was letting out my frustrations. Sure it is the worst Spider-Man movie yet and I don't blame Sam Raimi as he is one of my favorite directors and with his newly released horror film "Drag me to Hell" Raimiproves he is one of the best directors in horror. But that's another story for another time. Now that Raimi has creative control over the fourth I hope things get back to the roots that made the first two Spider-Man films great. I still do enjoy watching Spidey 3 now and than despite the flaws. I will like to note Spider-Man 2 is one of my favorite movies of all time and nobody was more excited for this movie to come out than myself.
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Yeah dude!!!!!
25 April 2007
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles the first and the best of the trilogy then the other 4 the new TMNT was great but the first remains the best the story was great action was great for people in turtle costumes doing stunts and cant get over how much of an awesome movie it is it brought the turtles from the comics and TV shows and brought them to life for all the young fans it was great. They really showed all the turtles personality's great splinter was great despite him looking like some puppet from the 3rd film and of course the turtles and splinters worst enemy shredder is the villain witch we see a great fight in the end with him and all the turtles and splinter this was the best turtles movie. 10 out of 10
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TMNT (2007)
30 March 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I probably wont spoiler but i never know when i start writing. So Here is a callsic teen age mutant ninja turtles movie. With spectacular cgi but it's odd i really wish the shredder was in it but he is not the film has a great tmnt experience in the end but Raphael wanting to take Leo's place OK they had a cool fight scene at one point in the movie witch leads to a big main part of the movie. Mike is pretty much being himself he's my favorite character. Well all the characters are great but i notice the job on April i didn't know it was her until Leo said her name because originally April looked about maybe 30 year old but in the film with cgi she looked about 15 years old. But the story is decent about an old ancient stone solders that come back to life every three thousand years that April's boos orders in then he builds himself an army. And gets other foot ninja's along with a leader woman to work for him but it was a decent turtle experience good have been much better but it was decent i give it 7 stars out of 10.
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Wild Hogs (2007)
28 March 2007
Well before i can start talking about how bad this film is i give it this it was very funny. But come on there is barley a plot to it it' simple you see where its going there was only two good scenes in the movie the rest was just stupid. Mainly all your watching is 4 guys riding bikes skinny dipping taking a leak and ticking off bad bikers and drinking bear so its stupid film all i can say is don't see it but it is funny.So ill say very good cast time Allen is great and there all full of great actors knowing for signing on for great movies but not this one was just a let down i was actually planing on seeing TMNT but my friend was late so i seen the movie instead and it wasn't very good so do yourself a favor and not see this film. Until next time c ya.
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Ghost Rider (2007)
My review
16 February 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Well i prolly wont leave a huge spoiler but i walked into ghost rider expecting it to be fantastic it had been a long time since i ever seen a movie i was really looking forward to but i didn't like it everything happened so fast it should have been longer effects are cool had it's really cool scenes pretty funny movie actually it was good but didn't really have enough action great love story and really describes the story great and leaves us with a cliffhanger Nick cage is a little old for the role but he does good that got a very good Roxane Simpson the film had cool effects nice cliffhanger but not enough action... and for you spidey fans out there like me there's no new trailer =(
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A amazing Spider-Man Fan Film!
9 February 2007
Warning: Spoilers
There isn't really a spoiler unless you want to know nothing at all but

Well here is Dan Poole a big spied fan decided to make a fan film who made the best fan film I've ever seen director wise cool effects for 92 but didn't exactly hit good story thoe the film was good and outstanding for a fan film despite for the effects and good camera shots it didn't have a good story it should of showed spied getting his powers it was so cool the last fight with gg but that's a different story but there was other movies unlike the last stand with bullseye and mysterio that I'm pretty sure Poole didn't direct that may have showed his powers it's unbelievable the way he made some things work this movie as inspired me so I'm making a spider-man fan film as well that hopefully gets put on here when I'm done my friend is the director and I'm well different story but anyway this movie was a GREAT! FANFILM and well put together and edited by Poole this is a part of spied history ill give it 7 out of 10
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Daredevil (2003)
Review: Wow talk about a great comic book adaption
8 February 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Dare devil is a great movie one of the best marvel films but not the best the story with little Matt Murdock as a child always has faith in his father because he was always being bullied one day finds his father mugging a man runs away at the sight than accidentally gets hit by acid awakes in a hospital his dad makes a promise to him to never ever give up after Matt's dad talks to his boss at the fight club Matt's dad is told to lay down during the fight Matt's dad decides not to lay down as his son Matt Murdock chants for his father and Matt's dad wins the fight an angry boss owner is sent by kingpin to hire goons to murder Matt's father after Matt finds his dad in a pool of blood he finds out that the kingpin killed his father when Matt grows up he is determined to one day seek revenge for his father's death but he also goes throw bullseye as well as falling in love with Electra who has also had her father murdered blames dare devil/Matt Murdock so once a fight scene comes Electra hits dare devil in the hand with a dagger unmasking him she has realized what she has done once dare devil recovers he fights bullseye witch i will not spoil that for you but eventually he comes face to face with kingpin witch does have a fight scene and is left opened ended ill give the movie 8 out of 10
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Review :POOP
8 February 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Well this was better than i thought it had good comedy of a guy who's life is pretty bad until he gets a job at a museum witch everything comes to life at night after 3 guys hire Ben stiller to work there scared of when the t Rex first comes to life and chases him around the museum followed by everything else when he tries to tell people thay get offended like this one girl but mostly nobody believes him not even his own little son until he gets brought there one night and the magic happens until those three same guys ambush stiller while his son runs and unleashes the secret behind the museum it balanced good story and comedy ill give it 7 out off 10 even thoe the first time i rated i gave it an 4
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Fantastic Four (I) (2005)
6 February 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I may contain a spoiler so i don't know But i was so exited for this movie but it turned out to be one of the worst marvel movies ever it lacked so much action it only had good action at the end the effects weren't the best could be better i really hope the following sequel rise of the silver surfer will be better i think it will be the effects on mr fantastic were so cgi you could really see where the movie was going mr fantastic and doom have a rivalry human torch who you don't really fell fits in until the end the thing who hates his life because he cant turn back into himself ben grem im not sure how you spell the last name but his wife leaves him and invisible woman who was in love with doom ends up with reed richerds/mr fantastic who asks sue storm/invisible woman to marry him at the end of the movie witch leads to there wedding in the second movie so this movie wasn't all i thought it would be and it wasn't that smart so i give it 4 Out of 10
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