
34 Reviews
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1917 (2019)
Good movie, bad CGi let's it down in the end
11 February 2020
As a synopsis is not required on such a splendid tense action film set in the murderous fields of the somme, story similar to Gallipoli where instead of Mel Gibson runner messenger segment in the end of the movie trying to relay orders of cancellation of advance push into a slaughter. 1917 entirety focuses on getting this letter order message to halt the advance of 1600 men to their deaths by next day, couriering by two lance corporals and one of them has a brother in one of the battalions!

One of the main characters running across the field during battle towards the end has the worst CGI as you can see no shadows under his feet as he dashes in front of charging men!
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Cats (2019)
What a catatonic catastrophe
22 December 2019
I love cat YouTube videos which is what I was doing instead of this cat woman disaster !
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Hunter Killer (2018)
Great cast wasted on a borderline TV action movie
31 March 2019
Performances are top notch but the military inaccuracies in modern submarine warfare is worse than the Hunt for Red October movie, not the Book by Tom Clancy which is near 100% accurate. One simple example all modern torpedos are wire guided by the subs sonar and can be loosed or set free by cutting the wire if ordered by the captain during the final stages before detonating the torpedo!
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Modern variant of Michael Mann's Heat
9 September 2018
This was looking good up to the point of talking of using an EMP in the, turned from gritty crime thriller cat and mouse shout out movie into Star Wars !
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Skyscraper (2018)
Die hard and towering inferno combo!!?
12 August 2018
Fails simply as an action movie because it needed a menacing type Alan Rickman calibre actor as the top badguy also duplicated well in Under Siege with Tommy Lee Jones. Dwayne Johnson has the physicalality nailed as an Action protagonist but fails to keep the audience entertained with lack of wisecracking one liners as subordinate bad guy henchmen are dispatched which this movie seriously lacked. It uses Towering Inferno subplot which disappoints as the building doesn't have many trapped occupants fighting to survive as this draws the audience in with drama!

A big budget of missed opportunities as you don't really care for the characters in this pretty predictable waste of money and time!
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The Rain (2018–2020)
More frustrating than. M. Night Shyamalan 'The Happening' type movie
13 May 2018
Ok so instead of salad plants farting a mind control gas making humans kill themselves or each other we have. 'The Rain', that's right pure rain water is packed is somehow packed full of viruses that only kills humans but the local deer and canine life is perfectly fine!

Pure Rain water is made of evaporated moisture which doesn't contain anything benign and microbe viruses can't exist in an evaporated form. Unfortunately we have to do what the Netflix executives do and swallow suspend disbelief in basic school science !

Now the story so school girl gets yanked by mervous mum, dad with younger brother in tow. Dad drives maniacally at racing speed across motorway or highway with one hand as he couldn't afford to use a Bluetooth or wired stereo earphones. Boy takes his seatbelt off and causes a family argument for him to put his seatbelt back on until dad decided to join in at 100mph with his head turned completely 180 degrees and promotely crashes into back of a truck!

Somehow they survive this crash, most probably because the car was a disguised Sherman tank! As they cause a massive motorway pile up!

The car is perfectly intact but the dad insists they head into the countryside as he sees stormy skies and car radio blurt that people are dying because of the rain. So why are the cars or vehicles not safe to be in ??

So they get to a mysterious underground bunker similar to the Marshalls in the 'Eureka' TV series. Ok the kids do something really drastic in the bunker that made me pull my hair out & let you guys enjoy make your own minds.

Overall this Scandinavian series is dubbed into English, giving it a poor quality verbal lines, it may have lost something in translation and should have been shown with original language with subtitles which I prefer.

Not recommended viewing for people who went to school.
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One for having the same title
7 April 2018
John Boyega is a box office repellent especially in the Chinese market as a survey done said that he was unactractive and holds the Star Wars new trilogy back in China due to his appearance.

This film was a quick flop compare to the original, lacks characters with real depth, a good adult psychological story, the original lead which makes it utterly waste of time to watch and the coup de grace is Guillermo Del Toro is not directing it.

Fail fail and fail!

Great original film with an awful Kids sequel movie almost into the lowly depths of the last transformers movie (Antony Hopkins you money grabber)
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Peter Rabbit (2018)
Corden is irritating
30 March 2018
Corden is irritating in this movie though I love his show
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Worst mythical adaption, slowest historically cinematic version
21 March 2018
Guy Richie fans will love this movie, feels like Lord of the tings married with Lock Stock & Two smoking swords, with Arthur wearing a flying jacket on the poster!

Apart from the names nothing is accurate, Morgana is not the baddie but the evil uncle who makes a deal with evil, turns into the most convoluted King Arthur with Excalibur.

As a Guy Richie story I give it 8/10 but as an overall story that fails the Legend pc King Arthur but name I give it 0/10
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Rupture (I) (2016)
Crapture more like
4 November 2017
Combination of Hostel, Deadpool's mutation/evolution sequence, invasion of the body snatchers and Rosemary's baby all come to mind then blended into torture snuff.

overall very similar theme to the Science fiction series 'Threshold' where an alien invasion signal from an extraterrestrial probe bioforms/converts humans genetically altering their minds into fifth colonists
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Atomic Blonde (2017)
Thoroughly enjoyable but let down by bad accent
4 November 2017
I won't give away the plot but simply critique the performances, British actors doing bad German is one thing but one of my favourite actresses fails to do a completely competent English accent is simply diabolical and destroyed the suspension of disbelief. I have south African friends who can do impeccable English accents without trying but Charlize Theron English was awful and sounded like an American doing a forced English accent was ear splitting

I know what Rex Harrison felt like as the character in my fair lady !
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Skyline (2010)
Aliens want our brains and I don't mean British beer
20 September 2017
The film cost $500,000 to film, sfx was $9 million so not bad for low budget movie with TV actors.

The invasion could have been simply foiled with a pair of Rayban sunglasses but who would wear those on a sunny day, good thing the men in black have the right idea, hey wil smith from another alien invasion movie Independence day wore sunglasses dragging unconscious aliens to area 51 !!
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Wasn't that bad it stars the guy from Harry Potter films
20 September 2017
I watched this film and expected to see the apparition was possibly headless nick played by John Cleese as malfou was in it lol, so the problem with these cinema fantasy horror films is your helplessly unable fight back but the simple answer is if your going to use a cinema fantasy supernatural malevolent fictional character then you simply need to counter balance it with a supernatural exterminaters the ghost busters !!
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The Wall (II) (2017)
Script writers didn't read the U.S Army manual, the Russians have!
14 September 2017
This film is a war film drama is accurate to some of the uniform in which you always gauge a war movie by the accuracy of its vehicles and the use of a Huey not a Blackhawk basically tells you it wasn't even equipment accurate.

Aaran Taylors none standard U.S issue M4 Carbine shows they couldn't even be bothered to get that simple detail right (buttstock of the carbine) and I'm from the U.K !!!

The writer or director should do their home work before coming up with this rubbish, who runs out into the open to help a comrade, they should have watched Saving Private Ryan at when Vin Diesel gets shot by a sniper hiding in a bell tower !!!

Very Very irritating film drama

Stick with American Sniper or watch that instead of this unrealistic drivel !
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Supergirl (2015–2021)
Call it SUPERWOMAN not Supergirl as 16 not same age as Superman
24 February 2016
Supergirl aka Kara Zor-El is supposed to be 16 years of age by the time Superman is 29 years of age in the comic book storyline their following as in the movie 1984 Supergirl movie Helen Slater was 20 years of age playing a school girl while Christopher Reeve was in 30's

The title is just wholly sexist title for the series just makes your blood boil, Just call it Super Women, they try to use a get out of jail clause by using the female magazine editor Calista Flockhart create the name in story saying she created Supergirl not Otto Binder from DC in 1959!

Overall Melissa Benoist is too old play SuperGirl but old enough to play Superwoman !

The TV series lacks total originality is just blatantly ripping off Superman story if your just going to replicate Clarke Kent mild mannered reporter with Kara Danvars.

Smallville clone would have been better story vehicle inspiring young girls who get bullied in school and courageously turning the other cheek, similar to Joss Whedon's Buffy Vampire slayer
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Sinister (I) (2012)
You cannot process 8mm film
24 February 2016
This films major hurdle is that the temperature sensitive 8mm colour or color film which needs specific room temperature chemicals that oxide in storage and expire cannot be purchased in the 21st century or manufactured as it can only be done by Kodiak which stopped processing it 2010. As technicians would check the processed image would have immediately called the authorities and FBI after noticing disturbing images of murder on celluloid so why have they tried to put this idea onto film. Most likely their jumping onto the Japanese Horror Franchise "The Ring', with the deadly VHS tape, again even less likely as not everyone would use Video tape and most like use DVD, Blu-Ray or Netflix as their putting on quite a lot of horrific stuff

Super 8 can be processed in Black & White as monochrome film will result not colour/color but is easier to do as colour processing requires total darkness as I used to process it myself years ago and it was very difficult as you had to maintain 37.5 Celsius.
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Sinister 2 (2015)
super 8mm colour Kodachrome processing was stopped in 2010 by KODAK!!!
20 February 2016
An interesting update of Japanese horror with films like 'Ring' and 'Fatal Frame' video games.

Only If this film was made before 2010 then its plausible, but Kodak would have by protocol alerted the appalling images to the lab manager who would have immediately have contacted the local police dept or FBI if the quality control technician would have checked the footage before dispatch during the two week turnaround time of processing Kodachrome 8mm, as I'm an ex-processing technician we were constantly alert and confiscate film that contained alarming images and report it!

Wished I didn't know this, but its like NASA shows Michael Bay 'Armageddon' to its new employees to see if they notice all 168 scientific errors!
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The Martian (2015)
Looked good, then falls apart when Meeting of Elrond is brought up with Sean Bean!
7 February 2016
Really enjoyed this movie, then Sean Bean who starred in Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship, brings up the meeting of Elrond!!

The suspension of disbelief gone, film ruined, still managed to enjoy a little of the film with Matt Damon wooden acting, I thought his performance was better on Interstellar as he's better at playing menacing characters rather than Tom Hanks carbon copy from Castaway and Apollo 13 (which is a true story).

Overall Martian was very static movie, the Mars landscape shots looked like it was recorded in the Western United States using a orange sunset filter, where's the odyssey, where's the journey, why are the space suits as bad as Prometheus, thin neoprene with egg dome helmet, which are the most vulnerable part of space suit!

This movies only saving grace was its scientific technical accuracy but after the dismantling of the Large Nasa launch pads and no political or public will to goto Mars is there anything believable in this film??

Where is the retroness of the great Alien and Blade Runner of Ridley Scott?
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Bone Tomahawk (2015)
The Hills have Eyes meets Wyatt Earp !
28 January 2016
I watched this film very tired the other night and found myself sitting up alert immediately !

Pleasantly surprised I found it an entertaining macabre mystery thriller horror with outstanding performances by a quality ensemble of veteran actors working with good dialogue from a competent script.

Normally expect relative unknowns to do this type of film and end up with a B-Movie type of re-working of 'Hills with Eyes', but instead of the atomic bomb test in-bread cannibalistic mutants we are dealing with North American cannibalistic Indian savage troglodytes,

That somehow have avoided being massacred by the U.S Union Calvary Army and take revenge on some trespassers on their Indian burial ground and follow one back to a small town, end up killing and kidnapping some locals including a young woman whose husband, town sheriff, deputy and local gun slinger go in hot pursuit.

There is some elements from Ravenous 2001, Japanese horror film 'The Audition' with hints of blinding and limb amputations. A quality low budget movie with top notch acting from a first time director who wrote the script.
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Ender's Game (2013)
A Brave Scifi movie that refuses to follow mainstream Hollywood storyline
10 November 2013
This film was nothing like Harry Potter and Star Wars but is a totally different entity that punches you in the gut with surprise twists that makes you question a troubling premise of manipulating children for drone warfare. Similar to the ending in, Barry Levinson's 'Toys' 1992 with the evil military General played by Michael Gambon who goes to play Dumbledor in HP. This time the fatherly figure is a Colonel played by Harrison Ford who is key manipulator in controlling Wiggins destiny exploiting his child genius as a Star Killer regardless of the emotional damage.

A thought Provoking film that echoes in your mind as you are dazzled by the great effects and the idea of giving so much destructive power to a single child genius whose emotional tug of war shares his sisters kind heart and his brothers violent nature resulting in an imaginative tactical brilliance is so controversial.
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Prometheus (I) (2012)
an exploration into nothing new or original and Lacks the Documentary style of Alien
19 June 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Ridley had no where to go after pioneering two of the most original science fiction masterpieces in modern cinema.... The claustrophobia gritty 'Alien' and retro film noir 'BladeRunner'!

Influenced into SciFi genre after watching George Lucas's 1977 Star Wars which brought back the lost cinema art of special effects.

So Prometheous is nothing new and feels just like L. Ron Hubbard's 'Battlefield Earth' Scientology inventor that believes Humans are spawned from Extraterrestrial life

Ridley Scott is just stagnant on delivering anything new on the SciFi Genre and projected onto the cinema screen nothing but short of mundane science fiction which teaches bad, inaccurate Science about space travel and human biology.
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Immortals (2011)
Stylistic Hack'n'Slash Sword Sorcery, 99% Hollywood,1% Greek Mythology
2 April 2012
Tarsem Singh Visuals merged with the production Crew of the '300' equals perfect costumes and weapons indicative of the Time of 500 BC Greece. The 3D was added not filmed like Avatar, Tron etc using Fusion Cameras but added by hand by the company Tru-3D lol.

Actual Greek story is the 8 Titan Gods in which one is named Hyperion were overthrown by the 8 Olympian Gods led by Zeus.

This movie has Hyperion as a angry King who wants to free the Titans who are portrayed as endless hordes of Gladiators with a serious skin condition!

Overall the Story of Theseus another one of Zeus's demi-god sons, I'm certain a big Hollywood version of Hercules is on its way. Probably be the same as 'Clash of the Titans' or 'Wraith of the Titans'. Apart from the Greek names the rest of the stories is 100% Hollywood! whats wrong with a movie that follows the Greek Mythology at least 50% for educational reasons known as helpful history.
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Eagle Eye (2008)
Unrealistic Fantasy thriller that tries guises as contemporary SciFi
12 August 2009
'I Robot', combined with 'Enemy of the State', pretty sums up this plot holed movie made in a frenetic pace of a thriller so you don't have time to stop and think how ridiculous it is.

People who don't watch science programs or the Discovery Channel, with programs like 'Myth Busters' and 'Future Weapons', or read 'Tom Clancy' novels will enjoy this film. Those that do will be shaking their heads in total disbelief at the Hollywood Physics, everything would be "Busted".

Electrical cables that can shear off a surge protected overhead power-line simply by overloading it, impossible right, then the cable precisely lands on a target, impossible again!

Predator Drones that need continues operation via a satellite link fly into an underground tunnel, wouldn't that severe the control signal !!!

Crystal explosive the size of a pea can devastate a large hall, just gets worse...etc.

Don't even get me started about the AI super computer, 'I Robot' could get away with it because its set in the future.

The beguiling thing about this movie, it pretends to be a modern high tech thriller, but is in fact its just a totally implausible day dream Fantasy thriller thats been done before, much better, ref (2001, Demon Seed, Colossus etc) !

Billy Bob is under used and Shia lebeof is just doing a sequel from starring in "I Robot", who he starred with Wil Smith, who starred in 'Enemy of the State', with John Voight as a more believable baddie than a red lights in a round studio conning us its a supercomputer with AI capabilities.

Where on planet earth today is there a supercomputer with Artificial intelligence capable, I dare you to disprove there is???
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Totally Entertaining, Totally Absurd, What else do you need?
30 December 2006
If you don't watch Discovery Channel, Animal Planet, BBC Wildlife or any Natural History Documentaries then your in for a roller-coaster of a ride! Two phoebe's covered in one film, flying and snakes. If anyone with half a brain would know snakes are cold blooded animals,which wouldn't have moved through cold air conditioning vents and they would be almost dormant due to the extreme cold and high altitude pressure, how many snakes hang around hills or mountains anywhere!! Then you have the varieties of snakes, they would surely have eaten each other before the plane even took off! Samual L Jackson starred in the 1999 Deep Blue Sea, that was even more ridiculous than this film, the last straw in the film was seeing the shark swimming on the surface bobbing up and down like a Dolphin!!
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Ultraviolet (2006)
Neo-Vampire, Sci-fi, Action genre just got a got a Sexy Nitro Boast
8 May 2006
I watched this movie with great intrepedation After reading some damning reviews of this on IMDb. This is review.

Obviously Set in the distant future where a man made blood virus has taken hold of the planet, the authorities arrest and exterminate the infected AKA Hemo-Phaiges. Some infected Humans escape and though hunted down to the point of extinction they fight back in resistance type underground. Milla Jovavich is Ultraviolet one of these infected who uses breath taking combat skills along with inter-dimensional weapons and gadgets to break into one of the authorities toughest Laboratory installations to steal their end game viral weapon designed to wipe out the remaining Hemo-Phaige humans. But discovers a conspiracy that spirals into surprise and spectacular action sequences.

Strongly Recommended for SciFi Action fans who liked strong female leads, Underworld, Resident Evil, Aeon Flux etc but with a Nitro Boast

Production Style is more CGI Tashern with a dash of Sky Captain in color & less Sin City with Gothic comic, not as detailed as last the 3 Star Wars Movies.

Milla Jovavich is Ultimate SciFi Action Vixen

Directed by Kurt Wimmer who also wrote and directed the outstanding Equilibrium
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