
2 Reviews
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Dead Beat (1994)
A great off-beat film!
6 July 2001
I've always loved this movie. Its the story of a conceited young man who uses beer cans in his shoes to make himself taller, a full face of make-up and hair dye to attract young girls. A very popular guy who we later find out is much more than he seems. In fact, Kit's not a very nice guy at all. I thought this movie to be a very offbeat and interesting film. I think it shows just how young people can be fooled by a slick-talking phoney. I remember being young and having crushes on cheesy guys like this. It also shows how fake someone can actually be. I knew a girl who reminded me a little of Kit. She used fake hair, contacts and a fake tan to be the prettiest girl in school. Everything about her was fake. Boys all fell for it back then. Its amazing the lengths people will go to be liked.

There's another side of this I found fascinating. This story seems to be based on the real life killer, Charles Schmid aka Smitty the Pied Piper of Tuscon. If you go to the crime library you can read the story of the real guy. The stories are exactly the same. Its very interesting to read if you are a fan of this movie like I am. It makes the whole movie more intense to know that it was based on a real life murderer.

All in all a great film. Its one I will watch again and again.
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Black Roses (1988)
A hilarious and campy heavy metal film
6 July 2001
I have to say this is one of my favorite "so bad its good" films. If you were a fan of heavy metal back in the '80's, you will probably enjoy this film. Now Black Roses does not have a particularly talented cast, the acting isn't so great but its pure entertainment. Its a strange film that is so full of bizarre moments. A girl standing in front of a photograph of the leader singer of the band rubbing her breasts for at least five minutes, the hilarious pirate comment that the father makes to the son who is wearing an earring. Zombie kids chanting in an auditorium. Not to mention a lot of murders. I really liked it.

Hilarious if you like cheesy horror films.
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